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Call for applications
International Fellowships INTROS
On Their Way to the Top–2
By Sean Sanders, Ph.D.

Changing the Face of Science:

The L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women
in Science Partnership–3

From the Invisible to the Global

Exploring the Basic Units of Life

The Brain’s Allure
The world needs science.
Science needs women.
Young women researchers in the Life Sciences can apply for one of the 15 annual
UNESCO-L’ORÉAL For Women in Science International Fellowships. The Fellowships,
in support of research abroad, are worth up to $40,000 each over a two-year period.
Application forms for International Fellowships are available at:
The Universe in a Single Cell

The Powers of Proteins

Writers: Virginia Gewin, Carol Milano, Chris Tachibana

Editor: Sean Sanders; Copy Editor: Robert Buck; Designer: Amy Hardcastle
© 2010 American Association for the Advancement of Science. All Rights Reserved. 24 September 2010
On Their Way to the Top Changing the Face of Science
There is one thing you will find that almost all scientists
have in common: a huge passion for their work. And that The L’Oréal-UNESCO Partnership
is particularly true of the successful and dedicated wom- For Women in Science
en featured in this new Women in Science booklet.

All of our featured scientists have an enthusiasm for what they do or the past twelve years, L’Oréal and UNESCO
that is infectious! For many of them, their interest in science began have taken the initiative in recognizing women
when they were young, often while they were still in elementary whose research contributes to changing the
school. Some were inspired by their parents, some by their teachers, world. These top-ranking scientists embrace
and some came to it accidentally. But all have carried their excite- universal challenges ranging from health and the en-
ment and interest in doing science through to their adult years. vironment to social actions, and represent the key to
the future.

Yet the role of women in science still needs to be defended. At the global level, women
hold over half of university degrees, but only 30 percent are in the sciences or technology. In
the United States, a recent study by the Center for American Progress shows that a woman
scientist with a Ph.D., married with children, has a 35 percent lower chance of being granted
tenure than a man with the same family situation.

Paradoxically, according to a 2009 TNS Sofres survey conducted in 10 countries in partnership

with the L’Oréal Corporate Foundation and UNESCO, 84 percent of respondents believe that
science lies at the heart of their daily life.

Through the For Women in Science program, L’Oréal and UNESCO work together to promote
the cause of women in science by highlighting scientific excellence and encouraging young
women to pursue scientific careers.

In this latest Women in Science booklet, kindly sponsored once

again by the L’Oreal Corporate Foundation, we meet 16 women
•• Each year, 5 eminent women scientists are
honored by the L’Oréal-UNESCO Awards, one
per continent, for their outstanding scientific
For many young researchers, the program
today represents an invaluable source of
motivation and inspiration.
in five different areas of biology research: Virology, Molecular

Biology, Neuroscience, Microbiology, and Immunology. Although contributions and commitment to research.
this list does not cover all areas of research, the essays about the Each year, Fellowships are awarded to
scientists in these fields will give you an idea of the differences,
promising young women to encourage
and similarities, between their jobs. They will also give you some

them to pursue careers in science.
insight into their personal triumphs and struggles as these
women have strived to build successful and meaningful careers Over the past twelve years, nearly 1,000
for themselves. We have interviewed young scientists just starting women have been recognized: 62 “For
out, as well as more established researchers who have experienced Women in Science” Award Laureates from 28
the many ups and downs of a life in biology research. All of their countries; 864 Fellowships for young women
situations are unique and interesting. We hope that you enjoy researchers in 93 countries.
their stories and take inspiration from their personal tales.

This booklet will also be made available in print later in the
year when we will publish these stories and more, from
women demonstrating their scientific passion and inspiring Fan us on For Women in Science - Official Page

the same in others, young and old, as they head for the top.
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Sean Sanders, Ph.D. Watch us on

Commercial Editor, Science
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Margarita Marqués Martinez, known as Margot,
has also been interested in science since she was a
young student, but she trained as a veterinarian. “I al-
ways wanted to be in the lab, though,” she says. “I’ve
always liked looking at cells under the microscope
and observing things that you are not able to see
with just your eyes.” When Margot was a postgradu-
ate student in Spain, her supervisors wanted her to
learn molecular biology techniques, like how to en-
gineer genes, and introduce them into cells. She was
awarded a UNESCO-L’Oréal Fellowship to work in
virus research at the German Cancer Research Cen-
ter in Heidelberg, where she learned how to clone
and manipulate genes. Now, back in Spain, she uses
Virology: From the Invisible to the Global what she learned from virus research in her work on

animals, finding ways to put new genes into sheep

cells. This is how farm animals like sheep can be made to secrete medically useful proteins
Pamela Björkman is a designer. She doesn’t design clothes or buildings or anything that into their milk. Since milk is so easy to collect, the proteins can be quickly purified from the
we can see. She designs proteins to attack HIV (human immunodeficiency virus), the virus milk proteins, and used therapeutically, or for vaccines. Margot’s work could improve the
that causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, or AIDS. When we are infected with a amount of these proteins that sheep produce in their milk. She says, “The reward is that
virus, or get a vaccine, our immune system makes antibodies that stick to the virus so it can’t you are doing something in the laboratory that can translate into a benefit for people, and
infect our cells. “But people don’t make very effective antibodies against HIV,” says Pamela. maybe for healthier animals, too.”
“We’re trying to design a better anti-HIV antibody.” In her laboratory at the California Insti-
tute of Technology, she starts with a few rare antibodies that are good at preventing HIV
from infecting host cells. She and the scientists in her lab examine how these antibodies
work, then tweak them or combine them with parts of other proteins, so they work even
better. The best of the engineered antibodies are sent to another scientist who collaborates
with Pamela’s lab, who is finding ways to use the designer antibodies for possible gene

therapy against HIV and AIDS.

Pamela, a L’Oréal-UNESCO in my own lab.” If visiting or W h at is V i r o l o g y?

laureate in 2006, is a biol- working in a research labo-
In their most basic form, viruses are just genetic material, RNA
ogy professor, and says ratory sounds interesting
or DNA, wrapped in protein. Viruses can’t multiply unless they
she has been interested in to you, your school might
science since high school. have a program to connect infect a host cell. These simple structures pose complicated
“I really enjoyed high school you with professors at a near- puzzles, though, like how they take over an entire cell using just
chemistry, and even tried by university, or you could do a few proteins, and how they evade our immune system’s ef-
to do research when I was in research as an undergraduate in forts to eliminate them. Virologists study how viruses force their
school, but I didn’t know anyone college, says Pamela. The important way into our cells and how our bodies fight back. They predict
who could help me find a lab. Now, I some- thing, she says, is to “try doing research as patterns of infection and plan public health strategies for when
times have high school students working soon as you can, and keep at it.” a viral disease spreads around the world during a pandemic.

4 5
Just as she was taught new skills as a stu- dom (where Dolly the sheep was cloned), THE BIG PICTURE
dent, Margot now encourages new stu- and still travels often. This global approach
Petra Klepac has a passion for science, and
dents at her university, in León, Spain. “Once is common among scientists. They may
her enthusiasm is clear as she describes her
a year, before they start at the university, travel around the world, just like a virus, but
work on the big picture of viral infection—
students come and spend a day with us instead of spreading disease, they acquire
the really big picture. She studies how vi-
and see what we are doing,” she says. “I love and transmit knowledge, discovery, and
ruses can spread through a population,
their enthusiasm!” Don’t lose that energy, technology. “I work in a small institute,” says
and the best way to get vaccines and treat-
she advises, and find good people to men- Margot, “so collaborations are very impor-
ments to people around the world during
tor and train you. Margot says she’s grateful tant.” She notes that she already has many
a disease outbreak. She wants to improve
to her mentors, who taught her to ask good women on her research teams. “Right now,”
how health officials control infectious dis-
scientific questions, and to be creative and she says, “where I work, I think there are at
eases. “I’ve always liked science, especially
rigorous about answering them. She also least three women for every man.” All these
math and biology, and I found an area
stresses that biology is not a 9-to-5 job, say- scientists are very dedicated, and spend
where I could combine the two,” she says.
ing, “In science, routine does not exist! If you many hours working and thinking about
Petra uses computer modeling to see how
like every day of the week to be the same, their research. Finding a balance between
factors like time, and the cost of a drug or UNESCO-L’Oréal Fellowship work—and now
don’t go into science, but if you are willing work and family is a challenge for any sci-
vaccine, affect how quickly nations respond to Princeton University in the United States.
to take on challenges, then science could entist, says Margot, perhaps for women in
to a disease epidemic. Like Margot, Petra says scientists must learn
be for you.” particular. For this reason, Margot says, “Your
to juggle many time-consuming interests.
family must understand and support your
Since viruses infect all types of cells, not “Your best years in science are also your re-
Margot was educated in Spain, Germany, passion for your work.”
all virus research projects involve humans. productive years,” she says, which is a consid-
and the Roslin Institute in the United King-
Another of Petra’s projects was tracing eration for women going into any scientific
transmission of a virus in harbor seals. The field. Petra is encouraging, though. “There’s
virus causes a disease that is like the ca- nothing that girls and young women can’t
nine distemper that people vaccinate their do,” she says. Another aspect of being a
dogs against. The project used her training scientist that students might not expect is
in math and biology, and her people skills, public speaking, both as a teacher, and at
because she worked with scientists and vet- conferences and seminars. But it is easy to
“I’ve always liked
erinarians from several other countries. They talk about something you love doing, says
science, especially math went out to beaches to find where seals Petra. “I enjoy talking about my work, and I
were dying, then used computer modeling look forward to teaching.”
and biology, and I found to figure out how the virus was transmitted
through the seal population in northern Eu- If you are interested in virus research as a
an area where I could rope. Petra now uses what she learned from career, Petra says it is “very doable,” as long
that project to follow the transmission of as you have a love of science. Her advice is
combine the two.”
human viruses. “follow your curiosity and go where your
interests lie,” whether that is studying the
When Petra was a student in Croatia, she details of a single virus, or medical research
says former students of her school came to improve the way doctors treat viral infec-
back to talk about what they were learning tions, or planning the strategy against viral
in college, and entertained her with stories pandemics. “When people find what they
of unusual experiments and science prob- love to do, they are naturally good at it. In
lems. She says this taught her that “science science, maybe you have to be a little more
can be fun, not geeky! And it can be cool persistent and self-motivated, because you
when you solve a problem.” Since then, need a lot of education to get to the place
her pursuit of science has taken her from you want to be. But if you love doing it, it’s
Croatia to universities in Massachusetts and completely worth it.”
Pennsylvania—where she carried out her
BLACKBURN far away,” she acknowledges, “but the basic results. “You just try to approach your goal
science that I do is the first step in this pro- in other ways, and keep your eye on the big
cess. We must find out what goes on in the picture. You have to be very patient, and
cell before we can plan to cure someone. If always try, try again. Sometimes you ask
I can ever get a result that could lead to a yourself, why am I doing this?—nothing’s
vaccine, it would be awesome.” happening,” Rocio admits. “Then something
works, and you forget everything else. The
At the lab, she starts at 8:15 a.m., hours be- work is so interesting, it’s amazing! You can’t
fore some of her five colleagues, and leaves imagine until you’re in this field.”
by 5 p.m. When her son was born in early
2009, Rocio appreciated being able to take
three months of maternity leave. “My boss is
really nice,” she says, gratefully.

Rocio doesn’t want to get discouraged after

a lot of hard work on a project shows no

Molecular Biology: Exploring the Basic Units of Life

When Rocio Diaz-Benjumea Benavides won her UNESCO-L’Oreal Fellowship in 2003, she WATCHING CELLS MOVE
was a cellular biologist specializing in cell biology and parasitology at Central Universidad
Like Rocio, Antonina Roll-Mecak is elated at seeing great data emerge on a project after
de Venezuela in Caracas. Seven years later, she’s shifted her location, her research focus, and
lengthy hard work. In her case, the delight can now come from someone else’s work, as well
her family situation.
as her own. In January, Antonina became the head of her own lab—a big career advance-
ment—at the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH). She’s the head of the new Cell Biology
With her L’Oreal fellowship, Rocio was able to spend seven months in Seattle at the Uni-
and Biophysics Unit in the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.
versity of Washington, doing key experiments that allowed her to complete her Ph.D. in
2004. Her applications for a full time scientific position led her to a postdoctoral fellowship
at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia in 2005. Rocio quickly discovered that she
had unique research expertise. “No one worked with the same parasites I had studied in

Venezuela, which are common there, but very rare here.” Rather than face the difficulty of
studying a completely unfamiliar parasite, Rocio decided to switch her research to study a
small protein, RhoA, that helps regulate how and when cells divide.
W h at is M o l e c u l a r B i o l o g y?
“We work with cells growing in Petri dishes. It’s much less
dangerous than working with parasites, which carry seri- A molecule is a tiny particle made up of at least one atom. A wa-
ous diseases. But the work is just as difficult—these cells ter molecule, for instance, has two atoms of hydrogen and one
take longer to grow, and get contaminated very easily,” she oxygen atom, while DNA (found in the nucleus of every cell, it’s
explains. In Venezuela, her research had more limitations. the carrier of all the genetic information) is made up of many
“You had to work with what you had. Here, I can get what- millions of carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, and hydrogen
ever I need.” atoms. Molecular biologists study the functions and interac-
tions of biological molecules inside a cell. These include DNA
In basic science, “you constantly ask why, or how. It’s fas- and RNA (which guides the way the body synthesizes protein, a
cinating how things work in a cell—everything is so tiny!” major component of all plant and animal cells). Molecular biol-
Rocio loves studying the RhoA protein because it regu- ogy is still a young science and is closely related to biochemistry
lates some of the processes that are altered when a cell be- and genetics, which also study cells on a molecular level.
comes cancerous. “If we find out how RhoA is controlled,
we could discover a way to help control cancer. That’s very

8 9
THE “AHA!” MOMENT sues. This weakens the immune system, and
may also be related to heart disease. Telom-
“If you love it, it Elizabeth Blackburn’s calling showed in
erase levels are very high in cancer cells, so
her childhood love of animals. “There’s such
Elizabeth hopes this research can someday
doesn’t feel like a beauty to creatures and animals. I still feel
be applied to treating cancer.
that in science,” says the Morris Herztstein
job. It just feels Professor of Biology and Physiology at the
She appreciates the scientist’s combination
University of California, San Francisco, and
like your calling.” of solitary, creative thinking time, and inter-
2008 L’Oréal-UNESCO laureate.
actions with people. “That’s the reality of
biological and clinical research. It’s intrigu-
Elizabeth always knew she’d be a scientist.
ing how those play off against each other.”
ANTONINA ROLL-MECAK At 10 years old, she’d imagine “the glamor-
Having done much of her earlier work
ous life of a scientist—probably not a realis-
alone, Elizabeth finds frequent collabora-
tic view,” she reflects. Curious about chemi-
tion “a very exciting, enjoyable new part of
A 2006 UNESCO-L’Oreal Fellow, Antonina and told her friends what molecules can do. cal activity inside cells, she was eager to un-
where our science is. I wake up every day
researches the cell’s ability to move and She got hooked seeing visuals of proteins derstand molecules. That specialty, still part
and think about what’s going on in our
respond to external signals. “Through a because they look cool,” Antonina reports. of biochemistry in the 1960s, was about to
lab, what new directions we’re working on.
microscope, a cell is the image of a bus- Over lunch one day, Rachel shared a favor- become Molecular Biology.
Things are very exciting in research now.
tling city. Little organelles move on tracks, ite quote: “If you love what you do, you will
You’re always learning more about what
knowing how to get to the right place at never work a single day in your life.” During Ph.D. studies at Cambridge Univer-
makes us tick. To me, that’s part of the fasci-
the right time,” she explains. “In a city, the sity, she became fascinated with the long
nation,” Elizabeth reflects.
train tracks are stable. A cell’s tracks, called Antonina enjoys mentoring younger sci- strips of DNA that form chromosomes.
microtubules, keep adapting. They’re being entists. She has one biochemist and one “They’re like shoelaces with a cap (telom-
The fascination is mutual. Her scientific con-
constantly taken apart and rebuilt. Our lab physicist in her lab. She often talks with ere) at the end that protects all their genetic
tributions have brought not only a new dic-
tries to understand what modulates the dy- them about “the big picture—where their information. I wanted to sequence the DNA
tionary word, but an even rarer reward: the
namic behavior of the microtubules. Many own projects are going. It’s very exciting at the end of each chromosome,” Elizabeth
2009 Nobel Prize in Medicine.
degenerative diseases are linked to muta- that my first postdoc got a fellowship on his remembers.
tions in proteins that form the cell’s micro- first try! That feeling validates his work, and
tubular skeleton. If we can understand the our lab’s project. It’s great to see someone Years of observation convinced her that as
features of a healthy cell’s microtubulular so happy.” telomeres wear down and are rebuilt, some
structure, we could learn what changes kind of enzyme is probably causing that re-
them in a disease, and possibly how to pre- The prestige of becoming an Investigator newal activity. “Science sometimes brings a
vent or treat it.” brings major demands. “You walk into the moment when everything clicks into place.
new lab, and nothing’s there. After you de- You suddenly say, ‘Aha! I can see it—this is
Antonina, whose research achievements re- cide how to renovate the space and what really something new.’ That’s why, once you
cently led to her being named as a Searle equipment to order, you have to train your become a scientist, you can never stop.”
Scholar, chose NIH because she’s allowed people so some knowledge transfers from
to spend 80 percent of her time doing her you to them and they can become self- It was an ‘aha!’ moment when Elizabeth first
own lab work. She appreciates NIH’s gradu- sufficient in the lab,” Antonina recounts. For saw the pattern of the enzyme that repairs
ate programs with U.S. and international the first few months, she worked from 9 a.m. DNA ends. She and her lab team named
universities, and especially its year-round to 11p.m. their 1985 discovery “telomerase” because it
program for high school and undergradu- protects the telomeres. She’s elated that the
ate students. To encourage her 16-year- She’s not complaining. “I think science is word is in Webster’s Dictionary.
old intern’s increasing scientific interest, generally long hours. You really have to like
Antonina recommended a website (www. the process, because it’s all-consuming. If Elizabeth studies telomerase’s role in various with scientific ani- you love it, it doesn’t feel like a job. It just feels diseases. When DNA doesn’t have enough
mations of important cellular processes. like your calling,” Antonina says happily. protection at its tips, it can’t renew itself, and ELIZABETH BLACKBURN
“Her mom said Rachel watched it for days, the cell stops dividing and replenishing tis-

10 11
CHRISTINE VAN BROECKHOVEN (center) and her lab members use her training in mathematical modeling to study the
most complex system possible—the brain.

Once she completed her Ph.D. in electrical engineering,

Sridevi pursued a postdoctoral appointment in com-
putational neuroscience where she learned to model
the activity of neuron clusters. Today she is a biomedi-
cal engineer at Johns Hopkins University’s Institute for
Computational Medicine in Baltimore, Maryland. There,
she develops software that helps doctors implant elec-
trodes deep inside the brain more accurately and effec-
tively. The electrodes deliver an electric current which
stimulates nearby neurons and alters how they com-
municate information—and they ultimately help pa-
tients with conditions like Parkinson’s disease to control
their movements.
Neuroscience: The Brain’s Allure RIPE FOR DISCOVERY
Neuroscience is on the cusp of big breakthroughs that will help unlock the brain’s mysteries
Christine Van Broeckhoven intended to study the molecular genetics of metabolic and deliver therapies to patients. New technologies are allowing researchers to glimpse the
diseases—until the Belgian scientist toured the brain collection of the Institute Born-Bunge brain’s inner workings. For example, new imaging capabilities, including functional mag-
at the University of Antwerp in 1983. She was so impressed that hundreds of people had netic resonance imaging (fMRI) and positron emission tomography (PET), allow researchers
donated their most sacred and complex organ to scientific exploration that she decided to to monitor which specific cells are active inside the brain while a task is being performed. At
use her training to search for the genes responsible for neurodegenerative diseases such the same time, advances in genetics enable researchers to pinpoint the genes and proteins
as dementia. that will lead to new drug targets for neurodegenerative disorders.

Since then, Christine’s research has identified genes and proteins that sabotage brain cells “The reality is that we live in a technology savvy world where we can now probe the brain in
and lead to dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, also known three dimensions, identify every structure down to the micron, and record electrical activity
as Lou Gehrig’s disease. She now leads the department of molecular genetics within the from single neurons in every different part of the brain,” says Sridevi. But while technology
Flanders Institute for Biotechnology (VIB), a nonprofit research institute housed across four provides the tools, she says creativity is needed to find the answers. “What’s lacking is the
Flemish universities. ability to put all these pieces of the puzzle together,” she adds.

Christine’s experience is just The human element ultimately
one example of how the lured Sridevi Sarma to neu-
brain’s marvelous complexity roscience. As a Ph.D. student
brings together the variety of at Massachusetts Institute W h at is N e u r o s c i e n c e?
scientific backgrounds nec- of Technology, Sridevi could Neuroscience—one of the most diverse, interdisciplinary branches
essary to unlock its mysteries. have used her engineering of biology—is the study of the brain, spinal cord and billions of
Geneticists, molecular biolo- background to design passen- specialized nerve cells, called neurons, that transmit the electri-
gists, even electrical engineers, are ger airplanes, but they ultimately
cal impulses necessary to think, feel, and move. This growing field
among those who have helped shed light weren’t complex enough for her. So she
of research combines chemical, biological, imaging, and genetic
on how the brain works—often by search- took classes to explore her growing inter-
approaches to study brain development, behavior, and cogni-
ing for the causes of its malfunction. “Re- est in neuroscience and conducted a case
tion. Neuroscientists often focus their research efforts on brain
searchers are drawn to the brain because, at study of her aunt, who was diagnosed with
its essence, neuroscience is about studying a rare case of early onset Parkinson’s disease. abnormalities or diseases in order to find potential treatments,
what makes us human,” says Christine. That experience helped convince Sridevi to but also as a way to find out how brains normally function.

12 13
Finding treatments for are all pioneers because “If you have a passion for research, you can PAIRING PASSION WITH
brain disorders drives everything is still so new,” anticipate having an extremely interesting COMPASSION
many research efforts, says Christine. life!” she says.
The award helped these women get their
but neuroscience has
careers established. For Christine, whose
endless career oppor- The intellectual pur- Passion may be a prerequisite, but it some-
research has been recognized around the
tunities—in part, be- suits are exciting times must be stoked to stay alive. In a field
world, L’Oréal-UNESCO Awards are spe-
cause the brain is a dy- enough, but these re- as intense and competitive as neuroscience,
cial for two reasons: they honor womens’
namic organ that is al- searchers want to see the UNESCO-L’Oreal Fellowship provides
achievements in often male-dominated
ways evolving. Research- their findings change the recognition necessary to keep careers
AG fields and they encourage women scien-
ers are just beginning to NI A the lives of patients. For thriving. For Sridevi and Agnieszka, the fel-
E SZ SK tists to embrace, rather than eschew, their
tease apart the biological and K A SADOW example, Christine’s research lowship came at a time when they needed
femininity. As godmother of the Flemish
environmental forces shaping the uncovers the potential targets for something to bolster their resolve for this
Alzheimer’s Association, she is grateful that
brain. “The brain we have at the end of our drug development, but it is Agnieszka career path.
the award allows women to celebrate both
lives is not the same as the one we are born Sadowska’s work in industry that will ulti-
the compassion for patients that draws
with,” says Christine. mately turn those targets into therapies. Sridevi hit a low point in her career when,
them to this field as well as their passion
torn by the demands of raising young chil-
for research.
With so much yet to be learned, researchers Agnieszka wanted her research to have a dren and conducting ambitious research,
can easily leave their mark in the field. “We direct impact on treating disease, so she she almost wanted to give up. “Finding out
As these award laureates and fellowship
pursued a career at Janssen Pharmaceutica that I won the L’Oreal fellowship couldn’t
winners prove, a neuroscientist’s reach ex-
in Beerse, Belgium, a company exclusively have come at a better time. I needed to
tends beyond the laboratory.
“If you have a devoted to developing treatments for men- know that my work mattered,” she says. She
While they are all driven to find and deliver
tal disorders. There, she works with academ- used the money to build a strong collabora-
passion for research, new therapies, they have also had an im-
ics to determine how the accumulation of a tion with a clinical neuroscientist at a nearby
pact on society through the variety of ways
protein, known as TAU, disrupts the ability of hospital, which provides her with access to
you can anticipate they’ve found to work with patients.
neurons to form synapses, the nerve junc- data from human patients.
having an extremely tions needed to store memories and learn.
Mayana founded the Brazilian Association
She hopes that studying TAU will lead to the For Agnieszka, the fellowship enabled her to
of Muscular Dystrophy, the first center of
interesting life! ” development of a treatment for Alzheimer’s join Carlos Dotti’s lab at VIB, and pursue her
its type in Latin America, to offer physi-
disease. “I’m lucky because I’m doing discov- interests in conducting stem cell research.
cal therapy and psychological support to
ery-based science that has a direct applica- “If I hadn’t gotten the fellowship, and there-
those with muscular dystrophy and their
tion to treating disease,” she says. fore not had the chance to join Dotti’s lab, I
families. Today the center offers care to
do not know if I would have continued in
A NEEDED BOOST 300 patients.
science,” she says.
For Mayana Zatz, director of the Human Genome Research Center at the University of São
Working with patients, Christine says,
Paulo in Brazil, the next therapeutic frontier involves the use of stem cells to treat neuromus-
motivates her to keep finding ways to
cular disorders. From adipose tissue to umbilical cord to fallopian tubes, Mayana is exploring
improve their quality of life. But she never
new sources of stem cells that would bypass the controversial use of embryos.
forgets how important it is to honor the
patients who have donated their brains to
Mayana credits the L’Oreal-UNESCO Award with giving her the visibility to communicate the
research. She says it was those donations
importance of stem cell research to the public. As a result, she played a major role in con-
that allowed her to begin identifying the
vincing the Brazilian government to authorize research with embryonic stem cells, which
genetic underpinnings of dementia. “Once
became legal in 2008.
dementia was recognized as a disease, and
not part of the aging process, there was an
Mayana has spent over 25 years teasing apart the molecular genetics of neuromuscular
investment in research that helped give
diseases. As a result, she has worked with thousands of affected families and pioneered the
patients and families hope for the future,”
molecular techniques necessary to, so far, identify six genes responsible for neuromuscular MAYANA
says Christine.
diseases. For Mayana, curiosity is a “disease” for which conducting research is the only cure. ZATZ

14 15
SILVIJA BILOKAPIC where conditions might include high amounts of acid or salt,
or low amounts of water. These are the microorganisms MIROSLAVA
that interest astrobiologists, who study if life is possible ATANASSOVA
on planets like Mars.

Like Silvija, Miroslava has always been interested in sci-

ence. “I’ve been interested in biology since my teenage
years, and I grew up in a family of scientists.” She laughs
and says for her 15th birthday, she asked for a book on
genetics, and says it was “quite a good investment.” Her
parents encouraged her interests. Her mother was a chemis-
try professor who let her spend time in the laboratory, and Miro-
slava always had access to a computer and a parent who was ready and able to explain how
to use the software. “I have always been in love with nature,” says Miroslava, who received a
UNESCO-L’Oréal Fellowship in 2001. “I liked going out to the forest or the mountains, picking
up things, and looking at them with a simple microscope I had at home. I read a lot of books
Microbiology: The Universe in a Single Cell about nature and animals. All of this—my natural interest and curiosity, and the benefits of
being in a family of researchers—led me into a career in natural sciences.”

Silvija Bilokapic is in the middle of a big experiment, while all around her, the laboratory Now Miroslava studies microorganisms that live in unusual environments, like bacteria that
buzzes with students, scientists, and visitors. In the middle of the chaos, Silvija takes a few happily grow in water that is as hot as scalding tap water. To her, microbiology is learning
minutes to think about why she chose a career in microbiology. “I did not choose science, about “the universe of microorganisms, known and unknown.” When she was a student,
but science chose me,” she says, because she has always been drawn to biology. “I was also however, Miroslava made a choice between a career in biochemistry or in microbiology.
lucky to have good, innovative, and enthusiastic teachers, who are very important to open- She says an encouraging microbiology teacher made all the difference. Besides good teach-
ing and motivating young minds.” Now Silvija is a researcher at the Massachusetts Institute ers, she says her education required determination. Scientists need “dedication, patience,
of Technology, in a lab that works on communication systems inside cells. Silvija and her and they need to seek out training from the best specialists in the field.”
coworkers are figuring out the structure of the complicated little protein gates that control
how information and molecules go in and out of the nucleus. “It is not well understood, and
every little piece of the global picture that we get about the structure is very exciting and

motivating,” she says.

For young women considering a career in biology, Silvija says, “if you are honest with your-
self and follow your heart—it sounds corny—but you will know what you want to do. Then,
you just have to try to get there.” Getting there might mean seeing the world along the way. W h at is Microbiology
From her home country of Croatia, Silvija has worked in Zurich, Switzerland (on a UNESCO-
Microbiologists study organisms that live as single cells or in
L’Oréal Fellowship), and now Boston, Massachusetts.
simple, multicelled arrangements. It sounds like it means just
working in a laboratory with microscopes, but microbes are
GLOBETROTTING MICROBIOLOGISTS found everywhere—from deep-sea vents to Antarctica—so
Miroslava Atanassova is also a global microbiologist. microbiologists can work anywhere. Astrobiology, exploring life
From her home country of Bulgaria, she has studied on other planets, starts with understanding microbial diversity
and worked in France and Belgium, and is now do- on Earth, so a microbiologist might study how microbes thrive
ing postdoctoral research in Spain. Eventually, she in harsh environments. Microbiologists might do medical re-
plans to return to Bulgaria, to a university department search, since humans live peacefully with billions of microbes,
that specializes in “extremophilic” bacteria. These mi-
but the pathogenic ones can cause serious diseases. Microbi-
crobes live in harsh environments like hot springs and
ologists in the food industries grow and engineer bacteria and
deep sea vents, where the temperatures are near boil-
yeast to help produce everything from vitamins to wine.
ing. They also thrive at the North and South poles, or

16 17
Not all microbiologists grow up in a fam- “In some places, I basically had to build my
ily of scientists, or even start out studying work environment from scratch,” she says. The path to a career in microbiology isn’t
science in school. Cindy Quezada was an Cindy trained some Rwandan women in always easy. Miroslava says you have to be
international relations major in college, and the techniques, and together they wrote a ready to “assimilate large amounts of infor-
was interested in how to eliminate poverty clinical research paper about using the di- mation and keep up-to-date in a rapidly de-
and raise the standard of living for people agnostic test in resource-poor settings. veloping field. You have to learn an entire, “Science is everywhere.
throughout the world. “But I was fascinated specific way of thinking and it takes a lot of It opens your mind,
by science,” she says, “And since I was in- Back in the United States, Cindy is no longer patience.” Specifically, she says, be prepared
terested in how to improve conditions in in the laboratory, but is at the State Depart- for a long period of studying and training, and opens doors.”
developing countries, I got interested in mi- ment in Washington, D.C., “working on in- which is a normal part of any scientific ca-
crobiology, because bacteria cause a lot of corporating science into U.S. foreign policy.” reer. Most scientists enjoy the unpredict-
harm in the third world, where children are Her work is part of a broad effort to encour- ability of their work, but this can make for
still dying of diarrhea. Many diseases of the age cooperation between the United States long hours, when experiments don’t turn
poor are caused by microorganisms.” and the Muslim world on science and tech- out as planned. Microbiology can keep you
nology, which President Obama outlined as on the move. Silvija notes that “scientists are
Starting with a chemistry class, Cindy took part of a speech he gave in Egypt in June known to move from place to place every
more science classes, and eventually earned 2009. Cindy is also working on strengthen- four or five years,” as part of their training. It
a Ph.D. for her work studying a single bac- ing the science and technology relation- may not be an ideal field for homebodies,
terial protein that senses the cell’s envi- ship between the United States and Brazil, but it’s great for women who are interested
ronment. She was still interested in global through joint projects in health develop- in working in different parts of the world,
health, though, and a UNESCO-L’Oreal Fel- ment in Third World countries. “Science,” she and who want to go wherever new discov-
lowship allowed her to work in Rwanda in says, “can be a great diplomacy tool—col- eries are waiting.
Africa. There, she investigated whether a laborations between governments, foreign
fast, but technically complex, test for the labs, and the exchange of students be- “If you are really interested in a scientific ca-
bacterial disease tuberculosis could be tween labs can help promote development, reer, you must have a strong will and moti- but it’s not. It’s not restricted, and there are
used in areas with few modern resources. prosperity, and even peace.” vation, and be prepared to do a large part many ways of incorporating other subjects
of the learning and training without super- and interests of your life into science.” As an
vision or help,” says Miroslava. The rewards, example, Cindy has worked in science com-
she says, include a unique point of view on munication and outreach, which has let her
the environment and society, and a deep combine her microbiology background
understanding of biological processes and with her interests in journalism, photogra-
phenomena. Miroslava also says microbiol- phy, and even dance. She once connected
ogy offers “freedom, mobility, and creative- traditional Spanish dancing to microbiolo-
ness in your everyday existence which do gy, specifically host-pathogen interactions,
not exist in many other fields. The creative for a program in New York City that brings
side is finding out new details about how scientists and artists together for a monthly
life is organized, learning something new all public performance. Cindy talked about
the time.” a communication system inside cells, and
how pathogenic microbes can take over
Cindy also says science means having drive, that system. Then, a flamenco dancer and
passion, and creativity. “Just do what re- musicians demonstrated intricate and inter-
ally excites you and what doesn’t seem like dependent signaling and communication
work,” she says. She also advises having fun, between artists. “Science is everywhere,”
CINDY and mixing in your other interests. “Just be- says Cindy. “It opens your mind, and opens
QUEZADA cause you’re a scientist doesn’t mean that doors. If you can link science to flamenco,
is all you do. People think science is boring, you can link it to anything.”

18 19
PHILIPPA MARRACK She loves the challenge of trying to master a new technique. “I like to go into structures and
learn more about how they interact. In trying to put my ideas into the real world, I have a lot
of flexibility. As long as it fits in with the current project, we’re allowed to do a lot of things.
It’s up to me to decide how I want to reach the goal.”

Scientists can use the lab whenever they want. Irene appreciates the flexible hours. “It’s a
creative job, and I’m often most productive late at night,” she notes. “If all the work isn’t done
between Monday and Friday, or I just want to finish something, I come in on a weekend.
You can often plan experiments so you don’t have to be there on Sunday night, but with
continuous experiments, you sometimes need to visit the lab for an hour.”

Managing all that flexibility is a challenge. Irene feels pressure to get things done, on top
of the frustration when experiments don’t work. “You have to stay motivated when you’re
repeating an experiment again and again—eventually it will work.”

Irene enjoys human interactions as much as structural ones. She says she loved teaching
Immunology: The Powers of Proteins undergraduate biochemistry at the University of Vienna, as well as collaborating with other
scientists in different fields and getting great input. “I’m in contact with people from all over
the world,” she enthuses.
Irene Maier’s first big project in immunology brought her a Ph.D. in biochemis-
Even when the work is difficult, Irene’s enthusiasm persists. “I want to get it done! If I don’t
try at the University of Vienna. Funded in part through a UNESCO-L’Oréal Fellowship,
know how it works, I want to find out.”
she worked on developing a biochip that could help diagnose food allergies. An al-
lergy is caused by an overactive immune system. If a person has an allergy to some-
thing that’s usually harmless—like peanuts—the immune system will overreact and SOLVING ONE OF LIFE’S PUZZLES
quickly attack that substance. This is what causes the itchy eyes and runny nose of an Joan Steitz concurs. ”Science is all about discovery,” ex-
allergic reaction. By using Irene’s diagnostic chip, a doctor could identify the cause of a claims the Yale University Sterling Professor of Molecu-
food allergy, and advise the patient to stay away from whichever food was causing all lar Biophysics and Biochemistry and Howard Hughes
those symptoms. Medical Institute Investigator. “A wonderful thing about
a university, with students to teach or work with in your
Now, she has become a structural biologist on a postdoctoral lab, is that they get excited about discoveries. You’re
fellowship at California Institute of Technology (Caltech). sharing the joy with them. It’s really neat!” she says.

“I specialize in computational protein design, using com-
puters to predict how the function of a protein might be
altered when you change the sequence of its constituent
amino acids,” she explains. Her experiments are testing
whether redesigning a protein’s structure in the lab can W h at is I mm u n o l o g y ?
help control the way the immune system responds to a Immunology, a large branch of medical science, studies all
foreign substance. aspects of the immune system and how it functions, in both
illness and health. Immunologists look at physical, chemical,
After recognizing her growing interest in how proteins and physiological components of the immune system.
interact, she approached professor Steve Mayo, an Its main organs—including bone marrow, thymus gland,
expert in protein design at Caltech, and asked tonsils, and skin—are designed to protect our bodies from
if she could join his lab to learn more about potentially harmful infections. When the immune system
their techniques. When Professor Mayo functions incorrectly, a wide range of problems, from arthritis
agreed to sponsor her, a delighted Irene to chronic infections, can result. The earliest written mention of
moved from Austria to southern California immunology was during the Plague of Athens in 430 BCE.
in 2009.
20 21
“Sometimes you’re of antibodies that LOOKING FOR THE “LITTLE THINGS”
doing an experi- can recognize and
Philippa Marrack, too, “loves finding an-
ment, get a new defend the body
swers to life’s puzzles.” The University of
piece of data, look at against the millions
Colorado immunology Professor is proud
it and say, ‘That’s the of viruses and bac- “It’s a
that her team solved “one of the ways the
answer!’ And you’re teria out there. It’s
immune system knows not to attack the mistake to think
the only person on also allowed her to
person it lives inside of. It was really fun to
Earth who knows explore other bio-
figure that out. Now the world understands that scientists lead
that,” she recounts. logical processes, in-
better how life’s machinery operates.”
“You can hardly wait cluding the intricate solitary existences.
to share it with oth- changes that occur
Philippa studies survival and function of T
ers in the lab, and as the immune sys- We educate, learn,
cells, of which everyone has about a mil-
then with more peo- tem and the brain
lion million. Each T cell has 40,000 unique discuss, and depend
ple by publishing.” develop. Now, Joan
protein “receptors” on its surface, different
and other scientists
JOAN STEITZ from every other T cell’s receptors. Any in- on our colleagues
Joan, who is a 2001 are hoping that her
fectious organism also has proteins on its
L’ O r é a l - U N E S C O research can help for ideas.”
surface—called antigens—some of which
Award winner, discovered and defined the lead to new treatments for all sorts of seri-
may randomly match a particular T cell’s
function of mammalian cells called small ous immune system disorders.
receptor. When antigen and receptor come
nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs), which
together, the T cell is alerted and multiplies
retrieve the important genetic information As a lab manager, she misses doing hands-
rapidly to attack the invading germ. Philip- Her biggest challenge was integrating sci-
from DNA, where it is interspersed with on research, but believes it’s vital to teach
pa’s lab discovered what the T cell protein ence and family, trying to care for two (now
what she calls ‘junk.’ “snRNPs are the ma- and train the next generation of scientists.
receptors look like, so they can be identified grown) children as well as her aging par-
chinery that gets rid of the junk and splices “Groups working at different levels in your
and studied. ents. Taking time off can be challenging,
together the useful information. Then ribo- lab increases the reward level, with more
because when you’re not in the lab, you’re
somes can make proteins without interfer- people sharing discoveries, visions, and
Most scientists are driven by wanting to un- not producing or publishing data. “And the
ence from the junky stuff,” she explains. Her questions with you. It does get hectic,
ravel mysteries, but “you have to delight in more successful you are, the more people
initial hypothesis and basic findings took though,” Joan acknowledges. She’s eager to
little things along the way,” says Philippa, a you’re responsible for,” Philippa reflects. She
two years. Then 10 other labs spent five reach her lab each day “to learn what’s new,
Howard Hughes Medical Institute Scholar has found a way to balance her family needs
more years to further explore, confirm, and and share the enthusiasm of the people
and L’Oréal-UNESCO Award winner in 2004. with those of her lab and career. “Somehow,
understand snRNPs. actually producing the results.” She works
“It’s a mistake to think that scientists lead you reach an equilibrium.”
with seven postdoctoral fellows, five under-
solitary existences. Immunologists interact
During her research, Joan remembers test- graduates, several advanced scientists, and
with people all the time. We educate, learn, Philippa and her husband, John Kappler,
ing a particular hypothesis, trying to find some graduate students.
discuss, and depend on our colleagues jointly run their lab, supervising over 20
the beginning of the gene that will even-
for ideas.” people. “In 36 years of marriage, the only
tually make the right protein. “I developed Don’t let hard work or long hours scare you,
thing that’s always gone smoothly was
the film and could see—for the first time— advises Joan, who often spends nine hours
doing science together,” she confides. “We
exactly HOW they do it! I drove home at 2 a day in her lab. “You put them in not be-
were both trained as chemists—important
a.m. thinking, ‘Every cell in my body is doing cause anyone says you have to, but because
for understanding biology, because our
that right now.’” you want to. You’re so curious about what’s
bodies are made of chemicals—but have
going on, you want to get answers more
different skills in the kind of science we
Joan’s groundbreaking research of that quickly.” Scientists typically set their own
each understand or manage best. He’s
mysterious splicing process has been im- hours, which change with a project’s stage.
very careful and precise. I’ll do the faster
portant for understanding how proteins
experiments, where cells would die quickly.
are formed. This is especially important for For Joan, the fun’s always the excitement of
People get joy from the things they’re good
immunology research, since it is this kind of “finding out how things work inside living
at.” Together they make a great team, like
splicing that creates all the different types organisms. That’s what it’s all about!”
receptors and antigens.

22 23
Additional Resources
AAAS Women’s International Science homepage International network focused on supporting women in science,
technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM)
AGORA forum for women in science–part of
the L’Oréal-UNESCO partnership Kinetic City–games and experiments
that make science fun for all ages
American Association of University Women
L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science homepage
Association for Women in Science
NASA–section of the NASA website especially for young scientists
Brain Cake: The Girls, Math & Science Partnership
Science/AAAS and L’Oreal–all previous Women in Science booklets
(download PDF version of this booklet here)
European Association for Women in Science,
Engineering and Technology
Science Books & Films guide to science resources
Expanding Your Horizons Program–conferences
for young women Science Club for Girls–increasing the self-confidence
and science literacy of K–12th grade girls
French association for women in science
Third World Organization for Women in Science
GEM-SET–online group mentoring for girls in science,
engineering and technology Webgrrls International
Girls Go Tech–introducing young girls to the world of technology Women in Bio
Girlstart–empowering girls in math, science, engineering, Women in Technology International
and technology Women of the National Aeronautics and Space
International Federation of University Women Administration (NASA)

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women 1998 Laureate for Asia-Pacific
Myeong-Hee Yu, Republic of Korea

The L’ORÉAL-UNESCO Awards honor women scientists

from five continents. Each year, they are selected by
an international jury presided by a Nobel Prize laureate.
2001 Laureate for Africa & Arab States
To date, 62 women from 28 countries have been Adeyinka Gladys Falusi, Nigeria

recognized for the exceptional quality of their research,

which has made them role models for the next generation.

In addition, L’Oréal and Unesco have granted more

than 860 fellowships to young women researchers
in 93 countries. 2005 Laureate for North America
Myriam Sarachik, USA
Unesco and L’Oréal are convinced that science
is the source of progress for society and that women
have an essential role to play in that progress.

2006 Laureate for Europe
Ada Yonath, Israel

2010 Laureate for Latin America

Alejandra Bravo, Mexico

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