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BSCE 2-3

Essay Writing. How dance contributes to your physical activity during the pandemic.
(minimum of 300 words)

In the midst of this situation, the pandemic, we are facing really difficult times.
Everyone is battling with stress, anxiety, fear and isolation. Still, we always do what we
can to seek for hope and doing everything we can to stay on the ground, focused and
healthy and dance somehow helped me with that.
As we all know Tiktok became really famous in an instant during the pandemic
and the dance trends helped me to keep on moving. Learning those trends made me
realize that I can stay optimistic in these trying times. For me having the idea of leisure
and fun allows me to calm my mind, think clear and it allows me to deviate from stress
and anxiety, and dancing provided all of that. Physically those dance trends are not
easy to learn for a beginner like me who really don’t dance for a long period of time.
Well that makes it more exciting. The sweat, the laughter, the efforts are worth
something really good physically and mentally.
To dance is to live. Dancing is not as simple as it is, dance in any genres are
challenging. How? It challenges me to master my body coordination, it pushes me to be
flexible, and it checks if my balance and even if I have the muscle or the endurance to
do it. We all know that due to the pandemic CoVid 2019 every student like me are
studying at home doing homework, activities and quizzes at our own respective places.
We start the day with online classes so we don’t have ample amount of time to exercise.
The good thing is whenever I take a break or a pause from the stressful environment of
online class the first thing that I do is dance. I let my body move freely as I play a song
on my phone. Then suddenly my body start relaxing negating stress and anxiety and
the best part is, it makes me happy.
This pandemic is just a challenge, a very hard one. The only way to stay
optimistic in this point of time is to sway your hips, let you body groove and start to
laugh. Let’s do our best to stay healthy and be happy. “To live, you need to dance, be
happy to be healthy.”- Kasser Joe E. Seradoy.

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