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Contemporary Arts from the Different Regions

Governor Pack Road, Baguio City, Philippines 2600

Tel. Nos.: (+6374) 442-3316, 442-8220; 444-2786;
442-2564; 442-8219; 442-8256; Fax No.: 442-6268 Grade Level/Section: 11/12
Email:; Website:

MODULE 7 – Phil Arts Subject Teacher:

For this lesson, we will focus more about the understanding and appreciation of
Literature in the different Regions in the Philippines.

Learning Objectives:
At the end of this lesson, you are expected to:
1. recognize the different divisions of literature in the Philippine Setting
2. evaluate our own knowledge about Philippine Literature; and
3. recognize the different national artists in Philippine Literature;


 Expression of man’s best thoughts, feelings, and emotion in words of truth and beauty.
- Life itself
A. Truth – applies to actuality, or what is reality
B. Beauty – a quality that delights the senses, or exalts the mind.
- Gives aesthetic pleasure

 is a mirror of life. – Arsenia Tan

 is an art which uses language.- John Henry Cardinal Newman

1. Reveals the secrets of human heart.

2. Carry off the hidden grief.
3. Relieve the pain of the soul.
4. Record experience.
5. Convey sympathy
 comes from the Latin word “litera” which means “an acquaintance with letters”
 An imaginative or creative writing, passed on from generation from generation to
generation by word of mouth.

Literature leads to:

A. Personal Fulfillment
 Enjoyment -A positive early experience lead to a lifetime of reading enjoyment)
 Imagination and Inspiration
 Vicarious experience
 Understanding and Empathy
 Moral Reasoning
 Literary and artistic awareness is to recognize the style of the author
B. Academic Value
 Reading
 Writing
 Art Appreciation

Contemporary Arts from the Different Regions
Governor Pack Road, Baguio City, Philippines 2600
Tel. Nos.: (+6374) 442-3316, 442-8220; 444-2786;
442-2564; 442-8219; 442-8256; Fax No.: 442-6268 Grade Level/Section: 11/12
Email:; Website:

MODULE 7 – Phil Arts Subject Teacher:

Main Divisions of Literature

1. Prose – written in sentences and paragraphs. (Language of the mind)
Two Divisions of Prose
A. Fiction – include stories that do not happen in real life, or they lack facts for their bases
 Short story – a story read in one sitting. It has unity of characterization, theme, and
 Novel – has considerable length. It has many plots, characters and setting
 Legend – story of the origin or the existence of a place, person, or object
 Adventures – stories filled with suspense from the beginning to the end
 Allegories – stories that give morals/lessons
 Fable – story with makes use of animals as characters
 Parable – story which makes use of persons as characters

Functions of stories (John Campbell)

1. To evoke a sense of wonder in our world
2. To present a conceptual model of that world
3. To establish a sense of right or wrong within that model
4. To teach individuals how to handle having a life

B. Non-fiction – composed of true to life events and stories

1. Biography – story of a person’s life written by another person
2. Autobiography – story of a person’s life written by himself
3. Diary – record of day to day activities of the writer
4. Letters – notes sent to persons by the writer
5. Journals – written reports on certain fields of education
6. Essays – written to give the reader information, entertainment or opinions
7. Current publications – news items, articles in newspapers and magazines or other
forms of periodicals
8. History – record of the past
2. Poetry-- written in verses composing stanzas. (Language of the heart)
A. Lyric Poetry – a direct, songlike expression of the poet’s thoughts and feelings
1. Song – short, simple and direct to the point. It is usually adapted for singing
2. Ode – poem intended to be sung but longer that a song; addressed to some admired
person or object
3. Elegy – mournful poem addressed to the dead; death
4. Dramatic lyric – the speaker is an imagined character rather than the poet
B. Narrative – aims to tell in the form of a story actual or fictional events
1. Epic – tells about the deeds and adventures of heroes with supernatural powers
2. Ballad – a poem intended to be sung and tells a love story
3. Tale – a poem full of exaggeration and fiction

Contemporary Arts from the Different Regions
Governor Pack Road, Baguio City, Philippines 2600
Tel. Nos.: (+6374) 442-3316, 442-8220; 444-2786;
442-2564; 442-8219; 442-8256; Fax No.: 442-6268 Grade Level/Section: 11/12
Email:; Website:

MODULE 7 – Phil Arts Subject Teacher:

Elements of poetry
1. Imagery- using senses
2. Figures of speech-comparison, contrast,
3. Rhyme- repetition of same sounds
4. Rhythm- pattern of stressed and unstressed
syllables in each line
5. Meter- arrangement of strong and weak
stresses in lines of poetry that produces the
2. Dramatic- poems intended to be presented
on stage
• Spoken word is a poetic performance art that is word-based. It is an oral art that
focuses on the aesthetics of word play such as intonation and voice inflection
• Blackout poem- is when a poet takes a marker (usually black marker) to already
established text- like in a newspaper- and starts redacting works until poem is formed.
• Erasure poem- is any poem that sculpts itself out of another larger text.

Kinds of drama:
1. Comedy – a form of poetry with a happy ending
2. Tragedy – a form of poetry with a sad ending
3. Melodrama – a play with highly sensational events
accompanied with music
4. Farce – a short comedy

Different Approaches in Literature

1.Formalistic or Literary Approach

- Viewed intrinsically
- Based on Literary elements
2. Moral/Humanistic Approach
- Close to morality of literature
- Questions characters’ actions
3. Historical Approach
-reflection and product of the times and circumstances on which it was written
4. Sociological Approach
5. Cultural Approach
-A manifestation/vehicle of a nation’s culture and tradition
6. Psychological Approach
-Expression of personality, inner drives
-Includes the psychology of the author, of the characters
7. Impressionistic
- Elucidates ‘reaction response’ which is considered as something very personal,
relative and fruitful
 Is a story enacted onstage for a live audience
 a play for theater, radio or television
Origins of Drama
– The word drama comes from the Greek verb dran, which means “to do.”
• The earliest known plays . . .
– Were written around the fifth century B.C.
Contemporary Arts from the Different Regions
Governor Pack Road, Baguio City, Philippines 2600
Tel. Nos.: (+6374) 442-3316, 442-8220; 444-2786;
442-2564; 442-8219; 442-8256; Fax No.: 442-6268 Grade Level/Section: 11/12
Email:; Website:

MODULE 7 – Phil Arts Subject Teacher:

– produced for festivals to honor Dionysus, the god of wine and

Elements of drama
 Plot - the sequence of events or incidents of which the story is composed.
 Character
 Theme - the controlling idea or central insight.
 Points Of View
 Symbol - a literary symbol means more than what it is.

Dramatic structure
Exposition-characters are introduced
Complications- tension builds
Climax- point of highest tension; action determines how the conflict will be resolved
Resolution- conflict is resolved; play ends

1. TRAGEDY- is a play that ends unhappily
 Most classic Greek tragedies deal with serious, universal themes such as right and
wrong, justice and injustice and life and death.
 Tragedies put human limitations against the larger forces of destiny.
 The protagonist of most classical tragedies is a tragic hero.
2. COMEDY- is a play that ends happily. The plot usually centers on a romantic conflict
 Comic complications always occur before the conflict is resolved.
 In most cases, the play ends with a wedding.
3. MODERN PLAY- may be tragedy, comedy, or a mixture of the two.
 usually focuses on personal issues
 usually is about ordinary people
4. PERFORMANCE OF A PLAY- When you read a play, remember that it is meant to be
performed for an audience.
 Stage Directions- Playwright describes setting and characters’ actions and manner.
Theater artists include
 Actors
 Directors
 Lighting technicians
 Stage crew
 Performance
 Theater artists bring the playwright’s vision to life on the stage.
 The audience responds to the play
The Characters
 Dialogue: conversations of characters onstage
 Monologue: long speech given by one character to others
 Soliloquy: speech by a character alone onstage to himself or herself or to the
 Asides: remarks made to the audience or to one character; the other characters
onstage do not hear an aside
The Audience- experience the performance
1. DUPLO – was a poetical debate held by trained men and women in the ninth night,
the last night of the mourning period for the dead.
 Bellacos – male participants, they are the heads of the games.
Contemporary Arts from the Different Regions
Governor Pack Road, Baguio City, Philippines 2600
Tel. Nos.: (+6374) 442-3316, 442-8220; 444-2786;
442-2564; 442-8219; 442-8256; Fax No.: 442-6268 Grade Level/Section: 11/12
Email:; Website:

MODULE 7 – Phil Arts Subject Teacher:

2. KARAGATAN – was also a poetical debate like the duplo, but its participants were
 Both were held in the homes.
 Theme: a ring that fell into the sea.
1. CENAKULO – It was a very heavy drama shown in relation to the life sacrifices and
death of Jesus Christ. It is like a passion play presented and celebrated during the
month of March or April depending the exact date of the Holy week
– Two kinds of presentations:
• The Ablada (oral)
• Kantada (song)
2. MORO-MORO – It is a cloak and dagger play depicting the war between the
Christians and the Muslims with the Christians always on the winning side.
 Fr. Jeronimo Perez – wrote the first moro- moro and was staged in Manila in 1637,
to commemorate Governor General Consuera’s victory over the Muslims of
 It becomes the favorite play of the people, especially during the town fiestas.
3. ZARZUELA – it is a melodrama with songs and dances that have a three in one act
play. It is intended to make the feeling towards love, fear, grief, sorrow or any
emotional reactions sublime.
 It sometimes shows the political and social conditions of our country.
 The musical part of the Zarzuela has given much opportunity for creativity and
appreciation of the audience until the revolt in Cavite in the year 1872.
 it is played by 20-25 professional Zarzuela artists (actors, actresses and extras
 The Zarzuela is a musical comedy.

Street Dramas
• Moriones– the Morion Festival is a Lenten ritual that is colorful as it is unique. It is
celebrated every Holy week in Marinduque.
 Morion – means mask or visor which is the top part of the Medieval Roman
armor covering the face. It is this mask carved from dapdap wood that is the
focal point of the Moriones celebration.
 Pugutan ceremony – is the climax of the Morion festival held at noon of Easter
Sunday. It is held on the dried river bed.
 Longinus – who at the time of Pilate drove his spear into the side of Jesus Christ
as he hung from the cross.
– When Christ resurrected, He was the first one to proclaim his Divinity.
– Men participate in this ritual and go about the streets of Marinduque as Morions.
– They perform this as an act of Penance of thanksgiving for some favor granted
in the past.

• The modern Philippine drama/stage play was rejuvenated upon the establishment of
the Repertory Philippines in June of 1967 which was founded by Zeneida “Bibot”
Amador and Baby Barredo.
• Repertory Philippines - In its 30 years of existence it has become the country’s leading
Theater Company, keeping abreast of new materials and demanding outstanding
performance from its extraordinary talents.

Contemporary Arts from the Different Regions
Governor Pack Road, Baguio City, Philippines 2600
Tel. Nos.: (+6374) 442-3316, 442-8220; 444-2786;
442-2564; 442-8219; 442-8256; Fax No.: 442-6268 Grade Level/Section: 11/12
Email:; Website:

MODULE 7 – Phil Arts Subject Teacher:

National Artists for Literature

1. Amado V. Hernandez (1903-1970)

 Poet, playwright, novelist
 He practiced committed art and he was known as the “Manunulat ng
 His works talked about the struggles of Filipino laborers
 Famous works: Isang Dipang Langit, Luha ng Buwaya, Mga ibong Mandaragit
2. Nick Joaquin(1917-2004)
 the most distinguished Filipino writer in English Writing ; known as Quijano de
 His contribution: exploration of the Philippine Colonial Past under Spain and his
probing into the psychology of social danger as seen by the young
 He has written play, novels, poems, short stories, essays and reportage in
 Famous Works: The Woman who had Two Navels, the Ballad of the Five Battles
3. Carlos P. Romulo (1899-1985)
 His career spanned 50 years in public service as an educator, soldier, university
president, journalist, and diplomat. He was the 1st Asian President of UN General
Assembly and the Philippine Ambassador to US
 His broadcasts during Japanese colonization was known as the voice of the
 The only Asian to win Putlizer Prize for Journalism of a series of articles predicting
the outbreak of WWII
 Famous Works: I walked with Heroes, I saw the Fall of the Philippines
4. Francisco Arcellena(1916-2202)
 Writer, poet, essayist, critic, journalist, teacher
 One of the most important progenitors of the modern Filipino short story on
 He pioneered the development of short story as a lyrical prose-poetic form
 Famous Works: Poetry and Politics, to touch You and To touch Her, Frankie, The
Other Woman
5. N.V.M Gonzales
 Filipino novelist, short story writer, essayist and poet
 Distinctively wrote of the Filipino life and of the Filipino World
 Famous Works: the Bamboo Dancers, Mindoro
6. F. Sionil Jose
• In writings since late 60s when taken collectively can be described as epic. His
works reflect on the consistent espousal of the aspirations of the Filipinos:
National Sovereignty and Social Justice.
• His works were translated into various languages
7. Edith Tiempo (1919-2011)
 Widely acknowledged as the Mother of Philippine Literature
 Poet, fictionist, teacher and literary critic

Contemporary Arts from the Different Regions
Governor Pack Road, Baguio City, Philippines 2600
Tel. Nos.: (+6374) 442-3316, 442-8220; 444-2786;
442-2564; 442-8219; 442-8256; Fax No.: 442-6268 Grade Level/Section: 11/12
Email:; Website:

MODULE 7 – Phil Arts Subject Teacher:

 Her works are characterized by remarkable fusion of style and substance or

craftmanship and insight
 Founded and directed Silliman National Writers Workshop in Dumaguete City
which produced some best writers in the Philippines.

Other Filipino Authors

 BOB ONG- Bob Ong is the pseudonym of a contemporary Filipino author known for using
conversational writing technique to create humorous and reflective depictions of Philippine
life. He is famous for discussing social issues in the Philippines.
Famous books: Alamat ng Gubat, Stainless Longganisa
 MARCELO SANTOS III- is a graduate of Bachelor in Advertising and Public Relations from
Polytechnic University of the Philippines. He's the creator of Youtube Love Story on Video which
went viral in 2010. He also wrote and directed short films on Youtube such as “My Super Fangirl,
“Tadhana”, and “A Better Love Story”.
Famous books: Para sa Hopeless Romantic,
Para sa Broken Hearted
 CHINKEE TAN- He is an actor and writer,
known for ipon diary, badget and other
finance management books. He is also a
personal coach for rich people.
 Diary ng Panget by DennyR.(Have you seen
this Gril)- She is best known for her novel,
Diary ng Panget. It first appeared on
Wattpad and was later published as a
paperback by PSICOM
 She’s Dating with the Gangster by Bianca
Bernardino strong emotions led to the
creation of her story, which has been
adapted into a major movie

Famous Filipino for Spoken Poetry

1. Maimai Cantillano
Maimai is a starting slam poet whose piece "Sa Pagitan Ka Natagpuan" became viral on
social media. The Bataan Peninsula State University student's poem is inspired by her first love,
her friends' experiences, and Moira Dela Torre's song "Malaya". She had a hard time writing it
but succeeded to pierce through people's emotions.
2. Henri Igna
Henri is a member of spoken word group Words Anonymous. In his poem "Masarap Kang
Magtimpla Ng Kape", he compares the love of his life to coffee which never fails to wake
him up, one that he'll always choose even if it gets cold.
Other poems to check out: "Taxi", "Constipated"
3.Juan Miguel Severo
You may already be familiar with Rico from On the Wings of Love, but Juan Miguel Severo
(his real name) of Words Anonymous has been generating buzz in the spoken word poetry
Contemporary Arts from the Different Regions
Governor Pack Road, Baguio City, Philippines 2600
Tel. Nos.: (+6374) 442-3316, 442-8220; 444-2786;
442-2564; 442-8219; 442-8256; Fax No.: 442-6268 Grade Level/Section: 11/12
Email:; Website:

MODULE 7 – Phil Arts Subject Teacher:

scene in Manila long before that. His piece, "Ang

Huling Tula na Isusulat Ko Para Sa'yo," is one such
poem that widely circulated in the Internet, and for
good reason—with the use of similes and
contradictions, this poem perfectly describes the
feelings of those who have exhausted all their efforts
for the person they love. His heartfelt delivery will
keep you glued to your seat and reaching for some
Contemporary International Authors that You know: Novels
Edition(Goodreads 2018)

1. SIDNEY SHELDON- Sidney Sheldon was an American writer
and producer. Sheldon was prominent in the 1930s, first
working on Broadway plays and then in motion picture. He
is famous for thiller love stories.
2. NORA ROBERTS- is an American author of more than 225
romance novels. She writes as J. D. Robb for the in Death
series and has also written under the pseudonyms Jill March
and for publications in the U.K. as Sarah Hardesty. Famous
Books: Sweet Revenge, Blue Mist
3. TOM CLANCY- was an American novelist best known for his
technically detailed espionage and military-science
storylines set during and after the Cold War. Seventeen of
his novels were bestsellers, and more than 100 million copies
of his books were sold.
Famous books: Ghost Recon, Splinter Cell
4. NICHOLAS SPARKS- is an American romance novelist and
screenwriter. He has published twenty novels and two non-fiction books.
Famous books: A Walk To Remember, The Notebook
5. J.K ROWLING- Joanne Rowling was born on 31st July 1965 at Yate General Hospital near Bristol,
and grew up in Gloucestershire in England and in Chepstow, Gwent, in south-east Wales.Her
first novel was published in the US by Scholastic under a different title (again at the publisher’s
request), Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, in 1998. Six further titles followed in the Harry
Potter series, each achieving record-breaking success.
6. RICK RIORDAN- Richard Russell Riordan Jr. better known as Rick
Riordan is The New York Times bestselling American author of the Percy
Jackson and Olympians series. Born on June 5, 1964, Rick Riordan grew
up in Texas.
7. JAY ASHER- Jay Asher is an American writer and novelist. He is best
known for writing the bestselling 2007 book Thirteen Reasons Why.
8. SUZANNE COLLINS- Suzanne Collins is an American television writer
and author. She is known as the author of The New York Times best-selling
series The Under land Chronicles and The Hunger Games trilogy.
9. COLEEN HOOVER- Colleen Hoover is the #1 New York Times
bestselling author of eleven novels and five novellas. Hoover's novels fall
into the New Adult and young adult categories. Hoover published her first
novel, Slammed, in January 2012. Since then, all of her full-length novels
have become New York Times Best Sellers.
Contemporary Arts from the Different Regions
Governor Pack Road, Baguio City, Philippines 2600
Tel. Nos.: (+6374) 442-3316, 442-8220; 444-2786;
442-2564; 442-8219; 442-8256; Fax No.: 442-6268 Grade Level/Section: 11/12
Email:; Website:

MODULE 7 – Phil Arts Subject Teacher:

10. STEPHEN KING- Stephen Edwin King is an American author of horror, supernatural fiction,
suspense, and fantasy novels. His books have sold more than 350 million copies, many of which
have been adapted into feature films, miniseries, television series, and comic books.

Literature Trivia’s

 The first book printed in the Philippines is the "Doctrina Christiana", see also the written
language. It had been published 1593 in Manila.
 Tomas Pinpin wrote and printed in 1610 "Librong Pagaaralan nang mga Tagalog nang
Wikang Kastila", 119 pages designed to help fellow Filipinos to learn the Spanish
language in a simple way. He is also credited with the first news publication made in
the Philippines: "Successos Felices".
 On December 1, 1846, La Esperanza, the first daily newspaper, was available in the
country. Other early newspapers were La Estrella (1847), Diario de Manila (1848) and
Boletin Oficial de Filipinas (1852).
 In 1863, the Spanish government introduced a system of free public education that
had an important effect on the ability of the population to read in Spanish and further
in the rise of an educated class called the Ilustrado (meaning, well-informed).
 Spanish became the social language of urban places and the true lingua franca of
the archipelago. A good number of Spanish newspapers were published until the end
of the 1940s, the most influential of them being El Renacimiento, printed in Manila by
members of the Guerrero de Ermita family.
 The most translated Philippine poem is Mi Ultimo Adios by Dr Jose Rizal. It is originally
written in Spanish and is translated into 38 other languages.


• Gonzales. (2019). National Artists for Literature. Retrieved August 15, 2020 from
• Brewer, R. (2014). Writer’s Digest. Erasure and Blackout Poems :Poetic Forms. Retrieved
from August 15, 2019

 Palencia, M. (2017). Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions. Fastbooks
Educational Suppy, Inc.
 Tadem, T. & Morada, N. (2006). Contemporary Arts of the Philippines: An Introduction.
Quezon City: University of the Philippines

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