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Zestaw ćwiczeń na użycie przedimków 
a, an, the oraz przedimka zerowego  


Marta Patkowska-Dudziak 
Przedimki - ćwiczenia 

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Englybooki to płatne materiały w wersji cyfrowej (PDF do druku), które otrzymasz drogą mailową. Możesz więc 
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Englybooki są przeznaczone dla uczniów do samodzielnej pracy (każdy zawiera pełny klucz odpowiedzi), jak 
również dla nauczycieli, którzy poszukują dodatkowych materiałów do pracy z uczniami. 
Co zawierają Englybooki? 
Englybooki zawierają ciekawe i różnorodne ćwiczenia leksykalne, gramatyczne, egzaminacyjne oraz ćwiczenia 
pomocne w konwersacjach.  

Życzę owocnej pracy z materiałami mojego autorstwa! 

Marta Patkowska-Dudziak  Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 1 

Przedimki - ćwiczenia 

1. Uzupełnij luki używając: a

​ ​lub​ an. 

1. _____ cat 
2. _____ hour 
3. _____ delicious apple 
4. _____ mouse 
5. _____ elephant 
6. _____ amazing painter 
7. _____ house 
8. _____ huge building 
9. _____ unknown poet 
10._____ US ambassador 

2. Uzupełnij luki używając: a

​ ​lub​ an. 

1. _____ onion 
2. _____ bus 
3. _____ river 
4. _____ used car 
5. _____ orange 
6. _____ round egg 
7. _____ union 
8. _____ pet 
9. _____ elbow 
10._____ oval table 

3. Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź. 

1. I hate getting up in _____ morning. 
A​ - B​ a C​ the  
2. I’m seeing my boyfriend tomorrow at _____ noon.  
A​ - B​ a C​ the  
3. Would you like to have _____ breakfast with me?  
A​ - B​ a C​ the  
4. He was _____ first to finish the race. 
A​ - B​ a C​ the 
5. They have always dreamt of going to _____ Canary Islands. 
A​ - B​ a C​ the  
6. What's my job? I'm _____ teacher. 
A​ - B​ a C​ the  
7. _____ United States of America is a great country, I would like to live there. 
A​ - B​ a C​ the  
8. What's _____ worst film you've ever seen? 
A​ - B​ a C​ the  
9. The weather was beautiful that day, _____ sun was shining and it was really warm. 
A​ - B​ a C​ the 
10.​ This artists was very famous in _____ nineteenth century. 
A​ - B​ a C​ the  Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 2 

Przedimki - ćwiczenia 

4. Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź. 

1. Mike bumped into Sarah before _____ lunch. 
A​ - B​ a C​ the  
2. Look over there, this is _____ university I went to. 
A​ - B​ a C​ the  
3. What's the biggest country in _____ Europe? 
A​ - B​ a C​ the  
4. How often do you use _____ Internet? 
A​ - B​ a C​ the 
5. _____ children are usually very active, they run around all the time. 
A​ - B​ a C​ the  
6. Do you want to go to _____ cinema to see Spectre? 
A​ - B​ a C​ the  
7. You don't know who that is? It's _____ Pope. 
A​ - B​ a C​ the  
8. Terrorist attacks happened in _____ Paris last year. 
A​ - B​ a C​ the  
9. Does the train arrive in _____ evening or at night? 
A​ - B​ a C​ the 
10.​ Listen, this is _____ song I told you about. It's my favorite. 
A​ - B​ a C​ the 
5. Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź. 
1. I was supposed to have lessons now, why hasn't _____ teacher come yet? 
A​ - B​ a C​ the  
2. Jane, where did you leave _____ car keys, I can't find them anywhere. 
A​ - B​ a C​ the  
3. My son is sitting in _____ first row, he wanted to see the actors better. 
A​ - B​ a C​ the  
4. Where are your parents now? They are on _____ plane to Budapest. 
A​ - B​ a C​ the 
5. Jack is _____ most honest person I have ever met. 
A​ - B​ a C​ the  
6. Is he the guy who climbed _____ Mount Everest? 
A​ - B​ a C​ the  
7. Olivia isn't going to _____ school on Friday. She's going to Warsaw. 
A​ - B​ a C​ the  
8. Can you play _____ guitar? 
A​ - B​ a C​ the  
9. My grandparents are at _____ work so you can visit me. 
A​ - B​ a C​ the 
10.​ _____ Jones family is coming over for dinner. 
A​ - B​ a C​ the  Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 3 

Przedimki - ćwiczenia 

6. Uzupełnij luki używając: a

​ / an / the ​lub​ -. 

1. _____ cosmetics 
2. _____ Earth 
3. _____ chair 
4. _____ electricity 
5. _____ open discussion 
6. _____ people 
7. _____ octopus 
8. _____ Sahara Desert  
9. _____ honest person 
10._____ post offices 

7. Uzupełnij luki używając: a

​ / an / the ​lub​ -. 

1. _____ jacket 
2. _____ Netherlands 
3. _____ lunch 
4. _____ nurses 
5. _____ Baltic Sea 
6. _____ Warsaw 
7. _____ university 
8. _____ laptop  
9. _____ irresponsible child 
10._____ teenagers 

8. Uzupełnij luki używając: a

​ / an / the ​lub​ -. 

1. _____ Canary Islands 

2. _____ sun 
3. in _____ while 
4. in _____ Europe 
5. three times _____ day 
6. at _____ beginning 
7. on _____ foot 
8. _____ hour ago  
9. _____ United Kingdom _____ plane 

9. Uzupełnij luki używając: a

​ / an / the ​lub​ -. 

1. _____ moon 
2. _____ United States of America 
3. _____ last page 
4. work as _____ pediatrician 
5. learn _____ salsa 
6. go to _____ school 
7. play _____ volleyball 
8. at _____ end 
9. go on _____ holidays 
10.once _____ year  Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 4 

Przedimki - ćwiczenia 

10. Uzupełnij luki używając: ​a / an / the l​ ub​ -. 

1. _____ worst 
2. twice _____ a month 
3. play _____ chess 
4. _____ imaginative person 
5. _____ hard-working people 
6. half _____ hour ago 
7. at _____ work 
8. in _____ middle 
9. _____ best 
10._____ intelligent women 

11. Uzupełnij luki używając: ​a / an / the l​ ub​ -. 

1. listen to _____ music 

2. _____ first 
3. _____ hour 
4. _____ smallest person 
5. _____ hero 
6. _____ parents 
7. _____ twenty second 
8. _____ poem 
9. _____ life 
10._____ hamburger 

12. Uzupełnij luki używając: ​a / an / the l​ ub​ -. 

1. _____ water 
2. _____ White House 
3. _____ only girl 
4. _____ South America 
5. _____ opinion 
6. _____ Queen Elizabeth II 
7. in _____ north of Poland 
8. _____ cola 
9. _____ Nile 
10._____ sport 

   Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 5 

Przedimki - ćwiczenia 

13. Uzupełnij zdania używając: a

​ / an / the l​ ub ​–​ . 

1. I went to school in _____ morning and came back in _____ evening. 

2. I couldn’t sleep at _____ night, that’s why I am so tired now.  
3. _____ dogs are very friendly animals, don’t you think? 
4. Did you have _____ breakfast today? Remember not to leave the house without 
having something to eat! 
5. Put that flower in _____ corner of the room, it’ll look nice there. 
6. While I was on _____ holiday my grandma came to stay in our house. 
7. Do you mind if I use _____ Internet? I forgot to check my email account. 
8. Have you ever been to _____ USA? 
9. My parents are at _____ work so I can sleep until noon. 
10.I’m from _____ Poland, and you? 

14. Uzupełnij zdania używając: a
​ / an / the​ lub ​–​ . 

1. My uncle is _____ teacher and my aunt is _____ mechanic. 

2. I don’t like _____ dogs. Actually, I am a little scared of them too. 
3. Who was _____ best player in your team last season? 
4. Can you play _____ drums? 
5. My family went on holidays by _____ car. It took them five hours to get to the seaside. 
6. I have always thought that _____ U.K. is worth visiting but I never had a chance to go 
7. _____ sun was shining so we decided to go to the beach. 
8. Go to _____ school and study – that’s what I do every day. 
9. Do you have anything planned or do you want to go out with me in _____ afternoon? 
10.I come from _____ Spain, how about you? 

15. Uzupełnij zdania używając: a

​ / an / the​ lub ​–​ . 

1. That was _____ last time I saw him. I miss him so much. 
2. Mary left _____ hour ago and she hasn’t come back yet. Where is she?! 
3. After the accident the driver of the car was taken to _____ hospital. 
4. Do you remember _____ White Pigeon Restaurant I told you about? It closed down. 
5. These are _____ her books, you can’t just take them! 
6. I bought _____ pair of shoes today. _____ shoes I bought are black. 
7. We’re going to _____ cinema. Do you want to join us? 
8. This is the most beautiful place in _____ world! I absolutely love it here. 
9. – Where are you? – I’m on _____ train, why? 
10.There is _____ desk and some chairs in the living room.  Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 6 

Przedimki - ćwiczenia 


1​. 1 a 2 an 3 a 4 a 5 an 6 an 7 a 8 an 9 a 10 

2​. 1 an 2 a 3 a 4 a 5 an 6 a 7 a 8 a 9 an 10 an 

3​. 1 c 2 a 3 a 4 c 5 c 6 b 7 c 8 c 9 c 10 c  

4​. 1 a 2 c 3 a 4 c 5 a 6 c 7 c 8 a 9 c 10 c  

5​. 1 c 2 c 3 c 4 c 5 c 6 a 7 a 8 c 9 a 10 c 

6​. 1 - 2 -/the 3 a 4 - 5 an 6 - 7 an 8 the 9 an 10 - 

7​. 1 a 2 the 3 - 4 - 5 the 6 - 7 a 8 a 9 an 10 - 

8​. 1 the 2 the 3 a 4 - 5 a 6 the 7 - 8 an 9 the 10 - 

9​. 1 the 2 the 3 the 4 a 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 the 9 - 10 a 

10​. 1 the 2 a 3 - 4 an 5 - 6 an 7 - 8 the 9 the 10 - 

11​. 1 - 2 the 3 an 4 the 5 a 6 - 7 the 8 a 9 - 10 a 

12​. 1 - 2 the 3 the 4 - 5 an 6 - 7 the 8 - 9 the 10 - 

13​. 1 the, the 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 the 6 - 7 the 8 the 9 - 10 - 

14​. 1 a, a 2 - 3 the 4 the 5 - 6 the 7 the 8 - 9 the 10 - 

15​. 1 the 2 an 3 - 4 the 5 - 6 a, the 7 the 8 the 9 the 10 a  Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 7 

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