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Production Control IIND2201 – section 1

3. Forecast with trend and without seasonality

Objective: Perform forcasting when a demand pattern follows a linear trend (increasing or
decreasing). Dt = at + b + et


1. Linear regression

Finding the parameters of a straight line (intersection with the y axis and the slope) in such a way that the quadratic errors
are minimized

2. Double exponential smoothing (DES) - Holt

Estimate the forecast by weighting current demand and previous forecasts. Dynamically calculates the "level" or point on
the line and the slope in a time series with linear trend

-Level (intercept) of time series in t: St

-Time series slope in t: Gt
-Level smoothing parameter: α 0≤α≤1
-Trend smoothing parameter: β 0≤β≤1

 Initialization step of Holt to G0 and S0

a. Linear regression: Find out the slope and the intercept values at t=0.
b. Stations: Take m groups of N data. One group is one station. Then, estimate the average for each group as Vi
(i=1,…,m), then:

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