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Vocabulary building

unit three: high tech art

1. Which Microsoft software produces files with the extension .PPT? __________
2. Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Safari and Explorer are types of what?  __________
3. What does WWW stand for? __________
4. How many options are available in Facebook for showing your response to a post? __________
5. What do you call a portable computer?  __________
6. .gif is an extension of what type of file?  __________
7. What is the hashtag (#) used for when posting on social media? __________
8. What does GPS stand for?  __________
9. A flat round portable storage device for computer data? __________
10. What is a blog? __________
11. How do you say the following email address:
12. What does SMS stand for? __________
13. The fear of being out of mobile phone contact is known as? __________

You will hear a radio report about a new type of air transport. For questions 1-10, complete the sentences. Write NO MORE
THAN three words and/or a number.

1. It will take 37 hours for the new form of transport to travel from London to _______________.
2. Unlike crowded jets, the Aircruise will allow passengers to travel in _______________.
3. The Aircruise can travel at low altitudes if there is something _______________.
4. Hydrogen fuels the airship and also provides _______________ for the people on board.
5. The Hindenburg airship disaster killed _______________ people.
6. Scientists are keen to develop transport options which are both _______________ and environmentally friendly.
7. The Aircruise will carry a total of _______________ passengers.
8. The luxury features on board include private apartments, a bar, and a _______________.
9. Compared to airports, the Aircruise has the potential to land closer to _______________.
10. The concept is getting a lot of attention from a Korean company which makes _______________.



In the same way,… In contrast,…
In a similar way,… Unlike…,
Likewise,… On the other hand,…
Similarly,… On the contrary,…
Both…and… Yet,…
As…as Conversely,…

TOPIC: HIGH-TECH ART (Inside Listening & Speaking 3)

How do you think face-to-face communication differs from communication using computers?
 (Well), from my point of view/ standpoint/ perspective,

 ________________________________________________________________________________________

 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Do you love being up-to-date with your devices/ gadgets or do you prefer to use (old) technology you are
comfortable with?
 I suppose,/ I guess,/ Personally, I

 Moreover/ Furthermore/ In addition/ Additionally, Plus/ What’s more/ Besides/ Also, ________________

 ________________________________________________________________________________________

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