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Attachment 3

Task 3: Topic Time

*[constructed based on Topic 5, Content Standard 5.1, Learning Standard 5.1.1 in DSKP
Mathematics Year 1]

Step 1: 1. (teacher shows of the diagram)
(Induction Set) Can you tell me what day is today?
2. What is the date of for today?

Step 2: 1. Pupils how many times is there in a day?

(To achieve first objective) 2. Tell teacher, what are the times in a day

Step 3: 1. Based on the diagrams, tell teacher

(To achieve second objective) What do you do in the morning? / What do you in the
2. Can you tell me what activity do you do in the evening?
3. Do you go to school at night? Why?

Step 4: 1. Pupils, can you tell when will teacher go to school to

(Reinforcement & Evaluation) teach?
2. How is afternoon and evening different?

Step 5: 1. What have you learned today?

(Summary of the lesson)

Online Course – T&L of Maths for DLP Teachers by IPGM 2020: Topic 1 Questioning

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