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Kelas 9 Bab 6

Bahasa Inggris

Edo : “Where are the others? They are not

KELAS 9 BAB 6 having lunch now?”
BAHASA INGGRIS Siti : “No. They are all in the library. They’re
looking for some texts about animals and
Chapter VI plants in the encyclopedia. Let’s go and
join them.”
I will learn to communicate activities in progress at the
time of speaking, at one point of time in the past, and at Complete the following sentences with the reasons
one point of time in the future, in order stated by the speakers in the conversation above. The
- to share the information with others first one has been done for you. First, copy the example.
- to give an explanation
1. Dayu cannot hear Lina because she is listening to
Observing & Questioning
music with earphones.
Lina : “Hey, that’s Dayu. Dayu! Dayu!” 2. Edo asks Udin to be quiet because
Siti : “I don’t think she can hear you. She has ______________________________.
earphones on her ears and she’s singing. 3. Dayu’s mother is in Posyandu now
Maybe she’s listening to her favorite _____________________________.
songs.” 4. Edo cannot come to the study-group work because
Edo : “Udin, let’s go out. Everybody is staying 5. Lina cannot come to the phone because
outside.” _________________________.
Udin : “Be quiet, please. I’m trying to 6. Beni looks very serious because
concentrate. I’m studying History for the _______________________________.
test tomorrow.” 7. Dayu is surprised because
Beni : “Let’s go to your mom and ask her how to 8. Everybody is not having lunch in the canteen now
make stu!ed tofu. because __________.
Dayu : “Today she is in Posyandu till late
afternoon. She’s doing vaccination for the The table below shows you that every verb has four
babies and small kids in my different forms, and to state an action happening at the
neighbourhood.” moment of speaking you use the form of the verb in the
last column. Put all the main verbs you have learned in
Dayu : “Where is Edo? Usually he comes earlier this chapter, from the "first text to the last one, into the
than me.” table, in all the four forms. Hand-write your work on a
Lina : “He cannot come to the study-group piece of paper. Make sure you know the meaning of
meeting today. He’s helping his father every word. One example have been done for you.
fixing the fence of his house.” After Be, for
No to Present Past an action in
Lina’s Mom : “Lina, Beni’s calling.” progress
Lina : “I can’t come to the phone now, Mom. 1. To study study studied Be studying
I’m mixing the !our and the eggs for the
pastry. My hand is full of dough. Please
tell him I’ll call him back soon.”
Siti : “Beni, you look very serious.”
Beni : “Yes. I’m doing the task to describe a girl
The NEXT day, on Monday, the three boys meet the
in this class to criticize her. I’m writing
three girls at school. They talk about their activities the
about you. I’m trying to say about your
day before, on Sunday.
bad habits.” Dayu : “Hi Udin. I went to your house around ten
yesterday to return your magazine, but
Siti : “Are you mopping the !oor again? You’ve
the door was closed. I knocked on the
just "nished mopping it, haven’t you?”
door many times but nobody came out.”
Dayu : “Well, I tripped over the stool and fell and
Udin : “Nobody was at home yesterday. I was
spilled my milk all over the floor.”
going to the football practice. My mom
and my dad were attending a wedding

Bimbingan Belajar SD, SMP dan SMA – Aqila Course ------------------------------- 1

Kelas 9 Bab 6
Bahasa Inggris

party, and my brother was going out with Siti : “Lina, I called you when you were walking
his friends.” out of the bank yesterday, but you did not
Lina : “Did you all go to practise football?” hear me.”
Beni : “Only Udin and I went to practise football. Lina : “Really? I’m sorry I did not hear you. I was
Edo could not come because he had much listening to music with earphones.”
homework to do. Lina : “Udin, why didn’t Edo go out of the
Udin : “Yes, when we got there to pick him up, classroom during the break?”
he was doing his Math homework. Udin : “He didn’t go out ____________.”
Beni : “What time did you !nish your homework,
Edo?” Siti : “Beni, did you go to Dayu’s mother to
Edo : ”I don’t remember what time I !nished my learn to make studied tofu?”
homework. Maybe at five. I remember Beni : “No, she was in Posyandu the whole day
that when my dad got home around 4 yesterday. ______________.”
pm, I was still working on my homework.”
Edo : “By the way, did you get to the practice Edo : “I’m sorry I didn’t come to the study-
on time or late?” group meeting. ____________________.”
Udin : “We were a bit late. When Beni and I got Dayu : “It’s €ne, Edo. So far, you have only
to the !eld, the others were just sitting missed one meeting.”
and chatting. They said they were waiting Dayu : “Lina is visiting her relative in Yogyakarta.
for us.” She left early in the morning yesterday.”
Beni : “In fact, they were not just waiting for us. Beni : “I don’t think so. At eight she was still at
They were also waiting for our coach Mr. home.”
Ali. He was going to the sports shop to Dayu : “How do you know she was still at home
buy a new whistle.” at eight yesterday?”
Beni : “I called her at eight and her mom told
Complete the following sentences with the activities in me Lina could not take the phone
progress at the same time with the stated activity. Hand- because __________________. Her hands
write your work on a piece of paper.The first one has were full of eggs and our.”
been done for you Siti : Beni did the homework to write a
1. Dayu went to Udin’s house last Sunday, but she did descriptive text only this morning during
not meet anybody there. Udin was going to the the break. You know what? His text is
football practice. His mom and his dad were about me!
attending a wedding party, and his brother was going Dayu : How do you know?
out with his friends. Siti : I met him in the library. He told me that
2. Last Sunday, when Beni got to Edo’s house, Edo was _______________________. And, he
in the middle of something. chose me. _______________________.”
____________________________________________ Lina : Siti, I saw you walking to school by
3. Last Sunday, Edo’s father got home at !ve. At that yourself this morning. Don’t you usually
time, _____________ go to school with Dayu?
___________________________________________ Siti : Yes, I do. But this morning I left Dayu
4. Beni and Udin were actually not late to the football behind because _________________
practice last Sunday. when I got to her house. I didn’t want
When they got to the field, _________ to be late to class again.
____________________. They were not playing yet. Beni : I went to the canteen during the break
And, the coach, Mr. Ali, _______________ but I didn’t see you there.
_________________________________________. Udin : I was in the library with Siti, Edo, and Lina.
Complete the sentences with the activities in progress at
the same time with the stated activity. Hand-write your
work on a piece of paper. The !rst one has been done for
you. First, copy the example.
Siti : “Lina, I called you when _________
yesterday, but you did not hear me.”
Lina : “Really? I’m sorry I did not hear you.

Bimbingan Belajar SD, SMP dan SMA – Aqila Course ------------------------------- 2

Kelas 9 Bab 6
Bahasa Inggris

Collecting Information Edo : “Dayu, sorry, I can’t. I (just, get) a small

All the verbs between brackets in the conversations accident. I (cut) my thumb when I was
below refer to actions in the past. In each conversation peeling the manggoes for our lunch.”
there is at least one action in progress at a certain point
of time in the past. Put the verbs in the correct forms. Reflecting
Hand-write your work on a piece of paper. First, copy the Now I know that the verb for an action in progress consist
example. of two words, Be ( the right form for in the subject) and
Lina : “ Beni, what (happen) to your foot?” the main verb in the last column. To state in action in
Beni : “I (trip) and (fall) while I (carry) the progress now, at the moment of speaking, the verb be is
pillows up the stairs at home.” in the form is or are, for example ( get some examples
Lina : “I hope you’ll get well soon, Beni.” from the texts you have learn).
Lina : “ Beni, what happened to your foot?”
Beni : “I tripped and fell while I was carrying the ………………………………………………………………………………
pillows up the stairs at home.”
Lina : “I hope you’ll get well soon, Beni.” Associating
Udin : “Why (you, not, join) us to the picnic You have learned to state actions in progress now at the
yesterday?” moment of speaking and at a certain point of time in the
Edo : “I (help) mum. She (make) a lot of cup- past. Now you will learn to state actions in progress at a
cakes for the Papua community gathering certain point of time in the future. Let’s read the
in the community hall last night.” speakers’ sentences and translate into Indonesia.
Dayu : “Siti, where (you, be) before you (go) to
school this morning? 1. Now I know that reading novels is Siti’s hobby. When
I (call) you around six to remind you to I saw her in the canteen, she was reading a novel,
bring my dictionary to school. But, now she is reading a novel. And, I’m sure when I
nobody (pick) up the phone?” meet her next time, she will be reading a novel, too.
Siti : “I’m sorry I (not, hear) your call. I (water) Answer :
the front yard. Here’s your dictionary. I ……………………………………….
(not, forget) to bring it.” 2. Since I got to Manado three days ago, I have never
Beni : Lina, I (come) to your house last night to seen the sun. It was raining hard when I got here.
return your calculator, but your gate (be) Now it is still raining hard. Maybe when I leave the
locked.” town tomorrow afternoon it will be raining again.
Lina : “Sorry. We (eat) out to celebrate my Answer :
sister’s birthday ……………………………………….
Siti : “Lina, are you okay. What’s the matter 3. Udin is very busy with his homework. When I told
with you?” him to go to the shop, he said he was finishing his
Lina : “I’m a bit worried about my mom and homework. Now he is still doing his homework. Will
dad. When I (get) home from swimming he still be working on his homework when
yesterday, they (talk) angrily to each everybody is ready to go to bed?
other. “ Answer :
Siti : “Don’t worry Lina. I think they (just, ……………………………………….
argue). It’s normal.” 4. I have to see the principal to show her our Scout
Beni: Beni : “You’re really good at tying knots.” program but I don’t know when I will have a chance
Udin : “Thank you. I (pay) good attention while to meet her. I went to her o!ce during the morning
Kak Kemal (explain) how to do that to us.” break yesterday, but she was not there. She was
Lina : “You keep yawning. (not, you) have having a meeting. Now, she is having a meeting
enough sleep last night?” again. I’m afraid she will be having a meeting again
Dayu : “No. I (not, sleep) well last night. I (not, during the morning break tomorrow.
sleep) in my bed with my little sister, but Answer :
in the long chair in the living room. My ……………………………………….
grandmother (fall) asleep there when she 5. There may be something wrong with the baby. He
(read) a story to my sister. So did my has been crying the whole night. When I went to bed
sister.” at 10 pm, he was crying. It’s early morning now, and
Dayu : “Edo, wash the pan for me, please. I need he is still crying. I hope he will not be crying again
it to make fried noodle.” when I get home this afternoon.
Answer :

Bimbingan Belajar SD, SMP dan SMA – Aqila Course ------------------------------- 3

Kelas 9 Bab 6
Bahasa Inggris

All the verbs between brackets in the sentences below B : I’m sorry, I can’t go with you. A niece of mine
refer to actions in progress at present, at a certain point (celebrate) her 15th birthday. I (attend) her
of time in the past, or at a certain point of time in the party.
future. Put the verbs in the correct forms according to
the contexts. 7. The thief broke in when everyone (sleep) very
Hand-write your work on a piece of paper. Make sure you soundly. Unfortunately, he (trip) over something and
know the meaning of every word and spell it correctly. (bump) his head on the big cupboard, so my mom
Use the punctuation marks correctly, too. and dad (wake) up. With my mom’s help, he could
While you are writing, say the words loudly, clearly, catch him while he (try) to get up. When I (wake) up
and correctly. because of the noise, I was surprised. My faher (tie)
Use a dictionary. If you have any problems, come to me. the thief to the chair, and my mother (call) the
The first two have been done for you. First, copy the police. I’m very proud of my brave parents.
8. One of the happiest moments in my life is having a
family gathering in my grandma’s house once a year
1. A: Can you come and help me to lift the table. during the school holidays. Everybody keeps talking
B: I’m sorry, I can’t. I (fry) bananas. and laughing. My aunts and uncles (still, talk) happily
when I (wake) up at one last night. At this moment,
A: Can you come and help me to lift the table. while they (prepare) the lunch, they (talk) noisily in
B: I’m sorry, I can’t. I’m frying bananas. the big kitchen. And, I’m sure they (talk) until they go
to bed late tonight.
2. Look, the children are very happy outside. They
(play) football in the rain.

3. I know that the sun usually shines brightly in Ambon.

But when I (go) there for a short tour last December,
the sun (not, shine) at all. It (be) cloudy everyday. It
(rain) again and again.

4. After almost three weeks with a lot of school work,

I’m glad that the school (hold) sports and arts
competion this week. I (take) part in the solo singer
competition. Last year I (not, take) part in the
competition because I (have) a very bad sore throat.

5. My uncle is a very good badminton player. Now he

(practise) hard for the Mayor’s Cup next week. Two
days ago when I (go) to his house to ask him to cut
my hair, he (be) not at home. My aunt (say) he
(practise) badminton in the sports hall. I understand I
should not disturb him now because he (prepare) for
the match. Next week I will have no time to play
around because I (watch) all his matches.

6. A : More than 10 people from our class are going

to go jogging up the Cimacan hill next Sunday.
Are you coming?

Bimbingan Belajar SD, SMP dan SMA – Aqila Course ------------------------------- 4

Modul Bimbel SD SMP K13 KTSP
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Modul dalam bentuk file Word per bab untuk KTSP atau per Tema untuk K13 SD.

· Modul SD KTSP Kelas 1 s.d. 6 Mapel MAT, IPA, IPS, PKn

· Modul SD K13 Lengkap Kelas 1 s.d. 6
· Skill count 12 jilid
· English SKill 8 jilid
· Paket UASBN SD
· Modul SMP KTSP Kelas 7, 8, 9 Mapel MAT, IPA, ING
· Modul SMP K13 kelas 7, 8, 9 Mapel MAT, IPA, ING
· Paket UN SMP Mapel MAT, IPA, ING, IND
· Kelemahan Modul Kami antara lain : Kunci jawaban tidak lengkap untuk PKn kelas 6, TO UN
· SMP Bahasa Inggris dan Bahasa Indonesia, untuk K13 sama sekali belum ada kunci
· Kelebihan Soal Lebih banyak dan Materi juga lebih lengkap

Bonus :
· File Banner, Brosur, Blangko-blangko.
· Soal-soal untuk Tes Tulis Tutor lengkap dengan kunci.
· Video SOP meliputi cara Marketing, Penggajian dll.

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Software Administrasi Bimbel Lengkap dengan Aplikasi Bimbel

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· Berbasis web (PHP dan MySql basic Software) jadi saat menggunakan Software ini seperti halnya
membuka sebuah website atau social media.
· Berisi Menu Data Base siswa, Datbase Tutor, Jadwal, absensi kehadiran, Uang Masuk, Uang Keluar dan
SMS Server.
· Saat siswa Absen, software akan otomatis mengirim SMS ke Siswa ke Nomor HP Orang Tua dan Siswa,
begitu juga dengan pembayaran.
· Jadwal siswa dapat di-SMS-kan dengan mudah hanya dengan beberapa kali Klik, sehingga pekerjaan dapat
lebih cepat.
· Menggunakan Kartu Barcode untuk Absensi siswa dan tentor, dengan cara mencetak sendiri dengan
printer biasa.
· Sistem penggajian yang sudah diintegrasikan dengan software sehingga lebih cepat dan tepat.

Contoh administrasi dapat dilihat di
username 1
password 1,
silahkan dicoba-coba

Dilengkapi Aplikasi Bimbel sehingga siswa dapat membuka Jadwal, riwayat kehadiran dll melalui HP.
Absensi juga bisa dilakukan oleh Tutor dengan tambahan agenda kegiatan Les dan Nilai,
sehingga Bimbel bisa mengeluarkan Rapot secara otomatis

Aplikasi Bimbel Install di HP

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Aplikasi Bimbel dengan Nama Bimbel Anda Sendiri

· Bayangkan apabila Nama Bimbel Anda saat di Cari di PlayStore muncul aplikasi yang dapat diinstall Siswa
dan Tutor.
· Dilengkapi dengan Jadwal Siswa di Bimbel, Riwayat Kehadiran, Nilai, Agenda Les dll
· Harga Relatif Murah hanya 1,3 jt.
· Proses Pembuatan semingguan yaaa ...
· Untuk Menu dll belum bisa Pesen ... hanya sesuai Template yang telah kita buat.

Silahkan lihat contohnya

Aplikasi Bimbel Install di HP

Pengendali Konsten Aplikasinya, Ketik di Google Chrome di Laptop
username 1
password 1

Video tutorial bisa dilihat di

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Harga 1,3 jt
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Peluang Usaha Menjadi Agen Analisa Sidik Jari Bakat

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Install Aplikasinya

Apa Itu Sidik Jari Bakat ?

Sidik jari Bakat adalah sebuah program pemetaan Bakat dan Potensi seseorang dari pola sidik jari yang dimiliki.
Proses pengambilan sampel sidik jari relative singkat hanya sekitar 10 menit per orangnya.

Apa yang berbeda dari Produk sejenis ?

1. Harga Lisensi Hanya Rp 25.000,- per Tes.
2. Harga jual ke Konsumen lebih terjangkau, hanya sekitar Rp 100.000,- s.d. Rp 300.000,- per Tes.
3. Kami mencoba memasukkan IQ dalam perhitungan hasil Tes, setahu Kami, hal ini baru ada di Sidik Jari
Bakat Kami.
4. Kami menggunakan Software Online jadi tidak perlu komputer khusus untuk membuka software.
5. Input data sampel dapat melalui web atau Aplikasi Android, lebih mudah dan lebih cepat.
6. Cetak Hasil Tes hanya perlu login ke Web

Ada Beberapa cara dalam menjual SJB ini antara lain :

1. Promokan Lewat MedSos
Cara ini Efektif dan GRATIS, namun membutuhkan upaya lebih besar dalam menanggapi respon-respon.
Cara ini pernah sukses dipakai oleh salah satu Master Agen Kami.
Share Foto-foto dari Konsumen yang pernah Anda Tes, karena masyarakat Sekarang lebih suka hal-hal
yang lebih real.

2. Megajukan Proposal ke Sekolah-sekolah

Cara ini bagi sebagian orang kurang cocok, karena membutuhkan keberanian dan penampilan yang
menyakinkan. Ada Salah Satu Master Agen yang Sukses dengan Sistem ini karena memang orangnya
sangat Sopan dan Keren.
Kesabaran adalah kunci sukses metode ini, karena pasti akan banyak tanggapan negatif yang akan muncul
dari pihak-pihak intern sekolah, namun jika Anda merasa mampu silahkan di coba.

3. Mengikuti kegiatan Pameran

Salah satu keunggulan metode ini adalah setiap Orang yang pergi ke Pameran sudah menyiapkan Dana
Jajan, jadi tinggal membuat sebuah Tampilan yang menarik di Outlet Kita.
Modal adalah Faktor utama dalam kegiatan ini, karena ikut Pameran tentu saja tidak gratis.

4. Menambahkan Produk di Toko/Outlet

Apabila Anda mempunyai Foto Copy, Bimbel, Jasa Pengiriman, atau outlet lain yang sejenis, Anda tinggal
Pasang X Banner di depan Toko/Outlet Anda.

5. Sebar Brosur
Ini metode paling efektif namun butuh biaya Modal, karena Cetak dan Sebar Brosur juga lumayan Mahal,
Namun ini Sepadan dengan Hasilnya.

Harga Kuota Cetak Sidik Jari Bakat

· 40 kali cetak Harga 1 jt
· 150 kali cetak Harga 3 jt
· 400 kali cetak Harga 5 jt
· kali cetak Harga 10 jt
· 4.000 kali cetak Harga 20 jt

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Aplikasi Kasir Pos lengkap dengan Aplikasi Pemesanan

Download Aplikasi Kasir

Dowload Aplikasi Konsumen

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Harga Rp 20,- per transaksi Barang.
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Aplikasi Kasir Sederhana

Sederhana dan Praktis adalah Konsep yang Kita pakai dalam pembuatan Aplikasi Kasir ini, Jadi jangan
berharap ada Fitur Super Canggih yaaa ...

Tidak ada Batasan Jumlah Device

Tidak ada batasan untuk Jumlah HP yang Menginstall, Baik itu Aplikasi Kasirnya atau Aplikasi Konsumennya,
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Tidak ada Biaya Bulanan atau Tahunan

Dengan Sistem Kuota yang Hanya Rp 20 per transaksi Barang, Anda akan mendapatkan kenyamanan biaya
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Aplikasi Konsumen
Aplikasi ini dilengkapi dengan Aplikasi Konsumen sehingga Konsumen dapat memesan Menu melalui HP nya
Sendiri, Kalau dari Pengamatan Saya belum ada Aplikasi Kasir (POS) lain yang seperti ini.

Fitur Auto Cetak

Ketika Printer sudah terhubung dengan HP dan Auto Cetak udah diaktifkan, maka secara otomatis akan
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Fitur Notifikasi
Notifikasi dan Ringtone yang Khas ala Resto dan Kafe akan berbunyi saat ada Pesanan Baru.

Fitur Lokasi Pelanggan

Kelihatan Manual memang karena Pelanggan Harus mengetik dimana Dia berada, namun akan lebih aman
karena saat Kita memakai GPS juga tidak terlalu berfunngsi karena area Resto / Kafe biasanya Tidak Terlalu
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Cukup tambahkan Nomor Meja saja, Kita udah akan Tahu Lokasi Pelanggan

Custom Nama dan Logo

Dengan adanya fasilitas ini, Kafe / Resto Anda akan semakin terkenal karena saat nama Resto / Kafe Anda
di ketik di Pencarian PlayStore maka akan ada Aplikasi yang Siap melayani Pelanggan Anda.
Logo dan Foto juga bisa ditambahkan di Aplikasi Tersebut.
Pembuatan Aplikasi dengan Nama Cafe / Resto Anda sendiri membutuhkan waktu sekitar 1 minggu dengan
Tambahan Biaya 1 jt untuk Aplikasi Konsumen.

Murah Sekali
Tidak ada Pembayaran di Muka, Install langsung Pakai aja dengan adanya Free 2000 kuota Transaksi,
Ketika nanti Habis dan Anda masih ingin memakainya Cukup dengan 60 rb, Anda mendapatkan 3 rb Kuota
Apabila rata2 terjual 100 item per harinya maka bisa dibilang cukup dengan 60 rb per bulan.

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Modul Bimbel dan Materi Belajar Hanya Rp 2.500 per File

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· Satu file sama dengan satu tema untuk K13 atau satu Bab untuk KTSP.
· Khusus kelas 1 SD 1 file = satu sub tema karena file terlalu besar jika dijadikan satu, server Kami belum
· Biaya sekali download adalah Rp 2.500 baik itu 1 bab atau 1 tema atau 1 soal MID atau 1 Soal UAS atau 1
soal UKK.
· Isi Saldo minimal 60 ribu, atau kelipatannya.

Silahkan Klik Daftar, dengan mengisikan Nomor HP Aktif Anda karena password akan di SMS kan ke Nomor HP.
Setelah password diterima, Silahkan Login lalu klik menu tambah saldo.

Anda membutuhkan Modul Bimbel K13 SD semester 1, maka Anda hanya mendownload sebanyak 37 file
dengan rincian sebagai berikut :

· kelas 1 ada 4 tema x 3 subtema = 12 file

· kelas 2 ada 4 tema = 4 file
· kelas 3 ada 4 tema = 4 file
· kelas 4 ada 5 tema = 5 file
· kelas 5 ada 5 tema = 5 file
· kelas 6 ada 5 tema = 5 file

Jadi, Harga Total = 37 file x Rp 2.500 = Rp 92.500,-

File dalam bentuk Word jadi Anda bisa menambah, mengurangi, mengedit atau mengubah layout disesuaikan
dengan layout modul bimbel Anda sendiri.

Silahkan tambahkan Cover sebagai identitas Bimbel untuk menambah kesan profesional.

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Les Pembuatan Aplikasi Android Tanpa Koding

Modul Dalam Bentuk PDF Gratis silahkan download di

Modul dalam bentuk Word bisa Anda dapatkan di
seharga 50 rb Rupiah

Modul ini bisa digunakan sebagai Salah satu Tambahan Kegiatan Bimbel
(Paket Belajar Membuat Aplikasi Android), atau bisa digunakan sebagai Ekstra Kurikulum di Sekolah.

Kenapa Pakai APP Inventor ?

Sangat Ringan Bahkan saat di Buka dengan Komputer QuadCore atau i3.

Selamat Mencoba.


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