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[SLIDE 1] - Yere

Hello, good morning Enhusiasts Learner!

Welcome to IATMI SM ITB Learn More 1.0 : bp net Zero and Integrated LNG at Tangguh Field

Pastinya udah pada ga sabar dong ya untuk memulai learn more pertama kali ini apalagi melihat IATMI
SM ITB yang melakukan kolaborasi langsung dengan oil company ternama yakni bp Indonesia.

Nah tapi, sebelum dimulai, alangkah baiknya saya memperkenalkan diri terlebih dahulu. Nama saya …
bisa dipanggil …, yang akan memandu acara pada kali ini sebagai moderator.

[SLIDE 2] - Yere

For your information, kita menerima banyak sekali registration untuk Learn more pertama ini.

Terdapat lebih dari 180 participants dari berbagai universitas tekrkemuka di Indonesia dengan jurusan
dan background yang berbeda – beda pula. Selain students, kami juga terbuka untuk publik loh. Nah dan
yang terbaru juga, kami menerima goofgf

[SLIDE 3] - yere

Untuk learn more kali ini, There are three rules that must be obeyed :

1. Please keep your microphone stay muted during the session. You are allowed to unmute your
mircrophone if already permitted by the moderator

2. There will be QnA sessions. Each session will contain of three question. If there's still any time, we will
move to another session and questions.

3. If you want to ask, please click the "Raise Your Hand" icon on your screen. Please, mention your name
and university first before asking.

Gimana, sudah penasaran kan? Tapi sebelumnya, akan ada sambutan dari Kak Ellen Setiawan sebagai
Chairman dari IATMI SM ITB
[SLIDE 4] – Ellen

Hello, good afternoon everyone. Let me introduce myself first. My name is Ellen Setiawan, you can call
me Ellen as the Chairman of IATMI SM ITB. Maybe some of you, still don’t know what is IATMI SM ITB
right? Here I want to introduce IATMI SM ITB to all of you so can stay connected with us.

IATMI SM ITB is the student chapter of IATMI (Ikatan Ahli Teknik Perminyakan Indonesia) for ITB
students. We conducts the extra-ordinary series of soft skill and hard skill training to make students
aware and get ready to the next step after graduating path. We care a lot about students development.

[SLIDE 5] – Ellen

We define IATMI SM ITB as a golden circle. Starts from why IATMI SM ITB exists, How we can develop
our students, and what is the outcome of our organization.

[SLIDE 6] – Ellen

IATMI SM ITB exists to iniate the improvement, give you the professional assistance to develop your
organization and skill through systematics outcomes, and also capacity development in professionalism.

We help connect and inspire students with the more people – professional and provide platform for
self-development in energy industry.

[SLIDE 7] – Ellen

From those reasons, it become our main driver to create our vision and values. Our Vision is IATM SM
ITB as a platform to empower students by connecting and inspiring people to real exposure of energy
industry. There are several values in IATMI SM ITB which are empowering, learning, and also

[SLIDE 8] – Ellen

IATMI SM ITB’s missions are

1. IATMI SM ITB as a self-development platform for student's learning based on professionalism

2. Inspiring by networking and connecting students to the professionals and external parties

3. Enhancing student’s initiative and creative value to improve and upgrade IATMI SM ITB’s branding

4. Organizing with a sense of innovative, structured, and improving in future achievement

[SLIDE 9] – Ellen

There are several outstanding work programs.

In organization capital department, there are recruitment 101 and IATMI SM ITB Young Leader.

[SLIDE 10] – Ellen

In professionalism department, there are ITB Consulting Club and also Softskills Training
[SLIDE 11] – Ellen

In external affair department, there are basic sea survival training and IATMI energy Travel.

[SLIDE 12] – Ellen

In entrepreneurship department, there are IATMI Shop and also entepreneurship workshop training.

[SLIDE 13] – Ellen

And last, in creative information there is social media marketing. And also our IATMI Journal from
general administration and treasurer.

[SLIDE 14] – Ellen

Nah, yang terbaru. Dari kami sendiri sedang mengadakan donasi #GiftForImpact yang mana tujuannya
adalah to support 200 unpriviledged children in Nusa Tenggara Barat area to improve their rights in
education, food supply, and medical aid. For those who wants to contribute back to society, you can
donate through the link atau bisa juga donate as you wish ketika
melakukan registrasi di setiap webinar kita ya karna webinar IATMI selalu free tidak memungut biaya.
Kami juga tidak mematok berapa kalian harus menyubang, karna kami [ercaya bahwa you can make a
difference no matter the amount. Let’s give a #GifrForImpact

That’s all from me. Thankyou once again for your participation in our event and for those who already
made a difference a thank you from us would never be enough.

[SLIDE 15] – Ellen

And don’t forget to follow our social media to stay keep in touch with our events. IATMI SM ITB,
#EmpoweringbyLearning. For time and place, I give it back to Wahyu.

YERE : Terimakasih kak Ellen atas pengenalan IATMI nya, jadi yang penasaran sama IATMI jangan lupa
follow social media kita ya soalnya bakal banyak acara-acara yang ga kalah menarik tentunya.

[SLIDE 16] - Yere

Nah selanjutnya kita akan masuk nih ke acara inti pada Learn More 1.0 hari ini. Kita kedatangan banyak
sekali distinguished speakers yang tentunya sangat berpengalaman dan professional di bidang nya.

Yang terhormat, Bapak Eko Apolianto selaku Tangguh Area Manager. Ibu Asti Aprilia selaku Subsurfacr
Team Leader, Bapak Alit Dewanto selaku Tangguh Reservoir Engineer, Bapak Singgih Suganda selaku
Tangguh Petroleum Engineer, dan juga Bapak Muhammad Iqbal selaku Tangguh Petroleum Engineer.
[SLIDE 17] – Yere

Sebelum nya, kami akan memberikan sedikit pengenalan atau introduction mengenai materi pada hari
ini. Yakni tentang BP Net Zero dan Integrated LNG at Tangguh Field.

Five aims to become a net zero company

1. Getting to net zero across our entire operations on an absolute basis by 2050 or sooner

2. Getting to net zero on an absolute basis from our Upstream production by 2050 or sooner

3. 50% reduction in carbon intensity of the products we sell by 2050 or sooner

4. Measurement at all our major oil and gas processing sites by 2023, transparent reporting and 50%
reduction in our operated methane intensity

5. Increase proportion of investment into non-oil & gas

[SLIDE 18] – Yere

Tangguh is BP’s main business in Indonesia.

Located in Teluk Bintuni in Papua Barat province, it is a fully integrated LNG operation – bringing gas
from Bintuni bay, processing it in our two- train onshore liquefaction facility, and delivering the LNG to

We have safely delivered more than 1,000 cargoes to our customers in Indonesia and Asia.

Since 2013, we have been supplying LNG to Indonesia, in line with the readiness of the country's
regasification capability.

Buat teman-teman yang ingin tahu lebih lanjut bisa membaca langsung di official website bp ya yaitu

Tapi alangkah baiknya kita dengar lebih detailnya dari para professional nya langsung dong ya. Mari
langsung saja kita sambut Bapak/Ibu rekan-rekan BP yang terhormat untuk sharing ilmu dan
pengalaman nya. Untuk Bapak/Ibu waktu dan tempat kami persilakan.

[SLIDE 19] – Yere

Wah banyak sekali ilmu baru yang kami dapat tadi. Terimakasih Bapak/Ibu rekan BP atas ilmu nya yang
benar-benar menginspirasi kami semua disini.

Selanjutnya kita akan masuk QnA section dimana saya mau kembali mengingatkan tentang rulesnya :
1. Please keep your microphone stay muted during the session. You are allowed to unmute your
mircrophone if already permitted by the moderator

2. There will be QnA sessions. Each session will contain of three question. If there's still any time, we will
move to another session and questions.

3. If you want to ask, please click the "Raise Your Hand" icon on your screen. Please, mention your name
and university first before asking.

[SLIDE 20] - Yere

Bagi teman-teman yang ingin bertanya akan diberikan kesempatan bagi tiga penanya terlebih dahulu,
silahkan click icon “Raise Your Hand” pada screen masing-masing. Okey, karena sudah terdapat tiga
penanya ….. (sebutin 3 nama yg kamu lihat aja), dipersilahkan untuk unmute dimulai dari (nama org

Wah banyak juga ya ternyata yang ingin bertanya tadi. Tapi mohon maaf karena keterbatasan waktu,
maka kami tidak bisa menampung semuanya. Nah, jika masih ingin penasaran bisa mendaftar langsung
di sesi kedua Learn More ya yang membahas mengenai bagaimana Managing Giant Gas Field.

[SLIDE 21] - Yere

Tak terasa kita sudah sampai di penghujung acara kita kali ini. Saya … selaku moderator mengucapkan
terimakasih kepada Bapak/Ibu yang terhormat dari bp Indoesia yang sudah mau meluangkan waktunya
buat hadir dan memberikan ilmu-ilmu yang tentunya bermanfaat nih buat kita semua dan saya juga
berterimakasih kepada seluruh peserta learn more pada hari ini karena antusiasmenya yang tinggi
dalam mengikuti rangkaian acara hari ini.

Akhir kata , mau mengingatkan kembali let’s make a difference by giving a #GiftForImpact, kami terbuka
sepenuhnya bagi teman-teman yang tergerak hatinya ingin memberi kembali kepada masyarakat yang
membutuhkan. Dan juga untuk sesi Learn More 2 masih dibuka loh tinggal daftar saja di link

Terimakasih semuanya, saya … pamit undur diri dan sampai bertemu lagi di acara IATMI ITB lainnya.

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