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TI-Inspire manual 1

Newest version Older version

Real old version

This version works well but is not as

convenient entering letter
TI-Inspire manual 1

Ti-Inspire for statistics

General Introduction
TI-Inspire manual 2
TI-Inspire manual 3

General Instructions

Press the On, Off button to go to Home page

Quick calculation page

Opens a page
for entering
document and

Opens a page Open a page

Open a page
for calculation. for entering
for plotting
This is different data in the
and graphing
from “scratch form of a
pad” above in spread sheet
that it can be
TI-Inspire manual 4

Use the middle button to navigate among the choices

To select an option press , in the middle button

Press [ Enter] (see below)

TI-Inspire manual 5

Important If you try to divide numbers TI-Inspire will give you a fraction since a
decimal is only an approximation 1

1 Which I am more than happy to live with


Highlight the item or column or number and hit “del”

TI-Inspire manual 6

Finding Mean, Median and Mode

Step 1) Open list so you can enter your data


Click the above icon

A new document opens with
Lists & Spreadsheet on the
TI-Inspire manual 7
Enter your data in a column (you could use any column)

But usually start with A

Give the column a name using the letter keys

Put name in top row

beside the letter

this row for now.
TI-Inspire manual 8

use the arrow to select

the page you want and
then hit “enter” to go to
that page
TI-Inspire manual 9

Problem: Find the mean of the number of hours of TV watched by a sample of freshmen men
during their first week of college.

35, 28, 29, 31, 36, 26, 23, 34,19

Click [Menu]

Enter the Data in the column

TI-Inspire manual

Give column a title if you wish otherwise it will be known by the letter above it.
Generally it is better to give each column a unique title so it can be found easily.

Use alphabet keys at the bottom of the calculator to do this

Press Menu

TI-Inspire manual 10

Choose “4: Statistics”

The choose 1: Stat Calculations

Use arrow on navigator button to move left/ right or up/down

TI-Inspire manual 11

Choose “1: One-Variable Statistics

Step 2) leave “num of lists” on "1" and

and then use Tab to get to [OK]

Leave “Num of
Lists” as 1
TI-Inspire manual 12

This tells the TI where

the data is you want the
mean of. columns

Leave these three alone

Leave Frequency at 1 and
leave the others blank

This tell the calculator where

to put the answers. Choose a
column that does not already
have data in it because it will
override anything that is there

You can also press the

arrow at the end and it
will give you the names
of all thedata sets you
have at that time

and then use Tab to get to [OK]

= mean (pronounced “X bar”) Scroll

down for median and other data

TI-Inspire manual 13

Clearing column and/ or rows of Data

First columns


Go to

Click the above icon.

TI-Inspire manual 14

use center navigator button to the data entry button which will cause it to highlight.

Click on the letter and this will cause the whole column to highlight of the top of the

column you want to clear

When column highlights

Hold and hit [del/clear]

down [ctrl]

Column will empty

Several rows or several columns at the same time: Drag to select additional rows or

Copying rows or columns

Use the same procedure as above to highlight the row or column. When it is highlighted

press [ctrl] C to copy a column or row and [ctrl] V to paste it.

TI-Inspire manual 15
Constructing a Box plot

IMPORTANT: The column you want to turn into a box plot must have a name

Add a new number to you list of freshman tv watches. This one watches 56 hours a
week and probably will not be here the second semester.


Select Graph button to get a graph

TI-Inspire manual 16

This box will appear

Name of several file may

appear pick the one you
Click here wish to do box plot on
TI-Inspire manual 17

It looks this

Choose 1: Plot type
Choose 2 Box plot
TI-Inspire manual 18

Move the arrow over part of the box or the outlier and it becomes a hand

the number that appears is the where the outliers start. In this case “36 “ is not an
outlier but anything greater is

Move the hand to the line in the middle o fhte box and it will give you the median. Inthis
case 30
TI-Inspire manual 19

Move the hand to the bottom of the box and it will give you Q1, etc.

The dot by itself to the left is an outlier and is our 56 hour tv watcher
TI-Inspire manual 20

How to find Standard Deviation

Go to

Press Home
List & spread sheet/ Data Entry

Click the above icon.

Enter data and give the column a name

TI-Inspire manual 20
1: Stat Calculations
1:One Variable Statistics
TI-Inspire manual 21

leave on "1"
Press center button or Enter

to [OK] and press

TI-Inspire manual 22

Leave “Num of
Lists” as 1

The [OK]

Tab to the last slot

and then use Tab to get to [OK]

This tells the TI where

the data is you want the
mean of. columns

Leave these three alone

Leave Frequency at 1 and
leave the others blank

Tab to [OK]

This tell the calculator where

to put the answers. Choose a
column that does not already
have data in it because it will
override anything that is there
TI-Inspire manual 23

You can also press the

arrow at the end and it
will give you the names
of all the data sets you
There are two standard have at that time
deviations Sx is for a
sample x is for a

Sx is the standard deviation for a sample and the one you want to use
TI-Inspire manual 24
One sample Z-test

Local citizens have been concerned that the reading program in the public schools may be
inferior . The superintendent hires you to conduct an experiment to investigate. You set a =
0.05 (alpha level) for making your decision. You compare the reading level of current high
school seniors to national reading proficient norms which are normally distributed with M =
75 and SD = 16. You administer the reading test to 100 randomly selected high school
seniors in your city. The obtained mean of the sample = 72. What is your conclusion?



Calculator button at

bottom [Menu]


7: Stat Tests


Push center
TI-Inspire manual 25
TI-Inspire manual 26

National mean

National SD

Our sample mean

Our sample size

Our hypothesis:
there is not difference
between our sample
and the comparison

The results are not significantly different. Z(100)=-1.875, p>.05 However, at .060 it’s awful
close to being significantly
TI-Inspire manual 27

One sample T-tests

The United States has the highest teen pregnancy rate in the western world, despite the
fact that US teens are not more sexually active than Swedish teens, Canadian teens, or
British teens.

The mean teenage pregnancy rate in the US is 11.85%

The rates for states in the this area

( based on survey of 15-19 year olds)
Arkansas 17.28%
Mississippi 18.75
Louisiana 17.05%
Texas 15.25%

HO: There is no significant difference in the pregnancy rate of the states of

Arkansas, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas compared to the rest of the

HA: There is no significant difference in the mean teenage pregnancy rate of

the four states sample and the US average.

Other Alternative hypothesis are of course possible.

TI-Inspire manual 28

Open a spread sheet

Put the date into column

as a list

title it “teen”

then choose 4: Statistics

then choose 4:Stat Tests
TI-Inspire manual 29
Choose 2: t Test

It is designed to test a
sample against a larger
known mean

Choose “Data “ because you

entered your data into a
column on the Spreadsheet

Click “OK”
µ0: mean you a comparing to
List: is the column where you
put the data from your
Frequency: always 1
Alternate Hyp: Three
hypothesis are possible

A two sided Ha: µ ≠ µ0 My

sample mean is significantly
different from the population
mean, great or less it doesn’t
matter it’s just significantly
Ha: µ > µ0 My sample is
greater, bigger, etc. than the
national mean
Ha: µ < µ0 My sample is less
smaller, etc. than the national
TI-Inspire manual 30
These results would
be reported as

There is a
difference in the
pregnancy rate of
the states of
Louisiana and
Texas compared to
the rest of the
nation. t(3) = 7.29, p
<.006. The
pregnancy rate for the
nation was 11.85 and
for the four states in
question the average
was 17.05, s = 1.43
TI-Inspire manual 31
However, if you are given the mean for the data the procedure is different

The average age of mothers in the US when they give birth to their first child is 25.1.
x = 2.6. The average age of a sample of 200 women from the Arkansas Delta
region is

Our hypothesis is: Ha: The age of mothers giving birth to their first child is significantly
lower in the Delta region of Arkansas than the national average of the sample is
significantly lower than the national average. Ha: µ < µ0



Calculator button at bottom [Menu]


7: Stat Tests


Push center
TI-Inspire manual 32


4: Statistics 4:Stat
choose "Stats" this time

Sample mean

National standard deviation

National mean

N in our sample

In this case our hypothesis is that

our sample (Delta region) is
significantly lower than the

Pick column for results and the [OK]

These results would be

written: “A significant
difference (p<.000)was found
in the mean age for mother
giving birth to their first child in
the Arkansas Delta region than
the national average. t (199)
= -18.49, p <.000. With the
mean for the nation being 25.1
and the mean for the delta
region of Arkansas being

Means are usually given in

addition to the t scores
TI-Inspire manual 33
when the difference is significant.

Two Independent Sample T-Test

This t-test is used when you have two separate sample that you are comparing. (They do not
have to be the same size.) Ie. Rainfall in one city to rainfall in another, female scores on a self-
esteem test compared to males scores on the same test.

The Inspire has a 2-Sample T-Test

Enter the data for the two groups you are comparing in two, usually columns
1 & 2. Give them a title

Honolulu-Average Phoenix-Average San Francisco-Average Little Rock - average Honolulu-Ave

month Avg. month Avg. month Avg. month Ave month
January 73 January 54 January 51 January 44 Janurary
February 73 February 58 February 54 February 46 Feburary
March 75 March 63 March 55 March 56 March
April 76 April 71 April 56 April 63 April
May 78 May 79 May 57 May 71 May
June 80 June 89 June 59 June 80 June
July 81 July 93 July 60 July 81 July
August 81 August 91 August 61 August 83 August
September 81 September 86 September 63 September 75 September
October 80 October 75 October 62 October 62
November 75 November 62 November 57 November 54
December 74 December 55 December 52 December 44
TI-Inspire manual 34

Enter Data into columns

and title

4:Stat Tests

4:2 Sample t Test

Choose Data is your data

is in columns

Choose stat if you have

mean and standard deviation
TI-Inspire manual 35

Pick the two columns of

data you wish to
compare. Of the four in
this case any two can be
chosen but only at a

Put one name in list 1

and the other in list 2.
Order does not matter

Choose Alternative
hypothesis (Ha:) from
the drop down list

•µ1>µ2 the first group is

significantly more ,
Leave frequency
faster, greater, etc. than
the second group
•µ1<µ2 the first group is
significantly less than,
smaller, etc, than the
second group

•µ1≠µ2 the
difference between
group 1 and group 2 is
not significant
TI-Inspire manual 36
Since it seems logical that
Honolulu has a higher
average than Little Rock
choose 1 < 2

If the two standard deviations are

similar (neither is more than twice of
the other), use pooled

t(22) = -
1.1841, p

Scroll down and

you find the
means and
Honolulu’s mean
= 77.25 while
Little Rock’s mean
temperature =

Wriitten this way There was a significant difference(p <.002) in th eaverage

temperatures of Little Rock and Honolulu, t(22) = -1.1841, p <.002( s=
3.2) with Honolulu mean temperature being 77.25 and Little Rocks
mean = 63.25 (s = 14.65)
It was said earlier to used pooled unless one standard deviation and more than 2 times
which in this case it is. Repeat the statistic usign “non-pooled) The result change only
slightly. t(12.8) = 3.23, p <.004
TI-Inspire manual 40

Matched pairs t-test

want to know if subjects have more

anxiety after they watch a slasher
flick or after watching the evening

I will measure anxiety with a state

anxiety scale. The higher the score
the more anxiety.

I will use the same subjects twice but

to compensate for “order effect" I will
reverse the order they see the two

Subject Slasher flick
1 4 4
2 5 7
3 3 3
4 8 9
Evening Slasher
news flick
5 5 5
6 4 7
7 3 9
8 9 7
9 2 5
TI-Inspire manual 40

This can be treated in terms of two columns since order is not a factor.

Slasher Evening
flick news
1 4 4
2 5 7
3 3 3
4 8 9
5 5 5
6 7 4
7 9 3
8 7 9
9 5 2

Put Slasher Data in

Column A and news
data in Column B

Title each
Title third column “diff”

In the area just below

this title type the
following formula
=a[ ]-b[ ]
Hit enter and the
difference will appear
in the column below.
This tell the calculator
to subtract column b
from column a dn put
the difference in c
TI-Inspire manual 40

use [ctrl]

That will turn ( )

into [ ]

Go to Menu
4: Statistics
4: Stat Test
2:t test

you are not using the 2

sample t-test because
you are measuring the
actual difference against

Data method input is “Data

For use “0”

Always choose 0
The two tailed test
Put your results in d
TI-Inspire manual 40

Doing an ANOVA on the TI is amazing simple if you have been doing t-tests

You wish to determine if College status (Fr, Soph, Jr, Sr) affects the number of time in a
month that a male student “goes out”

“Goes out” is defined as leaving the dorm for reason other than going home, to eat in the
cafeteria, to class, to chapel, business, checking mail, or study. Dating, cruising, hanging
out with the “guys”/"girls" would all be considered “going out

A sample was taken and the number of times during the school week (Mon to Fri) for 24
students over a 9-week period are given in the following table.

Fr Soph Jr Sr
3 6 9 12
5 7 10 13
6 9 15 15
2 37 12 18
1 11 11 15
2 6 10 13

Enter the data in to four columns and title them

4: Statistics
4: Stat tests
TI-Inspire manual 41

Number of groups is
the number of

In this case 4

In the previous window, you

indicated you had four group.
Now you need to give the TI
the names of the four groups.

And then tell the programs

where to put the answer.
TI-Inspire manual 42

F(3, 20) = 3.7, p <.03

You will have to

scroll down for
the second df, it
is called the
TI-Inspire manual 43

A source table can also be constructed from the information above

The Within data row is filled with the error data from the TI

Source SS df MS F p
Between 413.500 3 137.833 32.685 <.001
Within 84.333 20 4.217
Total 497.833 23
TI-Inspire manual 44


Enter the data you want to correlate into two columns in the Data and Spreadsheet. This
would usually be columns A [ ] and B[ ] , title them .
Levels Levels
of Anger of depression
3 23
8 24
4 30
11 45
6 22
7 18
5 16
10 42
7 19
6 24
2 26

Punch [menu]
"1: Stat Calculations"
"4:Linear Regressions(a+bx)

There is also a 3: Linear Regression with the formula (mx+b) This one will give you a correlation
but it will also give you extra data you don’t want to bother with. Avoid it.

X List is usually the factor you

believe affects the second. If you
just believe there is a relationship
either factor can be X

Y List is usually the factor affected

by the X factor. Again if you are just
positing a relationship either factor
can be Y
TI-Inspire manual 45
Leave “Save RegEqu to” alone Leave “Frequency” as “1”

Skip “Category List” and “Include Categories”

Put results in an empty column

r = correlation
TI-Inspire manual 46

Getting a and b on the TI-Nspire to run a regression

Run a correlation and look again it gives you a and b (see example above)
TI-Inspire manual 47

Chi Square
As an example assume the following Chi Square or matrix

Believes in Does not Undecided about

Santa Believe in Santa The jolly old
male 35 43 27
female 43 25 10

First set up a matrix with your numbers

 choose calculator page (not scratch pad)

TI-Inspire manual 48
On the calculator page type [35,43,27:43,25,10]→a

[ctrl] and “(“ will give

you the [ ] brackets

The comma is to the left of the “o”

Choose semi-colon

The semi-colon is activated by the

“?| ”button which produces a
number of special symbols
Choose “;”
TI-Inspire manual 49
On the calculator page type [35,43,273,25,10]→a

After you have closed the bracket store the matrix in letter “a” you can store it in a
different letter if “a” is already being used.

The → is the store command “sto→” which is activated

by first hitting “[ctrl]”

TI-Inspire manual 50


6: Statistics

7: stat tests

8: χ22-way Test


Choose the letter “a” or whatever you designated the matrix as for the “Observed


You now have both χ2 and you p value

TI-Inspire manual 50

Goodness of Fit 1 X
Put observed numbers in column a(and name)
Put expected number in column b ( and name)

M&M’S PEANUT: 23% cyan blue, 23% orange, 15%

green, 15% bright yellow, 12% red, 12% brown.

Expected can be either

1. Total divided by number of factors; You are saying that all factors will
have equal amounts i.e. In the case of bags of M&M’s you would be
saying that there is an equal number of each color in each bag
There are an average of 35 peanut M & Ms in each package and there are 6 colors
35/6 =5.8
2. A known statistic you are comparing your results to./ ie. We compare the
number of M&M’s, by color, in a sample of bags to the number of each
color the company claims on its website.

Assuming a bag of 35 then by percent it would be 9 blue, 8 orange, 4 green, 5 yellow, 5

red and 4 blue(roughly)

TI-Inspire manual 50

The bag I
opened for
this sample

12 blue
7 orange
3 green,
3 yellow
4 red
5 brown

Enter data into two columns

4: Statistics
4: Stat Tests
7: χ2GOF

TI-Inspire manual 51

“Observed List” is the

location of the list your
sample produced, your bag in
this case, column a

“Expected List” is the

location of either
1. Total/N
2. Comparison data you
are using
df = number of categories - 1


The results gives us our χ2 and probability

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