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6 5.0 SUMMARY 13

7 6.0 REFERENCE 14


Research is a process to discover new knowledge. In the Code of Federal

Regulations (45 CFR 46.102(d)) pertaining to the protection of human
subjects research is defined as: “A systematic investigation (i.e., the gathering
and analysis of information) designed to develop or contribute
to generalizable knowledge.” The National Academy of Sciences states that the
object of research is to “extend human knowledge of the physical, biological, or
social world beyond what is already known.” Research is different than other
forms of discovering knowledge (like reading a book) because it uses a
systematic process called the Scientific Method.Research consists of:  Asking a
question that nobody has asked before;  Doing the necessary work to find the
answer; and  Communicating the knowledge you have acquired to a larger
audience. The Scientific Definition:  The strict definition of scientific research is
performing a methodical study in order to prove a hypothesis or answer a specific
question. Finding a definitive answer is the central goal of any experimental process.
 Research must be systematic and follow a series of steps and a rigid standard
protocol. These rules are broadly similar but may vary slightly between the different
fields of science.  Scientific research must be organized and undergo planning,
including performing literature reviews of past research and evaluating what
questions need to be answered.  Any type of ‘real’ research, whether scientific,
economic or historical, requires some kind of interpretation and an opinion from the
researcher. This opinion is the underlying principle, or question, that establishes the
nature and type of experiment.  The scientific definition of research generally
states that a variable must be manipulated, although case studies and purely
observational science do not always comply with this norm. Scientific method:
Research is a process of collecting, analyzing and interpreting information to answer
questions. But to qualify as research, the process must have certain characteristics:
it must, as far as possible, be controlled, rigorous, systematic, valid and verifiable,
empirical and critical. Controlled- in real life there are many factors that affect an
Research Process

There are Eight Steps in the research process . Such as Problem Identification ,
Formulate research questions , Literature review , Research Philosophy and
approach , research design , Data collection , Data processing and analysis and
conclusion and reports .

First is problem identification . The research problem may be something the

agency identifies as a problem, some knowledge or information that is needed by
the agency, or the desire to identify a Recreation trend nationally.

Second Step is Review the Literature . Now that the problem has been
identified, the researcher must learn more about the topic under investigation. To
do this, the researcher must review the literature related to the research problem.
This step provides basic knowledge about the problem area.

Third Step is Clarify the Problem. Many times the initial problem identified in
the first step of the process is too large or broad in scope. In step 3 of the process,
the researcher clarifies the problem and narrows the scope of the study. This can
only be done after the literature has been reviewed. The knowledge gained
through the review of literature guides the researcher in clarifying and narrowing
the research project.

Forth step is Clearly Define Terms and Concepts . Terms and concepts are
words or phrases used in the purpose statement of the study or the description of
the study. These items need to be specifically defined as they apply to the study.
Terms or concepts often have different definitions depending on who is reading
the study. To minimize confusion about what the terms and phrases mean, the
researcher must specifically define them for the study.

Fifth Step is Define the Population . Research projects can focus on a specific
group of people, facilities, park development, employee evaluations, programs,
financial status, marketing efforts, or the integration of technology into the

Sixth Step is Develop the Instrumentation Plan: The plan for the study is
referred to as the instrumentation plan. The instrumentation plan serves as the
road map for the entire study, specifying who will participate in the study; how,
when, and where data will be collected; and the content of the program.

Seventh Step is Collect Data . Once the instrumentation plan is completed, the
actual study begins with the collection of data. The collection of data is a critical
step in providing the information needed to answer the research question.

Eighth Step is Analyze the Data: All the time, effort, and resources dedicated to
steps 1 through 7 of the research process culminate in this final step. The
researcher finally has data to analyze so that the research question can be

Identification of Problem
In a life full of stress and challenges, society has experienced various pressures in life.
Depressed life results in the community looking for various ways to manage the stress
faced such as listening to songs, sharing problems with others, traveling and so on.
Based on Dhia, Amir & Yunita (2009), the crisis of life can be overcome when a
person has a sensitivity to humor. To reduce stress and tense feelings in society,
humor becomes something that can cause individual emotions to be happy and evoke
entertainment. Humor is said to be part of communication in daily life (Ulloth 2002;
Mohammad Saipol 2016). Humor is also a phenomenon related to the aspects of
creating, perceiving and feeling something funny (Rod A. Martin 2009).

Humor is also defined as a complex phenomenon that encompasses a person's

behavior, thoughts and emotions (Duncan 1990). According to Lang and Lee (2010),

humor involves any activity that can be entertaining such as saying funny words,

telling a funny event and doing something funny behavior. Humor refers to something

that is able to increase stimulation and create a cheerful feeling (Lippman and Dunn

2000). This statement is also supported by the opinion of Roswati, Asliza and Roslina

(2017) who stated that humor can cause a person's emotions to be cheerful and change

feelings for the better. Although there are various concepts about humor, but the main

purpose of the concept of humor is the same, which is to create a feeling of pleasure

that can make a person laugh.

Nowadays, humor is beginning to be emphasized by society to apply humor in daily
life. Humor has become a life activity that is often done by society (Ari Listiyorini
2017). Humor is often associated with the creative mind (Cayirdag & Acar 2010),
adaptation to the environment, reduction of internal stress and depression (Cheung &
Yue 2012). Humor is also associated with emotional well-being and satisfaction with
social relationships among teachers (Dozois et al. 2009). Individuals who have humor
can increase the effectiveness of communication with each other. All these findings
indicate that humor exists in the teaching environment and plays a significant role in
teachers life.
Each individual has a different style of humor to create a cheerful atmosphere and
trigger happy feelings (Mohammad Saipol & Ishak 2016). According to Didiek
(2009), humor is divided into 3 types, namely personal humor, humor in association
and humor in art. According to Mohammad Saipol & Ishak (2016), humor behavior
style can be divided into 4 types, namely affiliate humor, self-enhancing, aggressive
and self-defeating. According to Martin (2003) have found that each style of
humorous behavior has different characteristics and functions. Different styles of
humorous behavior will highlight different characteristics as the individual practices
humor. It can be said that humor can be possessed by anyone regardless of gender and
age. In this study we will look at the types of behavioral styles possessed by teachers
according to the humorous behavioral styles expressed in the study of Mohammad
Saipol & Ishak (2016).
Affiliate humor is a type of humor that can excite others to strengthen relationships
with each other (Riggio 2015). Affiliate humor is known as positive humor that is
able to give joy to the individual (Shirley 2013). Next, self-enhancing humor is humor
that uses its own positive experiences to be humorous material (Mohammad Saipol &
Ishak 2016). This type of humor aims to overcome stress and improve oneself to be
better (Riggio 2015). Aggressive humor is a type of humor to humiliate others such as
using sarcasm, ridicule, criticism and so on (Riggio 2015). Self-defeating humor is
known as an individual making oneself a laughing stock and laughing with others
(Mohammad Saipol & Ishak 2016). Psychologically, this humor is unhealthy humor
and is sometimes the target of bullies (Riggio 2015).
There is no denying that male and female traits have significant differences.
According to Nadhilah & Kamarul (2018), a person’s interests, tendencies and
behavior will be influenced by gender differences. Past studies examining the
influence of gender on specific issues have been extensively conducted. According to
the study of Yogabalan (2012), men have characteristics such as bravery, leadership,
have self-confidence and are also a symbol of dominant power. Meanwhile, women
are filled with characteristics such as emotional, shy and gentle. Differences in the use
of language in terms of gender and also the existence of differences in phenomena
between men and women (Yogabalan 2012). A study conducted by Soon Singh
(2011) has proven that male teachers are more creative than female teachers. Studies
conducted by Nurul Salmi & Mohd Isa (2014) also show that male teachers have a
high level of communication skills compared to female teachers. Various follow-up
studies need to be conducted to examine the importance of knowing gender
differences in the humorous style of humor practiced.

Based on previous studies it can be seen that gender factors need to be explored to

identify the influence of gender factors on humor behavior style issues studied. In

addition, there are also past studies conducted on teachers who focus on differences in

humorous behavioral styles based on factors of study level (master or PhD) and their

citizenship (Mohammad Saipol 2016). Past studies have been used as a reference to

study a new study on humorous behavioral styles but different demographic factors.

Therefore, this study was conducted to fill the study gap on differences in humor

behavior style based on gender and age factors of teachers at ST Benedict School


research objectives
Specifically, the objective of this study was to
i. Identify the types of humorous behavior styles among teachers of the ST Benedict
School Seremban .
ii. Identify differences in humor behavior style among teachers based on gender
factors at the ST Benedict School Seremban .
iii. Identify differences in humor behavior style among teachers based on age factors
at the ST Benedict School Seremban .

research questions

i. What is the style of humorous behavior among teachers of the ST Benedict School
Seremban .
ii. Are there differences in humorous behavior styles teachers based on gender factors
at the ST Benedict School Seremban ?
iii. Are there differences in humorous behavior styles among teachers based on age
factors at the ST Benedict School Seremban .?

Importance of this study

The purpose of this study was to investigate the extent to which teachers use humour
in teaching in St Benedict School ,Seremban and students’ ratings of their teaching
effectiveness. Purposive and random sampling procedures were used in the selection
of the sample for the study. Teachers in St Benedict School ,Seremban participated in
the study. Data was collected using questionnaire. Twenty-five teachers responded to
the questionnaire that was designed to survey the humour style that is common among
them. In this study, the data collected was analysed using the Statistical Package for
Social Sciences (SPSS). Inferential and descriptive statistics were used. The level of
significance used in the study was 0.05. The results indicate that the use of humour in
teaching is generally good and that there is a significant, moderate relationship
between the use of humour and students’ rating of teachers’ effectiveness. The results
also indicate that the most commonly used styles of humour among the teachers are
the positive styles of humour (Affiliative humour and Self-enhancing humour). In
conclusion, teachers who use humor in teaching are generally rated effective in terms
of motivation, creation of engaging lessons and anxiety reduction in students. The
teachers are also rated effective in terms of stimulation of thought and interest in
students and fostering of a positive teacher-student relationship.

Task 2
Problem statement and objective of study

Literature review
It can be said that humor is increasingly focused by society to apply various styles of
humor in daily life. There are studies that have been done by foreign researchers on
humor, but studies related to humor are less available by researchers in Malaysia
(Mohd Nazim 2010). Studies on humor have been extensively researched by
researchers such as Koestler (1964), Gruner (1978), Bleedom (1982) and Martin
(1998) in their respective studies to discuss the meaning of humor further. There are
also many studies that study humor in other fields such as tourism, education,
entertainment, psychology and so on. According to Norrick (2010), the exploration of
humor in interaction has attracted the attention of researchers to conduct studies
related to the use of humor in daily interaction.
According to Capps (2006), an empirical study of humor in general does not just
cover the types, functions, and roles of humor which has been done by many
researchers. However, it should cover the degree of individual differences through
their demographic factors in performing humor in daily life. Past studies have
explored much about the concept, function and role of humor, but empirical studies
on humor are still poorly conducted (Dikkers 2011). The functions of humor in
various aspects such as psychology, social and communication are widely studied by
researchers. Humor is said to ease anger, strengthen relationships and attract the
attention of listeners (Lynch 2002; Siti & Nurfahana 2016). To ensure that empirical
studies on humor can be carried out by researchers, a comprehensive theoretical
model is needed as a study guide for researchers.
Roswati (2017) and Yogabalan 2012 in turn relate humor to communication to
find out the influence of the use of humor while interacting with other individuals.
Studies on the use of humor in teaching and learning have also been extensively
studied to help teachers improve teaching effectiveness (Shaffe 2011 &
Najmuddin 2010). Dikkers et al. (2011) also explained that the study on the level and
differences of individuals in doing humor is still lacking among past researchers.
There have also been previous studies conducted focusing more on the function and
differences of humorous behavioral styles among teachers (Bilge & Saltuk 2007;
Chen & Martin 2007; Hoffman 2007; Yip & Martin 2006; Jovanovic 2011).
Therefore, this study has chosen to conduct a study on differences in humor behavior
style based on gender and age factors of Teachers at ST Benedict School Seremban .
Theoretical framework
Definition of the Independent Variables and Dependent Variable
Inference statistics are used to determine differences in humorous behavioral styles
based on age and gender. There are 2 types of inference statistics that will be used in
the study, namely independent sample t test and one-way Anova. An independent
sample t test was used to identify differences in humorous behavioral styles based on
gender factors while one-way ANOVA was used to identify differences in humorous
behavioral styles based on respondent age. The independent sample t test was used
because the independent variables of the nominal gender factors were male and
female. The dependent variable of humorous behavioral style is measured in interval
scales. The independent sample t test used significant values to determine if there
were statistically significant differences between the two data sets. One-way ANOVA
test was chosen because it is a statistical test used to compare the mean and variance
of 3 or more independent groups. One-way ANOVA test is used in this study because
this study involves an independent variable that is the age factor that covers four
groups to be studied with differences in humor behavior style practiced by
respondents. In addition, one-way ANOVA test was used to compare the mean and
variance of the groups involved to determine whether there were significant

1. Presentation of theoretical framework:

The exploration theories were altogether tried utilizing Bivariate measurable
examination. The two investigation used to test the theories were Paired Samples t-test and
One-way Anova. Both these tests were reasonable as they were utilized to test for contrasts in
means. The outcomes are appeared and clarified in the following area.

- Presumptions:

A couple of presumptions are made amid the determination of respondents for this
investigation. The first was that all respondents are teachers. The following was all
respondents are over 20 years of age.

- Confinements:

There are a few confinements in this investigation of ST Benedict administration

quality. The first is that there is an altogether substantial measure of Malaysians when
contrasted with alternate nationalities. In this way is for the most part because of the way
that the exploration was completed in Malaysia and there were unquestionably more
Malaysians in the LCCT while the examination was being led. Moreover, the majority of the
inquiries are estimated utilizing Likert scale. Quite possibly this may cause arrange
inclination as a portion of the respondents may answer the inquiries aimlessly without
perusing in advance. In conclusion, as performed in the Multiple Regression test which can
be found in the following area, the administration quality factors just clarifies 53% of the
reliant variable. Along these lines, another constraint would be that this examination had not
considered other administration quality factors.
Research methods
The research methodology has covered the methods and approaches used to achieve
the objectives of the study. Important points in methodologies such as population,
instruments and data analysis techniques will be discussed in more detail. This survey
study has used quantitative methods because the data will be collected in numerical
form using the instruments provided. Survey research is one type of quantitative
research method used by researchers to describe the behavior, attitudes and
characteristics of the population (Chua 2014). Survey studies are used to obtain the
views of teachers on a particular style of humor that they want to study. Based on the
survey study conducted, detailed information on humorous behavior style can be
collected from respondents with the questionnaire provided. According to Mohammad
Abu Bakar (2010), survey research is suitable for use in research that aims to gather
information about a phenomenon and make a general statement about a population.
The population of this study is teachers at the ST Benedict School , Seremban. The
study sample was selected using a simple random sampling technique. The process of
data collection of the study was carried out using a questionnaire adapted from
previous researchers. Questionnaire form was chosen as the research instrument
because this method is easy to carry out and each respondent is given the freedom to
respond to the items listed. The questionnaire used includes 4 styles of humorous
behavior in the study of Mohammad Saipol & Ishak (2016). The questionnaire of this
study was distributed by the researcher himself via email, a total of 20 completed
questionnaires were received. The majority of respondents in this study are female
teachers and the rest are male students. The questionnaire completed by the
respondents will be encrypted and used for research only.
In this study, the Humor Styles Questionnaire (HSQ) developed by Martin et al.
(2003) have been used to measure humorous behavioral styles. The research
instrument consists of 2 parts, namely Part A and Part B. Part A consists of 2
respondents' background questions on gender and age. Part B is the items to identify
the humorous behavioral style of undergraduate students at the Faculty of Education,
UKM. A 32-item questionnaire to measure four styles of humorous behavior namely
affiliate humor, self-enhancing, aggressive and self-defeating. Five Likert scales are
used ranging from (1) "strongly disagree" to (5) "strongly agree". Past studies have
proven that HSQ has good reliability and validity values (Fitts et al. 2009; Martin et
al. 2003; Stieger et al. 2011).

Data obtained from the instrument will be analyzed using statistical tests. There are 2
types of statistical tests that will be used in the study, namely descriptive tests and
inference tests. Analysis of the study data was conducted using Statistical Package for
Social Sciences (SPSS) software to obtain the results of the set of questionnaires that
have been distributed. The SPSS program is used in this study because this software
facilitates data analysis and manipulates data that has a large number of respondents.
Descriptive statistics (frequency and percentage) were used to describe the profile of
the study respondents i.e. gender and age in this study. Descriptive statistics (mean
and standard deviation) were used to identify the level of humorous behavioral style
among undergraduate students involved in this study.

Inference statistics are used to determine differences in humorous behavioral styles

based on age and gender. There are 2 types of inference statistics that will be used in
the study, namely independent sample t test and one-way Anova. An independent
sample t test was used to identify differences in humorous behavioral styles based on
gender factors while one-way ANOVA was used to identify differences in humorous
behavioral styles based on respondent age. The independent sample t test was used
because the independent variables of the gender factors were nominal, namely male
and female. The dependent variable of humor behavior style is measured in interval
scales. The independent sample t test used significant values to determine if there
were statistically significant differences between the two data sets. One-way ANOVA
test was chosen because it is a statistical test used to compare the mean and variance
of 3 or more independent groups. One-way ANOVA test is used in this study because
this study involves an independent variable that is the age factor that covers four
groups to be studied with differences in humor behavior style practiced by
respondents. In addition, one-way ANOVA test was used to compare the mean and
variance of the groups involved to determine whether there were significant

Research project’s schedule

Estimated project cost
2. Estimated project cost:

For this project, there is no cost for it, unless if the company take a look at this project and to
develop this project as well, then it might estimated the cost, since this topic is chosen to be
discussed about an airline company in southeast Asia where is in Malaysia, Indonesia, and
so on,, which it is named: “AirAsia”. However, as it mentioned, this project has to consider
more points to talked actually about any project to suggested to the AirAsia Airline, then, as
well estimate the cost up to $ Million.

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