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Aim : - To studv lil" · .. • .

J t: Vanous types ot wooden patterns «1151 lhc1r allow;rnccs.

Pattern .· - A 11 ·1 tt,•1·1·11·s·
· " '-'
· ( <.;opy,) 0 t· tIle
tl1 C rq.J 1!Ca 1·
part prrn U<.:l lo I.lC I· . ·'
cw-; t <Ill( IS USt:u

prepare !he mould cavity. Pattern is made either of wood or metal. There are <liffen.~

type of pattcm depending upon the material , the job shape, an<l No. of castings required.

Types of P{tHcrn: - The commonly use<l patterns arc clas~ified as. follows : -

l . Single piece Pattern or solid Pattern .

•-• 2. Split Pattern.

J. Gated Pattern.

,t fvt\tch Plate J>att-::m.

-- ~ 5. Cnpc 81; drng Pattern,.

• {J. Loose piece Pattern.

7. Skeieton Pattern.
_. :-i. Sw8cp Fattern.
1). :~cg.rne11td i\ .iltern.

J.. .1O. Shell Pnttem.

_,. 1 J. L:1~gd up Pattern.

I '
n. L,.~n &, : igbt hand P;1ltcrn
L~ ;-. .. , ()._f Ja11·,
,1·1·,,.~ ,,.ypc · will
..- ,.,e,Jcclcd for a ,u,1rticulm c::.iE;tmg · ,JL"pen d , 1n t'r1 , · 1·O\' I,t .,' ,:,",
L~ - 1 •. vi 11 '
1. , c=

Ji1. - cc_111dition ~~ -
r~ ij Si ?c and shapeof cnsting.
l --j l'lo. of' c1stings required
I ii ,I
~ .--,I

\ i)
iii)" TL
Method of lv1 .
ou/ding used.
Qifficulty of mould.
ing used.
aracteristics of Castrngs.
1. SinuJc Pi . ,
,:, ccc or Solid Pattern · _ c.. .
· ull1g1e pier..:c or sol'1J pattern 1s
· mauc of one piece
only It does not have any ·oin . . . .
J t, parting, or loose piece m its construction. The
single piece pattern 15
generally used for large Casting of simple sha,c. From
ccci1omy point of view
s·mg1e .piece
patterns are usually made of woos. For
forge and intricate cast"rngs
7 ti 1ey are made from metal to avoid warp age.

2. Split Pattern •· - ;\ SjJrt t..:,n 1s marJc of lwo or more part~ joineJ together by
"It... ·
1 JJ«

dowel pins. Whe11 the casting is peculiar design and intricate shape, its .P?Jt!e::rn

c;uu:ot be madt: in single- piece because it cn11Dot be wilh drawn from the mould .

Therefore. such a pattern is made iu two or more pieces. Depending upon the

num/Jer of parts it is kJ1mv11 .as two-piece split pattern or three pieces split pattern

cl:i show,~ in figure. 'i

3. Gated Pattern~ - Gared patlerns are used for :nass productio~smoJl ca~ling~~- ,,;

The passage through >vl·1ich the molten metal flows· is called gate. Numbers of

sma!i castings are produced in a single multicavity mould by joining rmmbrr ~)f

puUem;:; through gc1tes. fhc gates are Jcmncd by conoecting parts bclwern the

;nd i vidtwi pa Cle-ms these group of patterns wil ii ga!e forrn _crs J t1acl1ccl tl, l l1e111 an.:

called gated patterns. The molten metal is poured into mould thrnugh a ~ingle

gare ,md il J1ows to every mould through the individu:1/ g~:tcs .

4. ,1\,f;i!ch flatc JJ~ttcrns: - Whrn split µntterns arc mountd wi ih (1ne half on the

one :::iJe of plate ,mrl nnoli1cr VH'. clirecily cppusik side of plate. Tk· pntlern is
Drag pattern

-. -- -.. ..---..-_-.. -~
. -- . . - .
-. -- - - ,-


I' L

Loose piec~ patll'rn


"!IT. ·1
Gdlcd match plate r>atte1·11 .
The match pl t,
. a c. patterns arc us, I 1· . - .
. .· . _, t:l OJ produc1110 small
u1st1n,,s in lar J • . c-
,"c-· ' ge quant1t1cs in moulding maclti11cs whic ..
i . • h gives nccuratc and ·rapid
pn)L_1uct 1011 .

5. Cope and Brag. Pattern: If

- the casting is large, the co111plc1L: 111ould is too
heavy anc.l di.fficull to lwndle ! b · I. , .. . _ .
. l ya s111g e ope1,1to1 . hir s11ch easl111 g the c~)pe and
c,rng patterns are used The p tt > • • d · .
- · a 1.::rn 1s mc1 c Ill l\Vo halves, split 011 a cu11vcnicnt

jtli'nt line . One 1 If II· ·

1a mou c ts m cope and other half i:, in dra~t- Aner r~~moving Ilic

two halves from the mould_ing _sand , the cope and drag a1c then as~;en1blcd to

rn cJ:e lhe complete mould .

G. L,m~r Pi..:cc Pattern: - Loose piece pattern is made of ~sc oomroucat piL~cr~:;
.is.•,cniblcd logclht:r hy dO\vcl pins. The whole pattern can be rcm1)\\: ~I from th...:

sand rnouid ~1 y taking out al! the component pieces one by one . . The 1nain piece:. is

usu-1l!y removed first , a1\er _that the separate loose pieces, which may have to he

turned or moved before laking out, are removed .

7. Skclch>n Pl:lttcrn: - Skeleton pattern is used mainly for mc.mldiJJg large .

censists of skeleton structure for confinement of moulding sand. ln int ric atc w· ick

~l skeleton pattern carrying some __ of parts, which ·must be loq~t-~ ;_,((..'\ iralt.'! \'. i'.:

rnJdc . Such a · is m:!<le of wooden frame and i·ib conslrnctiui1 y; and ~;_: vc :,;

l~irgc ..irnouwt of timber/pattern material, · ,vhich would hav1.' hccn :-; j)L' tll in
prcp:11 ing t_hc fully solid pattern. Thc ribbed con~trudion wi1 h a l,irt r m·1mb ,:r 1
P :·

squarr or rectangular opening bct\vccn the rib:-; is iilkd ·c111J rarn·11,::t' \L),m :;:1ll:..I .

SiidJc board is u:;ed to n:lllL'IVC cx;:ess sand out of spaces bc '. \ve1:.·n ril•s ~1, ;1' : 11,

I ll;\kl'. e~terio1: surface C\' ·~11 with I he out~idc or ti IC ~kektu1 ~.

• • I
sweep Cu~plctcJ
Spi 1iJle moult!

(a) : (c)
(b}; -
Sweep Fattern


Follow board
Folio"' boJrd r ..·,tt err--.

8. Sweep l'attcrlJ' - S w ,
· ccp pattern are used to prepare moulds of symmetrical and
regular shapes . t' . -
p icu 1ar 1Y in large sizes. A sweep pattern consists of wooden

'• born·d fi xed to metal rod . The outer contour of the board js similar to the contour

• o f CJ s t_ing. The rod is fixed in position in the sand and the board is sweep'ed or

• moved about the axis of the rod , so as to give the sand a revised shape of mould .

• The ramming of sand and sweeping of board is continuously done till the mould is

• Cl ).111rlclc .

• 9. Segmental Pattern: - Th / segmental patterns are used .to prepare circular moulds

• o f larg~ iz~~ like wheels, rims, gear, rings etc. Segmental patter:ns are sections of

,• ' full pattern, ench section forms a part of the mould for preparing a mould by
s 1.:gmcnlal patterns , a vcrtical spindle is fixed in the center of the drag flask ~ The
' .

nroulcl bo ttom is rarnm ~4 and swept to level. Now a segment is fastened to the

~ spindle. Moulding sand is rammed between the outside of the pattern and the

,• flask anJ on the inside, except at the ends of the pattern. After ramming one

:;cg mcnt. next seg ment is rnmmec! anJ so on , until the complete perilllclc r uf" tlv~
• mould is prepared .

• 10. Shell Pattern: - The sheJJ pattern is c:1 hollow construction like a s hell. Its outside

share i;; used as a pattern to make the mould alld the insid e sl1apc_j.s u~cd a~ o i.: o r c

box for making core:;\ The shell pattern is usual_ly mad r up or me.tal. ' Jt j ~,

11,wuni<.;d on a plaLc and pa1ted aiong the centcrlir:c . T!ic two halve~; are corrcc i.! v

duwd eci together. The ~hell patterns arc \videly used for drainag,_; 1i,.iing~. pi ~Jc

work , hc11ds etc .

••_, .t
_ L,·Igg•"d up patterns are used for cylindrical casting,, 11.k"'
11 . Lagged up Pattern: .., "
barrels, pipe, columns etc. A lagged up pauern is made :it'h \eg.pby joining the"'
.d t . nsurc proper shape. Such a pattern is 11. 1
on two heads, one on each SJ c, c g ltcl"
ti e required contour.
in weight and easy to construe t 1

12. Left and Right Hau<l Pattern: - Such patterns are made in pairs one for left hand
~nd other for right hand ~asting. Left_hand pattern is ju opposite to light . hand

. pattern. The examples ' of such patterns are J- hangers, legs for g..-den bench,

lathe, sewing machine and brackets for luggage racks in railway carriages etc.

Pattern allowances: - The allowances given 01,r Pattern- size is called pattern

allo,Vru1cc. Patlern a\lowaucc af\Ccl the dim~ ~al characteristics of the casting thus

., must Lie given. on the sizes :;pccificd ill llw.

\-Vhcn pattern IS produccd)cc rlain allO\.\'~n~es

lin i~;hed component drawing so that a casting with thLJ/2.Jarticular specification can be

produced . , The correct pattern allowance ._greatly. }1f~lps

- . to re( Juce machining cos t mid

avoid rejections. 1

The allowances us~mlly cons1'd ercd on pattern and core boi:c::; ..... ,,
l.Jl ' . .

explain~ her;,,: :-

L Contraction or shrinkage
.· . . AIJ .... , l rsecl fi·( •
,, owancc: - The r11.-t·1l ·
. r . . · Jl casting CfH1f r: 1,. 1
<t,tcr <:olid1fi .. t' · -- · · · -·--
. c<1 ton m the mould and II ~

. ie pattcm must therefore l1 , . ,
the c:1st11w. Tl , , ., l . - ·, t, larger ! lit..~n
.::, Jt; .0L con!ractwn of ti , .
, • lC Castmg C0111pl'iSCS I f ~
i.: .g. Lhc contraction of 1· . . ) thre1:. e!<'.nc1w~
1qu1ds fr 01 ,1 po .
tc111' , · · urn1111:, t
cmpcrntur ·· 1. 1.-. .
l1era,urc, co11(rn(.;tio11 c o rc ~;Z11P
on ac.:count nf cl , . - b
.. t • . . luJ'.gl:! from I' .
I..\) ;) ract,urt or ~1.1!id· ,....,L,•:t "'lip,
' :.
from f ·. . .
.ICJHul lo s011· . l
·· I.!
ul "
. ICt"Ztno
. . . 1peraturc t I

u s1111uuwlings.

- -1

C'1t ·
' s,mg would l
If the actual b.
'OJcctitslf "
c st igl' ti Ysmalle I
c is used ~or the pattern the
·I . · 1 1 r t ,an desi d . · , -
resuh,n, 'i
s m11k rule is used .Ill laying. out or me .re . ro compensate ror, this . possibili1v. -a i
sl .· I asu1c11H:11t r I - I
ll lll rngc illlo· W,lllt:C
.. . .
\1'\ with ti' . . . . ur I H:: paltcrnc.,.I lI) ,<Ill u.i. I pr:K tic,
. le casting dcsi ,, . v. _,,,- ·
or cast111g. t ' . . g I . llnckncss. and nil .
' l r,e of metal, pouring t \Cf ,hmcnvions
. emperature etc WI
l ,) caused from the origi I .
na patterns , double stmn
. Jen metal pallcrnv are lo h.
. kage must be allowed. c

l\1atcrial Shrinkage
Machining allowance fo r ct·1mens1ons
0-30cm .

2.5mm I 4.0mm
Cast Iron l/96
C ~ ,, 4.5mm
.ast Steel (Low carboi\) 1/48 3mm

Aluminum . 3/l 92 1.5mm
!~ Bronze 3/192 1.5mm 3mm
- . 1.5mm 3mm
Brass 1/48

' 1en a_ ra ts man raws up the dcl:lils o( a pa r\ 1 be
Machining alfowancc: _ WI d f d
, c o _e mac 11ne 1s 1nd1cated by a h111sh mark. n,emark ,n<licalcs 1lu
ri1adc each smfo -c t b ·l · "d · · · · · · ·
~ addit!uual metal must h•c provided at tl1is point so that their will be some 111<:tal 10 /
~ -
machine. The amount that is added depends upon the size. shape, and ma lerial of casti n~-
'., ~
but in general. the allowance for small casting and average size casting 3 111111 for !'c11 ,,1\S
c;istin:; and t .5 mm for non--fcrrous casting. For internal surfaces. the all owance
,rovidcd should be negative and external surfaces the allowances pro vided ,,hali l,c-
~ ~,
. _;i1in',. JI . . . When a pauern is drawn out frmn a inould the ten•.knn· 1I"
· ti y 1-c rL··· sed i1· 1 1r
l.1r:•.ft or t:i per a "" anc c. · ' ' .
•.car ,,w.iy the -edges of the mouiJ in coutacl with the patt ern is ~rca uc " .1

. ,· . l!. () 11 1'..,,•1llr,I lO whi cl1 :( i~ h. i• ~
• 1· j-t t er 1n ·1 011cc } <- • • ·-


-- smi';ccv·s of 1!,v, paltcr\1 arc g1VC'i a CC ig ap '





f; •
74 . l cp
~ -'---- line

Effect of drt1ft on pattern h·ithdra-..,ving
w ith drawn from th . . . . ,:JZI[
c mould cavity h .
as s own Ill Fig ·1·1 . . .
IS c~dlcJ dra.n ·-n ·
·I 11stapcrofth es1ccsofthcpntkm
. le amount of the urat't r .
equtrcd c.kpcnu I I
cti sl i . · s on tic s 1apc and the size or
. ng, mould1ng method d . .
, pro uct1011 method , intricacv of J)attcrn •'le 't1·11c., . I
. · " ·I .. vc1agcvaue
of the drart ranges from 1/20 to 20. / .
llapping or shake Allowance:-
When a pattern 1s rnppcd in the mould before it is
withdraw11 the c.: ·t, · . .
' avt ) 111 t11c mould 1s slightly increased . .The shake allowance must be

considered by n~aking the pattern slightly smaller.

Di st orlion of camber allowance : - This aliowancc applies only to those casting or

irregular shapes such as U-shapc or those having large flat ar~a , which arc distorted in the

process of cooling as result of metal shrinkage. For instance, casting of U-Shape will be

disto~tc<l with the legs Jivc.:rgcnt. instcaJ of parallel. Tu compensate this, lhc pallt.:m is
. .r
111~dc such th;-it legs convcr~c, but on cooling the c~sting legs should be straight. Such ~n

allowance depe nds on the j uJgmcnt and experience of the pattern maker. who

uml<.T~Umd.s the shrinkage clw.ractcristics of the metal.



( I
- ·- - ~ - .. 4" •'·

~ri •' )

-~ +~
Ai rn · · T pre Pm e a Wooden pattern nf hand le con:iideri ng all owa 11ce.1 t1<.
loot required : - Kail wood piece ·Try square, Slcci Ruic Jack plane, marking gauge,
scriber, haud saw, ten on saw wnoden lite, mallet radius gauge half round wooden rasp
~ file etc.
a r

» Sequence of operation : -

! .• .,.j'

f-irfit of all the given wood 1s~~kcd for dimcnsio,~s.
, ./ ..
One side is planed with jackplane
I ' ,.
and checked for straight ncs:i.


f'~ 4.
The adjacent ~idc is also planed.

Tile two surfaces .ire chcck,~d for fiquarc nc:;:; with a try sriuarc.
'3 Marking gausc is set and lines arc marked at 35 mm and 55 mm to mark the

·t~ ! j

thickness and widtl1 of the model respc<.:tivcly.


~ ML\
~ 1

The excess 111aterial is first planed lo correct size.

Marking gauge is again s,;t and lines a,,:e marked at Radius -25 and radius -55

on both edges of job. A line at 35 mm is also marked,

r»~i 8, Usir.g tenon saw the portion to be re1J1oved arc cut in the .iob,

,I,, 9. Using half round rasp cut file to form th~ rndiu:; in the job. r~ept sl,rinkagc

allowance on th~ pattern.


] 0, Using radius gauge to check the radius.

,'!"f~i,e ·':J

~.~ / .I

( ·~ ~
, ~').
·· - -d '

.., ~r •.,

4 , ,ft
~ ·.;
s ! ¥* y ¼.~fi::~:' 4 1•~
= ·7:
: 11~

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