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: D-2-01-03-01-04



Region: PGCIL-Imphal Sub-Station:400/132KV Yurembam
Feeder name:408-CT/ TIE Make: CGL
Sr. No.: Rating:420kV
R-Φ: 63910
Y-Φ: 63909
B-Φ: 63908
Year of Manufacture:2017 Type: Live Tank
Date of Erection:


SECONDARY TERMINAL 1S1-1S2 1S3-1S4 1S2-1S3 1S1-1S3 1S1-1S4
SECONDARY TERMINAL 2S1-2S2 2S3-2S4 2S2-2S3 2S1-2S3 2S1-2S4
SECONDARY TERMINAL 5S1-5S2 5S3-5S4 5S2-5S3 5S1-5S3 5S1-5S4
SECONDARY TERMINAL 6S1-6S2 6S3-6S4 6S2-6S3 6S1-6S3 6S1-6S4
RATIO (A) 500/1 1000/1 1500/1 2000/1 3000/1
KPV (MIN) (V) 500 1000 1500 2000 3000
I exc @VK (mA) 120 60 45 30 20
Rct @75oC (ohms) < 2.5 <5 < 7.5 < 10 < 15

SECONDARY TERMINAL 3S1-3S2 3S3-3S4 3S2-3S3 3S1-3S3 3S1-3S4
SECONDARY TERMINAL 4S1-4S2 4S3-4S4 4S2-4S3 4S1-4S3 4S1-4S4
RATIO (A) 500/1 1000/1 1500/1 2000/1 3000/1
CLASS 0.2S 0.2S 0.2S 0.2S 0.2S
BURDEN (VA) 20 20 20 20 20

III. Pre-Commissioning Checks

S.N Description Status TEST

Current Transformer Format No.:CF/CT/04/R-4 DATED 01/04/2013

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DOC NO.: D-2-01-03-01-04

1 Equipment is free from dirt/dust foreign materials etc YES OK
2 Equipment is free from all visible defects on YES OK
physical inspection

3 Check ct tank has been provided with double(Sec YES OK

box of CT)
4 All nuts and bolts are tightened correctly as per YES OK
specified torque
5 All fittings as per out line general arrangement YES OK
6 Check tightness of terminal connector YES OK
7 Erection completion certificate along with list of YES OK
outstanding activities reviewed
8 Any paint removed / scratched in transit has been NO OK
touched up
9 Check primary polarity of CTs erected as per YES OK
relevant drawing.
10 Check the oil level and leakage through any joints YES OK
/ sec. Terminals
11 Check hermetically sealing is intact YES OK
12 All the cable identification tags provided and all YES OK
cores are provided with identification ferrules at
13 Check oil drain valve is properly closed and locked YES OK
14 Check secondary cable end box is properly fixed YES OK
and ensure cable entry at the bottom and unused
holes sealed
15 Ensure interpole cabling is completed and check the YES OK
16 Check external cabling from junction- box to relay / YES OK
control panel completed
17 Check the IR value of secondary cable YES OK
18 Ensure unused secondary cores, if any, has been YES OK
shorted and earthed
19 Check star point has been formed properly and YES OK
grounded at one end only
Check Tan Delta tap is properly earthed
21 Check that lugs used in secondary circuit are of ring YES OK
22 Check direction of P1/P2, w.r.t Bus/Line on YES OK
23 Ensure the proper sealing of the CT MB against YES OK
Moisture ingress



Make: MOTWANE Sl. No: w8248658

Current Transformer Format No.:CF/CT/04/R-4 DATED 01/04/2013

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DOC NO.: D-2-01-03-01-04


PRIMARY TO EARTH 5000V 175 154 62.0
PRIMARY TO CORE1 5000V 193 106 68.8
PRIMARY TO CORE2 5000V 246 111 51.6
PRIMARY TO CORE3 5000V 374 95 87.0
PRIMARY TO CORE-4 5000V 403 105 122.0
PRIMARY TO CORE-5 5000V 104 105 87.9
PRIMARY TO CORE-6 5000V 266 84.2 89.8
CORE1 TO EARTH 500V >1 GΩ >1 GΩ >1 GΩ
CORE2 TO EARTH 500V >1 GΩ >1 GΩ >1 GΩ
CORE3 TO EARTH 500V >1 GΩ >1 GΩ >1 GΩ
CORE-4 TO EARTH 500V >1 GΩ >1 GΩ >1 GΩ
CORE-5 TO EARTH 500V >1 GΩ >1 GΩ >1 GΩ
CORE-6 TO EARTH 500V >1 GΩ >1 GΩ >1 GΩ
CORE-1 TO CORE-2 500V >1 GΩ >1 GΩ >1 GΩ
CORE-1 TO CORE-3 500V >1 GΩ >1 GΩ >1 GΩ
CORE-1 TO CORE-4 500V >1 GΩ >1 GΩ >1 GΩ
CORE-1 TO CORE-5 500V >1 GΩ >1 GΩ >1 GΩ
CORE-1 TO CORE-6 500V >1 GΩ >1 GΩ >1 GΩ
CORE-2 TO CORE-3 500V >1 GΩ >1 GΩ >1 GΩ
CORE-2 TO CORE-4 500V >1 GΩ >1 GΩ >1 GΩ
CORE-2 TO CORE-5 500V >1 GΩ >1 GΩ >1 GΩ
CORE-2 TO CORE-6 500V >1 GΩ >1 GΩ >1 GΩ
CORE-3 TO CORE-4 500V >1 GΩ >1 GΩ >1 GΩ
CORE-3 TO CORE-5 500V >1 GΩ >1 GΩ >1 GΩ
CORE-3 TO CORE-6 500V >1 GΩ >1 GΩ >1 GΩ
CORE-4 TO CORE-5 500V >1 GΩ >1 GΩ >1 GΩ
CORE-4 TO CORE-6 500V >1 GΩ >1 GΩ >1 GΩ
CORE-5 TO CORE-6 500V >1 GΩ >1 GΩ >1 GΩ


Make of testing kit MOTWANE

Date of calibration 1.10.18
Ambient temperature 28o C

Current Transformer Format No.:CF/CT/04/R-4 DATED 01/04/2013

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DOC NO.: D-2-01-03-01-04


RΦ (Ω) YΦ (Ω) BΦ (Ω)
Core Terminal FAC@75 C SITE FAC@75 C SITE FAC@750C
0 0
Core-1 1s1-1s2 1.71 1.5 1.70 1.5 1.72 1.6
1s1-1s3 7.99 7.0 7.80 6.7 7.92 6.7
1s1-1s4 11.86 10.3 11.61 10.1 11.78 10.2
1s3-1s4 3.99 3.6 3.86 3.4 3.96 3.5
1s2-1s3 6.31 5.5 6.12 5.3 6.27 5.4
2s1-2s2 1.73 1.6 1.70 1.5 1.77 1.5
2s1-2s3 7.93 6.8 7.84 6.9 8.08 6.9
Core-2 2s1-2s4 11.78 10.1 11.67 10.0 12.10 10.4
2s3-2s4 3.92 3.7 3.89 3.4 4.09 3.5
2s2-2s3 6.26 5.4 6.20 5.4 6.39 5.4
3s1-3s2 0.69 0.8 0.73 0.9 0.71 0.8
3s1-3s3 2.90 3.3 3.02 3.4 2.99 3.6
Core-3 3s1-3s4 3.43 4.0 3.60 3.9 3.55 4.2
3s3-3s4 2.15 4.3 2.20 4.0 2.20 4.0
3s2-3s3 2.77 6.6 2.88 5.7 2.85 6.8
4s1-4s2 0.67 0.9 0.66 0.8 0.72 1.0
4s1-4s3 2.98 2.9 3.01 3.1 2.90 3.1
Core-4 4s1-4s4 3.52 3.7 3.60 3.8 3.47 4.0
4s3-4s4 2.21 4.3 2.23 3.4 2.22 3.6
4s2-4s3 2.84 6.5 2.88 5.5 2.81 6.2
Core-5 5s1-5s2 2.04 1.8 2.01 1.7 2.02 1.8
5s1-5s3 7.73 7.0 7.61 6.7 7.62 6.6
5s1-5s4 11.39 10.2 11.16 9.7 11.22 9.5
5s3-5s4 3.72 3.8 3.61 3.3 3.67 3.3
5s2-5s3 5.77 5.3 5.65 5.0 5.67 4.8
Core-6 6s1-6s2 2.02 1.8 2.01 1.8 2.00 1.7
6s1-6s3 7.71 6.9 7.61 6.7 7.57 6.5
6s1-6s4 11.33 10.1 11.16 9.8 11.08 9.9
6s3-6s4 3.71 3.4 3.61 3.3 3.58 3.6
6s2-6s3 5.74 5.1 5.67 5.0 5.64 5.0


With 1.5 Volt connect +ve at P1 and –ve at P2



Current Transformer Format No.:CF/CT/04/R-4 DATED 01/04/2013

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DOC NO.: D-2-01-03-01-04

Core-1 1s1-1s2 OK OK OK
1s1-1s3 OK OK OK
1s1-1s4 OK OK OK
1s2-1s4 OK OK OK
1s2-1s3 OK OK OK
2s1-2s2 OK OK OK
2s1-2s3 OK OK OK
Core-2 2s1-2s4 OK OK OK
2s2-2s4 OK OK OK
2s2-2s3 OK OK OK
3s1-3s2 OK OK OK
3s1-3s3 OK OK OK
Core-3 3s1-3s4 OK OK OK
3s2-3s4 OK OK OK
3s2-3s3 OK OK OK
4s1-4s2 OK OK OK
4s1-4s3 OK OK OK
Core-4 4s1-4s4 OK OK OK
4s2-4s4 OK OK OK
4s2-4s3 OK OK OK
Core-5 5s1-5s2 OK OK OK
5s1-5s3 OK OK OK
5s1-5s4 OK OK OK
5s2-5s4 OK OK OK
5s2-5s3 OK OK OK
Core-6 6s1-6s2 OK OK OK
6s1-6s3 OK OK OK
6s1-6s4 OK OK OK
6s2-6s4 OK OK OK
6s2-6s3 OK OK OK


Make of testing kit Megger

Date of calibration 21/12/2018
Ambient temperature 25oC


Current Transformer Format No.:CF/CT/04/R-4 DATED 01/04/2013

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DOC NO.: D-2-01-03-01-04


R-Phase UST 2.00 0.190 - 1168 -
5.00 0.186 - 1168 -
10.0 0.189 0.200 1168 1196.60
Y-Phase UST 2.00 0.172 - 1195 -
5.00 0.172 - 1195 -
10.0 0.172 0.199 1195 1201.91
B-Phase UST 2.00 0.172 - 1162 -
5.00 0.172 - 1162 -
10.0 0.172 0.188 1162 1211.74

Permissible Limits Tan δ0.005 (max.) and rate of rise in Tan Delta 0.001 per Year
Deviation of capacitance value from factory value should be within + 5%of the rated


Make of testing kit KYORITSU

Date of calibration

Primary Injection through Primary Injection Kit at Primary

Terminal P1 – P2
Measure the current on the secondary.

R-Phase: Ratio: 500/1 A

Primary Secondary Measured Current in Amps Theoretical
injected Calculation
current Core 1 Core 2 Core 3 Core 4 Core 5 Core 6 in Amps
in Amps Actual % of Actual % of Actual % of Actual % of Actual % of Actual % of
value error Value error Value error Value error Value error Value error
100 0.199 -0.5 0.199 -0.5 0.199 -0.5 0.200 0.0 0.200 0.0 0.201 0.5 0.200
200 0.401 0.25 0.400 0.0 0.400 0.0 0.402 0.5 0.401 0.25 0.400 0.0 0.400
300 0.601 0.16 0.600 0.0 0.603 0.5 0.599 -0.1 0.598 -0.3 0.597 -0.5 0.600
400 0.799 -0.1 0.798 -0.3 0.798 -0.3 0.799 -0.1 0.799 -0.1 0.802 0.25 0.800

Ratio: 1000/1 A
Primary Secondary Measured Current in Amps Theoretical
injected Calculation
current Core 1 Core 2 Core 3 Core 4 Core 5 Core 6 in Amps
in Amps Actual % of Actual % of Actual % of Actual % of Actual % of Actual % of
value error Value error Value error Value error Value error Value error
200 0.198 -1.0 0.199 -0.5 0.199 -0.5 0.199 -0.5 0.198 -1.0 0.199 -0.5 0.200
400 0.398 -0.5 0.399 -0.2 0.399 -0.2 0.398 -0.5 0.398 -0.5 0.399 -0.2 0.400

Current Transformer Format No.:CF/CT/04/R-4 DATED 01/04/2013

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DOC NO.: D-2-01-03-01-04

600 0.597 -0.5 0.597 -0.5 0.598 -0.3 0.598 -0.3 0.598 -0.3 0.598 -0.3 0.600
800 0.799 -0.1 0.799 -0.1 0.798 -0.2 0.797 -0.3 0.798 -0.2 0.798 -0.2 0.800

Ratio: 1500/1 A

Primary Secondary Measured Current in Amps Theoretical

injected Calculation
current Core 1 Core 2 Core 3 Core 4 Core 5 Core 6 in Amps
in Amps Actual % of Actual % of Actual % of Actual % of Actual % of Actual % of error
value error Value error Value error Value error Value error Value
300 0.199 -0.5 0.198 -1.0 0.197 -1.5 0.198 -1.0 0.198 -1.0 0.199 -0.5 0.200
600 0.397 -0.5 0.398 -0.2 0.397 -0.5 0.398 -0.2 0.396 -1.0 0.397 -0.7 0.400
900 0.596 -0.6 0.595 -0.8 0.596 -0.6 0.594 -1.0 0.594 -1.0 0.598 -0.3 0.600
1200 0.792 -1.0 0.793 -0.8 0.798 -0.2 0.797 -0.3 0.792 -1.0 0.798 -0.2 0.800

Ratio: 2000/1 A

Primary Secondary Measured Current in Amps Theoretical

injected Calculation in
current Core 1 Core 2 Core 3 Core 4 Core 5 Core 6 Amps
in Amps Actual % of Actual % of Actual % of Actual % of Actual % of Actual % of
value error Value error Value error Value error Value error Value error
400 0.199 -0.5 0.201 0.5 0.202 1.0 0.201 0.5 0.202 1.0 0.201 0.5 0.200
800 0.402 0.5 0.401 0.25 0.402 0.5 0.402 0.5 0.402 0.5 0.403 1.5 0.400
1200 0.606 1.0 0.605 0.83 0.603 0.50 0.603 0.50 0.604 0.66 0.606 1.0 0.600
1600 0.804 0.5 0.805 0.62 0.806 0.75 0.807 0.87 0.806 0.75 0.806 0.75 0.800

Ratio: 3000/1 A

Primary Secondary Measured Current in Amps Theoretical

injected Calculation in
current Core 1 Core 2 Core 3 Core 4 Core 5 Core 6 Amps
in Amps Actual % of Actual % of Actual % of Actual % of Actual % of Actual % of
value error Value error Value error Value error Value error Value error
600 0.202 1.0 0.201 0.5 0.201 0.5 0.202 1.0 0.199 -0.5 0.198 -1.0 0.200
1200 0.404 0.5 0.403 0.75 0.401 0.25 0.401 0.25 0.404 1.0 0.403 0.75 0.400
1800 0.603 0.50 0.604 0.66 0.606 1.0 0.605 0.83 0.604 0.66 0.602 0.33 0.600
2400 0.808 1.0 0.807 0.87 0.801 0.12 0.802 0.25 0.804 0.5 0.803 0.37 0.800

Y-Phase: Ratio: 500/1 A

Primary Secondary Measured Current in Amps Theoretical

injected Calculation
current Core 1 Core 2 Core 3 Core 4 Core 5 Core 6 in Amps
in Amps Actual % of Actual % of Actual % of Actual % of Actual % of Actual % of
value error Value error Value error Value error Value error Value error
100 0.200 0.0 0.200 0.0 0.199 -0.5 0.200 0.0 0.202 1.0 0.201 0.5 0.200
200 0.401 0.25 0.400 0.0 0.400 0.0 0.402 0.5 0.401 0.25 0.400 0.0 0.400

Current Transformer Format No.:CF/CT/04/R-4 DATED 01/04/2013

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DOC NO.: D-2-01-03-01-04

300 0.601 0.16 0.602 0.33 0.600 0.0 0.599 -0.1 0.600 0.0 0.597 -0.5 0.600
400 0.799 -0.1 0.798 -0.3 0.798 -0.3 0.799 -0.1 0.799 -0.1 0.802 0.25 0.800

Ratio: 1000/1 A

Primary Secondary Measured Current in Amps Theoretical

injected Calculation in
current Core 1 Core 2 Core 3 Core 4 Core 5 Core 6 Amps
in Amps Actual % of Actual % of Actual % of Actual % of Actual % of Actual % of
value error Value error Value error Value error Value error Value error
300 0.199 -0.5 0.197 -1.5 0.198 -1.0 0.197 -1.5 0.198 -1.0 0.199 -0.5 0.200
600 0.398 -0.5 0.398 -0.5 0.397 -0.7 0.396 -1.0 0.397 -0.7 0.396 -1.0 0.400
900 0.596 -0.6 0.596 -0.6 0.597 -0.5 0.596 -0.6 0.598 -0.3 0.597 -0.5 0.600
1200 0.798 -0.3 0.799 -0.1 0.796 -0.6 0.795 -0.8 0.796 -0.6 0.796 -0.6 0.800

Ratio: 1500/1 A

Primary Secondary Measured Current in Amps Theoretical

injected Calculation in
current Core 1 Core 2 Core 3 Core 4 Core 5 Core 6 Amps
in Amps Actual % of Actual % of Actual % of Actual % of Actual % of Actual % of
value error Value error Value error Value error Value error Value error
300 0.198 -1.0 0.198 -1.0 0.199 -0.5 0.199 -0.5 0.199 -0.5 0.198 -1.0 0.200
600 0.396 -1.0 0.397 -0.7 0.397 -0.7 0.397 -0.7 0.397 -0.7 0.398 -0.5 0.400
900 0.596 -0.6 0.596 -0.6 0.597 -0.5 0.597 -0.5 0.596 -0.6 0.596 -0.6 0.600
1200 0.801 0.12 0.802 0.25 0.803 0.50 0.802 0.25 0.802 0.25 0.803 0.37 0.800

Ratio: 2000/1 A

Primary Secondary Measured Current in Amps Theoretical

injected Calculation in
current Core 1 Core 2 Core 3 Core 4 Core 5 Core 6 Amps
in Amps Actual % of Actual % of Actual % of Actual % of Actual % of Actual % of
value error Value error Value error Value error Value error Value error
400 0.199 -0.5 0.201 0.5 0.202 1.0 0.201 0.5 0.199 -0.5 0.198 -1.0 0.200
800 0.399 -0.2 0.399 -0.2 0.398 -0.5 0.397 -0.7 0.397 -0.7 0.399 -0.2 0.400
1200 0.597 -0.5 0.597 -0.5 0.598 -0.3 0.601 0.16 0.602 0.33 0.601 0.16 0.600
1600 0.801 0.12 0.802 0.25 0.801 0.12 0.802 0.25 0.803 0.37 0.801 0.12 0.800

Ratio: 3000 /1 A

Primary Secondary Measured Current in Amps Theoretical

injected Calculation in
current Core 1 Core 2 Core 3 Core 4 Core 5 Core 6 Amps
in Amps Actual % of Actual % of Actual % of Actual % of Actual % of Actual % of
value error Value error Value error Value error Value error Value error
600 0.201 0.5 0.201 0.5 0.202 1.0 0.202 1.0 0.200 0.00 0.199 -0.5 0.200

Current Transformer Format No.:CF/CT/04/R-4 DATED 01/04/2013

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DOC NO.: D-2-01-03-01-04

1200 0.402 0.5 0.403 0.75 0.402 0.50 0.402 0.5 0.402 0.5 0.404 1.0 0.400
1800 0.601 0.16 0.598 -0.3 0.599 -0.1 0.599 -0.1 0.603 0.5 0.602 0.33 0.600
2400 0.801 0.12 0.802 0.25 0.804 0.5 0.803 0.37 0.801 0.12 0.804 0.5 0.800

B-Phase: Ratio: 500/1 A

Primary Secondary Measured Current in Amps Theoretical

injected Calculation
current Core 1 Core 2 Core 3 Core 4 Core 5 Core 6 in Amps
in Amps Actual % of Actual % of Actual % of Actual % of Actual % of Actual % of
value error Value error Value error Value error Value error Value error
100 0.199 -0.5 0.199 -0.5 0.199 -0.5 0.200 0.0 0.200 0.0 0.201 0.5 0.200
200 0.401 0.25 0.400 0.0 0.400 0.0 0.402 0.5 0.401 0.25 0.400 0.0 0.400
300 0.601 0.16 0.602 0.33 0.600 0.0 0.599 -0.1 0.598 -0.3 0.597 -0.5 0.600
400 0.799 -0.1 0.798 -0.3 0.798 -0.3 0.799 -0.1 0.799 -0.1 0.802 0.25 0.800

Ratio: 1000/1 A

Primary Secondary Measured Current in Amps Theoretical

injected Calculation in
current Core 1 Core 2 Core 3 Core 4 Core 5 Core 6 Amps
in Amps Actual % of Actual % of Actual % of Actual % of Actual % of Actual % of
value error Value error Value error Value error Value error Value error
200 0.199 -0.5 0.198 -1.0 0.199 -0.5 0.198 -1.0 0.198 -1.0 0.198 -1.0 0.200
400 0.397 -0.7 0.398 -0.5 0.399 -0.2 0.399 -0.2 0.399 -0.2 0.398 -0.5 0.400
600 0.595 -0.8 0.596 -0.6 0.598 -0.3 0.597 -0.5 0.599 -0.1 0.596 -0.6 0.600
800 0.801 0.12 0.803 0.37 0.803 0.37 0.804 0.5 0.805 0.62 0.802 0.25 0.800

Ratio: 1500/1 A

Primary Secondary Measured Current in Amps Theoretical

injected Calculation in
current Core 1 Core 2 Core 3 Core 4 Core 5 Core 6 Amps
in Amps Actual % of Actual % of Actual % of Actual % of Actual % of Actual % of
value error Value error Value error Value error Value error Value error
300 0.198 -1.0 0.197 -1.5 0.199 -0.5 0.199 0.5 0.201 0.5 0.202 1.0 0.200
600 0.397 -0.7 0.396 -1.0 0.398 -0.5 0.398 -0.5 0.397 -0.7 0.399 -0.5 0.400
900 0.596 -0.6 0.595 -0.8 0.597 -0.5 0.598 -0.3 0.595 -0.8 0.597 -0.5 0.600
1200 0.804 0.5 0.803 0.37 0.805 0.62 0.806 0.75 0.804 0.5 0.805 0.62 0.800

Ratio: 2000/1 A

Primary Secondary Measured Current in Amps Theoretical

injected Calculation in
current Core 1 Core 2 Core 3 Core 4 Core 5 Core 6 Amps
in Amps Actual % of Actual % of Actual % of Actual % of Actual % of Actual % of
value error Value error Value error Value error Value error Value error
400 0.197 -1.5 0.198 -1.0 0.201 0.5 0.201 0.5 0.202 1.0 0.199 -0.5 0.200
800 0.399 -0.2 0.402 0.5 0.401 0.25 0.403 0.75 0.402 0.5 0.399 -0.2 0.400
1200 0.599 -0.1 0.599 -0.1 0.603 -0.5 0.603 -0.5 0.604 -0.6 0.604 -0.6 0.600
1600 0.801 0.12 0.804 0.5 0.806 0.75 0.806 0.75 0.804 0.5 0.803 0.37 0.800

Current Transformer Format No.:CF/CT/04/R-4 DATED 01/04/2013

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DOC NO.: D-2-01-03-01-04

Ratio: 3000/1 A

Primary Secondary Measured Current in Amps Theoretical

injected Calculation in
current Core 1 Core 2 Core 3 Core 4 Core 5 Core 6 Amps
in Amps Actual % of Actual % of Actual % of Actual % of Actual % of Actual % of
value error Value error Value error Value error Value error Value error
600 0.198 -1.0 0.198 -1.0 0.199 -0.5 0.198 -1.0 0.199 -0.5 0.199 -0.5 0.200
1200 0.396 -1.0 0.397 -0.7 0.397 -0.7 0.398 -0.5 0.399 -0.2 0.396 -1.0 0.400
1800 0.601 0.16 0.602 0.33 0.603 0.5 0.603 0.5 0.602 0.33 0.602 0.33 0.600
2400 0.801 0.12 0.802 0.25 0.802 0.25 0.803 0.37 0.804 0.5 0.803 0.37 0.800


Applied CORE – 1
Voltage in
Percentage 1S1-1S2 1S3-1S4 1S2-1S3 1S1-1S3 1S1-1S4
%Vk (V) (mA) (V) (mA) (V) (mA) (V) (mA) (V) (mA)
25% 125 17.5 250 8.7 375 5.9 500 4.3 750 2.8
50% 250 27.5 500 13.6 750 9.1 1000 6.9 1500 3.5
75% 375 37.9 750 18.3 1125 12.3 1500 9.2 1250 6.1
100% 500 47.6 1000 23.7 1500 15.8 2000 11.8 3000 7.8
110% 550 52.8 1100 26.4 1650 17.6 2200 13.1 3300 8.8

Applied CORE – 2
Voltage in
Percentage 2S1-2S2 2S3-2S4 2S2-2S3 2S1-2S3 2S1-2S4
%Vk (V) (mA) (V) (mA) (V) (mA) (V) (mA) (V) (mA)
25% 125 19.5 250 9.8 375 6.6 500 5.0 750 3.3
50% 250 31.4 500 15.8 750 10.5 1000 7.6 1500 5.1
75% 375 42.4 750 21.2 1125 14.2 1500 10.6 1250 6.9
100% 500 56.2 1000 27.9 1500 18.8 2000 13.9 3000 9.3
110% 550 63.3 1100 32.2 1650 22.0 2200 16.3 3300 10.9

Applied CORE – 5
Voltage in
Percentage 5S1-5S2 5S3-5S4 5S2-5S3 5S1-5S3 5S1-5S4
%Vk (V) (mA) (V) (mA) (V) (mA) (V) (mA) (V) (mA)
25% 125 20.4 250 9.7 375 6.5 500 5.0 750 3.2
50% 250 31.8 500 15.9 750 10.6 1000 8.1 1500 5.3
75% 375 43.8 750 22.0 1125 14.6 1500 10.7 1250 7.0
100% 500 56.2 1000 28.4 1500 18.9 2000 14.1 3000 9.3
110% 550 60.9 1100 31.4 1650 20.9 2200 15.6 3300 10.5

Current Transformer Format No.:CF/CT/04/R-4 DATED 01/04/2013

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DOC NO.: D-2-01-03-01-04

Applied CORE – 6
Voltage in
Percentage 6S1-6S2 6S3-6S4 6S2-6S3 6S1-6S3 6S1-6S4
%Vk (V) (mA) (V) (mA) (V) (mA) (V) (mA) (V) (mA)
25% 125 19.4 250 9.5 375 6.5 500 4.9 750 3.2
50% 250 32.0 500 16.0 750 10.4 1000 7.9 1500 5.2
75% 375 43.4 750 22.5 1125 14.6 1500 10.9 1250 7.3
100% 500 57.0 1000 28.6 1500 19.0 2000 14.2 3000 9.3
110% 550 62.5 1100 31.6 1650 21.2 2200 15.8 3300 10.5


Applied CORE – 1
Voltage in
Percentage 1S1-1S2 1S1-1S2 1S1-1S2 1S1-1S2 1S1-1S2
%Vk (V) (mA) (V) (mA) (V) (mA) (V) (mA) (V) (mA)
25% 125 19.6 250 9.7 375 6.5 500 4.9 750 3.3
50% 250 32.1 500 16.0 750 10.8 1000 8.1 1500 5.4
75% 375 44.1 750 21.9 1125 14.6 1500 11.0 1250 7.3
100% 500 56.9 1000 28.9 1500 19.0 2000 14.3 3000 9.6
110% 550 63.4 1100 32.0 1650 21.5 2200 15.5 3300 10.8

Applied CORE – 2
Voltage in
Percentage 2S1-2S2 2S3-2S4 2S2-2S3 2S1-2S3 2S1-2S4
%Vk (V) (mA) (V) (mA) (V) (mA) (V) (mA) (V) (mA)
25% 125 16.8 250 8.4 375 5.6 500 4.2 750 2.8
50% 250 27.5 500 13.7 750 9.2 1000 6.9 1500 4.5
75% 375 38.0 750 18.7 1125 12.5 1500 9.4 1250 6.2
100% 500 48.4 1000 24.7 1500 16.4 2000 12.4 3000 8.2
110% 550 54.0 1100 27.4 1650 18.3 2200 13.8 3300 9.2

Applied CORE – 5
Voltage in
Percentage 5S1-5S2 5S3-5S4 5S2-5S3 5S1-5S3 5S1-5S4
%Vk (V) (mA) (V) (mA) (V) (mA) (V) (mA) (V) (mA)
25% 125 22.4 250 11.1 375 7.5 500 5.6 750 3.6
50% 250 37.1 500 18.3 750 12.6 1000 9.1 1500 6.0
75% 375 50.9 750 25.9 1125 17.3 1500 12.9 1250 8.5
100% 500 71.7 1000 36.8 1500 25.6 2000 17.9 3000 12.6
110% 550 81.2 1100 42.0 1650 28.5 2200 20.9 3300 13.9

Applied CORE – 6
Voltage in
Percentage 6S1-6S2 6S1-6S2 6S1-6S2 6S1-6S2 6S1-6S2
%Vk (V) (mA) (V) (mA) (V) (mA) (V) (mA) (V) (mA)
25% 125 21.0 250 10.3 375 6.9 500 5.1 750 3.3
50% 250 34.8 500 16.9 750 11.1 1000 8.4 1500 5.6
75% 375 47.7 750 23.5 1125 15.7 1500 11.7 1250 7.6
100% 500 62.7 1000 31.5 1500 22.0 2000 15.9 3000 10.6
110% 550 72.2 1100 37.9 1650 24.9 2200 18.5 3300 12.2

Current Transformer Format No.:CF/CT/04/R-4 DATED 01/04/2013

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DOC NO.: D-2-01-03-01-04


Applied CORE – 1
Voltage in
Percentage 1S1-1S2 1S3-1S4 1S2-1S3 1S1-1S3 1S1-1S4
%Vk (V) (mA) (V) (mA) (V) (mA) (V) (mA) (V) (mA)
25% 125 22.9 250 10.6 375 7.1 500 5.4 750 3.5
50% 250 35.0 500 16.9 750 11.4 1000 8.5 1500 5.6
75% 375 46.1 750 23.2 1125 15.4 1500 11.6 1250 7.6
100% 500 61.0 1000 31.3 1500 20.7 2000 15.4 3000 10.0
110% 550 71.2 1100 35.7 1650 23.9 2200 17.5 3300 11.6

Applied CORE – 2
Voltage in
Percentage 2S1-2S2 2S3-2S4 2S2-2S3 2S1-2S3 2S1-2S4
%Vk (V) (mA) (V) (mA) (V) (mA) (V) (mA) (V) (mA)
25% 125 21.1 250 10.6 375 7.0 500 5.3 750 3.5
50% 250 34.1 500 16.8 750 11.3 1000 8.4 1500 5.5
75% 375 44.3 750 22.8 1125 14.9 1500 11.3 1250 7.4
100% 500 59.9 1000 29.3 1500 19.8 2000 14.8 3000 9.8
110% 550 67.4 1100 33.7 1650 22.4 2200 17.0 3300 11.1

Applied CORE – 5
Voltage in
Percentage 5S1-5S2 5S3-5S4 5S2-5S3 5S1-5S3 5S1-5S4
%Vk (V) (mA) (V) (mA) (V) (mA) (V) (mA) (V) (mA)
25% 125 18.4 250 9.1 375 6.1 500 4.5 750 3.0
50% 250 30.0 500 14.9 750 10.0 1000 7.4 1500 4.9
75% 375 40.2 750 20.5 1125 13.6 1500 10.2 1250 6.7
100% 500 53.8 1000 26.5 1500 17.7 2000 13.3 3000 8.8
110% 550 59.4 1100 29.8 1650 19.8 2200 14.9 3300 9.8

Applied CORE – 6
Voltage in
6S1-6S2 6S3-6S4 6S2-6S3 6S1-6S3 6S1-6S4
%Vk (V) (mA) (V) (mA) (V) (mA) (V) (mA) (V) (mA)
25% 125 19.6 250 9.9 375 6.6 500 4.9 750 3.3
50% 250 31.9 500 16.4 750 10.8 1000 8.1 1500 5.3
75% 375 44.5 750 22.1 1125 14.7 1500 11.0 1250 7.4
100% 500 56.6 1000 29.3 1500 19.5 2000 14.6 3000 9.6
110% 550 65.1 1100 33.1 1650 22.0 2200 16.5 3300 10.8

X. Final Documentation Review

1. Final documents of Pre- Commissioning checks reviewed and approved

Yes No

2. Document regarding spares equipment, O&M manuals etc available at sit for O&M
Yes No

Current Transformer Format No.:CF/CT/04/R-4 DATED 01/04/2013

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DOC NO.: D-2-01-03-01-04

3. After modification, if any, “As built Drawings” are available at site

Yes No

Signature: Signature: Signature: Signature:

Name: Name: Name: Name:

Desgn.: Desgn.: Desgn.: Desgn.:

Organization: (Erection Agency) (POWERGRID Site (POWERGRID

(Supplier I/C) Commg. Team)
Representative) Members:
(Wherever 1.
Applicable) 2.

Current Transformer Format No.:CF/CT/04/R-4 DATED 01/04/2013

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