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Worksheet no.

Among the responses which one is true self? Which one is the false self?

True Self False Self

Responsible Shy
God fearing Repress emotions
Diligent Dependent
Goal oriented Headstrong
Polite Pessimist
Appreciates Suggestion Lack of confidence

What have you discovered about yourself?

There are traits that I thought were true self before turns out to be false self.
Back then, I thought that repressing emotions is positive. It is because I
thought that holding my emotions inside that I don’t have to show how I feel
makes me a stronger person than anyone who is always sharing their
emotions to others also I thought that sharing emotions or what I feel to others
is not necessary. I also feel amazing when I don’t share my problems to
others because I think sharing my problem will just burden them.

What are the insights you have gained in the activity?

There are a lot of chances for improvements whenever we may have a certain
situation that we had portray false self. Portraying false self does have effects
not just to you but also to others. So the insights I have gained was a person
must portray their true self that will benefit their self and also the people
around them. We must always portray our true self.

What are the values you can relate with it?

Love, this may look a simple word but this is a powerful value that when each
person applies it correctly will make our world a more beautiful place to live in.
Among the responses, which one is true self? Which one is the false

In my own opinion, the one with the lightest color is the true self and
the one with the darkest color is the false self. The lightest is the true self
because he or she is portraying honesty and purity that a true person must
acquire. The darkest color is the false self because the darkness symbolizes
the barrier where a person tries to
hide his or her true personality.

What have you discovered about yourself?

I have so many things that I have discovered about myself but I will discuss
only one. I have discovered that I were acting so many false self. We all know
that people are not perfect. Well, at least for now I know that I was wrong so I
may now correct my actions this time. There’s always a room for
improvements 

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