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Attachment 3

Task 3: Topic Time

*[constructed based on Topic 5, Content Standard 5.1, Learning Standard 5.1.1 in DSKP
Mathematics Year 1]

Step 1: 1. (Teacher shows a calendar to students in a class ).
(Induction Set) Pupils, what is this? / Can you tell me what is this?
2. How many numbers are there? / Do you know how many
numbers there are? 

Step 2: 3. (Teacher shows a calendar to students)

(To achieve first objective) Pupils, let us look at this calendar. 
What’s on the calendar ? /
4. (Teacher shows a column on the calendar)
Do you know what the meaning of the column?/ How many
column we have on the calendar?
5.  How many days we have on the calendar?/ So, can anyone
tell me how many day per year/month/week ?

Step 3: 6.How many hours we have a day ? / How many days in a

(To achieve second objective) week ?
7 (Teacher shows the activities picture)
What kind of time based we have a day ?
8. What type of activities we can do a day ? / Can anyone tell
me what are you doing a day ?
9. Can you describe what they are doing based on pictue?/
Pupils, Do you do the same activities in the pictures ?

Step 4: 10. (Teacher shows February in the calendar with different

(Reinforcement & Evaluation) year)
Can you see the difference between these two calendar?/How
many days we have between these two calendar ?
11. (Teacher shows a day in the calendar by month to month)
What is the difference a day by month to month ? / Can you see
the different number a day by month to month ?

Step 5: 12. Pupils, what time have we learned today? 

(Summary of the lesson) 13. Can you tell what time based we have a day? 
14. Can you tell how many month we have a year ?
15. Is it good to have the calendar in house and school ?

Online Course – T&L of Maths for DLP Teachers by IPGM 2020: Topic 1 Questioning

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