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Name of Learner: _______________________________________ Date: ______________

Grade Level: ________________________

Adding Fractions and Mixed Numbers

Learning Objectives:

 Add fractions with like denominators.

 Add fractions with unlike denominators.
 Add mixed numbers with like and unlike denominators.
 Solve application problems that require the addition

Background Information

Fractions are used in many areas of everyday life: recipes, woodworking, rainfall, timecards, and
measurements, to name just a few. Sometimes you have parts of wholes that you need to combine. Just
as you can add whole numbers, you can add fractions and mixed numbers. Consider, for example, how
to determine the monthly rainfall if you know the daily rainfall in inches. You have to add fractions. Also,
consider several painters who are working to paint a house together with multiple cans of paint. They
might add the fractions of what remains in each can to determine if there is enough paint to finish the
job or if they need to buy more.
Adding Fractions with Like Denominators
When the pieces are the same size, they can easily be added. Consider the pictures below showing the

fractions   and  . This picture represents   shaded because 3 out of 6 blocks are shaded.



This picture represents   shaded because 2 out of 6 blocks are shaded.



 If you add these shaded blocks together, you are adding   +  .
You can create a new picture showing 5 shaded blocks in a rectangle containing 6 blocks.


 So,  . Without drawing rectangles and shading boxes, you can get this answer simply by adding

the numerators, 3 + 2, and keeping the denominator, 6, the same. This procedure works for adding any

fractions that have the same denominator, called like denominators.

Three Steps to add fractions:

Step 1: Make sure the bottom numbers ( the denominators ) are the same
Step 2: Add the top numbers ( the numerators ), put that answer over the denominator
Step 3: Simplify the fraction ( if needed )

Example # 1 :
1 1
4 4
Step 1: The bottom numbers ( the denominators ) are already the same. Go straight to Step 2.
Step 2 : Add the top numbers and put the answer over the same denominator:

1 1 1+1 2
+ = =
4 4 2 4
2 1
Step 3: Simplify the fraction. =
4 2
In picture form it looks like this:

1 1 2 1
4 + 4 = 4 = 2


3 1 2 4
Try this: 1. + =¿ 2. + =¿
5 5 ¿ 6 6 ¿
Example # 2 :
1 1
3 6
Step 1: The bottom numbers are different. Its 3 and 6. We need to make them the same before we can
continue. To do this, you need to find the least common multiple (LCM) of the two denominators.
There are several ways to find common multiples ( lcm ), some of which you used when
comparing fractions;
*you can list the multiples of each number and determine which multiples they have in common
3 = 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30…
6 = 6, 12, 18, 24, 30……
LCM of 3 and 6 is 6
* other method for finding the least common multiple is to use prime factorization
Prime factor of 3 = 1 , 3
Prime factor of 6 = 2, 3
Prime factor of 3 and 6 = 1 x 2 x 3
LCM of 3 and 6 is 6
Increase the terms of each fraction so that the denominator of each equals the LCM. Increase each
fraction to higher terms so that the denominator of each is 6.

1 1 1(2) 1(1) 2 1
+ = + = +
3 6 3 ( 2 ) 6(1) 6 6
Or to get the same denominator, write the LCM as common denominator. Then divide the LCM to the
1 1 ❑ ❑
denominator then multiply the answer to the numerator. + = +
3 6 6 6

2 1
(6 ÷ 3 ¿ x 1=2 = (6 ÷ 6 ¿ x 1=1 =
6 6
2 1
Now, the denominator is the same. +
6 6
Step 2: Add the top numbers and put them over the same denominator:

2 1 2+ 1 3
+ 6 = 6¿ =6
3 1
Step 3: Simplify the fraction: =
6 2
1 2
Try this: 1. 3 + 5 = _______

Example # 3:

1 3 4
+ +
2 5 7
Step 1: The bottom numbers are different. Its 2, 5 and 7. We need to make them the same before we
can continue. To do this, you need to find the least common multiple (LCM) of the three denominators.
Using previous knowledge, the LCM of 2, 5 and 7 is = 70
1 3 4 1 x 35 3 x 14 4 x 10 35 42 40
+ + = + + = + + or use the other
2 5 7 2 x 35 5 x 14 7 x 10 70 70 70

Step 2: Add the top numbers and put them over the same denominator:

35 42 40 35+42+ 40 117
+ + = =
70 70 70 70 70
117 47
Step 3: Simplify the fraction: =1
70 70

Try this;  Add . Simplify the answer and write as a mixed number.

a. b.   c. d. 

Adding Mixed numbers

To add mixed numbers, we first add the whole numbers together, and then the fractions.
2 1 3
3 + =3
5 5 5
If the denominators of the fractions are different, then first find equivalent fractions with a
1 2
common denominator before adding. For example, let's add 4 to 3 . Using the techniques we've
3 5
learned, you can find the least common denominator of 15. The answer is 7 .
1 5
4 = 4
3 15
2 6
+ 3 = 3
5 15

Try this ; Add. Simplify the answer and write as a mixed number.

1. 2.

Adding Fractions to Solve Problems

Knowing how to add fractions is useful in a variety of situations. When reading problems, look
for phrases that help you know you want to add the fractions.
1 1
Consider this: Richelda shares a bar of chocolate to her friends. She gives to Sheena and to
2 3
Kimberly. What part of the chocolate bar is shared to Richelda’s friends?
1 1
We can solved the problem by adding and . We can express the problem using the number
2 3
1 1
sentence + =?
2 3
 Determine the LCD ( determining the LCM of 2 and 3 ) = 6
___ + ___ =
6 6

 Change to equivalent fractions.

1 1 1(3) 1 ( 2 )
+ = +
2 3 2 ( 3 ) 3 (2 )
 Add the numerator over the common denominator.
3 2 3+2 5
+ = =
6 6 6 6
Answer : Thus, of Richelda’s chocolate bar is shared to her friends.
5 1
If Richelda already sharedto her two friends and shared 1 of her other chocolate
6 4
bars to Lyanne, how many in all has she shared to her three friends?
5 1
You have to add and 1 to get the total of what has been shared to the friends of Richelda.
6 4

5 1
Add. 1. +1 =¿ ? Mathematical sentence
6 4
2. 1+ ____ + _____ Determine the LCD
12 12

5 5 ( 2) 10
3. = = Change to equivalent fractions.
6 6 ( 2) 12
1 1(3) 3
+ 1 4 =¿ 1 4(3) = 1 12
___ ____ ____
4. Copy the whole number, then dd the numerator over the common denominator
+ 1
5. Change the improper fraction to mixed number, then add the whole numbers and copy the
1 1
1+1 =2
12 12

Answer: Thus, Richelda shared 2 of chocolate bars to her three friends.
Try to answer this using previous knowledge: What is the total rainfall in a three-day period if it

rains   inches the first day,   inch the second day, and   inches on the third day?

a. 6 inches b.    inches c.  inches d.    inches

A. Add . Simplify if possible.
2 1 3 3 1
1. + 6. + +
4 4 4 5 3
5 1 10 1 1
2. +
9 9
7. 12 + 8 + 6
2 1 2 2
3. +
10 5
8. 7 9 + 9
19 1 4 2
4. +
20 20
9. 1 11 + 5
2 4 2 5
5. + 10. 7 + 4 +
4 8 3 6

B. Read and solve each problem.

1. A cake recipe requires   cups of milk and   cups of melted butter. If these are the only
liquids, how much liquid is in the recipe?

2. A stack of pamphlets is placed on top of a book. If the stack of pamphlets is   inches thick and

the book is   inches thick, how high is the pile?

3. Heidi grew her hair out for many years. Her hair was  1  of a meter long. She donated her hair
by cutting off  of a meter. How long is Heidi's hair now?
Adding fractions with like denominators involves adding the numerators and keeping the
denominator the same. Always simplify the answer. To add fractions with unlike denominators, first find
a common denominator. The least common denominator is easiest to use. The least common multiple
can be used as the least common denominator. Adding mixed numbers involves adding the fractional
parts, adding the whole numbers, and then recombining them as a mixed number.


Prepared by:
Miss Farah Eva C. Carpio
Math 6Teacher

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