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Dear Parents, September 1, 2020

I am excited to have your child in PE this year. We will be doing many fun activities that will
hopefully promote life long skills to keep them healthy and active for years to come.
There isn’t any homework for this class, so attendance and participation is vital. If classes are missed,
there are assignments that can be done to make up the marks for the days missed. There are some quizzes
during the term that will be on rules of the games or history of those sports. The information on those
quizzes will be handed out to the class and will also be found on the school website.

There are some items I want you to be aware of as the term is just starting.
- Cell phones and I-Pods are not allowed in class. They will be confiscated and held onto until the
Day is over. If they want to leave them in my office instead of the change room, that is fine.
- Everyone is expected to change his or her clothes. As you will see on the next page, students are
expected to change their clothes for PE and will lose marks if they do not. It is very important for
them to change their clothes as they will be sweating & it would be unfair to those students that sit by
them the rest of the day if they still have the same clothes on. It is also a safety issue as we play games.
They need to be able to move freely and not get hurt. Shorts or sweat pants are acceptable along with a
t-shirt. They are also need a separate pair of runners for the gym, we have a new floor and we don’t
want outside shoes being used in the new gym.
- We have lockers for everyone to use in the gym. They will get them on the first or second day, they are
not allowed to use personal locks on them, I will give them locks. Please encourage your child to also
bring deodorant with them too. If any students need to shower at the end of class, I can let them go a
little early to do so.
- PLEASE read through the rubric with your child so they understand how they are getting marked. It is
easy for everyone to get an A in this class if they choose to. We will read through this on the first day
of class to make sure everyone understands what is expected of them. If your child is sick or injured
please send a note with them explaining the situation or email me please. I can have them keep score or
assist in another way.

Will you please sign below to verify that you have read this with your child and understand the rubric
system of marking. Please have your child return this to me by the end of school on Friday.
If you have any questions, please send me an email – or call me at the school – 758-3366.

Thanks so much,

Ron Strate/Danielle Fritzke

PE Instructor

I have read through the rubric with my son/daughter ___________________________.

___________________________________ ________________________________
Parent/guardian – printed Parent/guardian – signature


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