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A. Fill out the following table to show the comparison and contrast of Erikson’s and Freud’s
salient features of their theories.

Erickson’s psychosocial Freudian Life stage/ Basic virtue and second named
crisis stage (syntonic and psychosexual relationship/ strength (potential positive
dystonic) stages issues outcomes from each crisis)
Life Stage:
The possible outcome from the
Trust Vs. Mistrust is the child
Trust Vs. Mistrust Oral Stage
Relationship: may develop hope.

Life Stage:
The possible outcome for the
Autonomy Vs. Shame and Doubt
Autonomy Vs. Shame and Anal Stage
is the child may develop will
Relationship: power and determination.
Parents and

Life Stage:

Initiative Vs. Guilt Phallic Stage The possible outcome for the
Initiative Vs. Guilt is Courage.
Friends and

Life Stage:
School Age
Industry Vs. Inferiority Latency The possible outcome for the
Stage Industry Vs. Inferiority is
Relationship: competency.
Parents and

Life Stage:
Genital Stage Adolescence The possible outcome for the
Identity Vs. Role Identity Vs. Role Confusion is
Confusion Relationship: Fidelity.
Life Stage:
Relationship: The possible outcome for the
Friends and Intimacy Vs. Isolation is love.
Intimacy Vs. Isolation Girlfriend or

Life Stage:
The possible outcome for the
Generativity Vs. Stagnation is the
Generativity Vs.
capacity of caring.

Life Stage:

Ego Integrity Vs. Despair The possible outcome for this is


B. Answer the following questions.

1. You heard that some of your students watch adult/pornographic movies. As a classroom
adviser of grade 7 students, how would you react to this and what would be your advice to your
students? Give three concrete ways on how you would deal in that situation.
 As a class adviser, of course I would really shocked but I would react also like a
normal with the calm down because new generation is prone to that kind of instances and
it is a part of growing up as an individual although it is not a good type of videos that is
not also really good at that age, I absolutely understand that each of them is encountering
the stages of being consciousness to the other things so that I would be aware on how to
handle this kind of situations without hurting the feelings of them and instead of rebuking
them because of that actions of the students I will be told to them the consequences of
having a watch video that contains liberated images and obscene part of the body that
includes the word sex, on the other hand, I will orient them the bad effects and impacts to
the students that are watching that kind of videos will tell the possibility to make it
happen to the persons that are involved to this kind of activity. And as a teacher, I will
evoke the attention of the students by giving some activities and tasks that can develop
the self-awareness to this. Moreover, the best solution to this is to talk to the parents of
those students to guide also their child in the house because some people starting of being
addicted to this kind of activity at home were the older members of the family are also
really involved in this. And as the adviser of the class, I will take the opportunity to
create and do response with the considerations and deep understanding to the level of
consciousness of my advising class, and this is the time to be oriented not only my
advising class but also to the other students, and I report to the guidance office to create
and build seminar that promotes awareness to the effects ain impact to the students in
watching pornographic movies and the consequences of it.

2. Your grade 8 student is being verbally bullied because he openly admits that he is a gay. How
can you explain the liberty to choose identity to your bully students?

 As a teacher I will give special time to know something about the LGBTQ+
Community and what are the contributions of those people to kill stigma and
discriminations in terms of the gender preferences, I will introduce how they build good
contributions in different aspects in the society for the betterment of the nations to meet
the international demand. I will emphasize the real meaning of it for able to understand
the power of the LGBTQ+ Community to communicate and how they build their own
identity and uniqueness, but somehow some people are being judgemental in terms of
different interpretations and understanding the real meaning of gender orientations of the
other and through this simple explanation that each of us is not well understanding the
gender orientations or gender preferences of the others people so that is why some people
are encountering and being bullied by this. Being different in physical, emotional, and
mentality from the other is one of the reasons why people are being a judgment because
they don't know how to appreciate being unique as their own identity. Moreover, this
kind of situation explains that we need to be aware of how people are being affected most

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