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E.llior ••••••.••.••.•.••.•••••••.•••••••••• A.T. lJeyd
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The BOEING AIRLI ER • publ.iI.bed q..-ntrl) by lbe CoInmeruIJ AIrplane Group of The BOfJNG COIPpeIl)' Scasde, wu.btnJtoa.
CabIt.,jdnu, BOEI~O-A.IR AddnM all ClOIIJfDUDlCatJom 10 CIIItOma' ~ OrprumtIOll Tbe BOEINO ee.paay. &oJ. 3107, ScsnIc
WaUlIaatnel 98124

lofonnlllon pubbl.hed ID 1M BOEING AIRLINER n COIIIsKSend aQ:unk aDd ."IIKJluatl'" Ho~, DO IN.uriaJ YouId be COIISIdered
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CuMomer airlines may It'pUlXRh an"lo from Ihe BOEING AIRLINER fordtilnbullOO only wllhln their own orpnlUIIOn Wllboul .nlten
pemlluioI! b)' usumlll' tapon!llbdily for 1M currml aceurw:y ollM rtrubh,htd maltrW All 0I1Rn. mlUl obWn wnllen pcnntiSlOfI from
Bonn. btfute rtpnnlln, any anldt:l from lbe: AIRLINER to m\UN: IItal all malmal confonm 10 Ialnt IIlfonnahOll and chanJft ",bm

Copynpl ~,Iqcjl 1M Botlllll Compan)

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Ann Edllor. M·73l1O
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pa ablt 10 80EI G AIRlI 'ER
M"OAZI f' I the ~ IbowIl on 1M ronn
Mail Stop 2L-JO
P.O, b J707
Scaille. Washlallon. U.s.A. 98124
The Last Two Minutes
Flighl Opera/ions Eng;netr;ng
Boeing Commercial Airplane Group

Walt Blake Richard L. El/iotl

anding a commercial jet airplane can be the most

L dimc~h tas~ l~~ ~rew faces on a da~.lo-day basis.

Restncted vIsibility, traffic congesuon, wind and
wet and slippery runways are just a few aCme factors the
ACCIDENT: A fast and steep approach was made
to the 7,850-fool runway. Threshold speed was
170 knots. Touchdown ...'as l,roJ reet beyond the:
crew must contend with. Approximately half of all
aircraft accidents occur during the final approach and normal touchdown point. There was evidence of
landing. This article deals with preventing the landing hydroplaning. Full reverse thrust was not used until
overrun accidenL It reviews some of the basic principles the airplane neared thec:nd of the runway. Theairplanc:
of airplane perfonnance during the landing rollout, and o\erran the runway. slid down a JO..root embankmeru
bow approach, fiart: and touchdown influence the {mal and collapsed all thr~ landing gear. One engine
stopping maneuver. The objective is to help crews better separated from the airplane. There was a large: fuel
understand the stopping capabilities and limitations of leak, but no fire.
their airplane, and to be better prepared to cope with the
landing situations they may encounter.

APPROACH AND LANDING SAFETY airplane's progress, other traffic or any other factors that
STATISTICS might affect the landing.

Approach Speed
During the past three decades, the westem-built jet fleet
has experienced 389 in-service accidents during final A very common ingredient of landing overrun accidents
approach and landing. These accidents resulted in 159 is excess approach speed. Boeing recommends an
hull write-offs and 3,423 fatalities. Approximately one approach speed of Vref + 5 knots with calm or light and
half of these accidents occurred in the landing phase. The variable winds reported. The 5 knots should be bled ofT
investigating authorities assigned primary responsibility as the airplane approaches touchdown. The general wind
to the flight crew in approximately 70% of these correction is one half of the steady tower-reported
accidents. There can be no mistake. The final approacb headwind component plus aU of the gusl value. The
and landing phases are statistically the most dangerous steady wind correction sbould be bled off as the airplane
part of the flight profile. approacbes touchdown while the gust correction is
carried onto the runway. The total approach speed
There were five landing overrun accidents during 1959. correction should not exceed 20 knots. No wind
This problem does not seem to be solved. The rate of correction should be made for tailwinds.
landing overrun accidents is about one per 3.6 miUion
flights. This rate would project one landing overrun Some crews have become complacent about the 5 knot
accident every three months for 1990, where the westem- addition to Vref that is recommended for the approach
built jet fleet is eJlpected to make 14,000,000 flights (see in calm or light and variable wind. They have become
Table I.). We must make every reasonable effort to so accustomed to using this correction that it has
reduce this number. subconsciously become the standard approach speed.
They add the wind and gust correction to Vref + 5. This
1959 Thru 1989 Proiected 1990 is not correct. The wind and gust corrections to approach
Flights 2I8.()()().()()() 14,000,000 speed should be applied only to Vref.
Landing Overrun
Accidents 60 4 Excess approach speed carried onto the runway will
increase the minimum stopping distance required by
Table 1. Landing overrun accident summary. 20-30 feet per knot for a dry runway and 40-50 feet for
a wet runway. Worse yet, the excess speed will increase
The circumstances surrounding each of the past overrun the chances of an extended flare, which will increase the
accidents were unique to the situation but there appear distance to touchdown by approximately 200 feet for each
to be some common threads. Onen, a series of factors knot of speed bled ofT prior to touchdown (see Figure I).
such as poor visibility, turbulent winds during approach
and rollout, and/or contaminated runway surfaces were If the landing is planned with an approach speed of Vref
involved. In addition, there were usually deviations from + 5 and an autobrakes 3 stop, the airplane will stop
recommended procedures caused by ATC requirements, comfortably within the FAR wet field length provided
or initiated by the crew, that compounded the difficulty the touchdown is on targel.
of the situation. The common crew procedural deviations
included eJlcess speed, unstable approach, excess height If the final approach is in fact 10 knots fasler than
over tbe end of the runway, and incorrect stopping planned, autobroker 3 will not Stop the airplane within
technique. While the crew cannot control the weather, the FAR wet distance. The crew will need to override
the wind, or ATC during approach, perhaps they could the autobrakes. increase the braking to conclude the stop
have made the decision to go around if they were not within the FAR distance.
satisfied with the conditions they were experiencing. That
was their choice. Approach Path Control

APPROACH Another common error contributing to landing overrun

accidents is excessive height over the threshold. This
It has been said many times that a good landing begins could be the result of an unsteady approach, or a stable
with a good approach. A good approach is stabilized at but high approach. It may occur during an instrument
least by the time the airplane is SOO feet above the approach where the missed approach point is close to or
runway. This is approximately one minute prior to at the threshold. Regardless of the cause, excessive height
touchdown. It includes flight on the glide path over the threshold will most likely result in a touchdown
(instrument or visual), a steady rate of descent (500-800 beyond the normal aiming point. If the airplane is stable
feet per minute), and speed stabilized at the correct value. and two dots high at the middle marker, and this
If the approach is on the /lumbers, thrust will be set and deviation is carried to touchdown, the landing will use
tbeairplane will be in trim. The crew can then be mentally 1,100 feet more runway than if the airplane had been on
ahead of the airplane and more able to mollitor the the glide slope (see Figure 2).

2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - AIRLINER/JAN.MAR 1991
n7-300FLAPS 40 l'
110.000 LBS
t I

+ 5 KT$
""-' FAR WET
-....... TO FIELD LENGTH Figure I. The effetl of excess
~==.:"-=:..-_--_!- approach speed on landing
~ ,.,t"...... ~
I _.~ I
VAPPR +10~====::f:'..
lIt U1~'''''' "_110 lIlI'IAttCI.
III ""'0-...........<:fU:I<A.!OI<

Figure 2. The effetl of a high

approach path.

Unacceptable Approacb?...
Go Around!
ACClDENT: Heavy rain obscured the far halfof the
The approach leads to the flare, the touchdown and the runway. The tower reported a 20 knot crosswind. The
stop. If Ibe approach is nol stable and on track (Le. on airplane encountered heavy turbulence during
the numbers), Boeing recommends thai a go-around be approach. The airplane touched down nose gear first
considered. Only the crew can make this decision. There at a speed of 160 knots. The nose gear collapsed and
are times when it may be possible to make a good landing the airplane stopped on the runway. There was
from a difficull or bad approach. But, there are many substantial damage to the forward ponion of the
cases where a go-around reflects good judgement more airplane and FOe damage to both engines.
that it shows bad performance.

AIRLINER/JAN.MAR 1991 ---------------------3

nARE AND TOUCHDOWN Pilots must learn the flare characteristics ofeach model
of airplane they fly. The visual reference cues observed
The nare reduces the approach rate of descent to a from each cockpit are different because window
more acceptable rate for touchdown. Many pilotS try geometry and visibility are different. The geometric
to achieve an excessively smoolh touchdown. Boeing relationship between the pilot's eye and the landing
recommends the somewhat more fum touchdown. A gear will be different for each model. It is essential to
smooth touchdown may please the passengers, but coordinate the flare maneuver to begin at the proper
there are significant advantages 10 a finner touchdown height - not too high and not 100 low.
where landing performance is considered. A firm
touchdown as used in this article, does not mean a hard Beginning the flare too high or reducing the thrust too
landing, but rather a deliberate or positive landing. early may result in the airplane floating beyond the
target touchdown point at a nose high attitude as the
Flare crew attempts to prevent a high sink rate touchdown.
This can lead to a tail strike (see Figure 4).
For most airports, the airplane will pass over the end
of the runway with the landing gear 3045 feel above The flare that is initiated too late may result in a hard
!.he surface. depending upon the landing Oap setting touchdown or may include a rapid pitch up as a result
and the location of the touchdown zone. It will take of a desperate attempt 10 arrest the sink rate. [n either
5-7 seconds from the time the airplane passes the end case, the airplane will not be in the correct condition
of the runway until touchdown. The nare is initiated to begin the stop.
by increasing the pitch attitude by approximately
3 degrees when the landing gear is appro:timately Proper thrust management through the flare is also an
IS feet above the runway surface. The thrust is important factor. With many airplanes, the engines
smoothly reduced to idle as the flare progresses. produce a noticeable effect on pitch trim when the
thrust setting is changed. A rapid change in the thrust
The normal speed bleedoff during the time between setting requires a quick elevator response. If the thrust
passing the end of the runway and touchdown is levers are moved to idle too quickly during the flare,
5 knots. Most of the decrease occurs during the flare the pilot flying must make rapid changes in pitch
when thrust is reduced. If the flare is extended while control. If the thrust levers are moved more slowly,
an additional 10 knots of speed is bled ofT, 2,000 feet the elevator input can be more easily coordinated.
of runway will be wasted (see Figure 3). Had the same
10 knots deceleration been done during braking on the Toucbdown
ground, the runway used would have been as little as
200 feet. The extended nare will also result in A good approach and flare positions the airplane to
additional pitch attitude which may lead to a tail strike. touch down in the target zone. This is usually 1,000
It is imperative to fly the airplane onto the runway at to 1,500 feel beyond the threshold, depending upon the
the target point, even if the speed is excessive. arrangement of the particular runway. In most landing
overrun cases, the touchdown was far beyond the
larget zone. If the final approach is high or fast and



Figure J. The distance

fLARE required to decelerate 10 knots.



4--------------------- AlRLlNER/JAN·MAR 1991

the crew is attempting a smooth touchdown, there will ACCIDENT: The airplane touched down 6,500 feet
be an increased chance that the touchdown will be beyond the runway threshold. Approach speed was
beyond the target zone. One need only observe the higher than normal. The airplane came to rest 100 feet
extent of the spread of the rubber deposits on most 10 the left of and 100 feel beyond the end of the
runways to gel an idea of how many touchdowns are 9.800.foot long runway. The runway was dry and the
long and by how far (see Figure 5). Boeing recommends wind was 8 knots. The right main landing gear, the
a deliberate touchdown be planned and practiced on nose gear and the No.2 engine separated. There was
every flight. A positive touchdown will help prevent extensive damage 10 the lower fuselage and a
an extended nare. subsequent fire.

Once the main wheels have contacted the runway, the

crew must maintain directional control, initiate the LANDING DISfANCE
stopping procedures and promptly lower the nose
wheel to the runway. Lowering the nose quickly helps The distance used 10 land and stop the airplane is the sum
in several ways. First, the nose wheel will assist in of the air and ground distances. Airplane certification
maintaining directional conlrol. Secondly, lowering establishes the minimum landing field length required.
the nose decreases the wing angle of attack, decreasing The pilot's use of the runway available determines
the lift, placing more load onto the tires, thereby whether or not the landing concludes safely or as an
increasing the lire-ta-ground friction. overrun accident.

figure 4. Pitch attitude ror a tail strike.

Figure S. Rubber marks on the approach

ends of runways re"eal the number and
extent or long touchdowns.

AIRLINER/JAN·MAR 1991 ------------ 5

• Cutified Landing Distan«:s distance needed (i.e. using brakes, speedbrakes and
reverse) would be approximately 2,500 feet. The
The FAA landing field length requirements are specified touchdown aimiog point is 1,(0) feet., leaving only
in FAR 25.125. It defines the minimum field length (and 1,500 feet of mDrgin. If the approach if 5 knots fast with
therefore minimum margins) thai can be: scheduled. the flare extended such tbat louchdown occurs at the
PAR 25.125 describes me landing proftJe as the disllU\CC normal speed, an additional 1,(0) feet will be lost. The
required from a point SO feet above: the runway threshold, stop will then mtuire near maximum bra.Jcing and reverse
through the flarc: to touchdown, and men stopping using in order to avoid an o"·erron. This illustrates the
the maximum slopping capability on a dry runway importance of avoiding ucess approach speed and an
surface. The actual demonstrated distance is increased by utended flare.
67% and presmted in the Airplane Right Manual as the
FAR dry runway landing distance (see Figure 6). For wei The records show that mOSI landing overrun accidents
runways. the FAR dry runway distance is increased by do not occur under runway limit conditions. Most
an additional 15%. Thus the minimum dry runway field landings (and overruns) occur 00 runways that are quite
landing length wiU be 1.67 times the actual minimum air long when compared to the minimum length required.
and ground distance needed and the wet runway These accidents need not and should not occur.
minimum landing field length will be 1.92 limes the
minimum dry air and ground distance needed. At the point of touchdown, the airplane represents a very
large mass that is moving al a relatively high speed. The
Certified landing field length performance is computed large lotal energy must be dissipated by the brakes, the
for the stop made wilh speedbrakes up and maximum aerodynamic drag and the thrusl reversers. The stop must
wheel braking. Reverse thrust is not used in establishing be made on the runway that remains in front of the
the certified FAR landing distances. However, the airplane. The runway distance available to stop is longest
reverses should defmitely be used in service. The reversers if the touchdown was on target. The energy to be
can provide a substantial deceleration force that is dissipated is least if there is no excess speed. The stop that
particularly useful when landing on slippery runways. begins with a touchdown that is on tM IIlJmben will be
For the nonnal stop, the energy that the reversers the easiesl slap to make for any set of conditions.
dissipate is energy the brakes do not have to absorb. Brake
temperatures will be reduced and brake life increased.
INCIDENT: The approach was flown through
Operational Landing Distance heavy rain and lightning. The ta..·er reported a 2S knot
crosswind. The landing ",as made with Flaps 10.
In practical tenos, the certified landing field lengths Touchdown was reported at 196 knoLS at a point 6,lXlO
specified for either dry or wet runway surfaces are feel down the 10,800-foot runway. The airplane
approximately two to three times the minimum stopping overran the departure end of the runway onlO the
distance needed. Imagine landing on a S,(x)()'foot wet desert sand.
runway at the limit weight. The minimum stopping

Flgure 6. FAR landing field

length required.

6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A l R L I N E R / J A N · M A R 1991
THE LANDING ROLLOUT whether they are armed or not. Some crews use this
feature for their normal landings. This usually works
Once the airplane is on the runway, tbe job is twofold: well, but there have been cases where considerable time
maintain directional control and at the same time stop. was wasted pulling on the reverse levers which refused
The ability to do these two jobs successfully will depend to release to the interlock position for lack of ground
upon the use of a combination of aerodynamic and sensing, which could be delayed due to lack of speedbrake
ground forces. Tire-to-ground friction can be the most deployment.
important single factor in controlling and slopping the
ACCIDENT: The 737 touched down smoothly 1,500
Both directional control and braking utilize tire-ground feet from the threshold end of the 6,5QO.foot long
friction. They share the maximum friction force the tires runway. The runway was very slippery. The nose was
can provide. [ncreasing either will subtract from tbe promptly lowered and the crew attempted to initiate
other. Understanding tire-ground friction, how runway reverse thrust. There was no speedbrake deployment
contamination affects it. and how to use the friction or wheel braking for IS seconds (despite both auto
available to maximum advantage may help crews make speedbrake and auto brakes being armed and selected),
the right decisions in some future landing. and no reverse thrust. The airplane overran the
runway, sliding down a 45-foot bank and collapsing
Speed-brakes and Auto Speedbrakes all landing gear. Both engines were badly damaged by
FOD. There was no fire.
All Boeing jetliners 8rc equipped with very effective
speedbrakes. The speedbrakes Brc a series of spoiler Speedbrake deployment ensures the transfer of the weight
panels on the upper surface of the wings, which serve two of the airplane from the wings onto the wheels,
important functions when trying to stop. Firstly, they compressing the oleos and assuring that the wheels do
increase drag by 50-60%. Secondly, and most spin up. Wheel spinup and/or oleo compression are
importantly, the speedbrakes spoil much of the lift which necessary in order to cause the auto speedbrake system
the wing is creating, thereby causing more of the weight to deploy the speedbrakes. It can become a dangerous
of the airplane to be loaded onto the wheels. The cycle of one waiting for the other to happen. The best
speedbrakes increase wheel loading by as much as 200% way to avoid such a cycle is to have a firm touchdown.
in the landing nap configuration. This increases the This should compress the landing gear oleo sufficiently
tire-ground friction force, making the maximum tire to activate the ground sensor and will assist wheel spinup.
braking and cornering forces available. If the passengers complain that it was a hard landing,
explain that your policy is safety first!
Some airplanes are eqwpped with an auto speedbrake
system. This system was pioneered on the Model 737 and Braking and Autobrake:s
introduced in the early 1970s. The auto speedbrake
system was developed to reduce crew workload and to All Boeing jetliners are equipped with powerful and
assure that the speed brakes are deployed soon after reliable brakes. Brake designs have been improved over
touchdown. The auto speedbrakes must be armed by the years to keep pace with the takeoff weight increases
moving the speedbrake handle out of the down detent that have occurred. The Model 737 -pioneered the
prior to touchdown. This normally is done as part of the autobrake system during the early 19705. This system is
landing checklist. Whether extending the speedbrakes via designed 10 reduce crew workload during the
the automatic system or manually, it is important that touchdown/nose down phase and assures that braking
they be raised as soon as possible after touchdown. is initiated promptly. The autobrake system is intended
to improve the consistency and smoothness of braking
Whenever the auto speedbrake system is used, and Boeing during the landing rollout by modulating the brake
strongly recommends it be used for aU landings, the crew pressure to provide a constant pre-selected deceleration
must confirm that the speed brakes deploy as expected. level.
If the automatic system fails to raise the speedbrakes they
must be promptly raised manually. Whether an airplane is equipped with autobrakes or not,
it is important to begin braking as soon after touchdown
There is another method by which some crews extend the and wheel spinup as possible, and to smoothly continue
speedbrakes. This alternate path is not recommended or the braking until stopped or a safe taxi speed is reached.
authorized. It can lead to a potentially dangerous
situation. Some auto speedbrake systems provide for Reverse Thrust
speedbrake CJl:tension when the ground safety sensor is
closed, at least two wheels have spun up, and the reverse The thrust reversers can be used for two purposes; to
levers are moved to the interlock position. When these shorten the stopping distance or to reduce brake and tire
conditions have been met, the speedbrakes will deploy wear. Normally il is the latter. On very slippery or short

AIRLINER/JAN.MAR 1991 -------------------7

• runways it may be the former. Regard1es.s. reverse thnm
is most effective al high speeds and should be initiated
airplane to be carried by the wheels. thereby increasing
potential brake effectiveness.
promptly after touchdown.
The landing roUout distance will depend upon the
Regardless of model. lhe reversers provide an important touchdown speed and what forces are applied and when
contribution to stopping the airplane and are normally they are: applied. The crew controls the what and when
used on each landing. On all Boeing jetliners the net factors but the maximum braking force may be limited
reverse is significantly greater at the higher po"'er by tire·to-ground friction.
settings than al reverse idle.
RolJout Distance

INCIDENT: Amicipalmg a relatively short runway, For the V ref + 5 approach with touchdown in the target
the captain of the 731-300 held the reverse thrust levers zone, on dry or wet runways, there will be sufficient
against the interlock. stops during flare. AI 10 fed radio runway to make a comfortable stop (see Figure 7). If the
altitude the interlock released and reversers deployed. runway is icy, there may not be sufficient stopping
The change in thrust resuhed in a rapid downward distance available even if maximum forces are used,
acceleration which the captain was unable to arrest. depending upon the friction available.
The airplane landed hard with no structural damage
but a number of shaken passengers, and one If the approach speed is increased by 10 knots, the
embarrassed captain, who was using a familiar bUI minimum stopping distance is increased. The increased
unauthorized 737-200 techniQue. speed quickly reduces the margins available even if the
maximum stopping forces are used. It also promotes the
Landing flap Selertion likelihood of experiencing dynamic hydroplaning if the
runway is covered with standing water.
From tbe standpoint of avoiding a landing overrun, the
greater the landing nap setling, the bener. For example, A long louchdown, whether it be the result ofan extended
in the Model 737, the recommended approach speed for flare or high approach, is an unnecessary and potentially
Flaps 40 is 3-4 knots lower than V ref speeds for dangerous waste of runway. An approach 2 dots high
Flaps 30. The higher Flaps 30 speed will increase the (touchdown 1,100 fe:e1long) and 10 knots extra speed will
minimum stopping distance by at least 200 feet on a wet require near maximum stopping capability to avoid an
runway. The approach speed difference between Flaps 30 ovenun for the limit runway case on dry or wet runways.
and Flaps 15 is 7·10 knots. This will increase the weI If the runway is icy, an ovenun is unavoidable under
runway minimum stopping distance by another 500 feet. these conditions.
Crews are urged to use the maximum landing nap setting
possible (consistent with climb limit considerations) It is easy to see that the safest stop begins with a
when short runways or runway conlamination may touchdown in the target zone at the proper speed. But
unduly compromise stopping distance. that is only the beginning of the stop. The brakes,
spe«lbrakes and reve~rs must be used promptly and

There are only three forces available for stopping the SUMMARY
airplane. They are wheel braking, reve~ thrust and
aerodynamic braking. Altogether they can produce In the reDl 'NQrld of poor visibiljty, turbulence, traffic
nearly .5g of deceleration forces on a dry runway. For congestion and slippery runways, crews must be a1en to
the typical wet runway, the total may be only 75% of the possibility of running out of runway before the stop
the maximum dry runway force. On a slippery runway can be completed. It may be diffiCult to make a decision
or ice, the total force may be half or less ofthe dry runway to go around before a stop is even attempted: bow can
force. one know if the nare wiJl be extended or bow slippery
the runway will be? After all, the airplane ahead made
Stopping Forces it in all right!

The brakes are the most effective and therefore the most ~'S must be aware oftbe signs that the:irapproach may
important stopping force for most landings. When the not be proceeding as weD as it needs to be for the
runway is very slippery, reverse thrust and drag may be conditions of the runway ahead. Judgement, based on
the dominant forces. Both reverse thrust and experience is probably the best indicator. If the approach
aerodynamic drag are most effective at high speeds. is creating a difficult landing rollout situation. go around.
Neither is affected by the condition of the runway surface. The go around decision is not necessarily a renection of
Deploying the speedbrakes increases the aerodynamic poor performance, but, a landing ovenun may be.
drag and causes a large portion of the weight of the

8-----------------__ AIRLINER/JAN-MAR 1991

110,000 LBS
VoVPR. YflEF ,·t 5 KTS

-.- -
- ""-' .... ,.

"." jl~.~I".I-II'-.I'I'I·I·I·.liil._. I
c> -i. I
10 ~• • • • • • •IiiI..I~_I.
V t

VAPPR + 10

Figure 7. Typical landing distance summary.

The APPROACH MUST BE SfABILIZED - on the landings. The crew must always monitor the system to
/lumbers, speed and path, at least by the time the airplane be sure they deployed and must activate them manually
is 500 feel above the runway. This is approximately if they do not.
1 minute prior to touchdown.
For short runways (i.e. when operating al or near a
The flare should position the airplane for touchdown in landing field length limit weight), Boeing recommends
the target zone. This is easiest if the approach was stable, we use of auto brakes (if installed) to initiate wheel
on speed and path. The TOUCHDOWN should be braking without delay. Even on relatively longer
POSITIVE and IN THE TARGET ZONE. Planning a runways. operators may want to use the auto brake
positive touchdown will help prevent an extended nare. system, but at a low setling.
A positive touchdown will promote prompt wheel spinup,
and will assure oleo compression. Note: The accidents and incidents described in this article
are based on real events. They were not all Boeing
PROMPTLY, after touching down, INITIATE jediners. They are presented to illustrate the typical
WHEEL BRAKING, DEPLOY THE circumstances or series of events lhat contribute to the
SPEEDBRAKES AND INITIATE REVERSE accidents or incidents. The descriptions given are not
THRUST. comprehensive. but focus on the airplane and human
performance aspects of the event.
Boeing recommends the use of auto speedbrakes for all


Tad S. Skrobecki Andrew Knyzanowski

Supervisor, PrinciptJI Engineer,
Propulsion. Structures 777 Propulsion Slruclures
Design and Anal)'sis Boeing Commercial Group

[ii ngiDes have long been isolated for vibration from

the equipment they propel in transportation
vehicles. Propeller-driven aircraft with
reciprocating engines required vibration isolation because
adding to the impact of engine vibration on the cabin,
even with well·balanced engines, Balancing of the larger
diameter (inertia), high by·pass engines is essential in
vibration control. The purpose of Ihis article is to describe
of the magnitude of the vibrations. Early turbojets had the introduction of engine nacelle isolation on high
a relatively small mass, thereby producing remarkably by·pass jet engines.
low vibration. 10 fact, small vibrators had to be installed
in the pilot's instrument panel to prevent sticking of CABIN NOISE AND VmRATION
certain instruments. However, second generation jet
engines wtih low by-pass fans were of larger mass and The cabin environment is one of the measures airlines and
required the introduction of isolators to suppress the airline passengers use to evaluate the airplane they are
greater vibrations. Airframe design improvements, in me flying in, A characteristic of the cabin environment is the
form of more efficient structure. also brought the natural level of noise and vibration perceived by crew and
frequencies of the engine and structure closer together. passengers, Cabin noise is described by sound pressure

10 AlRLlNER/JAN·MAR 1991

There are many structural attachments between an

engine and the airplane cabin. Engineering studies have
been conducted on at least twelve possible isolation
methods on the 757·200 airplane.

A combination of improved engine balance, damped

engine bearings and the addition of engine nacelle
vibration isolators showed the most promise for reducing
cabin noise and vibration. Autter and vibration analysis
then identified the stiffness characteristics for the
isolators that would meet the isolation objectives without
compromising airplane perfonnance.

It was found that isolators could be placed at three

primary nacelle mounting points. These were the front
and aft engine mounts and the six thrust reverser cowl
hinges on the pylon. Elastomeric materials were selected
Figure 1. Model 757 typical spectrum durin~.;-"'"","'.-­
as having the best combination of stiffness characteristics
with N1 at 79%.
for use in the isolators. Figure 2 sbows the relationship
of these locations to the engine and pylon.


level (SPL), measured in decibels at a given frequency. Specifying an isolator requires careful balancing of static
Figure I shows this relationship at one location in the and dynamic stiffness requirements. A mIl dynamic
cabin. The sound pressure level may vary for each part stiffness response is needed to cushion small vibrations
of the airplane cabin. while a hard sIalic stiffness response is sought to minimize
the structural motion of the nacelle.
One of the main sources of cabin noise and vibration is
the airplane engines. A typical example of an isolation In addition to the stiffness requirements. any isolator
design is the Boeing 757-200 equipped with Pratt and design has to meet structural strength and durability
Whitney 2000 series engines. Altbough this article deals requirements.
largely with tbis airplane and engine combination, it is
typical of the effort required to improve the cabin Engine nacelle isolators are designed to suspend the
environment on any model. engine on an elastomeric cushion during selected

Figure 2. Primary locations for

elastomer installation in the nacelle.

segments ofa flight. This aUows the necessary attenuation ISOLATOR MAINTENANCE
of cabin noise and vibration and provides a more
comfortable flight environment. When higher loads are Nearly all engine vibration isolators have replaceable
experienced by isolators. such as dynamic loading and components (see Figure 4). Each isolator has criteria for
during takeoff when engines are at fuD power, the replacement, depending on the airplane model and
isolators are designed to short circuit the elastomeric isolator location. Some isolators may be hard timed so
component in each isolator and rest on metal·to-metal that they are replaced at specified intervals regardless of
stops. These stops provide redundant load paths to the condition of the isolator. Other isolators can be
maintain the fail-safe nacdle mounting concept originaUy evaluated for replacement by on-condition criteria such
designed into the mounts. as the condition of the elastomer or the distance
remaining between the isolator and its stops.
Prior to production incorporation of engine nacelle
isolators. each isolator is eJttensively tested in a flight Maintenance manuals and maintenance planning
dynamics and strUCtural test laboratory. Based 00 test documents, for each model airplane, provide specific
results, each design is reftned for flight testing. During criteria for each isolator and should be used in developing
flight testing, both isolated and non-isolated nacelle service intervals. Isolator life varies with how an airplane
conftgurations are flown on the same airplane to provide is operated.
a direct comparison of the cabin noise and vibration
levels. Instrumentation is used to monitor each isolator. ISOLATOR DEVELOPMTh'T: THE STATE OF
Certification criteria are evaluated, including flutler THE ART
clearance marWns to assure airplane perfonnance is
maintained. Development of more efficient isolators. with longer
useful service intervals continues even after a specific
In the case of the 7S7·2OO airplane, three airplanes were design is placed in production.
delivered to customers to lead the fleet through in-service
evaluation of the isolation system. An instrumented noise New isolator materials and compounds are being tested.
test was perfonned on each of the three in-service Concepts such as fluid-filled OT hydraulic isolators are
airplanes 10 assure the cabin noise and vibration already being flight tested with the promise of better
improvements were maintained after the six month dynamic response characteristics, Jess engine nacelle
evaluation period (see Figure 3). During the evaluation, motion and longer service life.
no crew or passenger complaints were recorded for cabin
noise and vibration, Ihus validating the isolation system's Tunable or adjustable isolation systems and active smart
objective. isolators are being evaluated fOT possible use on future
production naCelles. Both the cabin environment and the
airplane may see a beneftt from the reduced transmission
of noise and vibration.

Flgun 3. Test results for. Model 757·200

po"ered by PW2037 engines.

Figure 4. The engine ..ibntion isolator components

may "ear al different ntes. bul can be replaced as
indiridual nnits. ~

Fuel Conservation
Boeing Airliner Magazine No. 41 January-March 1991

we review in brief our past DRAG BENEFIT OF

CONTENTS recommend81ions for in-night WASHING AIRPLANES
trimming and update the
Introduction .•••.•.•.•. 1 information to include those Ruid(S) leaking onto the exterior
Drag Benefits of Washing models. surfaces of an aircraft is the main
Airplanes ....•....... 1 cause of surface contamination by
Recommended Trim We follow the trim procedures dirt and dust. This sticky layer of
Procedures for Boeing article with a discussion of the contaminant provides the basis for
Aircraft 2 safety aspects of taxiing with a build-up of contamination by
Engine-out Taxi •..•.... 3 engine(s) shutdown as a fuel saving dirt/dust/other airborne particles.
Flight Operations Review measure. Although Boeing does Traditionally, engine struts, lower
(F.O.R.) Index .•...•.• 4 not recommend taxiing out with aft fuselage, lower surface of the
engine(s) shutdown, we neverthe- wing, in particular the lower
less recognize that many operators surfaces of the flaps and flap track
INTRODUCTION have adopted Engine-Out Taxi fairings experience the greatest
procedures and lherefore feel it amount of dirt contamination.
s fuel prices continue 10 would be prudent for us to review Instead of having what is aero-

A rise. we have been reo

ceiving a steady stream of
inquiries relating to airplane drag
some of the more salient points of
such a policy.
dynamically termed hydraulically
smoOlh skins as the airplane
designer had intended, the surface
and various other fuel bum issues We encourage your review of these may now be rough and abrasive to
for all Boeing models. Of and all past Fuel Conservation the airflow.
particuJar note are questions on Newsletters in establishing or
whether washing a dirty airplane improving your existing fuel As a reference case, a 747-200
will reduce its drag significantly conservation policies. with contaminated area mostly
enough to benefit overall operating confined to the wing lower surface,
economy. The first article in this Also in this issue we have compiled wing trailing edge flaps and flap
issue discusses the drag penalty for for the reader a complete listing of track fairings (about 650 square
an unwashed airplane and the all Flight Operations Review feet in total) with an average
resulting fuel burn penalty. A (F.O.R.) articles published to date. physical roughness height of .00t I
summary table of how to prioritize The F.O.R. was first published in inches will have an added drag of
certain fuel conservation measures March of 1986 and have gone on .10% (1.001 drag factor) of typical
is also provided. to 19 issues since that time. The cruise drag.
F.O.R. has been and will continue
Another concern which is being to be used as a valuable com- Table I shows the expected fuel
re-visited by many operators munication tool to line pilots to bum penalties associated with an
centers around in-night trim enhance overall flight safety and unwashed airplane for various
procedure and its effect on airplane efficiency of operating Boeing Boeing airplane models. The
drag. Over the years, we have airplanes. penalties are based on a reference
published various AIRLINER mission stage length and a
articles on lhe subject of how best Finally, as in past issues we list reference number of nights per
to trim a Boeing airplane for instructional video programs year as shown. The penalties also
minimum cruise drag. Since that newly available from Customer assume the same ratio of con-
time, other models have been Training and Right Operations taminated area to the aircraft's
introduced. In the second article Support for your reference. respective Reference Wing Area as

Fuel Conservation and Operations N e w s l e t t e r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [

the 747 example above (0. 12). Ifan
airplane has a greater level of
surface roughness and/or a higher
area percentage of surface being
contaminated, the actual fuel
penalty may be higher than the
Effects of Skin Polishing

Uncontaminated plain aluminum

skin and smooth painted skin can
be regarded as hydraulically
smooth surfaces giving a minimum
Rel.tin AerodyDallllc Fuel


Couen.tloa Measure

Flight Controls rigging

Trim Procedures
values shown in Table 1. turbulent now skin friction
coefficient. Carefully applied 3. Aerodynamic seals
To estimate the fuel bum penalty, Carogai'd protective coatings also
multiply the Table I fuel bum qualify as hydraulica//y smooth. 4. Clean airplane
penalties by the ratio of the actual Therefore, polishing a high speed
number of nights per year divided aircraft is considered a negligible
by the reference nights per year. drag benefit. Table 2. Aerodynamic fuel
For example, if a 747 had an actual conservation priority.
204 nights this year and it was Table 2 provides a general guide in
considered dirty, the average fuel prioritizing aerodynamically
burn penalty would be approxi- related fuel conservation measures can arise from imperfect rigging of
mately 6,080 US Gallons (USO) from the most critical to the least night controls after maintenance,
per year (half of 12,160 USO/yr) critical in terms of fuel bum internal load distribution, fuel
for that airplane. penalty. Operators should give the unbalance, and engine thrust
appropriate attention to each setting imbalance. The degree of
Washing the airplane has other concern for their operation. trim inputs required will depend
important benefits besides on two basic factors: I) The degree
customer appeal. Since the wing RECOMMENDED TRIM of controls mlsng, lateral
leading edge and high lift devices PROCEDURES FOR BOEING unbalance, etc., and 2) Trim
are aerodynamically critical, the AIRCRAFT technique employed. The
wing leading edge and the following reviews the correct Trim
associated leading edge high An airplane in steady cruising Technique for minimum drag.
lift devices (LED's) should be flight will in general require some
periodically cleaned of dirt/insect degree of lateral and/or directional Before trimming the airplane,
accumulation to maintain low trim inputs to achieve a stahle check that fuel balance and engine
speed performance. platform. The trim requirement thrusts are within practical limits
and zero OUI aileron and rudder
trim inputs.

Fuel Bum Penalty Rererenee Autopilot Disengaged

Model CUSG/yr/ Airplane) Conditions
Using Attitude Director (ADI)
727 3,320 500 nm missions indication, hold wings level with
2,120 nightslyr control wheel. Do not trim out
control wheel force.
737 1,150 500 nm missions
'.,120 nightslyr Stop any wings-level-skidding tum
tendency by trimming rudder in
757 2,570 1,0Cl0 nm missions same directjon the control wheel is
1,300 nightslyr displaced. (A further change in
control wheel angle will be
767 4,940 3,000 nrn missions required to hold wings level).
590 llights/yr
Trim out control wheel force with
747 12,160 5,0Cl0 nm missions aileron trim. (Depending on the
409 llightslyr degree of lateral unbalance, the
control wheel may not be
Table 1. Fuel burn penalty for unwashed airplanes.

II - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Fuel Conservation and Operations Newsletter

Autopilot Engaged a constant rudder pedal or trim TRIM UNITS
knob displacement provides less
Do nOI apply aileron trim. rudder as airspeed increases. As a
result of this characteristic, larger
Trim rudder in the direction that trim unit values would be required
the control wheel is initially during high speed night than at
displaced until the airplane slower airspeeds to obtain the same
maintains heading with wings rudder denection.
Flight crews should be aware of Boeing does not recommend
(When the autopilot is disengaged, this characleristic so as not 10 taxiing out for night with an engine
it may be necessary to apply roll unnecessarily squawk these shut down for all Boeing jet
trim. Hold the wheel until this is airplanes due to their apparently transports for the following
accomplished). high rudder trim unit values at reasons:
cruise speeds. Instead, the final
Do not rush the trim procedure. aileron trim unit values should be • Taxiing out with one or more
Allow time for the airplane to reviewed al the end of the above engines shut down will
stabilize afler each trim change. trim procedure to detennine if, in invariably delay accomplish-
fact, spoiler pick-up has occurred, ment of the After Start and
In general if the final trim inpuls possibly indicating a legitimale Before Takeoff checklists,
result in any spoiler pick-up, either rigging squawk. thereby increasing crew
an improper trim procedure was workload at a most critical
employed, or the airplane truly ApproJ: Control Wheel time resulting in increased risk
requires maintenance action. Model Anale (dewees) of crew error.
Flight crews should be aware that
they may have to re-trim the 707 5 • No fire protection from ground
airplane if there is any uncertainty 737 9 personnel/equipment will be
as to how Ihey arrived at their 727 14 available when starting engines
current trim inputs. 757 10 away from the ramp.
767 6.5
Table 3 shows the approximate 747 13 • Potential loss of braking
aileron trim position at spoiler capability, steering, and/or
pickup for various Boeing models. Table 3. Approximate aHeron electrical and pneumatic
Trim drag increases rapidly as roll trim position at spoiler pick-up. driven systems should the
trim exceeds spoiler pick-up wheel remaining operating engine(s)
angle. fail or experience engine fire
ENGINE-OUT TAXI requiring immediate shut-
Flight crews should also be aware down when APU is not used.
that due to the installation of a We recognized the fuel savings
Rudder Ratio Changer (RRC) on potential of taxiing with engine(s) • High taxi break-away thrust
the 747·100/200/300/400, 757- intentionally shutdown in a 1981 may be required for high gross
200 and 767-2001300/300ER AIRLINER article titled Engine- weights, son asphalt, and/or
models, these models will exhibit Out Taxi. However, at the same ramp slope conditions which
a more constant sensitivity (yaw time it was stated thai the inteOl increases risk of Foreign
acceleration) to rudder pedal and of the article is to provide Objective Object Damage (FOD), jet
trim knob inputs, irrespective of technical infonnation on taxiing blast damage and/or ground
increasing airspeed. The RRC with engines shutdown, and in no personnel injuries.
provides automatically controlled way encourages this practice.
mechanical rudder deflection • Engine thennal stabilization
limiting as opposed to Our position on Engine-Out Taxi may not be achieved for rushed
aerodynamic and/or hydraulic then and now, was adopted partly engine starts before takeoff. On
load limiting on other Boeing as a result of the industry track high bypass ratio engines, the
airplanes (707, 727-1001200 and record with this practice and partly requirement to warm-up and
737-) 00/200/300/400/5(0). resulting from internal review of cool-down prior to applying
operational procedural require- takeoff thrust or shutting down
On airplanes with RRC installed, ments for all Boeing jetliners. should not be overlooked.

__________________ m
Fuel Conservation and Operations 'ewsletter
• Pneumatic requirements may • Consideration should be given FLIGHT OPERATIONS
exceed supply pressure when to the fact that high bypass REViEW (F.O.R.) LNDEX
operating with engine(s) ratio engines require a cool
shutdown, possibly resulting in down period prior to engine The Flight Operations Review
inadequate using system(s) shut down. (F.O.R.) is a Boeing publication
response. directed at airline Oight crews on
• Slow and/or tight taxi turns in issues relating to operation of
The following recommendations the direction of the operating Boeing airplanes. The scope of the
should be considered before an engine{s) may not be possible F.O.R. is limited to night
operator considers after landing at high gross weights. operations related topics al the
Engine-Out Taxi operations; flight crew level with the overall
The final decision whether 10 objective to enhance flight safety
• The APU should be started and incorporate Engine-Out Taxi and efficiency of operating Boeing
remain ON for engine.cut taxi. procedures as part of any operation airplanes.
must be based on an assessment of
• The crew muSI be aware of not only fuel conservation The F.O.R. is published on an
systems requirements such as considerations but on safety as-need-basis and does not carry a
hydraulics, brakes, and considerations as well. fixed publication schedule. The
electrical as it relates to engine- first F.O.R. was released in
out taxi operations. Although Boeing does not outright March 14, 1986 and since then
prohibit Engine-Oui Taxi there have been a number of
• In some operational operations, we encourage your F.O.R.·s released for publication.
environments, uphill slope, soft review of our recommendations
asphalt, high gross weights, before considering such a policy at Table 4 shows the complele F.O.R.
congested ramp areas, and your operation. Article Index valid through
wet/slippery ramps and December 31, 1990 for your
taxiways, it would be advisable reference.
to taxi wilh all engines


I. The tmponance of MIlr 14. 1986 ALL I.' 11. Flashing IRS Apr 14. 1988 737 2.•
Pll)l:r RotalKm ALIGN Lights
Tee nique
2. 727 Reverse Thrusl Apr JO, 1986 no I.•
12. Effecl on FMC
Descent Path with
Jan 22. 1990 737 •••
Engine Surges 4~% NI Thrust

3. New Gene~tion
Weather Radar
May 30. 1986 ALL ••• 13. Effect of Enfine
RPM and AIrspeed
Jun 26, 1990 ALL 2.•

on Reverse Thrust
•• B~ke Overheat
lui 15. 1986 ALL I.,
1<. Tuiin. with Aug 30. 1990 ALL I..
,. Thll)ule SlaUer-
JT8D Series
Sep 19. 1986 7271737 I.. Carbon Brakes
1'. Flight Crt'Vi InjuricsAug 30. 1990 ALL I..
Ensines durin. Power Seat
• P= landini
Tee niques
Dec 19, 1986 ALL 2.•

I'. 737 Center Tank Dec 04. 1990 737

Fuel Scavenae
7. 747 Fuel Quantit)' Apr 16, 1987 I..
Indk:adnl SYSlem '" S)'stem Operation
17. Ensine Vibration Dec to. 1990 ALL 2.•
lun 22, 1987
•• Localiur Tl'Kking
During AUIO
7" I.' Proc:edures
Landinp - 1'. Loss of an EnJine Dec 14, t990 ALL I.•

Innight Fuel Loss Aug 28, 1988 ALL 2.
Indication While In
10. Flashing tRS Jan 28. 1988 757/767 2.• 19. Low Oil Quantity Dec 17. 1990 ALL I..
ALlGN Lighl$
Flight OperatioM Engineering,
Table 4. Flight Openltions Review (F.O.R.) article index. Boeing Commercial Airplane Group,
P.O. Box 3707. Seatde WA 98124.
Telephone (206) 6~~-318~

IV - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Fuel Consenation and Operations Newsletter


Albert F. Emanuel
Aircraft Safety Engineer
Renton Product Safety

n he January·March 1989 issue of the

AIRLINER contained the fourth article on the
subject of engine ingestion of personnel. Articles
on personnel ingeslion into engine inlets were previously
published in AIRLINER issues dated October-
December 1983, October-December 1984, July-
personnel ingestions have been reported since the lasl
article was published the most recent being reported in
October 1990.

Figure 1 shows the distribution over time of reported

personnel ingestions into engine inlets. The data have
September 1987, and January-March 1989. Five been normalized to flight hours to account for the steadily

increasing fleet activity. UsuaUy the ingestions occurred
while performing maintenance. Figure 1 indicates the
,. continuing need for an effoctive training program fOT line
personnel working in the vicinity of an operating engine.
• u
It should be noted that several events of personnel
it ingestion involved experienced mechanics.

! or the 26 personnel ingestion events reported, one
i ,
involved a BAc 146 airplane. (The BAe 146 engines.

• Lycoming ALP 502Rs, have no inlet guide vanes, and

,~ the only reponed ingestion was fatal.) The other 25 events
" ,, occurred with JT8D.powered 737s. One of the 737
il ingestions also was fatal, and at least seven caused very
• serious injuries. (A review of U.S. Air Force safety
I ! I I I
i I records has shown thai Ihere have been no personnel
ingestions in either the KC-135R or E.3B aircraft which
are also powered by the CFM56 engine. The same is true
for the U.S. Navy E.6s.) TheJT8D fixed inlet guide vanes
Figure 1. History of inlet ingestions for all oelng
provide some proleclion from Ihe rotaling fan. However,
the CFM56 has no inlet guide vanes, and the potential
Model 737 series airplanes. The incidents are plotted for serious injury and dealh is much greater. To date there
against flight bours by year, while the number of have been no ingestions of personnel in the CFM56-
incidents are shown at the top of each line having an powered 737s. As shown in Figure 2, the CFM56 inlel
incident for that year. is larger and the lower lip closer to the ground than that
of the JT8D. These characteristics of the CFM56-
powered 737 make the education of personnel who mighl
be exposed to this potential ingestion hazard especially

Figure 2. The differences between the Model 737-200 (left) and 737-300/-400/-500 engine inlets are readily
apparent in these views. Fixed inlet guide vanes in the JT8D engine used on the -200 offer a degree of protection
during an ingestion incident; bowever, tbe CFM56 engines on later series 737s do not have any fixed structures
ahead of the large rotating (an; thereby not offering any form of protection.


IE 'wOM 0' r~'kf t~lt·

H.OJMO ......
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.....0" ..... 'Ou" ,"'",

• OO
DO .""'AmAJQ.IAl •
lUftO .. ,.. .... orK...- ...... I'AI.II
• DG KCUIII . . - IflIIf OM "'""" ••
• ~-~ _ _0Ul

. - - 0- ''''-''''0

Figure 3. This poster, wbich concisely def"Lnes safe and

unsafe practices around running engines, was sent to all
operators along with Boeing All-Operator Letter
M-7230·1671. These posters afe still uailable at

AIRLINER articles are part of a continuing Boeing All CFM56-powered 737s have nacelle markings to
program to assist operators in maintaining personnel indicate the hazard zone boundary aft of the inlet for
awareness in the effort to prevent inlet ingestions. This above-idle power (see Figure 5). Nacelle markings were
program also includes posters (see Figure 3), a video tape not originally provided on the JT8D·powered 737.
presentation, naceUe warning decals. and warnings in Boeing strongly recommends that JT8D nacelles also
Maintenance Manuals and Facility and Equipment indicate the position of the art boundary, because the
Planning Documents. The first rule of engine safety is distance to the inlet is small, and many of the ingestions
Ihal no one be near an operating engine unless absolutely occurred when the inlet was approached from behind.
necessary. When it is necessary to have someone working Decals for marking the JT8D·powered 737 can be
near the inlet of an operating engine, a personnel safety obtained as shown in Table 1.
harness (such as Boeing part number F80239-7) should
be used, An inlet screen should be used when feasible.

All Boeing Maintenance Manuals contain definitions of

the engine inlet hazard zones. The hazard zones shown
in Figure 4 apply to all 737 aircraft, regardless of engine
type. In addition to the published hazard zones, the
following considerations apply:

• For reported surface winds greater than 25 knots,

..._cu.. ""

increase the hazard zone boundary by 20%.

• If ramp surfaces are slippery, additional precautions

such as cleaning the ramp will be necessary.

• Following engine shutdown, allow time for spool-

down before approaching the inlet. Figure 5. Nacelle warning placards.

•• • •••• • • • ••••••••••• I

Some operators have painted engine inlet hazard zones

on the parking ramp to clearly indicate the boundaries
(sec Figure 6). When using painted hazard zones, it is Fi..,. 7. Dimensions ,.Iating wh""l, ent.." doo, a n d @
imperative that the hazard zones unmistakably identify inlet lip positions for the Model 737,
the airplanes to which they apply, and the airplanes must
be accurately positioned to ensure that the painted
boundaries will provide the required safety margin. An
improperly parked airplane could degrade safety by
,,,Irn,,,, SO! Hel

incorrectly representing the hazard zone. The January-

Don't Gtt Sucked In poster. Boeing Field Service Rep-
March 1989 AIRLINER article contains information on
reprcsenlalive or Field
the required accuracy for positioning the airplanes and
includes a table showing important dimensions for LJ1e Service Engineering.
various 737 series airplanes. There is also a table showing Don't Get Sucked In video Boeing Field Service Rep-
dimensions which relate the wheel, passenger door, and lape presentalion. 840601 representative or Field
inlet lip positions for the various 737 series airplanes; Service Engineering.
however, some of the dimensions in this table are Engine Nacelle Warning Service Bullelin 737-11-
incorrect. The April-]une 1989 issue contains corrections
and Infonnational Decal 1010, Revision 1,
to this table. The corrected table is also included here in
Installation. June 21, 1985.
Figure 7.
Personnel Safely Lanyard, Illustrated Tool and
Available safety aids which can assist in the prevention Engine Mainlenance, pan Equipmenl List, 71-00,
of personnel ingestion, and the means of procurement, number F80239·12. page 21.
are listed in Table I. Safety Screen - CFM56 Illustrated Tool and
Engine Inlet Personnel Equipment List, 71-00,
SUMMARY Barrier, pan number page 22-
The history of personnel ingestion into engine inlets
indicates a need for operators to constantly inform all Inlet Guard - Engine lJIustrated Tool and
personnel who could be exposed to this ingestion hazard. Run-up, pan number Equipment List, 12-20,
Boeing will continue to assist operators in this important CI2001·35. page 5.
effort. Posters and video tapes can be obtained by request Engine Inltt HuumJ Zont'S., AIRLiNER, January-
through your Boeing Service Representative. Ramp Marking! for Engine March, 1989.
Inltr Hazard Zones -
Painting inlet hazard zones on the parking ramp can be Jncautioru for Their U!e.
an aid to safety if properly used, but improperly used,
can degrade safety by incorrectly representing the hazard 737 Engine Inlet Hazard Boeing Service leHer
zone. Zone Boundaries Painted 737-Sl-71·28, dated II
on Ramp Surface! January 1989
Nacelle markings on the CFM56-powered 737s must be Ingestion of Penonnel into Boeing All-Operator letter
observed. Boeing strongly recommends that operators Engint Inlet M-7230-1671, dated 1
install similar markings on the JT8D-powered 737s. No\ember 1989

Boeing welcomes any recommendations which could help

in the prevention of ingestion accidents for possible Table 1. Safety aids to inlet ingestion hazards.
inclusion in future articles.

16 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - AIRLINER/JAN·MAR 1991
Pushback Caution

Example #1:
The engines were being started during the pushback.
The mechanic on the headset was monitoring engine
start along with watching for clearance. After engine
G. Drew AlJdersoll #2 was running, the mechanic allempted to cross
Product Safety Enginet!ring under the airplane 10 better observe the start of
8«ing Commercial Airplane Group engine # 1. His foot was caught by the nose wheel. He
was knocked down, run over by the nose wheels, and
fatally injurro.
The airplane is on schedule; the fuel, cargo, and

T baggage are loaded; the required maintenance is

completed; the passengers have boarded; it is time
10 relax, push the airplane away from the gale, and
Example #2:
During pushback a truck crossed behind the airplane
which caused the headset operator to focus attention
another night is on its way. Not quite!! Pushbacks on the truck. During this time a tum was started,
present a serious hazard to ground personnel. Slaying unknown to the headset operator. The nose wheels
alert and clear of the path of the airplane's wheels is trapped and ran over both legs of the headset operator
essential to prevent injuries. causing serious injury.

AIRLINER/JAN·MAR 1991 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 17
Pushback or towing involve three phases: positioning and recognized this accident trend and is actively mounting
connecting the tug and towbar; the actual moving of the a campaign to reverse this trend.
airplane; and disconnecting of the tug and towbar.
Different hazards are encountered during each phase and CAUSES
injury accidents have occurred during each phase.
However, the majority of the accidents occurred during Four aspects of pushing/towing injury accidents were
actual airplane movement. This article focuses on the investigated: airplane configuration, airport ramp
injury accidents that occurred during actual pushing or conditions, personnel experience/training, and
towing of jet transport airplanes, including the history procedures.
and methods of reducing accidents.
Airplane Configuration
Landing gear arrangement for all commercial jet
About 25 yean ago, the fint reported pushback injury transport airplanes is a nose gear and two or more main
accident occurred on a commercial jet transport airplane. gears. The nose gear was involved in 82% of the accidents
From 1964 through August 1990, there have been 23 and the main gear was involved in 9%. The gear involved
accidents worldwide where personnel were run over by in the remaining accidents (9%) is unknown.
the airplane wheels during pushing or towing. Thirteen
of the accidents have been fatal. The majority of the Figure 2 shows airplane types arranged by approximate
accidents (87%) occurred during pushback and the forward fuselage ground clearance and the number o"f
remaining 13% happened during towing. The crushing pushback injury accidents for each type. There have been
injuries incurred, if not fatal, are always serious, no injury accidents involving airplanes with relatively low
sometimes requiring leg amputation. ground clearance (less than 5 feet). The fuselage prevents
people from walking close to the nose wheels. Run over
From 1969 through 1988 there were 15 injury accidents accidents involved the A300, 8747, 8757, 8767, DC·8,
during pushing or towing, averaging fewer than one a DelO, and LlOI1: these airplanes have more than five
year. In the one year period from July 1989 through June feet of ground clearance. Personnel can easily walk close
1990. there were seven injury accidents, a dramatic to the nose wheels and may not be conscious of the
increase. Figure I shows the pushing/towing injury increased exposure to injury when moving an airplane
accidents per million departures for the last 20 years. The with high ground clearance.
accident rate for fint half of 1990 is more than 7 times
the average annual rate prior to 1990. Another aspect of airplane configuration is the location
of the flight phone connection. For most airplanes this
The Executive Committee of International Transport phone connection is close to the nose wheels. A headset
Section (ARTEX) of the National Safety Council has also cord of insufficient length forces the user to walk close



Figure 1. Pusbback/towing injury accidents Figure 2. Pusbbad: injury accidents b

reported between 1971 and 1990. '--~~ airplane ground clearance. '--~~

to the nose wheds increasing the risk of injury. A long Pusbbaclt Prottdures
headset cord, if allowed to drag near the ~ gear, may
become entangled, pulling the operator into the rotating Airlines were surveyed to learn bow tbey conduct
wheels. Three accident reports cite entanglement as a pushback operations. They employ from one to four
contributing factor. A long cord, however, when let out people with responsibilities as outlined below:
and kept taut by the operator, can be used as a distance
indicator to maintain separation from the ~ gear. One Person

AIrport Conditions A tug driver, who also handles tbe airplane

Ramp and taxiway conditions have minimal impact on
accidents. Three accidents mention that the person Two Person
slipped or tripped prior to being run over. Other factors,
such as ramp surface, slope, lighting, or weather, that A headset operator handling airplane communication
could contribute to an accident were not reported. and a tug driver.

Personnel ExperlencelTrainlng

Due to the number of new airlines and rapid growth in A tug driver handling airplane communication and a
the airline industry in general, experience and training wing walker.
may be diluted and may have contributed to the
accidents, but there is no data to quantify this Tbrft Person
A headset operator handling airplane communication, a
A number of airlines were surveyed for information tug driver, and a wing walker.
regarding the training pushback personnel received.
Training varied widely from airline to airline: some
airlines provide only a few minutes of on the job
instruction bef'ore permitting personnel to conduct A tug driver bandling airplane communication, and two
departure operations; some have fonnal classroom wing walkers.
instruction followed by a monitored ramp checkout and
recurrent training. Some airlines use video presentations Four Person
to illustrate the procedures to be used for dispatch and
the potential hazards. Mechanics typically receive more A headset operator handling airplane communication, a
training and have a better understanding of the hazards tug driver, and two wing walkers.
associated with airplane operations than do other ramp
personnel. The makeup of pushback crews varies: some The person conducting headset communications was
airlines use maintenance personnel to dispatch the involved in at least 56% of the accidents, but cord •
airplanes; some use a mix of maintenance and ramp entanglement was a factor in only three accidents. This
service personnel; and, others use only ramp service lack of cord entanglement suggests that connection to the
personnel. The crew experience levels vary from airline airplane is not as significant a factor as proximity to the
to airline and from crew to crew. nosewheel.

Injuries are about equally divided between mechanics and SUMMARY

other ramp personnel. Also, experience level varies from
relatively inexperienced persons to senior personnel with In recapping the data,
more than 15 years experience.
• All of the accidentS involved airplanes with ground
Carelessness and inattention have contributed to about
78% of the accidents. Three accidents were caused by •
clearance greater than 5 feet.
The nose gear is involved in 82% of the accidents.

persons slipping or falling 01T equipment (tug or towbar) • Persons using the beadset ",oue run over in at least •
not intended to carry people. Five accidents involved 56% of the accidents (cord entanglement was a factor
losing balance and falling in the path of the airplane in only 13% of the accKients).
wheels. Ten accidents cite the rolling wheels directly • Airport conditions have minimal impact on run over
pinning personnel suggesting lack of attention to the accidents.
changing airplane position. • Experience &: mining is diverse.

AIRLINER/JAN·MAR 1991 ---------------------19

• Carelessness and inattention have contributed 1018% the airplane wheels and tug. Figure 3 shows the pushback
of the accidents. hazard zone. The training should also be recurrent to
• Pushback melhods are diverse; some inherently continually renew the consciousness of hazards.
present less risk than others. Training, however, wiU not remove the risks of pushback
accidents; rather, lraining maintains awareness of the
Accidents occur because people working io a hazard area hazards and provides review of the techniques for
are not conscious of the hazards. There are two reducing the risks.
approaches to preventing the accidents: (I) train
personnel how 10 work in the hazard area, or (2) change Procedures can be developed 10 removed personnel from
the pushback procedure to prohibit personnel in the the hazard area. The headset operator, who was walking
hazard area. in the vicinity of the nose wheel is the person killed or
injured in the majority of the accidents which occurred
Training is the key to understanding the hazards present during actual airplane movement. Procedures that do not
during all phases of pushback or towing. To prevent have personnel in the vicinity of the nose wheels are the
injury connecting and disconnecting the tug and towbar key to reducing these accidents. One method for
requires anticipation of tug or airplane movement when accomplishing this is to have the tug driver conduct
not expected and having a plan for escape should it occur. communications with the airplane night crew. Accident
During airplane movement, personnel must be aware of history shows that Ihe greatest pJtential for reducing
the possibility of being run over, of the continually pushbackltowing injury accidents is to use procedures
changing positions of the airplane and tug, and of that do not have personnel in the vicinity of the nose
consciously using techniques to maintain separation from wheels.

Figure 3. Pusbback hazard zone.


K.G. Henr.ler
Maintenance Planning &- Aging Flnl •
Moinlenance & Ground Operations Systems

s airplanes age, the incidents and severely of

A corrosion damage increase. tr corrosion is not

controlled, structural integrity can be lost and
the ability of the airplane Slruclure to sustain fail safe



loads may be compromised. To address this in a
comprehensive manner, the airplane industry 727 06-S4929 89-NM-268-AD
Airworthiness Assurance Task Force (AA TF). fonned
in 1988, chanered SUUctures Working Groups (SWG), 737 06-38S28 89-NM-27G-AD
consisting of airline and manufacturer personnel, to
develop a corrosion prevention and control program that 747 06-36022 89-NM-271-AD
would ensure detection of corrosion before: it progressed
beyond safe limits. This gWG activity resulted in an
Aging Airplane Corrosion Prevention and Control
Program document for Boeing Model 707n20, n7, 737 Figure 1. AgiDg Airplane Corrosion Pre.ention aDd
and 147 airplanes. Airworthiness Directives, making the Control Prognun document Dumbers and usociated
contents of these documents mandatory for operators 'oti« o( Proposed Rule Making (or ear:b model
without a proven effective corrosion conlrOl program au Boeing jetlinu.
anticipated before the eod of 1990. (See Figure I.)

During the development stages of the program. all known Corrosion data for each area of the airplane were
corrosion problems relating to primary Structure were reviewed by the SWG along with the airline's own
reviewed by Boeing and segregated into selected general corrosion experience. The outcome resulled in a
areas on tbe basis of having similar corrosion exposure corrosion prevention and control program tbat varies
characteristics and common inspection access somewbat from area to area for each model airplane and
requirements (see Figure 2). Problems found to be contains an initial implementation age (I) and a repeat
significant with regard to continuing airworthiness were interval (R) in calendar time for each corrosion
then identified and placed in the program. inspection and inhibitor application maintenance
requirement (see Figure J).


I Airplane I

Figure 2. The Aging Airplane

II WIng I I Fuselage I I Empennage I I LJG and strut I Corrosion Prevention and Control

._- • ElIl_IU01_
Program has been divided into tbe
• ElCIelIor 1Il1f_ ·~IUII_ ...... lMdlng lIM'

four areas shown•

....--...- -- -
• MaIn landing gar
• LudIng ~ ca¥lry .~~U\1Iy
• Fllg!ll-e«IW

._~ . _ ~

• ndlng~cMy • TtaIlItG ~ c:a't'lfy

Figure 3. Corrosion inspection

thresholds, both initial
• IJnclep lalI1ngs,

• s.c:tlon.8
implementation and repeat intenals
are shown in years, for the four
major inspection areas by model.

101m. m
Thaho" R_ n.- R..... n .......
...... n.- '" R....'

• I.I. ,, •• I.•
I. I.
Ouler-atcmal 10 I 2

Leadlnl edlC Intcnor I 2/. I U

Outcr-maln bo.\-Intcnor
Trallll\8 edge Inlcnor
I 2/.
JO , 10
lO 10
Center $l!CtiOll Intcnor JO I JO I JO I lO JO

• • ,,-
" I.
EJ.tcm..l (nv=IUlhnl doors 2 >II 1512 10 upper
and Iandlnl sear bIIl'l) 5 Iowcr 2 Iclwcr
Alihtcrtw rom~rtmnll JO I 10 I I Il
f •,• ,
Urper lobe Inlerior I I 10 I I Il
lo"'cr \obe Inlerior
(tlIcept bilge) • ,,• • • • •
1.0", er Iobe-biJic
• • , • 2/.
• • •,
I.I. I.I.
ScchOll 48 Inlcrior 10 10 I 10
I.I. I.I.
EJ.lemaJ 5Urfka 2/. JO 2 2 10
~ Ladlnl edits I JO I
I Jl

MaIO bo.\ \IlltnOn I 10 I JO I
~ Traihoi edges
, I

10 •,


~ Center K'CIion JO 10 I
> Center cnilne Inkt dlX1 - - I - - -
Nose and main 1and\Il1 JQr Landtnlltlr O\'erluoul landini FIr ovcrhaul undllll leaf ovcrhaul landIni ,car ovtrhaul

Powerplanl and SlNI

• I 2 , 2 , , 1/15 )/U

Note: Some spoeiflt artaSlilnnl wilhln lhe ~I areas havc indepmdenl thnsholds and repeal intcrvals.

22 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - AIRLINER/JAN.MAR 1991
To ensure that the data contained in the Aging Airplane control program outlined in the MPD compare with that
Corrosion Prevention and Control Program documents of the baseline corrosion program?
remains current, the SWG will conduct yearly reviews
of program requirements and make changes deemed Operators who presently follow MPD recommendations
necessary based on reported corrosion findings. will have to modify their program to be in compliance
with the baseline program. The extent of modification,
Unlike the Service Bulletin Structural Modification however, will vary considerably and is largely dependent
Program (see AlRLINER, July-September 1990), the upon the effectiveness of the operator's existing corrosion
Aging Airplane Corrosion Prevention and Control control program. For example, if an operator inspects a
Program, hereafler referred to as the baseline corrosion given airplane area and finds no significant amount of
program, applies to aU airplanes both new and old. corrosion (corrosion which can be reworkedlblended out
within allowable Structural Repair Manual limits), the
Many operators already have corrosion prevention and operator need not change his existing program in that
control programs in place, many of which are based on area. On the other hand, not all items within a panicular
recommendations provided in Boeing Maintenance area may be adequately inspected by the MPD program
Planning Data (MPD) Documents. as component disassembly, equipment removal and
special inspections devices are required in several areas.
A common question asked is how does the corrosion Additionally, there are some airplane areas for which the
baseline corrosion prevention program provides greater

Model 727~100 undergoing structural inspection at Avianca's overhaul base at Barranquilla, Colombia

coverage than the MPO, such as the intemal areas of the Although initially in hard copy form, Boeing is evaluating
wing center section, horizontal stabilizer and night crew the release of task card data in digital form and is studying
compartment. the feasibility of deyeloping a computer program for
forecasting and scheduling aging fleet maintenance
To help operators carry out the requirements of the requirements.
baseline corrosion program, Boeing is developing task
cards for each model Aging Airplane Corrosion To ensure compatibility with the mandated baseline
Prevention and Control Program Document. These task corrosion program, Boeing will revise, as necessary, the
cards correlate directly with the corrosion program corrosion prevention and control program in current
document and use the same numbering system as the model Maintenance Planning Data documents. This is
tasks identified in the document. Task cards provide not meant to imply that MPD recommended corrosion
amplified instructions for each corrosion task including prevention and control tasks will be deleted, but merely
area breakdown, access panel and equipment removal that task contents will be revised to be in compliance with
requirements, airplane effectivities, illustrations, baseline program requirements. This includes converting
manhour estimates, and a cross reference to MPO/MRB all MPO recommended corrosion control tasks from
tasks to facilitate planning. (See Figure 4.) Also, each task night hour to calendar time intervals. Corrosion control
card contains a description of the basic task to be tasks outlined in the MPD. which are based on cost
performed as well as a summary form for recording effectiveness, are in most cases more stringent than
corrosion inspection findings. To further enhance corrosion tasks in the baseline corrosion program. In such
product quality, the contents of each task card is being cases, the MPD corrosion control task will continue to
validated on an airplane at an airline facility. be recommended.

Task cards for the baseline corrosion program are being Finally. to assist operators in complying with the
issued to all known owners/operators on the following requirements of the baseline corrosion program, Boeing
schedule: is developing a training course. The primary purpose of
this course, to be given to operator and regulatory
• Model 727 Aug 1990 authority personnel together. is to help operators
• Model 737 Oct 1990 understand and interpret baseline corrosion program
• Model 707/720 Dec 1990 criteria such as levels of corrosion. rate of
• Model 747 Jan 1991 implementation, operator reporting requirements, etc.

In past Fuel Conservation & Operations Newsleuers have listed new video instructional programs produced by Customer
Training and Flight Operations Support. Due 10 the size of The Newslelter in this issue of the Airliner, These riders
are presented here. This list identifies the available videos by airplane model, subject, catalog number, and running time.

The tapes are currently available for purchase. For ordering information please contact:

Boeing Commercial Airplane Group

ATIN: CSMS Software Sales
P.O. BOX 3707, MIS 2M.{)4
Seattle, WA 98124-2207 USA
Tel. (206) 544-8838

747-400 General Familiarization

Catalog Number Time
M900105 36,30
747-400 Autopilot Flight Director System FVOC
Catalog Number Time
M891115 13:49
747-400 Hydraulics OV/CL
Catalog Number Time
"1881020 20,57
767 Pneumatic System W/0 Electronic Bleed Air
Control OV feL, GE CF6-8OC2
Catalog Number Time
M900I04 20,00
747400 Integrated Display System FI/OC
Catalog Number Time
M891203 14:41
737 IRS Supplementary Nonnal Procedures-Flight Crew Briefing
Catalog Number Time
F9OO426 17,33
737 Normal Procedures-Pan One Before stan-After stan
Catalog Number Time
F891222 15,38
757 Tail Strike Avoidance
Catalog Number Time
F900824 15,23


The anicle on the 747-400 Central Maintenance Computer in the October-December 1990 edition of the AIRLINER
had an error on page 17, in the paragraph on EICAS Maintenance Pages. A sentence therein inadvertently stated that:

An automatic snapshot is recorded whenever a parameter on a particular maintenance page exceeds a threshold value.

While this feature is a design goal, it is not part of the airplane specification baseline. Consideration for future
implementation of this snapshot feature, as a system enhancement, is under study.

Region One Region Five
ATLANTA II: L OoIm. D. 8,._,. C G _ ....... 0 W,.... 1723-1SIS·48
.0.·7115~ 120 0< 711S-3129 ALGIERS R Com_. 1213 ... 21507000 Of 1108000.
CHARLOTTE R. P _...... 704-358.20.8. .". 20116
DALLAS R. A1.W. 2 I .90~982. G Ton.... 2 I .-6H"'033 ATHENS D Port....n.130.118813.09
LOUISVILLE S Sllllw<on.502·3113-7I78 BELGRADE J. UNwyc:II, 13.+ I 118751911
MIAMI R. 8I1fn', G OId.. nd. R P,n.rtOn.305-1SS13-I7H. CASABLANCA R. T....n. 1212+21339000, .U. H23
MONTREAL R. Wllllne'f. R. Rllw,'d, 5 I .·.22·8139 HARARE R. Am.tI (2llJ+.1 73101 I ul_28111
NEW VORK G No<oHn, G S....II•. 7 '"95·9107 LISBON M 8od.kW, r.n I t- II . . .9923
pmSBURGH R. ~IIn"" ... C. P"'IIOIl•• I 2"'72·7279 MADRID W SII...... 13.+ 11329-1756
TORONTO C P... mor •. O RooIo.III-1l12·20511 PALMA J, 01<:.134 • 711.90870
TULSA W Stluflnblfll. F Wi.N1o J. Rowrio. 0 H,bb. PARIS (COG) WEd"'.., .... L Raltim..... E AII•• neII........
918·292·270J 133. 11.88•. Ioe9
PARIS (ORYl I. J,.......... M V,nov.. J Lotllol. TAl.....
133. II .8811- 10.7
Region Two ROME P C'.lilhton. (38+816011135
SOFIA G 9Ildwln (358+21720218
'SAN FRANCISCO S R H.,,,,.n. REGIONAL DIRECTOR. • I 5~.3-2123 VIENNA E. SI\o<I.143+222) 1770-31151
CALGARY G Lowry• • 03-221"'858 WARSAW S GoI... k'.1.8 .. 2214117580
CHICAGO C 8.'.... L RJeh-l,dlO'l. 312·1101-41131
DENVER II:_'IOn. P lemk~. 303-780..8.0 Region Six
HONOLULU J. W • ...,n. 808·138-12 I 8 'DUBAI D Cock..IN, REGIONAL DIRECTOR.
HOUSTON M l.oHy,113-985<3811 1971 ~ 41377011
INDIANAPOLIS M. _'lOn. 317·2.0.7089 ABU OHABI J, K lbl'll (971 t-21787.85
KANSAS CITY R. 1I JH L...",,". 816-89 1·••• 1 ADDIS ABABA G IIy. 1251-+ 1111105611
LOS ANGELES C S W Port.,. 2 I 3.IIJ~8311 BOMBAY R AllYeIl, (91+221'11·1187
MINNEAPOLIS F Jove•. M Murblell. M Coff,n. J H'II.n CAIRO J. NlUllle. 120+21 1180389
1112·J28-21191 ISTANBUL R. To"... 190+ 1157•. 2334
PHOENIX E. O.W, 0 M........ 602.392.1075 JEDDAH R. Lo.,.•• L<. 19111l+2) 11811-110 I ,
SAN FRANCSICO M CI.,..... IIo. R. 5..... C. w.<d, LUSAKA E WIIitl \280+11 2713115
o J.eoblon.A.L.mqulllo.15.137-ll901 MANAMA R. loll... 1973-+1322200 1. 22&8
SEA-TAC W S",,,II.2011·.31·7273 NAIROBI T, M,II. 1251 +21822171. 2243
VANCOUVER. B C. S 8 ....1. 8O.·2JO-535 I
Region Seven
Region Three 185+ )732.'.35
'MONTEVIDEO L 80n. REG.O .......l OIRECTOR. (598+2192 I J45 AUCKLAND Ii. Bow.... F. Sell.fl.., \84+8)275<39810'
2753899.••, 3305
BOGOTA FE Colon (1S7+11.138218
BUENOS AIRES G Thom•• 154+11 620-0ll20 JAKARTA T. I,.W, (112 .211550111'.
RIO DE JANEIRO J. Connill. 155+21) 393-83.3 KUALA LUMPUR J. 8erblr, A. S.ntOl.\60~ 3) 7482589
SANTIAGO o Dllbosq (1I8+211l019081. ul. 3117 MELBOURNE (ANSI W G W.(.,+31338-3JI3,
SAO PAULO J B.lrw." t!lll+ I 11543.•• 29 MELBOURNE (AUSI D eorr \.,t-3133D-3080
SINGAPORE J. H.,p. R bini. R M "'nd......... R. £. Root.
R 'ri"kIolW, R. Ad.",., R. ftooIn, (85-+ 151 I-ll-OJ4
SYDNEY M 1i1"'~lon. C HOOYIr. R SOUIII. (Ill -t-21
Region Four 8817259
'LONDON E. W 841<11'11........ , REGIONAL DIRECTOA.I.... +8 1t Region Eight
AMSTERDAM fKlM} J 1I.....n. M. KoII.nd, J Smllh. (31 -+ 201 04513604, 'TOKYO III. C. VOgI. REGIONAl D.RECTOR.
AMSTERDAM fTAV/MTH) 0 B.y. (31+201849380. (81 t-311195-IOOI
AMSTERDAM {HOW L GiUi"nd {31 +2911818U"" •• to 58 BANGKOK R L PI.. ",IH. IC.. Cu",,,,,ng•. R. C'.-.v,
BRUSSELS /5ABj Te. Monl.rn.yo<, (32+217234'22 III V'lOCkl. JC Lyncll. (86+211131.227.
BRUSSELS (TEA) H M.",.t/32+217IlZ.(la98 MANILA M OleklnlOl'l,183+2183I-Dl137
COLOGNE M Kalil. (48 -+ 22031402183 NAHA o C.flW. (" +988157-9218
COPENHAGEN 8 liubblorcl. R. ~..cleri<orn.(45+32) 324373 PUSAN J SII....,.\.2+1I11 325-414'
V RfIbb1oll•. ,3&]+ II 378800 ut, 1512\ .... 5\22
It HoIdal, (1.+332]81 11152-
I"" J, ROI-COI. A. Omlk. (82+2111'34510.
1+ lIo. M 0 ......... J, C.",p,otlOll.182+218011-40911
FRANKFURT Eo Fnsl..., K T.hl, H. S~l>e\ln.m.nn.(.9+t19J TAIPEI T T.",. L'+331833023. 0<
t'I9&-Ul' 83.251 4119
GATWICK OM,. ., II TOlI_. H "'11111"" 0 WIDm.n. TOKVO (ANA} o Rom, /81 t-31 717.157.5. 8 II:OfMtl.
IU+293) 110485 .eo.......
HAMBURG R. Nov., P H~<d.1.9+'OI fi07().31l30 TOKVO (NCAI R. Hottotl.181 +UII132-ll898
HANOVER H Sc.....Itk•• 149+151 II 7303381 TOKYO (JAl) C, Ar"'It."""" P GlfI,d. J••. S. SIII'",.n.
KEFLAVIK A. eo•. 1354 +2150289 .. PolIocll.181 +31 J47'()()811. F Powenl\:lky,
LONDON W Mln.n. A. !'to...." J S".II\UOl>, H. 1(....-0... R. N.gel. (N'''''L (8 I +476132~911
R. lqoNrv,(u+lll15l2-31150. H Pollock
LUTONJBRII o Su~n.k ... t"+1i821'28071. Region Nine
LUTON MON} M Blum. ("+1582'411849 0< 424211. UL 295 -BEIJING T,E. lin•. REGIONAl D.RECTOR.188+ \I 800f140.
MUNIC o MorN, (49+891 921'-8985 Eo 1500f1.04
STAVANGER M MeW'm IH+.18SOn.5 BEIJING o CIII... M H..lClllong•• (1I6+II4511-4411'.
STOCKHOLM W 11:_ (.11+81787.30111.11: Uwd. ..1.15•• 8
TEL AVIV G V.n<\IYIn.(972+3187111H CHENGDU S Oak.., (88t-2111 581.8',I.L 3012
GUANGZHOU C L OdIQ.rd. 0 I.l>cock 1811+201157890 I.
..L 2888
HONG KONG T 8rvln. (852+17.7-81148 M H.lI
f ""nII. {811+IIJ 1137.88 In 380
5 C...... (811+211 2758311


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