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University of Saint Anthony

Dr. Santiago G. Ortega Memorial

City of Iriga

College of Criminal Justice Education



Arch (5%) LOOP (60%) WHORL (35%)

Plain arch Radial Loop Plain Pocket
Tented arch Ulnar Loop Central Pocket
Loop whorl Double Loop
Whorl Accidental

1. *Plain Arch*
✓ A pattern in which the ridges flows from one side to the other
without recurving usually having a slight upward curve in the
center, making the pattern like an arch.

2. *Tented Arch*
✓ A pattern here one or more ridges at the curve forms an up trust
or make a sufficient rise giving the pattern of a “tent” giving an
angle of 90 degrees or less.
➢ Requisites of core:
a. No core
b. No delta

3. *Radial Loop*
✓ A loop in which the downward slope or the slanting ridges runs
towards the direction of the thumb.
Radial Bone
✓ The inner bone of the forearm that runs to the side where the
thumb is located.

4. *Ulnar Loop*
✓ A loop in which the downward slope in the slanting ridges runs
towards the direction of the little finger.
Ulnar Bone
✓ The bone running to the wrist located or situated on the little
➢ Requisites of the loop pattern:
a. It must have a delta
b. It must have a core
University of Saint Anthony
Dr. Santiago G. Ortega Memorial
City of Iriga

College of Criminal Justice Education

c. It must have a recurving ridge that passes between

the delta and the core

5. *Plain Whorl*
✓ A pattern of two deltas and with at least one ridge make a turn
through one complete circuit. An imaginary line drawn between
the two deltas must touch or cross at least one of the recurving
ridges within the pattern area.
Elements of a Plain Whorl:
a. A complete circuit
b. Two deltas
c. At least on circuiting ridge is touched or crossed by an
imaginary line traversing between two deltas.

6. *Central Pocket Loop Whorl*

✓ A pattern which possesses two deltas with one or more ridges
forming a complete circuit which may be oval, spiral, circular or
any variant of a circle.
Elements of a Central Pocket Loop Whorl
a. At least one recurving or obstruction at right angle.
b. Two deltas
c. A recurving ridges within the pattern area are
touched or cross by an imaginary line drawn between
the two deltas.

7. *Double Loop Whorl*

✓ A pattern consisting two separate and distinct loop formation
with sets of shoulder and two deltas.
Elements of a Double Loop Whorl
a. Two separate loop information
b. Two separate and distinct shoulder
c. Two deltas

8. *Accidental Whorl*
✓ A pattern consisting of a combination of different types of a
pattern such as a loop and a whorl, a loop and a central pocket
loop whorl, or any combination for different loop and a whorl
type pattern but it cannot be a combination of a plain arch with
any other pattern. It can have two or more deltas.
a. Combination of two different type of a pattern with
the exceptions of the plain arch.
University of Saint Anthony
Dr. Santiago G. Ortega Memorial
City of Iriga

College of Criminal Justice Education

b. Two or more deltas.


• *Blockings*
✓ Is the process of writing below each pattern the corresponding
symbol of the fingerprint pattern. The space provided in the card
conspicuously or in capital letters purposely to facilitate the
containment of the primary.


Fingers Index things Other
Plain Arch A
Radial Loop R RH- /
Ulnar Loop U RH-\
Plain Whorl W
Central Pocket Loop Whorl C
Double Loop Whorl D
Accidental Whorl X

*Ridge Counting*
✓ The process of counting the ridges that touch rhea imaginary
line drawn between the delta and core of a loop.
University of Saint Anthony
Dr. Santiago G. Ortega Memorial
City of Iriga

College of Criminal Justice Education



A. A bifurcation may not be selected as a delta if it does not open towards

the core. A bifurcation should be the first ridge formation in front of the
divergence of the type lines and it must open towards the pattern area.

B. When there is a choice between two or more possible delta the one of
which is a bifurcation, the bifurcation should be selected.

C. When there is a choice between two or more possible delta the one
nearest to the core be selected.

D. The delta may not be located on the middle of the ridge running between
the type lines towards the core, but at the end of the ridge.

E. When a pattern show a series of bifurcation towards the core at the point
of divergence of the type lines of bifurcation nearest the core is chosen as
the delta.

F. In the case of the ridge near the center of the type lines despite several
bifurcation ridge opening towards the core, the delta is located at the point
of the first bifurcation just in the front of the divergence of the type lines.


A. The core on the shoulder of the recurving ridge farther from the delta.
When an innermost recurving ridge contains a rod or an ending ridge as
high as the shoulder of the loop, the core is place on the summit of the rod.

B. When the innermost recurving ridge contains an uneven number of rods

rising as high as the shoulder line even higher the core is place upon the
end of the center whether it touches the recurve or not.
University of Saint Anthony
Dr. Santiago G. Ortega Memorial
City of Iriga

College of Criminal Justice Education

C. When innermost recurve contains even number of ridges which are

rising than its shoulder line a two central ridges, the core is placed upon
the end of second ridge which is farther from the delta.


A. Locate the exact point of the core and delta.

B. Count all the ridges with touch or cross an imaginary line drawn
between the core and delta.
C. Incipient ridge are never counted no matter where they appears, the
central is that in order to be counted the with of the ridge must be equal to
the width of the ridges in the pattern under consideration.


1. A ridge island or a rod gives one ridge count.

2. A short ridge is given in one ridge count.
3. A long ridge is given one ridge count.
4. An abrupt ending ridges is given one ridge count.
5. A bifurcation ridge is given two ridge count. When it was cross in the
opening or at the center of the bifurcation.
6. Ridge enclosure is counted as two ridges.

✓ The process of tracing the ridges from the left delta to the right delta.


1. Look for the left delta and trace the delta towards the front of the right
2. When the ridge being trace abruptly end drop to the next ridge just right
below the original tracing ridge and continue the tracing until it reaches the
opposite side.
University of Saint Anthony
Dr. Santiago G. Ortega Memorial
City of Iriga

College of Criminal Justice Education

3. When the delta is a dot same thing should be done in number 2

4. When the ridge the ridge being traced is bifurcation always follow the
lower branch until tracing is completed.
5. Count the number of the intervening ridge between the tracing ridge at
the right ridge.


✓ A whorl pattern whereby the tracing ridge near or goes inside
or above the right delta (3 or more intervening ridges going inside the
right delta).
✓ A whorl pattern whereby a tracing ridge near or goes below or outside
the right delta ( 3 or more intervening ridges going inside the right
✓ Whorl pattern having two or less intervening ridges regardless of
whether the tracing ridge flaws below or above their right delta. ( 2 or
less intervening ridges either it goes in or out the right delta).
✓ It refers to the sorting of things into division or group so that they can
out at later time be quickly located.


✓ The original Henry System, as it was adopted by Scotland Yard in
1901, converted ridge patterns an all 10 fingers into series of letters
and numbers arranged in the form of fraction.
University of Saint Anthony
Dr. Santiago G. Ortega Memorial
City of Iriga

College of Criminal Justice Education



✓ The summation of all the numerical value assigned to whorls
appearing in a fingerprint card which are expressed as numerator and
denominator use the pre-established fraction of 1/1.

1 2 3 4 5
16 8
W R C d \
16 8 4

4 2
D U W \ W
2 1 1

6 7 8 9 10


WHORL- Written in numerical value

ARCH AND LOOP- No numerical value

1,3,5,7,9- DENAMINATOR
2,4,6,8,10- NUMERATOR

1/1 Minimum primary classification

32/32 Maximum primary classification

*SECONDARY CLASSIFICATION*- it is obtain by writing the capital

letter symbols taken from the index fingers and the small letter group
from the thumb, middle, ring and little finger.
*CAPITAL LETTER GROUP*- All letters appearing at the index fingers,
right index as the numerator and left index as their denominator.

*SMALL LETTER GROUP*- only letter a (plain arch) t (tented arch), r

(radial loop).
University of Saint Anthony
Dr. Santiago G. Ortega Memorial
City of Iriga

College of Criminal Justice Education

✓ If a type of pattern intervenes and which are not belong to the small
letter symbols, it must be represented a dash (-) to show in what
finger it belongs.

*SUB-SECONDARY CLASSIFICATION*- the grouping of the print according

to the ridge count of loops and the ridge tracing of whorl appearing at the
index, middle, and ring finger.
✓ It is place on the classification line immediately to the right of the
secondary classification.
✓ The result of the right count on the converted into symbol and write it
on the rightmost portion of the classification line.

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