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Doctor : Erin

Nurse 1 : Wanda

Nurse 2 : Yully

Patient : Agung

Family : Fitri


(In a hospital there was a patient sufering from HIV. And at the doctor's verdict his life wa

s not be long).

DOCTOR: assalamualaikum sus. Please call the patient's family to my room

NURSE 1 : Yes doctor. I will call on the patient's family

(nurse goes to patient room)

NURSE 1 : excuse me. I was told by the doctor to call one of the patient's family, to m

eet him now in the doctor's room.

FAMILY : Yes sus. I will see a doctor right now.

Thankyou sus

NURSE 1: You are welcome maam

(Arriving at the doctor's room)

(In the doctor’s room )

NURSE 1 : excuse me doc. This is the patient's family Doc

DOCTOR: Oke,thank you. please sit down m ..well here I will explain what diseases

suffered by the mother's child. the mother's child was diagnosed with HIV

last stadium,you have to tolerate what happens next.

FAMILY : Oh god, my son has HIV. It’s impossible,so my child's age is not long.

Please give ggod help to my child doctor

DOCTOR: Yes maam, i will try to give the best for your child

FAMILY : Yes doctor,thank you doc

DOCTOR: You’re welcome

( In the room’s patient)

NURSE 2: excuse me . I am the nurse in this room too. How about things, hopefully it

gets better.

PATIENT: what I feel is sus, why do I feel my body is getting weaker and powerless,

may i know my illnes sus?

NURSE 2: you should be tolerant of this fact. At the medical examination, your had

HIV with the last stadium, don't be sad we are trying to do our best for yo


PATIENT: oh god, no. so my age will not be long sus

NURSE 2 : you have to be patient are here trying our best for you.
(The nurse left the patient's room. A few days later the nurses were checking the patient's c


NURSE 1: innalillahi wainilaihi rajiun ... so try to do another check is it true that this

his died

NURSE 2: right sus. soon we tell her family Sus.

NURSE 1.: yes sus. immediately you tell me to let go of the tool attached to the body

of this patient

NURSE 2: Yes sus. I will immediately tell the family

NURSE 2: excuse me mother. I told mother. That the mother's child has died. We, th

e hospital, have done our best for the mother's child, I hope that you are si

ncere with all of this.

FAMILY : Oh god,my son died. I am sincere so that my child does not suffer from pa

in anymore. I love my child but Allah loves my child more.

NURSE 2: Be patient. Okay, now I will finish everything related to the mother’s child.

If you want to see directly into your child's room

FAMILY P: yes sus, thank you sus.

NURSE 2 : Yes maam you’re welcome

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