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Name: Crisha Jean H. Dalimooon, Julie Ann B.

Dawitan Date Performed: August 21, 2019

and Khaterine Ayessa P. Enorio Date Submitted: September 3, 2019

Group No. 4 Rating:

Section: Matipid

Activity 1: Birth of Maggots

Spontaneous Generation of Maggots

Conclusions: For how many days we’ve conducted the experiment, we therefore conclude that flies is
only the one that can make flies not the meat. The glass jar which is not covered there can be seen flies
that entering the glass jars that probably laid eggs on the meat, maggots that were hatched from the eggs
grow into more adult flies. Whereas the glass jar which is covered there is no flies, no maggots that can
be seen, since flies cannot enter the glass jar flies cannot enter and with that it doesn’t lay eggs that turned
into maggots. Therefore this experiment disprove the ideas of spontaneous generation since the ideas of
spontaneous generation is that living organism could arise from nonliving organism. And in the
experiments maggots came from flies which is a living organism and not from the meat which is a
nonliving organism.

Post-laboratory Question:

1. What is a controlled experiment?:

-Controlled experiment is an experiment in which all factors are identical except one. In the
experiment we set up two glass jar that both contained raw meat. Glass jar A was covered and sealed and
the glass jar B was exposed, both jars were left in a dry place and observe if maggots would appear.

2. What are the manipulated variables in the experiment?

-The manipulated variable is the one factor that the scientist changes in an experiment. And in the
experiment the manipulated variable is the glass jar A in which it was covered and sealed.

3. Why do you observe growth of fungi in both/either of the set ups (if any) after several days of
experiment? Please attach photos before and after the experiment.



4. What is the possible reason/s of the presence of maggots (if any) in the set ups? Please attach photos
before and after the experiment.



-The reason of the existence of maggots in set up B is because it was exposed and doesn’t have
cover at all, and with that flies can freely enter and can laid eggs on the meat and maggots were hatched
from these eggs. Therefore maggots came from a living organism and not from a nonliving organism.

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