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W. S.

303 N. Narberth Ave.
Narberth. p~

Vol. XIV. Number 10 Narberth, Pa., Saturda~, December 10, 1927 PRICE, THREE CENTS
MILLER IS AGAIN On Narberth School Board FORESEE NARBERTH The arrival of snow this week
TO HEAD BOARD TELEPHONE GROWTH brought Narberth householders
face to face with the problem of
Re-elected as President When Bell Company Plans for 2100, snow remov~1. According to the Prominent Citizens and Ath-
.', H' I borough ordmance, al1 pavements
lete on Board of
School Directors Hold Instruments ere m must be cleared for their full
Election. Five Years. width within 2.J. hours of the time Directors.
snow ceases to fall.
cials have collected a list of
The Narberth School Board re- According to the latest estimates ot1'enders who have been warned Thirtee:l good men and true
organized :\londay morning when prepared by the Bell Telephone for violations of the ordinance, hraved the clemcnts last \Vednes-
the oath of office was administered COI~lpany of Pennsylvania. Nar- and Burgess Frye promises sum-
day evening- tn attend the meeting
to one new member and one re- of the Fathers' Association for the
I berth wil1 have 2100 telephones in mons to those Ol! the list \;ho arc purpose of electing officers and di-
elected official.
". Colonel Isadore :\. :\1 iller, presi- opc:atlOn
" . noted among offenders this year.
the end of 193 2 . I hIS I '1'1 le on I'll1ance provl( . Ies t' or a 111111-
. rectors for the association, and a
• ' .

dent of the hoard. who was re-elect- wl11 l11e~n an 111creas~ of 500 tele-, imu111 fine of $.j and costs. Troop Committee for the Narberth
• ed for a fuJI term last momh, and ph("les 111 the next 11\'e years and :\ 0 one was summoned this Bov Scouts,

'. Mrs. Josie S. :\lonks. new memher.

took their seats at that time in the
1Iewly constituted hoard.
i!' ;)'1 indication ~Jf the gene~'al d~- week as the storm was not of suf-
vel :;)ment that WIll characterIze thIS ficient intensity.
section during' the coming years.
f'..\. Lanahan. chairman of the
Those who ~,ominat;ng Committee. read his re-
neD lected to dear their walks port immediall'ly after the reports
F rom a service viewpoint the \\'e~'e listed. however. for action in of the pre\'ious annual meeting had
The members immediately pro-
pre~ent telephone plant is adequate case of further violations. heen read and apFrlJvcd. The offi-
.. ceeded to choose a president and
vice president to succeed Colond
Miller and fill's, E. C. Batchelor,
Colonel Isadore A. MlIler. railroad
executive who was re-elected presi-
Mrs. Josle S. Monks. who was
sworn in as a member of the boro
for Narberth's immediate
Thr telephone company, howe\'er.

cers are Edwin I'. Dolel president;
\\.alton :\ I. \V entz. vice president;
whose terms expired. :\Irs. Batch- dent of the Narberth School Board school board Monday following her lay, its plans for the future so that Edwin '1'. \\'oIL secretary and
e:ectlon without opposition in No-
• elor had served as \'ice president. Monday night. He was appointed vember. She replaces Mrs, E. C. all necessary equipment will
be in treasurer. The Board of Directors
to the board two years ago, sworn Batchelor. who withdrew, and is the place and operating before it is ac- consists of the officers and \V. Rus-
Colonel 1\I iller was unanimously second woman member of the board.
Into office and elected to his first tually needed. sell (~reen. 1. )J. Wilson. L. A.
eo chosen to succeed himself as presi- the other being Mrs. F. T. Van
term on the same night. Auken. The plans to meet future expan- Feel That Service Body Will (Lou) Young. H. V. Whitney,
dent and :\Irs. F. T. Van .'\uken
. was elected vice president. Election silul are made by telephone engi- Grr.nt Request for New 1':. C. Criswold and E. Keith l\lon-
for secretarv and treasurer does not
take place tintil ~Iarch. Those po- WOMEN'S CLUB TO GIVE SUCCESSFUL
neers. Past telephone
in each comnn1l1ity is taken. .\11
development R
oute. I nington,
includes W.
The Troop Committee
!{ussell Creen,. H, V,'
Whitney. Walton ?lL Wentz. E. T.
sitions are held by Dr. L. .-\. King a\'erage growth for a year is then PROTEST
and Dr. "'alter Steckbeck, respec- ACT ON CLUBHOUSE MUSICAL COMEDY obtained and !)rojected into the fu- AT HEARING \l<,lolf, .-\. R. Kneibler. Harvey J.
Harman. James A. (Ted) I\lere-
tively. ture. New trends in industry. the
Colonel ?lIiller has been a mem- Chorus :?nd Readings Also to "College Days" Presented at natnral increase of the popuiation. Representati\'es of Lower dith. Prof. .I ohn A. Snyder and
and all other factors likely to have Merion township, the borough of Ceorgc ~chroeder.
ber of the board for two vears. hav- F eat~.Ire Only Meeting All Saints' Church The treasurer's report was read
an effect on telephone development Narberth, the ~r erion Ci \'ic As-
ing succeeded C. Howal:d McCar-
ter, former president. who served t
;-·in Month.
ill each cOl1l1lltlllity are considered, sociation. and sundry individual and duly approved. The routine of
business having been concluded, the
• more than a 'quarter century. Colo- ANXIOUS FOR QUORUM LOCAL MEMBERS STAR Telephone lield men equipped residents of Merion appeared last
nel l\I iller was appointed to the with maps go out into the locality , meeting was thrown open by Presi-
'1 hursday at the hearing- before dent Dold for general suggestions
• . 1'11 or ups t \. -" I )"I~""."
vacancy caused by the resignation 1f one IS a et on l a (eel' " f 'p,II",t"e
" ',1 111ll-,"" 1'("'11 ('(1111- being I'
f They
I consider
1 II .
tnt. Puhlic Sen-ice Coml11issioner and comments. preceded by the re-
of Robert 1. Dothan\, and was ,,1\' , .', , . \.. . P aC1l1g 0 new roa( s. pro Ja l e slles
hunting expedition or in consult a- e,. \\ Iltlen b~ . I.l~ ,111d John for residence and business purposes Benn in Philadelphia City Hall port of Scoutmaster John \Vilson,
. elected presiZlent on the same night
tion with paper hangers she may be Dodge. was presented 111 the gym of I and also select probable routes for to protest the application of th(' who informed the meeting that the
he took his place on the board.
The board's regular December excused. but otherwise e\'ery l11em- fllontgol11ery School by the Young! new cables that will be required to :\Iontgomery Bus Company for a present troop consists of 42 boys,
meeting will be held on Friday, the ber of the \\'omen's Community People's Fellowship of .\11 saints'" ha~l~le the. growth. new line which is to ntn from with an average attendance of 80
16th. at 8 P. M. School officials Club is eXllectecI to 1Je present on ( 'lltll·('11. \\·\·llI1e\\'oo(l. 1,'I,"t' per cent. Scout work, he said, was
" I,'I'I'cla,' 111'0 es.'tl1m.ltes arc then prepared. Overhrook. down \Vynnewood .
have announced that the Chistmas . ' - Une. whIch lS called a short term a venue in Merion to \ Vynnewood progressing most satisfactorily, pa-
recess wil1 start at the close of December 13 at the regular meet- e\'ellll~~' befor.e l~lOre than ,W p~o-I estimate. provides for growth for road. Narberth, and out this trols having been organized and sev-
school Thursday, December 22, and ing. the only one for the month. To pie. 111l' prInCIpal characters 111- li\'e years in the future. The other. thoroughfare to l\fontgomery eral of the boys working hard for
.. wiII end Tuesday morning, January build or not to build a clubhouse c1uded I known as a long term estimate. Pike and Anderson a\'enue, Ani merit badges. It is hoped that a
3, Exercises wiII be held by all the and just how the undertaking can \\'illia11l Dean Coles. \\'jlliam is for a period extending over 20 more. Court of Honor will be held in
. grades on Thursday afternoon be- be financed wiII be discussed and it Dothanl; Da\'id Carsoll, 1{obert G. ye~rs .in the f~lt.ure. No decision was given, but
Narberth and as Carl B. Metzger is
fore the vacation commences. -' .\. "0'1
is hoped that every mCll1ber will be \ t l " 1tl11dn . )Olot.} ~mlt 1.
. . I . I" '. . I Ell' I,.
~.';'~ s\1rpnsmg how closely the Commissioner Benn declared
a estimated fi gTures aO'ree with the ac- he would take the matter und~r CONTINUED ON THE FIll'TH PAGII:
that a member of the Main Line Court

HOLD ART EXHIBIT prepared to give her opinion, .R:~~s :, '.-1 ele.n , .I ()nl;~n,~ettr BU~~- tual growth figures~ The engineers advisement and would render a
The dub chortls. under the di- 111",. (hdllll(~) d.e For~st. FI el!. I~b - who do this work are so proficient ruling as soon as practicable. It LUTHERANS DEDICATE
Local Woman Directs Oil Painting recti on of :\1 rs,H ipwelJ. music I~()re. Jr.: J n11 !' ox, !{Ichanl ~JII~lS; that it is only a very ui1l1sual devel- is belie\'ed that a decision may be NEW CHURCH ORGAN
!,r),?,r Ho.r.a,ce ,Greele,).', ,Sm:th . 0llment in a comnulI1ity which expecte.d within the c.oming' week
Studio in Ardmore...hair111an. and accol11lJ:l11ied by ;\Irs. II ex~ Hall ~ S !\lessec
-? '; ~
, , ) . causes any more than the slightest
I DespIte the oppOSItion express- RECital Thursday Follows Ceremony
• • J' , < •
The Holiday Studio. planned Chappatte. will make its first ap- Martha Bald,wlIl I eale. dean of ditIerence between estimated and' ed from many sources, the feel,
Sunday Afternoon.
for the exhibition and sale of smaIJ ' pearance. They will sing two. thr:ee \\'(~I~len ..Peg~le Harshaw. actual telephone de\'elopment. ing was prevalent among many oi
• . 1 I' f II I he ~Irls 111 the chorus were the I tt t tI I . tI t The new organ at the Holy
oil paintinO"s, WIll be opened tada v I 'lIld four part se ectlUns as 0 Oil'S: ~I'''''' \" ,T·. I) 0'1" , 1) I t 1e a Or~le)? a I'
1e 1eann" la 0"

b -I" .....
at Sol East Lancaster avenue, Ard- Rod'111 111 the \ 111.
'\"'" "B II' f" I~SC~ Ir,.., 1111 ,I
e s 0 Hopk111s, Betty l\lcDermott. I'.thel
ou o ,ISS. ~ut 1 TO GIVE PONY the apphcatlOn of the bus com- Trinity Church was dedicated last
Id b . I
" ., . ~I I ,. "()I C" r .., "D'" . ). , pany wou e appro\ec. Sunday afternoon at a wel1-at-
more. It wll1 remal11 open unttl ~,;an( 01.1:_ : e. :~I.O 111,~: .. ,lIla., :\lcke~. Rosahnd :\lellOl·.. Cora,l\le s - Hardware Store to Repeat Successful Mr. Hall's testimony had to do tended service. The sermon was
Christmas, with the purpose of in- I I ~le ~t,~ ~t ~,Cl\\ ell ,lIlel . ~hl Istml~s s~c. I·..llcn~<a?'. Rosal.lle, . Shaw. Plan of L.ast Year. with the narrowness of \Vynne- preached by Dr. r\. Pohlman. Rev.
t erestmg 1\1' I . . tl Chu11es. I he membel S of t e l,athertl1l' Snllth and hhzabeth wood avenue. ?\Ierion over whicl' A. C. Kanzinger, of Ardmore, de-
J.\ am ~l11ers 111 le CI10rus d.. t p re ~'ent are :\1 e~dames \:.Cntm,111l1, .. '1'1.le men • \\..el.e V' estus, 1'11e N I l1 1-I ar d ware C om- It
ar )ert . .IS proposed to run 'the new bus
< ;' • livered the invocation.
works of many nationally famous ~: P. 1'111\er, Sha;\" L. S. RIchert,' Spindler, Charles Clegg. Edwin pany, successors to E. J. Lyons. line. He declared that the !\! rs. Cletus A. Senft sang
artists living in Philadelphia and (JIll ',\shenbach. Speakman. Hon.g- K;1':,. \\'illiam .I ohnston. Paul Lees, will a wal'eI a live pony to some thoroughfare was in poor repair "Open the Gates of the Te~nple,"
. vicinity. 1<:1'. Staples. Farmer and M ISS l~eginal(,l, Lester and Raymond lucky youngster again this year, and in one stretch admitted of a ill addition to which the chOIr ren-
Mrs. Grace C. Batchelor, of Kurzenknabe., l'\udrauft. manager Keith announced this cartwav of only 14 feet. dered an anthem. Harry Clay
. The real f.eature of, t,he a fte,'rnoon The best acting was elone by week. The pet is already safely 1\,1 r .. Smith repeated some of Banks was guest organist. The
• Narberth, is directing the project, II 1 I 1. ~I 11 S I 1 .L\
W! le reac mgs uy "\ r~. -. - t~l~ ey la~TY :'lessec and Peg..~arshaw in housed in a specially built pen in his previous arguments for the organ committee consists of Mil-
which has the support of a num- RIckert. one. of the ne\\ me.mbel s of theu' would-be lo\'e aff;ur. All of the store.
ber of residents interested in art. th~ dub. Ptano a~companl1~le.nt by the principals sang t1I,lt1sually well
route and declared that another
., Lindy" is the name of the pedi- point for the line was the increase T. Barclay. organist; Miss Ruth
ton E. Mackell. chairman: Mrs. J.
It has not heen planned as a l\I~ss :\Ierle Morr.lson. of 1- hl~adel- and they w('re ably aSSIsted hy l\1 rs. greed Shetland which will be in the buildings of St. Charles
B. Hoffsten, :\Iiss Dorothy Jones"
permanent exhibit. but wiII be phla .. and al?prOpl'late. old-fashIOned I Kuehler at the piano. 'rhe chorus ~i\'en to one of the youthful cus- Seminary at City Line, which
William S. Thompson and John
maintained through the holiday furI1ltttre wJ11 eml~haslze the.heauty sang- \'ery well and showed results tomeI'S on Christmas eve. Details would bring more students, who
season. and cleverness of 1111pc;rs012atlons of of excell:ng training. The comedy of the offer may be secured from would need better transportation
C. Van Newkirk.
• A partiall ist af the artists by-gone years. .\s lVI ISS, ~tt:l Janet hits were "The Old Tom Cat" and the store. conveniences. In rebuttal it was On Thursday night a program
whose works will be represented Bahl. graduate of ?\'Iac I hell Con- "So Did I" as sun" hI' the men, Last year "Rex," another pret- stated that this institution had an of numbers designed to show the
at the studio follows: se.rvatory in l\1 inneapolis. l\lrs. .\ fter the operet~l ;; six-piece or- ty Shetland. was won by Bobby entrance on Lancaster Pike also, capacity of the organ was given
Yarnall Abbott: \Valter E. RIchert was for several years a chestra under the direction of Bob nrendlinger, of Bowman avenue and that students could avail at a recital by Ralph P. Lewars,
• Baum, Harry G. Berman. }!ary memhel~ of the Victorian l\laid ~o. Saville. of Narberth.. furnished and Baird road, l\Ierion. The pony themselves of busses running' on of the HoiI' Communion Luther-
Rut.ler, John R. Conner. John F. of.the Swarth!11o!'e Chautauqua clr- dan~'e music until 1 :\. :\1. ,The is now a member of Bobby's fa111- that pike. an Church" of Philadelphia. He
Folmsbee.. Arrah Lee Gaul. A' I ctut. Carol smgmg, hy all the club busmess manager. Wchanl Gillis, ily. It has a stable of its own, and Division Passenger Age n t was assisted by Jessie M. Glenn,
• Van Nesse Greene, \Y. L. La- memhers and a SOCiable cup of tea reports a fair sttrplus. which is its master is an accomplished 10nes of the railroad submitted soloist.
throp,. George L~ar, Nat Lit!Ie. wili he. sen:ed by the host~ss. fill'S, to be applied to a scholarship at the horseman. schedules and tariffs of the Pen- The Kilgen Organ Company
AntoniO P. Mart1l10. Henry PltZ. J. J. Fmdelsen. and her aHles. Church Farm School at Glenloch. nsylvania Railroad for l\'Ierion, IUI\'e furnished the following de-
Jules A. ScalelIa, Alice Bennett A Christmas party for children is RAISED $4803.25 stating that these provided ade- scription of the new instrument:
SoUer, George \V. Sotter. Ralph planned for the afternoon of De- CONSIDER ESSEX CHANGES '1'he report of the final returns quately and fairly for the trans- The new pipe organ, which has
Taylor, E. A. Treg<?, Fred \V,ag- cember 27· . . A plan to widen Essex avenue on the \Velfare Federation Cam- portation needs of that com- Leen installed at the Holy Trinity
lier. Ethel H. \iVarWlck and Ehza- On December 15 the JUI1Ior club from \\'indsor to Haverford paign in Narberth shows that munitv. Lutheran Church is a beautiful
• beth F. \iV ashington. meeting will be held at the home of was discussed at a meeting l\f on- ,S-~80;1.2!j was raised by the local The" Montgomery Bus Com- two manual instrument, built by
N!rs. Robert .I, Nash. wh? h~s pro- day night at the l':arherth Nation- commitee
vlded a .room .for the JllI~lors to al Bank.
At last the time for the Kuneki ~lOld tl~e,r meet1l1gs. At tlll~
headed hy Daniel pany was represented at the hear- George Kilgen & Sons, Inc., of St.
ing by Attorney Monroe H . Louis, Mo.• and is adequate for
Anders, its vice president. Other the size of the auditorium.
Camp Fire Bazaar has arrived. mg. l\ltss ~lary Chalfant ~\'III gIve attorneys at the hearing were George Kilgen & Sons have
December 17 is the exact day and al~ mterestmg talk on her blropean Winter Cames But Lingers Nat, Charles Hall representing the been building pipe organs for a
the place is the empty store 1'00111 trIp.
between Shea's and Davis'. The
Just to Thwart the Ll·ttle Tot.' l\Ierion Civic Association; Bur-
period of ;100 years. Their plant
gess Henry A. Frye, representing in St. Louis is claimed to be the
col1ection of handmade articles is GUILD MEETS WEDNESDAY the borough of Narherth, and largest and most up-to-date plant
unique and unusual There will The next regular sewing- meet- Sleds made their appearance High and low temperatures for Homer H. Hewitt, representing for the manufacture of pipe or-
be homemade cakes and home- ing of the Narberth Needlework Parker S. \Villiams, solicitor for gans in this country. AlI Kilgen
made candv. There wiJI be noth- Guild wil1 he held at the h0111e of and Christmas seemed very near, the first six days of December Lower l\llerion township. Police organs are built according to con-
• ing which "one wil1 want to miss. Mrs. Henry Rose. 211 Woodside when the Main Line's first touch were as folows: Thursday, 67-il5: ~uperintendent Charles P. Smith, tract, and are voiced to suit the
Therefore. he on hand December a venue, on \Vednesday, December of wintry weather arrived Sunday Friday, 40-32; Saturday, 40-29; of Lower Merion, was also at tIll' auditorium, therefore no organ is
17, at 222 Haverford avenue. I-/.. starting- at 10.30 A. M. All in the form of a white blanket of Sunday, 30-21; Monday, 40-30, session. installed which will have either
ht:\Iitaofa20Lodlxn' dauginooiin snow. The precipitation was 1.78 and Tuesday, 47-26. Thus far this too little power for the size of the
A L.AST REMINDER '\omen of the town are invited to inch, according to Charles J. A. month a temperature excess of 1+ SOUERKROUT SUPPER hall. -t.
Do not fail to visit the Metho- loin in this work: either come for Decker, Main Line Weather Ob- degrees is recorded, as compared Mrs. John S. Kriebel is ha\'ing George Kilgen & Sons have
dist Bazaar in Elm Hal1 today. the day or half day just at it will sercer. with a deficiency of 84 degrees a sauerkraut supper on Thursday built some of the smal1est organs
The beautiful booths and decora- suit you. Bring lunch. coffee will \Vintry sport was short-lived. for the same period last year. The and Friday evenings. December and some of the largest and they
tions will make vour Christmas l'e served at noon. Since the an- however, when snow turned to barometer was hig'h at 30.53 and 15 and Hi. at her home. 11.1 lona are at present in~tal1ing an organ
". shopping a pleasure. Gifts for all nual collection of garments a num- sleet, and sleet to rain. The ther- low during the storm Sunday at avenue, from 5.30 to 7.:JO for the ill St. Patrick's Cathedral, New
from baby to g-randparents. Not her of women have expressed their mometer, which had swooped 29.95. benefit of the Narberth Presbv- York City. which wil1 cost a mini-
. the least among- the articles are desire to become directors and from 67 degrees down to 21 de- Chains adorned automobile tires terian Church Building- Fun"d, mum of $138.000. A Kilgen organ
., aprons. AI1 kinds. from scrubbing the board hopes many women will grees, commenced climbing again. Sunday for the first time this win- Make your reservations early. is also to be instal1ed in St. Mar-
to fancy ones for gifts, will be on join with the local branch during and the snow began melting ter, and radiators of many cars Phone Narberth 3!i58-:\L "rickets garet's Catholic Church of Nar-
sale. the next year. away. r.ONTINUED ON THE FIFTH PAOF. are 7,j cents. berth.

Ramsey building, which was built
Bryn Mawr Trust to Have New Home NEW BUILDING FOR in 1871, was continuously occupied
BRYN MAWR TRUST by William H. Ramsey in his
grocery and feed business up to A Position' Is Offered
April 1, 1927, a period of 50 years,
Ramsey Block Built in 1871 when the trust company purchas-
Has BEen Demolished For ed the property. The building to some young man living in Narberth. "Our Town"
SLIucture which the bank now occupies was and the Livingston Publishing Company offer a per-
manent position, with instruction in journalism and
built by Mr. Ramsey in 1886.
The plans of the new building advertising.
Active work has been begun !In The position is that of assistant editor of "Our
provide for a 30-foot store adjoin-
the construction of the Bryn Mawr Town." The person applying and qualifying may start
ing the bank on Lancaster avenue. on part-time if he desires, in order to earn college
Trust Company's new banking This store will be of the same tuition. He will be given the duties of office assistant
building to be built at the eorner
material and design as the bank- then reporter, advertising assistant, and, finally, assist-
of Lancaster and Bryn Ma~r ing building, in order to provide ant editor.
avenues in Bryn Mawr. Officials
for future expansion of the trust If the young man who takes advantage of this
of the company expect the new opening has a liking for the work, good personality
structure will be entirely com-
pleted and ready for occupancy by
and sufficient education, he is promised the opportunity
of speedily attaining a responsible post with a good
salary, on this or one of the associated papers.
the first of next October. Among Bala-Cynwyd sports- High School education is essential; experience is
The building will be of Indiana men who made for the tall timber not. Preference will be given to a student who is
limestone. There will be two when the deer-hunting season looking for an opportunity to help pay for his educa-
entrances, one on Lancaster opened last Thursday were Her- tion. Interview Mr. Livingston at 258 Haverford
avenue any afternoon except Friday, Saturday and
avenue and one on Bryn Mawr
Excavation work has been started for the new building of the Bryn Mawr avenue, sufficient ground will also bert Boothe, Bill Super and Jack Sunday. .....
Trust Compa~ at the corner of Lancaster and Bryn Mawr avenues in Bryn Maxwell, to the Poconos ; and
Mawr. The building which was torn down to make way for the new structure be set aside in the rear to admit Earl S. Hawk, Dr. John R. Over- •
was built by William H. Ramsey in 1871. of parking space for the customers peck and two others to Hawk's
and employees. Nest, in Pike Count .
rhe Ramsey block that has ri"

L. M. High Football Dinner Slated stood so long at this point has now
lor Next Saturday---26 Get Letters
The annual dinner given by the Boy's Basketball Schedule.
cavation has already been begun
A Pleasant Christmas Store
been entirely demolished and ex-

for the new building. The original


Dec. l3-Frlend's Central-home.
Lower Merion High School to the Dec. l6-Montgomery Da.y School-home. CLUB MAPS BELT LINE
members of the Lower Merion Jan. Dec. 2l-Haverford High-home.
Suggestions! •
football team will be held on Satur- Jan. 6-Upper Darby-home. Purpose Is to Relieve Congestion of
Jan. lo-open-away.
day evening, December 17, in the Jan. l3-Chester-Away·
cafeteria of the Senior High Jan. l7-Eplscopal Acad.-home. Christmas Tree Light Outfits
Motors Along Broad Street.
Jan. 2o-West Chester-away·.
School at Ardmore. The occasion Jan. 27-Norrlstown-home·. A belt line of connecting roads
this year promises to exceed any Jan. 3l-Lansdowne-away. around the Tree Ornaments
city which will divert
of those given in the past. Feb. 3-Ablngton-home. throul!h traffic from the central
Feb. 7-Radnor-a.way·
Arrangements are being made Feb. lo-Upper Darby-away·.
Toys, Children's Book and Games
district has been marked out and
Feb. l4-Lansdowne-home. ,signs posted along the entire
to take care of nearly] ,ill persons, Feb. l7-Chester-home·. route by the Automobile Club ofCigars, Tobacco in Gift Packages •
55 of whom will be the players on Feb. 24-West Chester-home. Philadelphia..
Feb. 29-Radnor-home·. For Gift Packagea
the past season's football squad.
Mar. 3-Norrlstown-away·.
The rest of the party wi1l include Mar.9-Ablngton-away.
Galoshes...·latest style.....a fine gift
The plan will. according to of- We Have t
cher leaders, ticket takers. caoch- • Indicates night games. Home night ficials of the club, aid traffic which
es. members of the school board High games will be played in the Junior ordinarily would come down
School Gym beginning at 8 Broad street and leave the city by
Christmas Cards·..·Fine Display TAGS, CARDS, SEALS,

and the fathers of the senior class LABELS, BOXES,
boys on the football squad.
Candy of All Kinds
way of \\' oodland or Baltimore TYINGS, WRAPPINGS
As is the custom at Lower 'fhe sil!ns follow the Roosevelt New designs, beautifully
Merion, the captain for next year
Agency for Whitman's and
H. O. Wilbur & Sons, Inc., and Boulevard to City Line Bridge, executed.
will be elected by the lettermen at Bala, thence over City Line to Shellenberger's Candies
this banquet. The most likely Suchard Co. Combine Interests. Then Decorations - but
Llanerch. then over Lansdowne come and see. You have
candidates for the honor are H. O. Wilbur & Sons, Inc., of avenue to Darby. no idea of the effective-
"Reds" Kohlhas, Bobby Elmore, Philadelphia. of which Dr. B. K.
Lard Cunningham and Charlie \Vilbur, of Haverford. is one of

next year. At present Kohlhas or terests of the Suchard Company,

The plan, which is being car-
Faulk, all of whom will be seniors the heads, and the American in- ried to many other roads, has
been approved by the police and
ness of Dennison's Crepe
Papers and Decorations.
00 0
Elmore 100m as the likely choice. of Neuchatel, Switzerland, have State Highway Department.

The Oldest Store in Na1'berth •
Both boys are good players and been merged. The combination 224 HAVERFORD AVENUE
popular with their mates. makes Philadelphia the head- •
The following boys have been quarters of the fourth largest
rewarded with the varsity "L. M." manufacturer of chocolate and

in football for the past season, ac- cocoa in the United States. The Satisfaction
cording to announcement made merger involves companies hay-
this week: Captain Alan Cook, ing total assets of approximately BUY A
Bala-Cynwyd and Merion Residents Welcomed
D'Amora, Barclay, Bowmen, $5,500.000.
Baker, Bottoms, Blair, Bridge- Negotiations for the consolida-
man, Coleman, Cross, Cunning- tion, which have been under way
ham, Dothard, Deubler, Elmore, for several months. were com-
Faulk, Henwood, Kohlhas, Lloyd, pleted Monday, and resulted in
Built Home , II •
1 rearns, lvlurphy, Magee, Purse, the organizati~n of the \Vilbur-
Richardson, Scott, Smith.. Vance Suchard Chocolate Company. a
and Paul Lees. the manager. Pennsyh'ania corporation. WM. D. & H. T. SMEDLEY "
The following is the list of
lettermen in soccer: Captain
George Gerenbeck, Kesler, Cotter,
Zipperlin, McNichol, Holmes,
Steinbach, Esrey, Fretz, Haskell,
Smyth, \Vood, Sigel. Dockens,
Magarity, Purring, 'fully, Doher-
$1 Cleaning
LOUIS the TAILOR announces new low prices for

ty. Lyons, Hicks and Dautle, the
French dry cleaning and pressing garments, as a prac-
tical means of saying Merry Christmas and a Happy
New Year!
\Vith the opening game set for MEN'S SUITS, FRENCH DRY CLEANED-$l.OO
next Tuesday, Coach Anderson
has been drilling his LowerMerion OVERCOATS, FRENCH DRY CLEANED-$1.00
(Prices were formerly $1.50)
High basketteers at every op-
portunity the past week. The
coach has had to build an entirely
(Price was formerly $1.75)
Everybody knows the quality of my work. If you are
A Great Display -~

new team as practically all of last not satisfied with it, your money will be returned.

years players were graduated. .:. of .:.
The boys that have returned
are Captain Cook.. Purse, Kohlhas, LOUIS the TAILOR
Deubler, D'Amora, Fleming,
Faulk, Gane, Lockwood, Lyons,
Mandes (both Al and Ernie), Mul-
ligan, Mearns, Richardson. Sigal,
95 N. Narberth Ave. Phone: Narberth 2666
Gift Items ,-

Scott, Sherwood, Utterback,

Lloyd. Have you settled the Christmas gifts problem yet? •
Cook and Purse are the only
lettermen available. Dothard and Let us aid you. The gift beautiful, the gift endur-
Barclay, are still in the school, but ing, the gift practical-all at their best, are to be
neither is able to play. Dothard will
be ineligible after the first of the found in our display. •
year, which leaves him out of the
picture. ,"
The material is promlSlng as
most of the boys played on the A Few Suggestions
second team last year, others on CHARACTER is one of the things •
the squad have come from the
Junior High, so the coach has a bank considers in extending CHRISTMAS IWDAKS WRITING
candidates that at least know a CARDS PAPER
little about the game. accommodation. But it must be PIPES
It is too early yet to guess as
good character-not bad. EXQUISITE CIGARETTES PENS AND
to the likely lineup for the gatpe
with Friends Central which will
be the opening opponent on the
home floor next Tuesday. Howr-
ever, Cook, Fleming, Lloyd Cane e
guards; Lockwood, Purse, Rich-
ardson, Lyons, Mulligan, Kohlhas
forwards; Sigal, Mearns centers;
should see action in the game. RIGHT AT THE STAnON «
The sch{'rhtle this year is a very
stiff one calling for 20 games with Where the Apothecary Has Held Forth
For the Last Quarterr-Century
the best of the suburban schools.
The first five games will be at
The Narberth National Bank Telephones: Narberth 28-38 and 28-39
home with teams that are not in •
the Suburban League. This will Open Friday Evenings froID 'J until 9 o'Clock
give the players time to get work- ~"
ing together before the important
league teams come along. •
" ...


• Seal Benefits Every

The Best on L. M.'s Grid Schedule Person, Says Governor N. R. PEACOCK
First Team Second Team The Christmas Seal campaign
Interior and Exterior Painting
S. P. Frankenfield Sons
• Krick (Radnor) " Left End ..... Paul (Cheltenham) against tuberculosis has bene- 407 Essex Ave., Narberth, Pa. II FUNERAL DIRECTORS
Fox (Radnor) Left Tackle . Richardsen (L.Merion) fited all the citizens of Pennsyl- Phone, Narb..rth ~03'1
.. Brodgen (Cheltenham) . Left Guard ..•. Mattix (Abington)
Scott (Lower Merion) ... , Center ••• Logan (Haverford H)
vania, according to Governor
Fisher, who is Honorary Chair-
Zinn(Haverford High} . Right Guard •McCauley (Lansdowne) man of the Christmas Seal Com- Paperhanging and PHONE: ARDMORE 9 ARDMORE, PENNA.

Cook (Lower Merion) .. Right Tackle .• Haag (Penn Charter) mittee for Pennsylvania. The Decorating
Johnson (Abington) .. " Right End •• Purse (Lower Merion) Governor said:
Smith (Lower Merion) .. Quarterback Riley (Cheltenham) "The R"reat united campaign
NARBERTH 4135 W ,~==================================
Worrell Lansdowne) Right Halfback Fischer (Abington) against tuberculosis has l;>een of
Kern (Abington) Left Halfback.Burnshaw (Penn Ch'r) unusual value to Pennsylvania When Dissatisfied Try
.-, G. Lentz(RadnorH.S.} Fullback ..•Bonner(Haverford H) because it has benefited every PREPARE NOW FOR
community and all the citizens of CHRISTMAS HEWIT'S
each community have profited in The Essex Kandy Kounter
• In Which Our Newshound Picks an various ways. asks you to drop in early
and plan for gifts delicious Tailors, Cleaners and Dyers
• "All" Team Irom L. M. and Its Rivals "Foremost in this effort stands
the saving of thousands of lives
and reasonable.
234 Haverford Avenue Phone: Narberth 3854
ByS.B. annually, which means so much THE ESSEX
• -------------
N ow that the football season would prove the better. The sec-
in the family life of the State.
Economically, the campaign has
KANDY KOUNTER We Call For an.d Deliver
has come to an end, the usual se- ond te~m backfield would be com- benefited practically all citizens,
lections of "All" teams are in 01'- posed of Riley, of Cheltenham, at including the merchant, the man-
Reyner's-Bunte-Schrafft's c======================.~==========~
ufacturer and the worker.
• order. Thc writer bclieyes that it quarterback; Fischer and Burn-
"The bright little Christmas
is impossible for anyone person shaw, halfbacks, and Bonner, of Seal has represented the heart of
to select a team and claim that it Haverford Ii igh, at fullback. our people in this great fight
against tuberculosis, a prcycnta-
---And Economical
is the best team that can he made Othcr good backs that should be Why bother going in town to make your electrical pur-
up of players that have played in mcntioncd for their playing this hlc diseasc. but which is no re- chases, when you can get them near your home? It is more
• the suburban district in the sea- season are \V. Lentz, of Radnor: spccter of pcrsons. In this, the convenient to shop here-and more economical.
son just closed; therefore I have 20th annual appearance of the Christmas Tree Outfits-$1.2;;
limited myself to players on teams Bailey. of Penn Chartcr; Daniels,
11'lInc.·~· 1'lIng:-ltpn I.Al1l11ls-$1.2:J
Christmas Seal. I am confident it )f"z<!'1 L:II11pA-$l,iiO
that have played against Lower of Cpper Darby; Bishop, of Lans- will be welcomed as an important
A complete stock of electrical and radio gifts for Ch1'istmas
• Merion. all of whom I have seen downe: LloYd and Mearns, of aid in further reducing the rav- REPLATE
in action. I believe, if the abovc Lower lVlerion. and Hughes, of ages of the \Vhite Plague." BRASSY WORN-OFF
,- group of players were all available Havcrford High. . Colonel Henry \V. Shoemaker NARBERTH
is chairman, and Governor Fish- Bath Room Faucets
for any onc coach, that coach
could mold a tcam that would On my squad of 2.2 playcrs I cr, honorarv chairman of the Brassy Auto Parts, Reflectors, etc. ELECTRIC SHOP
With Pure Silver
give a very g-ood account of itself have no less than seven men that Christmas Seal Committee for USE 241 Haverford Ave.,
against any high school eleven. were captains of their respcctive Pennsylyania. The other mem- Narberth
A good team must have a good tcams. and in choosing Captain hers of this committee for the
• set of forwards. therefore, the first Cook, of Lower Merion, to lead 20th annual Christmas Scal sale PHONE. NARBERTH 4182
my "All" team, I do so because I comprise sc\'eral scores of prom-
duty of any "All" picker is to se-
think it was because of his inspira- inent and actiYe men and women The EL-RA Twins Give P"ompt Electrical and Radio Service
lcct a good line. Starting with the
tional leadership that Lower Mer- from all sections of the State. It Silver-Plates. Use It as a Polish 1i'"iI!!'" iliii!!!I!!!tIll!!!I!i!li!!i!! !I i1" iii! I! i!ii'1! Ii!!lilli!
ends I think that Krick, of Rad- mmmmmT'f!! iil!tl!!!!!!!"ii!!I!!I!!! i!!Ii"iililiilll I

ion had such success this season. LOOK LIKE NEW!

nor High School, was about the liz -Pint. $1; Pint, $1.65
best end in suburban ranks this "Y" MEN AT ROTARY FOR SALE BY LOCAL DEALERS
fall. He was fast down the field D. A. R. to Meet and
on all punts. a vicious tackler and a The regular stated mceting of the W. M. Wood and G. A. Mahl Speak.
Hansell Bros. Service Station
l\lontgomery A,·e. bel. Narberth Ave. For'l/our
shifty hard player who made a Doctor Benjamin Rush Chapter, ers at Balcynar Club Luncheon.
good deal of trouble for opposing Daughters of the American Revolu- Walter 1\-1. \Vood, general secre-
backfield men. As his running tary of the Y. ~I. C. A. in Philadel- j;J~i5i!S252.!:i25ii!5252Si25i!5C!S'25~~
tion, will be held tomorrow at
~ Q~~8-N~fq.~~~rl@
• mate on the other wing I have se- phia and vicinity, was the speaker
lected Tohnson, of Abington, o'clock at the home of :tVlrs. Ach- Tuesday night at the monthly meet-
whom I rank second only to enbach, 507 Merwyn road, Nar-
ing of the Bala-Cynwyd-Narbcrth Bell Phone. Spruce 38-96 and 38-97
Krick. The substitutes for this berth.
position are Paul, of Cheltenham,
and Purse. of Lower Merion. wiII preside.
:Mrs. Charlcs 1'1. Irwin, Regent, Rotary Club. He appcared at ~hc Keystone Phone. Race 70-M
invitation of the Rotary educatIOn _ GARAnteed Roofs ~

Honorable mention is given to The annual Christmas party will
Bound, of Radnor; Voorhees, of be held at this time. Donations will M.Mr.
committee, headed by Rev. Frank
Wood gave a sketch of the ===-=========:x===== Special
Penn Charter, and D'Amora, of be received for Ellis Island. and
requiremcnts for a well-roul1:ded Ye Oddity Shoppe
Lower Merion. hospitals. lifc. pointing out the. Amencan -AND A SPECIAL REDUCTION WHICH MAKES
Big Fellows at Tackle. It is hoped that all members will tendency to play up business at the "The Gift Center of the Main Line"
For the tackle posts we need be present as there is business of expense of other important ~hin~s. YOUR TOTAL SAVING $18.25
Exclusive Importations from Eu-
• big fellows that can stand the importance to be brought before the The spiritual. intellcctual, SOCial, 111- rope apropos of the gift season.
Stunning new creations from
gaff. Cook, of Lower Merion, and meeting. spirational and recreational factors "everywhere." Until December 21st you can buy this handsome $83.25 Oriole
Fox, of Radnor, are the best. Both Cabinet Gas Range with the marvelous Oven Heat Control feature
should not be neglected, he told his Order your Christmas cards now
are around the six foot mark and Suburbanites Excel, whlle selections are complete. for $75.
weigh close to 1715 pounds of good In addition, you are allowed $10 for the old range you trade in,
muscle. For their understudys in Q uaker College Finds Mr. \Vood was followed by
Haverford Ave. at Forrest Ave. making the price of the ORIOLE
.. . George A. ;\lahl. field secretary of
• this position I would use Haag, of Phlladelpllla Subur!Jan students I the Main Line territory, who told of Open Every Evenlnlf Until Christmas
• Penn Charter, and Richardson, of are high men scholasttcally for the the work of the Lower Merion PHONE: NARBERTH 2882 ONLY $65 CONNECTED
Lower Merion. There has been a first quarter of the present .college branch. now known as the Main C
lack of good guards this season year at Haverford, accordmg to I ine Christian Association.
This range has been especially priced to meet the Christmas
~re~~~~~~ll:JI~I~~~;el~;Ti~;l~deCOt~lJ~~~ S~l~;:~eSi:~:i~~I~~~~n I~~~J b~sf~t~o~: I-'C-h;'r~I'''s~t~m7Ua-;.s-:rc~a;Er-d-s~I''
and for that reason I have taken
Captain Brodgen, of Cheltenham. demand for a high-grade range at a moderate outlay. It is finished
• and shifted him to one of the Franklm W. Smith, of Gle!10Iden, at one time, of all ages. There are in gray and white easy-to-clean enamel and has a standard 5-
tackle posts. His regular position and J. 1)son Stokes, <;Jf Medl~, lead some five-year-old youngsters, he burner cooking top, step-saving utility drawer, full size 16-inch Ton-
HAND PAINTED Can ovens, Oven Heat Control (takes the uncertainty out of cook-
is tackle, but I feel that I would the sel1lor class,. wl~lle DaVid .H. stated. who are proficient swimmers Ro. L. DOTHARD
need him on my first team and ~edle~, of GlenSIde, IS the onl~ JU- and divers. receiving their training ing), nickel trimmings and other features.
Phone. Narberth 2692 I
that is why I would change his mol' With an aver~ge.over 90· ~hree from instructors at the pool. ~_ _ ,
• job. His helper on the other side soph?mores, BenJaml11 F. Bl~lr, of PAY ONLY A LITTLE DOWN
The projected building at Ander- _1fiascS2!K.Si2SiC!5i!2!i'2.5iC5ii!S2S2!!i2.5i2Si~
of the center would be Zinn, of M.edla; Brewster ,H. Mo.rn~, of son and Montgomery avenues, Ard- to have one connected ready to use and the balance in Small Monthly
• Haverford High. Zinn, while not Villanova, and DaVid S. Richie, of more, Mr. Mahl said, would be a COMFORT Payments.
a big fellow, makes up for his lack ~100r~stown, N. J., stand above 90 complete and modern plant, cost- AND SAFETY ARE
• of weight by the fury of his play. m theIr class. The freshman class ing possibly a half million dollars. ASSURED YOU BY THE Do not wait-if you order today Mothe1' will cook the big Christmas
The substitutes for this position is led by Carl A. Schopbach, of dinner in comfort.
are Mattix. of Abington, and Mc- Collingswood. High School last
Cauley, of Lansdowne. Honor- September. His average is 89.5.
Misery loves company. but not any
more than happiness does. .
able mention is given Bottoms, of
Lower Merion.
Standing head and shoulders Made Big Hit 215 Haverford Ave.
above any center in scholastic
(Walter R086r)
Ardmore 3500 Bryn Mawr 327 Wayne 47
ranks this fall is Scott, of Lower Hilltop 233 Upper Darby: Boulevard 1600
Phone, Narberth 3772
Merion. He would get the call at
center. Though a trifle erratic at
times in his passing, he made up
&52sC252Sms2Sii!.2S2Si!525CSt!5C.5c ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i
ac be a, be at ae :,
• for this in the manner in which he
backed up the line. He did the
work of two ordinary centers.
• Logan. of Haverford, makes a
good sub to have on hand should
anything happen to Scott. Hon-
orable mention is given to Curley, GOALSl
• of Radnor Hig-h School.

Backfield Above Average.
EISURE, independence, a steady income are the
.... Now for the backfield. With
such a powerful set of forwards goals we all covet, but few are ready to pay the
any average backfield would be price of a little self-denial and financial planning to
• hard to stop, but my players are
more than the average ones. My attain.
-- first team backfield would be com-
posed of Smith, of Lower Merion. Our Daily Dividend Plan is suggested
• Smith would hit off tackle and for people who are really interested in
would be a consistent ground
gainer. Worrel, of Lansdowne, their own futures. Inquire Now!
• and Kern, of Abington. would be
my halfbacks. Both can run the
• ends and throw passes and would
make an ideal combination. G.
, Lentz, of Radnor, would fill the
fullback position and do the punt- The Merion Title U Trust Co.
ing'. His punts have averaged
• over 50 yards all season, a really
remarkable achievement for a OF ARDMORE
high school player.
My second team backfield at Ban Photo

first R"lance seems even stronger
than my first one, but I think that
Irma Purring made a big hit with the audience at last week's per-
formttD of "Great Guns," the revue produced at the Junior High School in Narberth Bala-Cynwyd
Ardmore under- e auspices of the Bullock-Sanderson Post. She repre-
in the long run the first quartet sented the month 0 ' J1gUst in the calendar number.

'; ;~

OUR ~1~OWN .' '"


'--'OWN The FIRll£SIDE I Whittingham. William Calvert, fect

FOR SALE-Large velocipede, in per- ~--.--
condition. and four volumes. new.
............... ~ .... •
OUR 1 Harold Pease and Herbert Elwell. "Boy Mechanic." Phone Narberth 276'1.
HOl\lt:l\IAnE cakes and fUdge. Call
:\11'. and Mrs. George \V. Butts, Narberth 3791-J. after 3.30. (tf)
A CO-OPERATIVE COMMlJ'NITY Mr. and ~1rs. F. P. Meigs and •
NEWSPAPER Jr.. of 330 Lantwyn lane, are being "'OR SAL":-Brass bed and spring. Call
family ha\'e mm'ed from their
Founded in 1914 by the Narberth home on South l\ arberth a venue
Civic Association and published every to Newark. N. J.
congratulated on the birth of a Narberth 4161.
daughter. Louise, on Thursday, CASH ItEGISTER-WHl sell small
National. In best of condition. Very
Saturday at Narberth, Pa. December 1. little used. $40. Phone Narberth 3731.
Mr. and r-.lrs. George H. Slane Mr. and Mrs. James Douglass FOR SAL..: -Dark oak buffet and •
publlshed by the have relurned from a weddin:.:, :\ 100re are occupying their new crystal closet. $25 each. 215 Chestnut
LIVINGSTON PUBLISHING CO. avenue. Narberth 4029.
trip to Cuba and are occupying
THOMAS A. ELWOOD, Ass't Editor
O!llce, 258 Haverford Avenue
their new al)artment on l\ arberth home at :l-l--l Meeting-
avenue. Mrs. Slane will be re- ha ving returned from a short nue. Narberth.
House lane, FOil SALE-TWO tube radio set and
ear phones. $10. 522 Homewood ave-

Narberth 2545 membered as l\liss Kathryn Gold. wedding trip to New York last "'OR ItENT-Furnlshed room with all - - for working in half this Winter by •
SUBSCRIPTION PRICE Mrs. :\1 ary 1\'1. Livingstc n was week. Mrs. Moore
One Dollar and Fifty Cents Per Year III hostess to many friends last !vIon- mcm bered as Miss jeannette E. avenue. Narberth.
Advance day evening' -at her home on Gillis.
will be re- conveniences. Reasonable. 515 Gordon
FOil SALE-Girl's bicycle in first class
burning that low ash, high heat, CLEAN
condition. Call 211 Price avenue. the leading Premium Anthracite for
Chestnut a \·enue. The bridge \\ as
given to raise money for the build- WANTEn-Boy's swivel desk chair. the paSt seventy years. •
II1R fund of the \\'omen's Club. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Phone Narberth 3B31-R.
"'OR SALF.-Kitchen gas range, good Using Jeddo-Highland, you shovel in
There were ·10 guests. Rates: 2c per word; additional con- condition. Fireless cooker and ice cream •
secutive insertions of same advertise- lreezer. Phone Narberth 3629-J. less coal and remove less ash than you
Mrs. Maurice A. Toomev, of >nellt, Ic per word. Minimum charge
would in burning ordinary anth fll He.
IO:H :\lontgomery m'enue, has her per l"eek, 30c.
sister. Mrs. \\'ilsotl, of Harrisburg.
FItUIT CAKt:-Homemade. 70 cents a OltnERS TAKElIi-For embroidered t:a
best offer. 114
I Certified - Look for the Stall,r"

Entered as second class matter. October 11. as her guest for several days, pound. Mrs. Selina Duncan. 6 Sabin!.' aprons, 75 cents each. 114 Conway .;t
1914. at the Post Office at Narberth. Pa.,1IIl4U :\1 rs. Toomey entertained at avenue. Phone Narberth 4112-M. 12-10-27 avenue.
the Act of March 3, 18711. luncheon and bridge last Thurs- J)oU.~ mt..:SSED-50 cents up.
SUlIilliY ROO1\1 for gentleman or busi- Conway avenue.
cIa v in honor of Miss Gene\'ieve ness woman. Private family. Conven-
Saturday, December 10, 1927 FOR SALE-Mahogany tea wagon and

:\1acKlin. of McVevtown. Pa. The Ient to station. Phone Narberth 4161.
guests were Mrs. \\"ilson', of Har- SEWIlliG MACHINES-All makes re-
'mo.,. chan. Phone Narberth 4043.
WANTEn-Girl to serve as clerK III
paired. Liberal allowances on old ma- Main Liner Confectionery Store. Apply
risburg: Mrs. C. B. Johnston, of chines for new Singer. Phone Merion to "s" care of "Our Town" or leave name
Flier Will L.ecture in Junior High Philadelphia; 1\lrs. Thomas W. 145B-M. (tf) at "Our Town" office. NARBERTH 3675 Phones NARBERTH 2845 •
School to Aid Alumnae Blake. Mrs. W. T. Pedicord, Mrs. :PlJ\lIiO TUNER--Repalrlng mechanic f ;()O1) COOK-Wishes position with

Association. C. C. Tyson, :\I1:s. \\'. J. Robert- in your town costs much less. Send private family. Phone Stevenson 9261.
postal. Q. Ubertl. 315 Hampden avenue.

son and 1\I rs. HamId G. Ree\'es. of Narberth (12-10)
Commander Richard E. Byrd
:-\arl:erth. WOMAN wishes day's work and din-
will tell his story of "The Atlantic :\[iss Beatrice Sargent. of ners to serve. Phone Allegheny 5821.
(12-16-27) HAULING 1 •
and Other Flights" \ Vednesday eve- \ViI1ow Crm'e, 1'£1., has been

Ardmore when he will lecture un- sister-in-law, Mrs. William Sar- $6

GAIl,\(a: 8I'AC";. '1 wo garage stalls
riing at the Junior High School in spending the past week with her '01' rent. Central location. No heat.
per month. Address "D," care of
To and From Town Daily
All Packages, 50c Apiece
i.. j
That Will Give Satisfaction
Let us Weather Strip your doors and windows now and keep
out all drafts. This will not only make your home comfortable
during the cold winter months, but will help considerable toward
,- .
'Our Town."
der auspices of the Lower Merion gent. of I~·I Chestnut avenue. l::1 reducing the coal bill. We guarantee 1 est workmanship, high- i;i g
:\11'. Jefferson Da\'is Yowell has Also special prices on !.I grade material and perfect satisfaction. Our low ov~rhead l:i

HiCTh School Alumni Association. purchased a new car and will
Hi~ talk will be iIlustrated with mo- leave earlv next week for Florida
makes possiLle a saving from Iv to 30 per cent. Estimates h
tion pictures of his flight to the Mr. Yowell 0\\"I1~ a large orange
Moving Pianos ::1
cheerfully given.
A Dollar Saved Is a Dollar Earned d P ,"
Radio for Xmas
North Pole and across the Atlan- grO\'e and friends are expecting
C. Roy Smith Charles B. Wafer MAIN H LINE AWNING COMPANY H
tic. him to keep them supplied with 22 Ardmore Ave., Ardmore III Narberth Avenue 1;1' 49 East Lancaster Avenue, Ardmore, Pa. q
It is expected that Commander the fruit throughout the winter. Ard. 2927 : : Narberth 3983-W j;J CALL ARDMORE I527-J FOR OUR REPRESENTATIVE !::t
Byrd \ViII tell of his plans to ~y to Elwood Richardson, of Valley Phone 4102-W a::t:r.J.:J.J..l::t:I:r:l ::::'::rtl:: ;: :1:! :l.:r:r:t:l:: ~:.:t::.::l :i::r:::::::.:r:l:.:::l::t:i::t:l:::t:::.:!.:l1lli'11]! lUO
the South Pole next year. Tickets View road. Merion. left Fridav _ _ _ _ _c.--------

for the lecture may be obtained for a week-end visit to Altoona.. •

from r-.liss Mary Scott at the Town- :\1 r. and :\frs. E. T. Boughmer.
ship Building in Ardmore, or other of II azleton mot,·re(1 to \'isit :\l rs.
members of the AlUll1ni board of di- Boug-hmer's sister anrl family. the
rectors. Proceeds of the lecture will .J. Frazier Puree's, of Elmwood.
go to the Alumni Association's avenue.
sdlOlarships fund. 1\Iis~ :\Iarion Bottoms and :\lis~ I
Merry Xmas
I will be at the Narberth Hardware Co. to greet you

Louise J ones. accompanied by .
ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED ?lIrs. Henrv Smith, were guests at
:\Iiss Cynthia Metzger, daughter the \\'est ['oint l\Iilitary Academy VISIT OUR TOYLAND
of :\-1 r. and Mrs. Carl B. :\1 etzger. last week-end.
will entertain this afternoon by I Miss Alberta Davis, of lona Now Open
;j\'ing a lunch~OI.l and b.ridge a: avenue. was I~ostess to the,!"em- Do your shopping early while our stock ..
her home on Gllpll1 road 111 honol bel'S of her brtdge club last I hurs- is complete. Bring the kiddies to see our car-
"f her sister, 1\1 iss Martha Pol~n day evening. Her guests included ..
,\Ietzger. whose engagement wlIl Mr. and Mrs. Arthttr L. Cooke, load of toys-all new.
be al;nounced at that time to Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kennedy, Mr.
!ohn Cah';n Gray. of Belfast. Maine anrI l\lrs. Summers ?\' ewmat;, :\1 r.
Among the guests wiIl b~ the and ~d rs . .John C. Nash. :\1 r. and
Misses Laura 11 enderson, I· rank- Mrs. II arold l\1. Griest. l\1 r. awl
Another Real LIVE PONY •
ford: Betty Bland. Germantown: 1\1rs. 1.. Fielding 1-\ o·\\·e. ;vI rs. Given to You FREE
Christine Brook. Germantown: George Burnett.
Marjorie \Vescott. Cherbrook: l\Ir. and l\lrs. lohn \\'. Voshell. Remember "Rex," last year, and try to ,e

Harriet Knapp. Be\'erly, N. J.; of Littletown,' Delaware. were

Janet Hayes. \\'ynnewoud: Helen week-end guests oi :\Ir. and :'Irs. win this beautiful thoroughbred Shetland. •
rVlarshaIl. Patty Se:lers. Adele George Norman GiIl. of ~ It; Dud- On Christmas eve at 10.00 P. M. we will
\\"veth. all irom 'Merion: Emily leya\'enue. ,'"
1\\l::\1 akin. Florence l\learie. :\1£11' l\It-s. C. C. Tvson, of 2~(j Sabine
garet \\"oodward. oi Cynwyd: avenue. entertained in honor of
present "Lindy" FREE to some boy or
Laura Winters. Ruth Krait. l1upe Miss Elizabeth England at bridge girl. Stop in and learn the conditions. No •
Burlingame. of Bryn :\Iawr: :',Iary last Saturday e\·ening. Her guest~
1\1 andes, Frances Gibbons, r-.I ary were Mrs. George l\lichener, 1\[ rs. red tape. .#

1\!argaret Ransom. Gladys Rud- Arthur \\". Burils. Mrs. Llovd 13

dick' and Ruth Rud(lick. oi Anl- Edgerton. l\lrs. Louis Shen~man. WE DELIVER. OPEN NIGHTS UNTIL CHRISTMAS. PHONE, NARBERTH 4177 •
more; :\Iary Dohl, Katherine Mr5. 1\1. M. Li\'ingston. :\1 rs. L. H.
Adams. Patience \ \' oh lert. Betty 'I'r'ltter. 1\1rs. I. F. Purse. 1\lrs.
You can do all your shopping here. Gifts for all.
Cook and Honora Snyder. of N ar- Sulli\'an. Mrs.' Thomas J. Man Headquarters for Lionel Electric Trains. Best Prices •
berth. ning, 1\1 rs. \ \'. J. Pedicord, NT rs,
Howard F. Cotter, :\1 rs. Otto. Sets from $5.75 to $80.00 •
Mrs. ~1. A. Toomey. :\'Irs. ]. \ \'.
CONFIDENTIAL REPORT l\'\'cAuliffe. 1\Iiss Fa'ith McA"111iffe.
Caesar, the Slick Sleuth, Runs Down Mrs. F. \\'. B. Humes.
Mrs. Robert 1-1. Durbin was
Some Facts. IlOstess to se\'eral friends at bridge
Caesar. the Slick Sleuth. who last Saturday evening.
promised last week to make a thOl:- were 12 guests.
oU<Th investigation of the mysten- The Lantwyn Lane .-\ssocia-
ousto. actIOns

at the Narberth ""1.I enl1ls

tion met at the home of :\1 r. and
Club. Ullon being interviewed. dis- Mrs. Charles H anselI. 205 Lan- ICE SKATES, SHOE POCKET KNIVES
~Iosccl tile following contldential re- twyn lane.. last V.'ednesclay evening. SKATES, ROLLER
l)ort Mr. and Mrs. George Bennett SKATES •
Caesar. accompanied by his two left Wednesdav ior St. Peters- Ball Bearing, $1.49
trusty bloodhounds. Sniff and burg. Florida," for the winter •
Snooff. stealthily entered the lower months.
courts of the club at midnight with :\1rs. Annetta Draucker is the
the light of a quarter moon shining week-end guest of 1\1rs. B. Earl FLASH LIGHTS AIR RIFLES and RIFLES
over his left shouder. After exam- Achenback, of iiO'j :\1erwyn road. Large Line
ining the dirt !liles there and the Among- those from Narberth Winchester and Eveready 3L30 to $10.00 •
surface of the lower courts with his who attended the fourth annual
b:g magnifying glass. Caesar found birthday luncheon of the Phila-
a delivery slip of M. R. Lane & delphia' Chapter of D. A. R. last
SO'lS containing an order for sev- \Vednesday afternoon at the Belle-
eral tons of clay. \Vith unparal- vue. were Mrs. Tristan du

le1ed perspicacity typical of Caesar's Marais. :\1 rs. Charles ~I. 1rwin. Bicycles, $35.00
deductive powers. Caesar concluded :\ [rs. Sullivan and l'vI rs. B. Earl Footballs
that the dirt niles had been ordered Achenbach. The National Presi- Velocipedes, all
sizes-Priced WAGONS, all sizes Punching Bags
I)\' the club -from ~r. R. Lane & dent and the State Re~'ent were •
to Sell. ~5c to $6.00. Sporting Goods
S'ons for the purpose of recondi- also guests at the luncheon. l\I rs.
tioning the lower courts. Achenbach wiIl entertain this
Doll Coaches Sidewalk Bikes Buddy-Z Toys Skiis and Poles •
Noticing certain imprints in the afternoon at her home on Merw\'n Games, the Popular Kind Tool Boxes Doll Houses
clay resembling canal boats in shape road at the annual Christn;as Scooters
, and size, Caesar put Sniff and party of the Dr. Benjamin Rush Mechanical Toys Watches •
. Snooff on a scent. and was led to Chapter of the D. A. R. Toys are New and Priced Low. Useful Tools Make a Good Gift. Full Line Eagle Irons, Toasters, Electric Irons, etc
the homes of John \;\,Tine.. president Last Saturday evening Thomas Kitchen Utensils, Roasters, Prexware. Fine Display of Tree Lights, Stands and Ornaments.
of the rlllb. and \Valter Cowin, \V. Merkle was the honor guest
cl,~!:rm"n of the Grounds Commit- at a party given on the occasion of
tee. his twenty-first birthday at his
These cIues merely intril!ued the home on \Vynnewood avenue.

curiosity of Caesar, \\·110 WIll report Those present were Miss Irma
in this column next week the result Ralston, Miss Edna Schliff, Miss Narberth's Largest Store
of his further investigations. Florence Hershey.. Miss E\'a Ran-
dles, Miss Leona McCann, Miss 230 Haverford Avenue Narberth 4177 •
at a woman who has been dIVorced.
Pedlico\ ~I of Philade~I~'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
phla. Messrs. \VtIfred and Samuel -



.. Church Notes 7.0ll P. M.-Younn' Pcople's Fel- on member of the Lower Merion Lions won the point for total pins by Phone Hilltop 1062-W

lowship. MAKE BIG RECORD Health Board. R. Kaplan, Ard- the smallest margin-one pin. MAIN LINE PIANO
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church. --- more and Lancaster avenues, Ard- The first serics .is nearing the end SERVICE
The Presbyterian Church. 109 Cows Under Test in Herd- more, is the scarlet fever sufferer, and somc of th~ highest averages and Plano Tuntn!t.
Cletus A. Senft, Pastor. · bed I R scores arc pubhshed as a forecast of

Rcv. John Van Ness, Minister. Sunday, December 11: Second Largest in Country. an d B a b y R Ig y, asa e ay the final results.

.. Meetings for December 11.

!l.45 A. 11. - Bihle School.
hearsals of Christmas music.
9.45 A. M.-Bible School. During October the herd of 101) Apartments, Haverford, is quar-
11.00 A. M.-The service. Theme: Ayrshire cows owned by Pens- antined for diphtheria.
"The Purpose of the King's Coming."
The match of Saturday, December
3, is a "ostponed match originally
• P:ayers and
11.00 A. ~l.-Morning worship. Ser- 6.45 P. M.-Senior and Junior hurst Farm of Narbeth, averaged schedulcd for Novemher 4. •• ReprOdUCing
mon theme: "Messianic Prophicies." Lcagues. GU8 pounds of 4.26% milk, 21).70 SCOUTS E LECT NOVEMBER 29 0. • ".4i Plano
• BAPTIST BATTLERS ~,,~ -e.J and Amplco
11.00 A. ~L-Junior Church, under
the direction of Mrs. A. S. Digby.
7.45 P. M.-The Vesper Service.
Theme: "Messianic Prophecy." pounds of butterfat, ranking C():-;1'1~TED Fnll~l TI1f': F lit WI' I'AC;I' ~~~~OIS~~ .. :::::::::: m ~~~ g~ 460
22 East Marthart Avenue
.... 6.45 P. 1L-Senior and Junior En- Tuesday, Dcccmbcr 13, mccting of eighth in the United States among of Honor, this should be .easilv ar- March
all herds tested under the rules of d . Durbin
dcavors meetings. the tcachcrs and officers of the Bible range . SmedleY, H. T. 160 142 128 430 "We Tune for the World's ..
7.45 P. :\l.-Evening worship. Sub- School in the church basement. the Ayrshire Breeders' Associa- }I r. Harman, who is the coach at 773 662 634 20; Greatest Artists."
• ject: "\Vhat More Could God Have Friday, December 16, 4.45, Cate- tion of Brandon, Vermont, accord- Haverford CoIlege will try to ar-
ch ism Class.
ing to Advanced Registry Super- range for the use' of the COl1egel~~O~?~I1.. ::::::::: ~:~ g: ~~: 4:2:~ ~
Done for Us?"
Tuesday evening-Coml11unity Bible
intendent \V. A. Kyle. The total swimming llOOI so that members of Haws 140 143 138
Class taught by Miss Harrison. Baptist Church of the Evangel. . II f tl' I I ~·G ()')2 Harris 125 100 139 364
Wcdnesday evening-Prayer Meet- Sunday, December 11: Yle CI O l'Ik iS len was I , . ,J. the trool) can take lifesaving and Riddle I 171 145 161 477

ing. Subject: "Christmas Reminis-
!l..l;'j A. ~L-Church School.
11.00 A. M.-Morning worship. Ser-
pounc s ml . swimming tests there. Probably the
Nineteen of the indi\'idual ani- same arrangement can be made at
• 748
6n Elm Gift and
75a 21.5
Mr. Pedicord is holding frequent man: "The Paradox of Lifc." A Christ-
rchearsals of the chorus for the can- ma Is qua l'fi I e d for tleI l l ' s t l]~
)reec le -enn f
\ t II
1 . CI t\)o
etlc I Purring METHODIST106METEORS 158 149 Hemstitching Shop
• tata to be sung on Christmas eve- mas sermon. .• Fifty-Pound-List," of these high Some interesting doings will hap- Reiss 162 177 169 508
ning. 7.00 P. M.- Young Pcople's Devo- I t' I I I I . P f S I Reger.............. 128 137 134 399 Beaded Bags and Bags of
tional Scrvice. Topic: "Money and proc uc IOn 10nors were concec ec pen t liS season. ro essor nyc er Balley 161 158 319
The date for the Bible School Rcligion." to Hazel's Good Gift, an eight- will take the boys to the observatory Jenkins, El. 543 All Kinds Repaired.
• Christmas cantata has been set for ·
P . 1M. - Ewen1l1g I' Ser- year-old that gave I Ml;j pounds 0 f of Central High School, and other Bl1nd·
218 150
Thursday evening, December 22. 7.45 wors IIp. _ _ Beads Restrung
mon: "The Christmas Message in 'Ik 8 I f ' · 674 851 760 2285
Art." A study of three of the world's ml " G!J.5 pounc s at. men present pr01111sed to arrange LUTHERAN LIONS
Methodist- Episcopal C h u Ill ',lstcrl)I'cces,
r c COPI'CS h. of ,,..111·ch wl'll he Penshurst Farm IS considered visits ,to Craml)'s C Shil)yanl, the
PI Humphries
If Haist............... 147
103 149
120 163
135 459
242 Haverford Avenue
H.ev. \\T. Sheridan Dawson, M IIllster.
. given to those attending' the servicc. to he one of the leading Ayrshire
Breyer s Ice ream ant, etc. I Ripper
Rb t
439 Phone: Narberth 2510 and 3771-W
• Sunday, December 11: \Vcdncsday,
0 !' 'f DeccmberPS 1~:
T . , breeding establishments in t le this meets the eve _ of Commander;,Albert 0 er son ,_70 152 179 SOl ~ ~
9.45 A. M.-Bible School. H R. () .' l \ ' . - raycr e:vl~,e. oPIC:IClllll1tr).. Animals bred at this Van Auken, doubtless he will let the _ - - - ~
on. "The \Vltness of Jesus' Llfc. A study . . . . 695 669 708 2072
• F. W. Stites, superintendcnt. of thc tenth chapter of John's Gospel. ':ll'm Will be fO.U1:d 111 most every boys see "Saratoga," the new air- DECEMBER 3
11.00 A. 1L-Morning worship. Ser- Friday, Decembcr Hi: I ~tate of the Ul1Ion. At present plane carner. These trips, which Nl'cholson BAPTIST BATTLERS
mon by the pastor. Thcme: "The 'fl I 1 I I . I M f 170 11i9 125 464
Lord's Financial Plan." 1:!.1;; P. 11.- !c. pastor )!Oal casts the lenl sire IS Pens llIrst I an are in the form 0 hikes, are en- Keirn 126 150 149 425
The Every-l\lember Canvass wil1 t!le . Nooday RchglOus Service from I()' \\. ar, a young bull that has tirely as a reward of merit. m
~~~~e~ ,:,: ..~....... m
~~~ g~ JAMES R. COLE
. va Iue~ as a I)reecI'I11g
.. take p Iace on S un d ay a fternoon.
vorkers will meet
':! P. 1\0. '1
at kthe church
I and WI I ma e an c ort to
'1'1le StatIOn WLIT.
at First Church of Christ Scientist.
' I t I t . en t
rO\'en IliS
,Ire.. ]-I'IS c.I augI1t ers I
. Itt t
lave com-
f r
l ast but 1I0t Jeast. t Ile great lIeec I Sme dl e,y H. T...... 139
mell '
t I
assls tan t scou t mas t ers.
. ttl 1
_ Rear of 250 Haverford Ave.
House and Decorative Painting
Mail Orders and Jobbing Promptly
cal1 at every home in the con grega- \\Toman's Club Building. !1> e ~( \\I' y-elg 1 ~:~> 0 p 0 - lel'y .111I~tlS >C II1 er cs eC 111 )~ys, Humphries ~~: ~~~ 144 449
• lion before 6 P. M. I .-\rdmore A\'enuc, .-\rdnlOrc. POI. , UctlOlI t lat a\'erage .J,lhh potlnc1s all< \\'1 IIlg to \ror.; l f or IJO)'s. ... ny Haist 164 163 g~ 373
450 Phone,
Attended te
Narberth 3639.W
.. 6.45 P. M.-Epworth League devo-
tional meeting.
Earth Among 1!en .of Good- ~III.
11 A.M.-Sunday sen·ices.
Topic: "Peac~ ,?nl II. A. :\l.-Sunday .school sc:,·icc~. reaching mattlrit\'.
\\' ~dllesda);
7.45 P. M.-Evenlllg worship. Ser- n1l'ctlllg, R 0 clock.
C\'clllng testl11lOllIal
mille ;\ll;1.02 pounds fat, before likely lad. young or old, who thinks ~~c:e~~:~~n.::::::::: 127
he can till the bill. please get 111 Weiss
The farm is o\~'ned h)' Pereiral touch with Scoutmaster lohn \\'il- Albert
',-. I. . .,.
I~ 146
648 2101
mon by the nastor. Sermon theme: Reading Room. 1!l \Vest Lancaster Robe2·ts, Sr., and IS man~ged b~ son ,:lI1d :\~slstant Scoutmasters DECEMBER II
• "God Reigns." an'nue, opcn week-days frol11 10.:10 to Dr. Ezra S. Deubler. preSIdent at "Doc Hutehll1son and Art Cooke. NichOlson ..~~~:~~: ~5~TTLf9~s 170
Carpenter and Builder
The regular monthly mceting' of the 4.:lO, except \"edncsday. whcn it is the Bala-Cvnwyd-'~\hrberth Ro- Smedley, W. D 115 146 149 520, 17 Schiller Avenue, Narberth, Pa.
Ladies' Aid Society will he held on open from I:! noon to 4.:10 and !l to t . CI l' ., BOWLERS NEARING END Durbin 169 196 I
127 410
Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. !l.4.; ill thc cvening. al y U ). Keirn 153 113 137 403 Screens and Weather Stripping
Thc King's Heralds will meet on The suhject for the Hihl(' Icsson ser- ISEASE TAKES JUMP OF FIRST SERIES Marsh 1~ 1~ 1~ 452

\Vedncsday afternoon at :1.4;; o'clock, mOil for Sunday. Dccemher 11, is "Gnc!
at the church. the Presc~vcr of M a n . " ·
--- Meteors Leading Section "A"
by Re~e...... ~~.~~.~~ISilrET~~RS 150
816 ==============
765 2277 1

Praycr and Praise Sen'ice on -------- Sixten Cases Reported-Health Board P I 152 152 138
Wednesday at 8 P. M. WINTER COMES BUT- Member's Son Stricken With Tphoid. Heavy Margin. M~rl~rng_.:::::::::::: 154 182 155
1 The pastor will givc a missionary co. ft' I' Thc festi\'itics of Thanksgiving inter- Reiss 114 128 135
address illustrated by the stercopticon. ...,Ixteen cases a can aglous c 15- jered with thc howling of the' match J<nklns. El. I~ I~ 1~ ~~~ ~ Radio for Xmas ~
A Christmas party for the children 'ONTINTTED ~'nO~I THE FIIt~T PAll. ease were listed in Lower Merion game het wecll the Battlers and Liolls
• of the church Attendance League imbibed wood alcohol and other the past week by ?\Iarvin E. Rey- ('11 :\ovemher :!.;. Several of thc Lions
700 731
Slandlnl:' or Section A Team.
rn 2\70 C. Roy Smith ~
P. C. Po:! 22 Ardmore Ave., Ardmore
wil1 he held on Saturday, December 17. lnti-freeze solutions. Pedestrians llolds, towllshi:> health officer. ~\~I\\\~;~t~.~:'I~\,;:g~~:~r\7.~~:~es:i~/~\CI::':~~so~:· ~ttt~eor~~\I~~;e~~~.......... ~'r ~g .750 ~ A1'd. 2927 : : Nm'berth 9989-W
• who owned galoshes went trudg:- They include two of tuberculosis, the t\\'t'lltv-fifth. Baptist Battlers 15 13 .583
All Saints Church. in.O' throu.!!h the drifts. seven chickenpox, two whooping- ....\ .. sl'~retar\' has jour matches to Presb~·terlan Pilots 3 25 .107
\V d P a. , . . ,on , ,-wires caused consider- rough and one each of dipl ' "wce'
k IIue to lila . I"1I1It)' til rc- Single Oame-H. HIGHEST SCORES
• . ynnewoo,
H.cctor. Rcv. Gibson Bcll.
Sleet lthena. report th,:<
tIt k h
T. SmedleY
:1I>le trouhle for both telephone t)'I)hoid fever, scarlet fe\'er, !wr as wee'. IT ree Oames-El. Jen Ins
H.on A. ~f.-Holy COll1l11union. \\'e ha\'c had some hot matches r~-I ~eam-Slngle Oame-Meteors
10.00 A. M.-Church School. <Jnd electric workers. A !?'ale over measles and pneumonia. tl f 'I' h th lre' hC'r \'1' 'learn-Three Oames-Llons 2316
d · l:ell y 0 \\ lIC e SCI s ,I.e -, Team Avera..e-Three Oames.-Meteors .. 2235 121 North Narberth Avenue
11.00 A. :\l.-Morning prayer an 2.') miles an hour in velocity went Edward A. Shunwav, Tr., 341 llellce. 011 Novemhcr :!!l the PIlots FIVE HIGHEST AVERAGES Specializing in Women's and
sermon bv the rector. Anthel11-"How \\'histling over the J\fain Line, \"orth Bowman avenu'e, "J\ferion. came hack strong, fulfilling a recent El. Jenkins-Meteor 167.1
Lovely Are thc Messengcrs," Mcndels- d I . I I' I . I I ' tl . prediction of the sccrctan·. and carried O. Albert-LIon........................ 166.1 Children's Hail'-ClItting
sohn. Benedicite-Stokovsky. Choir making the cold colder an t le IS rte typ 101C patlent.- e IS 1.e off three points out of four. I'\ote, also. ~.~: :'1~~~':':M:t~~~e~.:::::::::::::::: 161.4
of :{O trained voices. /'\,arm thankful. son of Dr. E. A. Shul11way, J\1en- III the scores that on Dccemher :: tIll' C. Humphries-LIon ~~~:~ Strictly Sanitary Shop




Let White's help you to choose the toothsome gift-the dessert
for your Christmas meal. Stop in this week so that we can
• prepare a cake to order, with all the famous White Quality baked
into it.

Christmas Fruit Cakes Candy Canes You will be sure to have money for Christmas by joining our
• From 15c dozen to $1.50 each
Plain and Decorated

Pumpkin and Mince Pies
"With or Without"
Novelty and Fancy Candies
Candy for Youngsters
Christmas Club
Spl'ingerle, Pfeffernusse and Other
Yuletide Cakes
Famous White Ice Cream I . 1928
Made in Narberth ~
Meet next's year's Christmas demands by
And Last but not least-

.. joining one or more of these
classes now.

• II Requires a deposit of $5.00 each week for

the next 50 weeks. In December, 1928, you
will receive a cheek for $250.00 plus
• Requires a deposit of $2.00 each week for
the next 50 weks. In December, 1928, you
will receive a check for $100.00 plu~
For years residents of Narberth and vicinity have come here for ONE-DOLLAR CLASS
• their Christmas baked goods. Our bakery, located near the shop, Requires a deposit of $1.00 each week for ~
the next 50 weks. In December, 1928, you "'~
supplies fresh, skilfully baked goods hourly. The shop and the
will receive a cheek for $50.00, plus interest. It'

bakery are under the personal supervision of Mr. and Mrs. George
• Requires a deposit of 50 cents each week '~
W. Schulze. for the next 50 weeks. In December, 1928,
you will receive a check for $25.00, plus ~~
• intere::t. ~,

, White's Sweet Shop Requires a deposit of 25 cents each week

for the next 50 weeks. In December, 1928,
you will receive a eheck for $12.50, plus


The N;berth National Bank ~
Phone Narberth 4005 :
Open Friday Evenings. 7 to 9 P. M.
• I


Goal Almost Reached I Shoots Deer was well within range, I fired and
he fell heavily in a pile of rocks

Final reports from the chairmen Richard D. Kistler, of 143
of all the volunteer divisions in the Merion avenue, Narberth, has and utterly smashed his beautiful
field during the recent campaign of just returned from a gunning trip rack." Mr. Kistler, besides being ACiK, . You THAT Q.VES'TION '{OU

the \VeHare Federation show that in Perry county, where he suc- known as a sportsman, is a con- SAR.CA,CiTtC FOUNTAIN Of' t<.Now~eD6e.!
the total amount contributed by
the residents of Ph.iladelphia and
ceeded in bringing down a 170-
pound buck. Mr. Kistler was the
noisseur of antiques and pottery
and is an associate of Mr. Hugh
suburbs for the mall1tenance dur- only one in his party of six who Balfour' Barclay, in the Barclay WHEN 1 ASK fOR. ,.foleM AT
ing 1928 of the 128 federation had the good fortune to get a Company.

age!leies, was $3.20~ . 59~.01,. ~f deer. He described the feat very
whIch amount the Mam L1I1e dlvl- simply: "Someone had started
sion contributed $395,772 ,26.
The' sum that rel!lains to be co!-
the buck a mile or two away and
just after 15 shots had rung out Estimates Free ~UCi STORl:
lected, $86,076.5 8 , IS only approxl- he appeared on the crest of the C. M. FRIES •
mately two and one-half per cent. Buck Ridge. A boy further up took WATCHMAKER
of the $3,289,673.60 set as the goal. a chance shot at him and headed CALL BARING 0924
628 North !\lay St., West PhlJa.
Federation executives are confident him down. my way. When he
this amount will be obtained and ~o be usefuI---:to be of seryice-to be ~olite upon all CRANE'S DRUG STORE •
the seventh annual campaign will be h~I:l);~~~:::il=~~~~~~~l>=l:~:::iJ::u=l~=U::~~~~R~::::O::~ occaSIons! We strIve for publIc favor-we re glad to be
useful. We shall be known as thoroughly reliable. Narberth and Haverford Avenues
recorded as 100 per cent. successful "Made in Philadelphia" Narberth 3920
before the end of this year or # •
shortly therea fter. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Of the sum remaining to be
raised, federation officials expect to
be able to collect approximately
$44,000, which represents the re-
newal value of subscriptions tabu-

Schedule of Montgomery Bus Co., Inc. ~

lated in previous campaigns, but not ~ Montgomery Avenue LiDe Leaving Pennsylvania R. R. Sta- until 10.30 P. M. o@ •
yet in hand. 'fhis leaves only $42,- tion in Narberth 7 minutes later Then 10.50 and every 20 min. until o@
000 of "new money" to be obtained.
~ Eastbound than the above-mentioned times. 12.30 A. M.
~ Leaving Anderson and Montgomery Leaving 54th Street and City Line Then 1.00, 2.00 and 3.00 A. M. o@ •
~ Avenues 21 minutes later than the above- Leaving 54th and City Line 5 min- ~
Another Roll Call W
mentioned times. utes later than the above-men-
tioned times.
Arrangements are being made in ~ Starting at 5 30 A M Westbound Leaving Pennsylvania R. R. Sta- ~
Ardmore for the annual roll call of ~ Then every 16 min: u~til 9.00 A. M. Leaving 62d and Lancaster Avenue tion in Narberth 19 minutes later ~ 'f
the Catholic Near East Welfare Metal Radiator FUJoniture of Enduring W Then 9.20 and every 20 min. until
~ 3.00 P. M.
than the above-mentioned times. ~
Association, a Pontifical Society of WEEKDAYS
~ Then 3.15 and every IF: min. until Starting at 6.00 A. M. Narberth Short Line .&t •
\\'hich Cardinal Doughety is a di- Beauty W 10.00 P. M. Then every 15 min. until 9.30 A. M. 'f6(
rector. ~ Then 10.20 and every 20 min. until Then 9.50 A. M. and every 20 min. Eastbound ~
The renewal of memberships in Just imagine how much more attractive your home would ~ 12.00 P. M. until 3.30 P. M. Leaving Pennsylvania R. R. Statioll .&t
the association in Ardmore and the be with harmonious beautiful cabinets, instead of unsightly bare W Then 12.30,1.30 and 2.30 A. M.
Then 3.45 P. M. and every 16 min.
until 10.30 P. M.
Narberth If
enlistment of new members is being radiators I Then 10.50 and every 20 min. until ~
planned by Joseph F. Moore, of Imagine the satisfaction of seeing walls and draperies fresh ~ Starting at 5.30 A. M. Then 12.30 A. M. Starting at 5.50 A. M.
Ardmore, who is general secretary ~ Then every 15 win. until 9.00 A. M. Then 1.00, 2.00 and 3.09 A. M. Then 6.30, 7.10, 7.50, 8.30, 9.10, ~
. Then 9.20 and every 20 min. until ~
and clean, instead of smudged by the dust carried by air currents 9•50, 1O.30, l
of the organization and executive
rising upward from uncovered radiators. SATURDAYS 1.i0 d
an 11.50 A. M. ~

director of the membership move- 12.00 A. M. Starting at 6.00 A. M. Then 12.30, 1.10, 1.50, 2.30, 3.10,
ment, which is necessary to support ~ Then 12.15 and every 15 min. until Then every 16 min. until 9.30 A. M. 3.50, 4.30, 5.10, 5.50, 6.30, 7.10, ~ .
Add to these advantages the healthful benefits of improved
the work being carried on in the ~ Th~~O~O.~o ~~d every 20 min. until Then 9.50 A. M. llnd every 20 min. 7.53' 8.30, 9.10, 9.50, 10.30, 11.10 o@
Near East and in behalf of the pov-
erty-stricken of Russia.
circulation of the heat and you will see why your home should
be equipped with Bohem Radiator furniture.
~ 2 0P M
~ 1.0 . •
~ Then 12.30, 1.30 and 2.30 A. M.
until 12.30 P. M.
Then 12.45 P. M. and every 16 min.
until 10.30 P. M.
an 11.50 P. M.
Leaving 54th and City Line
New Arrival
Bohem Radiator Shields and Cabinets are obtainable in
cream, walnut or mahogany grained finishes. It will pay you
to get our estimate.
W Starting at 5.30 A. M.
Then 10.50 P. M. and every 20 min.
until 12.30 A. M.
~ Then every 2h-hour until 9.00 A. M. Then 1.00, 2.00 and 4.00 A. M.
l\Ir. and Mrs. G. Earle Thomp- ~ Then 9.20, and every 20 min. until Starting at 6.10 A. M. ~
son, of St. Paul's road, announce ~ 1.00 P. M. SUNDAYS Then 6.50, 7.30, 8.10, 8.50, 9.30, .&t •
the arrival on last Friday, De-
cember 2, of a baby boy. The
A. & G. BOHEM, Inc. W Then 1.15 and every 15 min. until Starting at 6.00 A. M.
~ 10.00 P. M.
10.10, 10.50 and 11.30 A. M.
Then every 2h-hour until 9.30 A. M. Then 12.10, 12.50, 1.30, 2.10, 2.50,

mother, formerly Edith :rvr. Black, 18th & Washington Ave. Philadelphia ~ Then 10.20 P. M. and every 20 min. Then 9.50 A. M. and every 20 min. 3.30, 4.10, 4.50, 5.30, 6.10, 6.50, .&.t •
W until 12.00 P. M. until 1.30 P. M. 7.30, 8.10, 8.50, 9.30, 10.10, 10.50 ~
and son are both doing nicely and Local Representative ~ 'l'hen 12.30, 1.30 and 2.30 A. M. Then 1.45 P. M. and every 16 min. and 11.30 P. M. and 12.30 A. M. ~.
their friends are congratulating JOHN A. BOHEM ~ ~
the proud parents on this splendid Oregon 0463 Ardmore 510-J
addition to their household, who
\\,ii1 ill.: known as Donald Earle.
~ ~ •
t' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~s&~l
in the League of Honor Stores you can depend upon getting quality Merchandise. Our trade
demands the "beat the market ofters," our stores supply the demand. Below you will find listed

ten items of recognized merit Specially priced for this weekly Sale.

Pillsbury Flour, I2-lb. Bag, SSc •

This is an exceedingly low price and we would advise you to buy now.

Whitman's Instantaneous Chocolate last for •

l/2-lb. tin 39c, I-lb. tin 77c
Just the thing when a quick nourishing hot drink is wanted. Handy in the home or for traveling.
thousands •
Edgmont Graham Crackers, Large Pkg., 23c
Made from the purest and best of ingredients.
run of grahams and one you will like.
Packed in sealed cartons. Different from the general

ot /(-~
ile~~ •

Canada Dry Ginger Ale, bottle 17c ( -
We would advise "stocking up" for the holiday season. •
Special Sale of Garden Canned Fruits and Vegetables •
"The finest nature provides."

Garden Asparagus Tips, 3Sc tin, 3 for $1.00

Mammoth tips of unusual tenderness and fine flavor. •

Garden Refugee Stringless Beans, 27c tin, 6 for $1.60 ...

Buy a can of these beans and try them. That will tell you the story of their goodness far better than
we can.

Garden Tomatoes, Large Can 2Ic •

The packer of these tomatoes supervises their growing and then selects the most perfect of the vine-
ripened ones which are prepared and packed entirely by hand. Garden Tomatoes are the "class" of the
-a·BUICK •
Garden Bartlett Pears, tin 3Sc, 3 for $1.00
A rare treat for the lover of good fruit. Large, full flavored and packed in heavy syrup.

Garden Strawberries Garden Raspberries

flr Christmas .
What gift could be more appropriate than a Buick for 1928?
29c tin 29c tin
"I never knew canned Raspberries could be so Buick provides princely luxury and beauty ••• economy, depend-
A wonderful substitute for the fresh fruit at a
delicious," is a remark often made of Garden Brand. abil ty and long life • • • per~ormance, I?ower.and get.away.

time when berries are poor in quality and prohibi- Buy a can this week and let your family be the judge
tive in price. of their quality. withC'l·t r eE'r. Buick as a gift wlll ~ake this Chrls~as ~ast ~or ....
thous311ds of miles. There are 16 BUick models, rangtng m pnce
from ~1l95 to $1995 f. o. b. Flint. A:t can be purchased on easy .
The above pricesellective December 9th to 16th G. M. A. C. terms, the most desirable in the industry.

Your ,Patronage Is Respectfully Solicited Make someone sl.premely happy this Christmas. Givp, a Buick
for 1928. Delivery will be made, if you wish, at your home '.
by the following firms, who comprise the League of Honor Stores: C:"ristm;>s morn ng.
ARDMORE BRYN MAWR WAYNE NARBERTH SEr:.Al':~ $11S'5 to $lg95 COUPES .$1195 to $185~
William T. Mcintyre William T. Mcintyre Jackson'. Market George M. Dando SPORT MODELS $1195 tQ $1525
Balaity's Gane & Snyder Wayne Fruit Market William T. Mcintyre AU ,..;~. f. o. b. Flin'. Mjeft•• It m.nt ,'"'' to ~. add.d. TM G. M. A. C. ~ __
r·~'" .l ""n' ,I"urttl-', . '.1.,..,111"~.

John Jackson Brinton Bros. DEVON •

Ardmore Fruit Market Frank B. Espenshade CYNWYD Joseph Espeuhade ALLAN C. HALE, Inc.
William T. Mcintyre
Clarence E. Kerr
William T. Mcintyre
Charles B. Aldred
J. McKinley

- - - - - - - - - - - -_ _--1\ _


.- -------------------------.1
Christmas Shopping
: Eleotrical Contractor :
Some months ago we were sufficiently indiscreet to gently , "Service With a Smile" ,
condemn our fellowmen for being sheep in allowing themselves , 703 S. BOWMAN AVENUE ,
: Estimates Furnished :
to be sheared by a well-known prize fight promoter. Again we
have observed the bovine tendencies of the human race. .' ~I!.0~..~!~ lO!~ 4
Go into Philadelphia any afternoon and stand on any busy
corner; watch the so-called "reasoning animal," man, and his II
mate, woman, and see how they conduct themselves in the holi-
day crowds. The traffic signals change; a harassed motorist
starts to crawl across an intersection; crowds surge out in front
of him; individuals stop, step back, step ahead or stand and look
at him; he stops, starts again, and the whole performance is Eve.'yone Santa Claus Helps Those
repeated. Finally with great beads of perspiration on his brow
the driver reaches the other side of the street.

For the next exhibit, step into any great department store.
Hundreds of people will be pawing over articles on every couqter
and glaring because the clerk who has stopped several minutes
to help them has finally waited on some one else. Impatient
groups stand tapping their toes looking for some one who does
not arrive, and incidentally preventing buyers from approach·
KN<i>Ws Who Help Themselves
ing the counters. Three or four girls walk abreast through the
aisles and make other walkers dodge them. Gum-chewing sales Ugly Rad·iators
girls adjust their coiffures while customers sink into seats before can be hidden by to be certain 01 a good Christmas next year
the counters.· Tired mothers drag along the youngsters who
blubber or chant, "Where's Santa Claus}" RADIATOR COVERS
Why do we, who have chosen the suburbs or the country Built to Order
.. for our permanent habitat, feel obliged to move in great droves of START NOW
in the heart of the city just before Christmas} It is our experi- Seasoned Lumber
ence that today Christmas shopping can be done more leisurely
and more pleasantly nearer home. If ever there was need for Flush with window sills,
a buy-at-home-week it is the week before Christmas. While we tight to walls, decorative,
have never been asked to boost Main Line merchants, we pro- less expensive than metal, . Easiest thing in the world, but you need to do
can be painted to match the
pose to do the majority of our shopping with them; they have room-these are some of the
given us new and attractive shops and brought goods near our unusual features of these something about it yourself.
.. homes that equal any we could find in town. In many cases
their prices are quite as low as those in the city; this is due, no
doubt, to lower overhead; if the prices are slightly higher, the I I
Santa Claus can't do it all.
carfare would more than eat up the difference. Then, of course,
there's the inconvenience and delay of downtown shopping.
Who wants to motor into town these days} Who wants to
I -:- Join our Christmas Club right off, along with the others.
\. swirl through the mass of humanity that congests every thorough- JOS. MILES SONS Several Classes are offered. Select the one (or more)
fare} Who wants to shop where he must spend many minutes
waiting for his wants to be attended to} Lumber .. Millwork . • Coal
We are not down on Christmas. The spirit of giving and Belmont Ave., West Manayunk you wish, bring the first payment to the bank, and you
the attitude of brotherhood is worth all the annoyance and in- PHONE: MANAYUNK 0105
convenience that the selection of gifts causes the givers. Much are ".In. "
of the inconvenience, as we have pointed out, can be avoided. . ~
We'd far rather drive around Narberth, Bala, Cynwyd, Ardmore
and Bryn Mawr to shop than to risk our fenders and the lives =: The General Drafting Co. ··· Nearly everybody seems surprised how easily the pay-
and limbs of hundreds of mentally atrophied pedestrians and
somnambulists in the city.
I 1935 Chestnut Street
• S. G. Coates • ··
• Registered Architect ments are kept up.
Uncle Cy • Bell Phone:
Rittenhouse 0928 •
.E be They are also surprised how quickly the balance
.' KENNEDY IS MADE .E bE at be be .. 0'
NEW KIWANIS HEAD grows, and how soon Christmas rolls around again.
M. P. Claney Is Now Vice
Seasonal T's Several weeks before that the Club has matured, and
• President of Main Line
Service Club. To be served by us for the next thirty days you have the money to do with as you like. That is
NASH DISCUSSES WILLS The waiters are ready to take your orders for '. about the surest way of· helping Santa Claus make
, the Lumber necessary to make:
The annual election of the Main
• Line Kiwanis Club was held Tues- TREE PLATFORMS Christmas a pleasant time for everybody.
day e\'ening at the weekly meeting. TOY FURNITURE
. Those elected were: President, D. TRESTLES
J. Kennedy; immediate past presi- TRAIN PLATFORMS
dent, C. H. Meredith; vice presi- TOOL BOXES CLUB MA TURES IN 50 WEEKS
dent, 1\1. P. Claney; treasurer, J. H'I TABLES
Hall; district trustee, Joseph Cairns,
Jr.; directors: Alexander Ferguson, I To make these articles successfully, you
M. J. Casey, George Gane. Ira V. should use: $10.00 per week pays $500.00 plus interest
Hale. W. A. Madden, H. E. John-
son and R. F. Mahan. TRUE WHITE PINK 5.00 per week pays . . . . . . . . . . .. 250.00 plus interest
This completes the roster of offi- THE CEDARS
<:ers and directors for the club with THREE NEEDLE PINE 2.00 per week pays . . . . . . . . . . .. 100.00 plus interest
the exception. of the secretary, who THE WOOD ETERNAL-CYPRESS
must be elected in accordance with 1.00 per week pays. . . . . . . .. . .. 50.00 plus interest
, the club By-Laws by the new Board The "Use of Wood" slogan contest closes .50 per week pays . . . . . . . . . . .. 25.00 plus interest
of Directors within one week from December 15. Have you mailed yours? If not,
the date of the annual election. call Cynwyd 662 and we will be glad to mail .25 per week pays . . . . . . . . . . .. 12.50 plus interest
The meeting was in charge of you a book.
vVilliam J. Byrnes, Jr., of Ardmore, .05 Progressive per week pays 63•.75 plus interest
chairman of the Committee on Ki-
wanis Education. Mr. Byrnes had .02 Pro~essive per week pays 25.50 plus interest
arranged to have as a speaker Rob-
ert ]. Nash, who has recently re-
Shull Lumber. Company .05 Reducing per week pays .. , 63.75 plus interest
tired as president of the Philadel- The Link Between Forest and Home
phia Real Estate Board. .02 Reducing per week pays . .. 25.50 plus interest
Mr. Nash took as his subject 29 BaJa Avenue, Bala-Cynwyd
"The Business Man and His Pri-

vate Business." He paid a glowing

Or tribute to the type of business man I .l'~ ~
who is affiliated with the various @ This being a bank for everybody, we cordially invite
service clubs, but deplored the fact J
that the ordinary business man,
while he is very careful of the de-
all to
tails of his own business, is propor-
tionately careless in the administra-
tion of his private affairs.

The speaker outlined the necessity
for every business man taking the .. - JOIN OUR CHRISTMAS CLUB
proper steps by the preparation of The Sign 01 the BeJt MeatJ
a will and the appointment of qual-
ified executors to see that his estate, You Will Find
which he had spent years in accu-
LEANLINESS, courteous employees and
mulating, would properly be handed
down to his heirs. He also stressed
the necessity of protecting the title
of real estate, particularly the home,
so that upon the death of either
good meats when you visit Bradley's Mar-
ket. Open for inspection:
to 5.30 P. M.
6.00 P. M.
• husband or wife, the title by opera- SATURDAYS TO 7.00 P. M.
tion of law and without any of the
inconveniences or expense incident
to the administration of an estate,
would vest in the surviving spouse.
Why not visit us and get acquainted with
good meats?
Among the guests present were
Harry T. Leedom, cashier of the
Ardmore National Bank and Trust
Company. and treasurer of the Ard-
more Rotary Club, and Joseph L. 2106 MARKET STREET


Bowles, of Charleston, S. C;, field
representative of Kiwanis interna-

it alla toseemin~ly

his Wife's successful

a Opposite Erlanger Theatre
Rittenhouse 7070

.. ;.,}JJ




Narberth 4031
Narberth 4007 Linens Woven to Your Individual Measurements on the
Baggage Called for and Delivered Old-Fashioned Hand Looms
Health Board Finds Quality HISTORICAL PATTERNS
Re-elected as President and Seven Teams Aid in Forming 108 CONWAY AVENUE NARBERTH

Main Line Basketball Improved in Recent

Vite President of L. M. The Perfect Gift for Bride, Christmas or the Linen Shower
School Body. Association. Tests FANNY H. LOOS
OPEN ,ASHLAND ANNEX WILL PLAY 14 GAMES COMPANY HEAD OBJECTS Studio Over Garage at The Shuttle and Bobbin Shop
\Villiam L. Austin, of Rosemont,
()fficers for the new vear were No alarm need be felt about the
417 HAVERFORD AVENUE 5 Sabine Ave., Narberth Narberth 3969.M

and ~lrs. J. C. Sel1ers, Jr., of Mer- elected at a banquet ot'the Main quality of water supplied Main

lon, were re-eJected president and Basketball League, held last Line residents by the Philadelphia 1 HARRY B. WALL
VIce president, respectively, of the Friday night in the Y. M. C. A. Suburban \Yater Company, ac- I SALES RADIO SERVICE
Lower :'Ilerion School Board at its at :\rdli1ore. A constitution was cOlding to C. E. Davis, manager I Plumbing, Gas Fitting
'111l1tlal election meeting Monday drafted and wil1 be presented
night in the Senior High School at approva 1 at anot IleI' meetlllg of the
. for ot. tlIe company 111
church leag'ue, to be held Tue5-' was read at the December meet-
. a 1e tt er w IlIC . 11 and Heating
PHONE, NARBERTH 3652·M Authorized Dealers
:'Ilrs. Sellers' selection as vice da): night, in the Ardmore "Y," ing of the Lower 1Vlerion Health
president followed her re-election whIch serves as its headquarters. Board, held Monday night in the
J bb·
to membership on the board in No- I \ \ . alter Carpenter, physical direc- township at Ardmore.
vember. She was made vice presi- t<;>r. of, the y-. M.,. presided at Davi~,
Mr. i~
who a former chief 0 lng Carpellter Majestic A and B Eliminators
dent for the first time last Decem- l'nday s meetll1g untIl the new of- of the Plnladelphm "Tater Bu- REPAIRS and ALTERATIONS Phone, Nar. 3868-M
ber to st\~cced Richal:d J. Hamilton, fice~'s were elected. real!. wrote ~he .health board pro-
310 Dudley Ave.
103 Dudley Avenue
who dechned re-electIOn to the post. Charles \\!. Peckw'orth, of the test1l1g publIcatIOn November 11 PHONE: NARBERTH 4129
Election of ofilcers and accept- Uanerch Presbyterian Church, oi a report by Chemist David \Vil-
ance uf the monthl)' repurt of was made president of the league, bur Horn that hacil1us coli in the
Superintendent S. Edgar Downs with \Villiam Hurd, Narberth]O c. c. count of tested water had
were the chief features of the Methodist, vice president. \Var- shown plus cultures recently. Mrs. Emily Pratt Grout
School Board's brief meeting. Ex- ren F. Drumm, Cynwyd Presby- Publication of the report that Foxboro, Massachusetts
tracts from the superintendent's re- terian, was chosen secretary and Main Line water was not up to
port follow: Cy SIgnor, of the Llanerch Metho- par resulted in several telephone formerly
:'Ilonday will see the opening of (list, treasurer. calls to the health office at Arel- Mrs. Emily Fratt Gould
the :\shland School annex. it is now The church basketball season more, and to the water company
huped. By that time sufficient sm~ll will begin early in January, when offi~e at Bryn. Ma~vr, by al~r~ed
tin,tl repair,.; an(1 adjustments WIll the seven teams in the league willi reSIdents askl11g If. all ?rmkmg Will be at the Green Hill Farms Hotel at Overbrook
lie made to enable classes to move commence playin'" the 14 "'ames water should be bOIled 111 order
in. Some difficult,· is being cxperi- scheduled for b their s~ason. to be made safe. Mr. Davis ob- DECEMBER 12th, 13th, 14th, 1927
enced with the he;lting p1a;lt, but it Churches participating this year jected to this report in his letter to
is expected that this will be rem- in the league are the Karberth the health board, and in a stat~­ ,
edied II)' 1'1 (Jnday. :'Iethodist, Narberth Presbyterian, 'ment to the press 'Wednesday at- Easy Shopping Away Front the Holiday •
Extensive use of hath the high Grace Chapel of Oakmont, L1an- ternoon. Confusion and Lots of Parking Space!!!!
school libraries by the Senior and erch ,Presbyterian, Llanerch .Fall rains .caused the presence
Junior High School students has :'lethodlst, the Y. 1'1'1. C. A. and 01 more sedIment 111 the water FOR THE GROWN-UPS DOLLS AND DOLLS FOR THE BABIES
convinced the School Board that it the Cynwyd Presbyterian. than usual, health board officials JUST TOO LOVELY FOR ADORABLE J
J:cnjamin ~I.nery, Philadelphia assert, and this caused the t.em-
will be justifIed next spring in mak- TOGS
ing a special appropriation for the basketl~a~1 of~clal, w~s t~le speak- porary plus. culture~ to be nO,tlced
purchase of new books for these li- er at 1< nday s orga11lzabon meet- 111 the baCIllus coh tests. 'The WAY IMAGINABLE. AND A THE
braries. Both the full-time. quaE- ing'. He told o~ th; ~hurch .Ba.s- water w~,s not ~~satisfactory, ~s
tled librarians in charge report an ket~)all Le.ague 111 ~ 11Iladelphla, 111 reporte~: Dr. Vv II bur stated thIS
ever-increasin cr demand for a great- whIch he IS an actIve worker, and week. I t was merely not so sat- Dressing Gowns that are roomily made and ~rappingly comfort-
er supply ot reference books and gave advice to the local court isfactory as it had been." able. Especially beautiful and smart are the black satin pillows and
standard fiction. men. AT THE THEATER work baskets-and other gifts.
Decision has been made to 1111-
prove the school bus service to and $11,849.50 COLLECTED \\'llC'ne\'er the name of )'Irs. "Vallace
from Merion Square following re- Red Cross Still Open for Member- Hcid appears on a scrcen production Do come! For this fascinating display will stir up the Spirit 01
ceipt by the School Board of com- sOl11cthing unusual may be lookcd for.
ships. "Thc Satin \\'oman," which is the fea- Christmas within you!
plaints about the hired bus service
The total memberships up to ture at the Narberth Thcater on Dc-
now being maintained. It is claimed
the busses have failed repeatedly to date for the I U2t; Roll Call :'IIain ccnlber is and la, is no exception. II~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I~ •
f~ras~~~~~la~V;\~iebt~ ~~~~lu~h~f~b~~la~~~~ iJ~~~~~~~~Z$~~~~~~~~~~~~i9i9i9~~~~i9i9~V~i9~~~~~'
Hcre 12 the spectacular, vivid story I ~
fo1lo\\' the sch('dttles, and as a re- Line Branch American Red Cross
sult have been forced to drive at is 6253. These, together with con- of the world but who, at the, same time, ~ ~,
times so rapidly a~; to make them tributions, make a total sum of lost the love of her husband; and W The N ARBERTH T'HEATER ~ ,.
. lIlIsa i e. Sleps art: now being taken $11,S-W.50.
to sub"titute a school bus for the
h:icd bu" as soon as practicable.
A list oi the districts and their fa>:!:;: R,id """nally pi", th, titk
amounts will be given later, as role herself and has secured for her W
support the scrvices of Rockliffe Fel-
The Main Line's Most Beautiful Playhouse
:I~ •
Gladwyne and \Vynnewood road several have not vet made a com- lows, John Miljan, Alice White, Laska ~ Narberth Avenue, north of Haverford ~.
schools were discontinued all day plete report as y~t. Winters, Gladys Brockwell, Ethel ~ ~.
Monday as a result of the breaking Should by accident any houses Wales and Ruth Stonehouse.
~ W ~
of nearby power lines during Sun- be missed by the solicitor those of Brilliant New York, the society atmosphere ~ ~
scenes in the fashion salons -
Shows Daily, 7 and 9 P. M. Matinee Wednesday, 2.30 P. M.
day's storm. At present electrically- wishing to renew their member- of Florida in winter, form the back- W
driven fans are in use in all town- ships or join the ~Iain Line ground for a story that is as unusual ~ Saturday-Special Children's Matinee at 2.30 P. M. ~.

ship schools, and in most of them Branch may bring or send sub- as it is dramatic. "Valter Lang directed ~ AMPLE PARKING SPACE ..e.t
the pU111pS which care for the return scriptions to headquarters, Me- the production, which ranks as one W
of hot air to the boilers are also elec- morial Building, Bryn Mawr. of the 1110st gorgeous screen offerings
of the season.

~ ..
trically driven. It is therefore an- Although complete returns are, '" '" * ~ Friday and Saturday, December 9 and 10 ~
ticipated that any further failure of not ayailable exce t from less than Ilorthern Bringingpinewith forcsts, "The Coward," ~
it the scent of the W ·
electric service wil1 result in tem- hal~ of the volunt~ers, yet by com-
porary closing of ncarby schools un- parll1g returns from the same ncr Baxter, will sho\\" at the Narberth ~
an F B 0 production starring War- "HIGH SCHOOL HERO" ~
units this vear with last the Phil- Theater next \Vednesday and Thurs- ~ ~
A romance of youth and love. Proving that youth learns many things In High School not
til wires are repaired. taught by the teachers. Boys will be bOyS and girls will be girls, especially when you mix
Minnick to Run Summer School. adelphia Committee IS able to day. ~ them together In High School. ~,
Dean l\'Iinnick, Dean of the make a forecast of Roll Call re- that Adapted for the screen frol11 a story W
ran in Hearst's International ~ NARBERTH THEATER NEWS
School of Education of the Uni- sults on a conservatiye basis.
l\lagazine, "The Coward" deals~ with ~ otM
~ ~
versity of Pennsylvania, was grant- An average increase in member-
the adventures of a young society man, W
ed permission to conduct summer ship o\'er last year of about 120/0 Clinton Philbrook, who goes into the PROGRAM-WEEK OF DECEMBER 12 ..
sessions in township schools again is indicated. made up as follows: north woods of Canada to reclaim his ~ M onday alld Tuesday ~
About 100/0 in the city wards losl honor. W
next summer. In love wilh an exquisite girl, Phil· ~
and county branches. About 20%
brook unfortunately drags her name
increase in the industrial and IHIS- inlo a brawl in which he is defeated W
LIKE TO KNOW? :ne5s group through the appoin- by his rival. In the attcmpt to build ~


~~;~i~elfli~IP e:l~n~l;.~ \~~iltl;l;k~~r~ hl~e~~;~ ~
tees in offices. The booths, the +M
~ ~
The screen's most interesting personality, M'·s. Wallace Reid, in an
Question Box to Be Feature of L. W. miscellaneous and scattering breaking hike through the wilderness unusual drama of a woman who almost forgot she was a wife and mother
u. Meeting. sources about the same, but with with a picturesque French-Canadian ~ -until it was too late. ~
On the completion of his trip, Phil ~
rhe regular meeting of the Nar- a larger rcturn 111 dues. From trapper, and emerges a man. W Corne dy-"F our F aces W" est ..e.t
herth League of \Vomen Voters the men's committees it is esta- brook saves the life of his rival tha ~ ~
Narberth Theater News Pathe, Topics of the Day
will he held 111 the American mated at least 2000 members 111 he may avenge himself later. The W ~
~ ~ •
~ ~
Legion Rooms, Community Build- the iorms are paying dues over manncr in which he wins the girl and 'fG1
ing, next Monday at :3.15 P. M. the dollar a year. This was a new redeems W ed nesd ay and Th ursday
tic climax.his honor forms the drama· W
~ ~
~~ ~
The late starting" time is due to
the fact that the kindergarten also PRINCIPAL TO SPEAK * * *
Perhaps for the first time in the "THE COWARD"
held in that r00111 is dismissed at -- history of mo~ion pictures, a plumber
:1 P :'II. A large attendance is Teaching Methods Topic at Mothers' has been made the hero of a cinema
production in "Jake the
Plumber,"FBO MisundeYStood
and mistrosted-branded as an out-and-out Coward
hoped for at this meeting. Coun- Council Meeting.
Principal George H. \\'ilson, at comedy fcature, which will be shown W -;-banished. from his circle of friends-jeered at by his enemies-a hnman 'fG1 •
at the Narberth Theater for two days ~ ~
cilman Daniel Leitch will speak.
The subject of his talk will be that the regular monthly meeting of beginning Friday. pIece of driftwood-but how he came through !
perenial1y interesting one, "The Mothers' Council, wil1 talk on Edward J. Luddy, director of "J ake W A :weakling, facing his doom, wins regeneration in the flaming crucible ~
Finances of the Borough." and "New methods 111 teaching and the Plumber," has invaded a new field ~ of destmy !-truly the most powerful drama of the year and a show you'll ~
who should know them better why they are better than the old and brought an unusually funny pro- ~ never forget! • ~
duction to the screen. The picture ~ Comedy-"Beauty Parlor," No. 4 ~
than Mr. Leitch The second ones." features Jess DeVorska, a newcomer
The meeting will be held 1\1on- to comedy ranks. and his work in this ~ Grantland Rice, "Sportlight" "on the Hoof" ~

speak:r will be Mrs. Edgar H.
Cocknll. her topic heing "The day eyening, December 12, at S picture undouhtedly assures him a ~ Special Matinee Wednesday at 2.30 P. M. ~
Com~l1ittee of Seventy." These 1 o'clock, in the Narberth 1unior plac~ among the leading funsters of
meet1l1g's are open to the public, High School. - l11o\"lcland. ~ ~
~ ~
and it is hoped all peo;lle inter-

All Narberth peo';le interested
ested in these subjects will be on in the .schools will ~njoy this op-
portul11tv and the discussion which

tion ,Box. \\'hat do you want to ask any questions which have the
The annuo.l meeting of the stockhold-
The League is to have a Ques- ",ill foliow. Come prepared to ers of The No.rberth National Bank fo'
election of directors and such other ~
business as may properly come before ~
= Friday and Saturday
"To Horse," the maidens cry-and what can poor Jake do. Hammers

know? Ask the League and any arisen in )'our own minds, as Mr. the meeting will be held at the banking: ~ are dropped, wrenches tossed aside and Jake becomes ae jocky! You'll howl ~
reasonable question put in writ- \;Vilson will answer them after his 5house on Tuesday, January 10, 1928, at
~ you'll scream, you'll roll from your chair as Jess De Vorska, world's su~
~ ~
P. M.
ing not later than a week before address. J. L. McCRERY,
preme. comedy find ,gallops for love and fo··tune in this roaring novelty
~ ~
the meetings will be listed for an :\Iiss Kevorkian will CTive at (1-7-28) Cashier.
answer. Send questions to Mrs. this meeting, a report of the ~ed­ sensatIon.
~ Comedy-Ben Turpin, "Hollywood Hero" ~
A. C. Staples. 12-1 Woodside ave- ical examination which has just HOWARD C. FRIT~CH
nue. The League is planning to been completed at the school. Nlt Narberth Theater News Aesop's Fables

Justice nf the Peare
have very interesting meetings The Council welcomes at its
this year, taking up one local and meetings all people who are in- REAL ESTATE
mt ------- ...
Nlt Special Children's Matinee Saturday, 2.30 P. M.
ane eit~er State or national ques- terested in the school, whether
tion WIth competent people to they are members of the Council
speak. on each. or not.
Fire Insurance--Best Comllanl..,
PhDne _..I.W IU aanrr.rtI Awe.
I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' ," ' .

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