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TIME: 1 hour 30 minutes


Answer all questions in this section ( 25 marks)

1. What is the volume of a cube with side 7cm?.

A. 21cm3 B.343cm3 C. 49cm3 D.56cm3

2. Which of these is not an agent of pollination?

A. wind B. bee C. running water D.

3. At the temperature of _____________ water is likely to be changed into gas.

A. -250c B. 00c C. 1030c D. 440c

4. ______________ is the process whereby water vapour changes into liquids.

A. Condensation B. Freezing C. Evaporation D.

5. Which of these helps kill germs in water when treating water chemically?
A. smoke B. chlorine C. palm oil D. D. D. T

6. Energy is obtained in the body of living organism from food through the process of
A. reproduction B. circulation C. digestion D.

7. How many types of habitats do we have ?

A. 3 B. 1 C. 2 D. 4

8. The components of the alimentary canal do not include _______________.

A. breast B. stomach C. gullet D. colon
9. Blood in the human body move through the _______________.
A. bones B. alimentary canal C. blood vessels D.

10. A material that does not allow heat to flow through it is a/an
A. insulator B. conductor C. lens D. solid

11. What is the breath of a cuboid with volume 48cm3 height 4cm and length 6cm?
A. 3cm B. 2cm C. 1cm D. 4cm

12. A cube with sides 8cm has a volume of _______________.

A. 24 cm3 B. 512 cm3 C. 215 cm3 D. 152 cm3

13. Kerosene provides a form of energy called ________________ energy

A. solar B. electrical C. potential D.

14. Which of these possesses potential energy.

A. a falling apple B. a moving car
C. a boy running D. a phone on the table

15. The act of preventing energy from being wasted is known as ________________.
A. energy usage B. energy conservation
C. energy wastage D. energy transformation

16. As a ball begins to move from the top of a stairs the ___________ energy changes to
kinetic energy.
A. potential B. electrical C. chemical D. solar

17. An electronic component that stores energy is the

A. capacitor B. inductor C. diode D. laptop

18 One of these is not part of the rainbow colours?

A. Red B. Blue C. Brown D. Green

19. Everything in this world is made up of _________________.

A. liquid B. solid C. gas D. matter

20 One of these has a shape on its own.

A. Fanta B. L. P. G C. Gas cylinder D. Water vapour
21. The volume of ____________ can change.
A. gas B. solid C. book D. stone

22 Condensation turns ______________

A. solid to liquid B. Liquid to solid
C. Gas to liquid D. Solid to gas

23. When a piece of candle is heated _________________

A. it melts B. it condenses
C. it evaporates D. it sublimes

24 …………………… is the electronic component that emits light when a small current is
passed through it.
A. Capacitor B. Inductor C. LED D. Semi-conductor

25 A piece of metal that has the power to attract certain metallic substances to it is called a
A. conductor B. insulator C. resistor D. magnet


Answer three questions only from this section

1. a. i.What is a satellite ?
ii.Mention three ways in which electricity can be used efficiently in the home
b. Define digestion.
c. State the law of conservation of energy.
d. State the three forms of habitat.

2. a. State one difference between heat and temperature.

b. State four (4) sources of heat
c. Name the colors that make up a beam of white light.
d. Explain the following: I electricity .ii. electric current
3. a. Find the height of a cuboid if the volume is 108cm 3, length 9cm and breadth 3cm.( 4
b. What is a transparent material? (2 marks) Give two (2) examples of transparent
c. State three (3) uses of heat energy.
d. State the three states of matter.
4. a. Why are handles of cooking utensils made of wood and plastic?
b. What is the difference between a transparent object and a translucent object?
c.. Mention three ways of conserving energy.
d. With the aid of diagrams illustrate simple open circuit and closed circuit.


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