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ID : kr-7-Mensuration-Perimeter-Area-Volume [1]

Grade 7
Mensuration - Perimeter, Area, Volume
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Answer t he quest ions

(1) Find the area of the f ollowing shape. (All measures are in meters).

(2) T he f ield is 36 m long and 19 m wide. If a gardner charges ₩ 29.90 to maintain a sq. m. of the
f ield, then what is the cost to maintain the whole f ield?
(3) A rectangular lawn is 130 metres long and 60 metres wide. It has two perpendicular roads
running through the middle. T he one parallel to the length is 15 metres wide and the one parallel
to the width is 30 metres wide.
What is the total area of the two roads?
(4) T he cost of f encing a rectangular ground at ₩ 8 per meter is ₩ 1280. If width of f ield is 28,
what is the length of the ground?
(5) Find the area of f ollowing f igure (Area of each big square on graph paper is 1 cm2).

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ID : kr-7-Mensuration-Perimeter-Area-Volume [2]
(6) If ABCD is a rectangle, f ind area of the shaded region (All dimensions are in m, and assume π =

(7) If the areas of square X and rectangle Y are same, then f ind the length of square X.

Y 12 cm

27 cm

(8) Find the area of shaded part (area of each small square is 1 cm2).

(9) Area of rectangle ABCD and AEFG are equal. If AE=12 cm, AD=8 cm and DG=8 cm f ind length of

Choose correct answer(s) f rom given choice

(10) If the dif f erence between circumf erence and radius of a circle is 111 cm, f ind the radius of the
circle (assume π = 22/7).
a. 22 cm b. 24 cm
c. 21 cm d. 19 cm

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ID : kr-7-Mensuration-Perimeter-Area-Volume [3]
(11) T he f ront wall of a f actory as shown below has to be painted. T he area of the entrance shown
in grey does not need to be painted. If the cost of painting is ₩40 per square m, then what will
the total cost f or painting be?

a. ₩7492.90 b. ₩7680.70
c. ₩7746.30 d. ₩7600

(12) A wire of length 40 meter is to be f olded in the f orm of rectangle. If each side of rectangle has
to be an integer (measured in meters), what is the maximum number of rectangles that can be
f ormed by f olding the wire.
a. 10 b. 40
c. 5 d. 11

Fill in t he blanks

he volume of a box that is 20 cm long, 50 cm wide and 130 cm high is cu. cm.

T he area of a ground is 4.42 m2 and its length is 1.3 m. T he perimeter of the ground is m.


If the sides of the small blocks below are 1 m each, and the cost of painting each square block

is ₩ 13.40, then the cost of painting the entire shape is ₩

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ID : kr-7-Mensuration-Perimeter-Area-Volume [4]
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ID : kr-7-Mensuration-Perimeter-Area-Volume [5]
(1) 150 m2

Step 1
We need to f ind the area of the f ollowing shape:

Step 2
Let us f irst divide the shape into two rectangles. T he area of the shape in question will be
sum of areas of these two rectangles.

rectangle 1 rectangle 2

Step 3
Let us now f ind the area of rectangles 1 and 2:

Area of rectangle 1 = Length × Width

= 23 m × 3 m
= 69 m2

Area of rectangle 2 = Length × Width

= 9m×9m
= 81 m2
Step 4
Let us now add the areas of rectangles 1 and 2 to get the area of the shape in question.
Area of shape in question = Area of rectangle 1 + Area of rectangle 2

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ID : kr-7-Mensuration-Perimeter-Area-Volume [6]
= 69 m2 + 81 m2
= 150 m2

(2) ₩ 20451.6
(3) 3300 m2

Step 1
According to question the length and width of the rectangular lawn is 130 meters and 60
meters respectively.
T he width of the road parallel to the length and parallel to the width are 15 meters and 30
meters respectively, as shown in the f ollowing f igure

Rectangular lawn

Step 2
Now the total area of the two roads = area of the road parallel to the length + area of the
road parallel to the width - area of the road which is common in the both roads
= (130 × 15) + (60 × 30) - (15 × 30)
= 1950 + 1800 - 450
= 3300 m2
Step 3

T he total area of the two roads is 3300 m2.

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ID : kr-7-Mensuration-Perimeter-Area-Volume [7]
(4) 52 meters

Step 1
If you look at the question caref ully, you will notice that the cost of f encing a rectangular
ground at ₩ 8 per meter is ₩ 1280 and the perimeter of a rectangle is the total distance
around the outside of a rectangle,
theref ore the perimeter of a rectangular ground = = 160 meter

Step 2
T he width of f ield = 28 meter
T he perimeter of a rectangular ground = 2(length of the ground + breadth of the ground)
T he perimeter of a rectangular groung
or length of the ground = - width of the ground

Step 3

T heref ore the length of the ground = - 28 = 80 - 28 = 52 meter

(5) 8 cm2

Step 1
If you count the squares and half squares in the given f igure, you will notice that the total
number of squares are 8(count two half squares as one small square).
Step 2

Since the area of each small square is 1 cm2, theref ore the area of given f igure is 8 cm2.

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ID : kr-7-Mensuration-Perimeter-Area-Volume [8]
(6) 6.75 m2

Step 1
If you look at the f igure caref ully, you will notice that rectangle ABCD is inscribed in a circle
and diagonal BD of the rectangle ABCD is a diameter of the circle, as shown in the
f ollowing f igure.

Now in right angled triangle ΔABD

BD2 = AB2 + AD2
⇒ BD2 = 32 + 4 2
⇒ BD2 = 9 + 16
⇒ BD2 = 25
⇒ BD2 = 52
⇒ BD = 5 m
Step 2
Diameter of the circle = BD = 5 m,
BD 5
Radius of the circle = = = 2.5 m
2 2
Now area of the shaded region = area of the circle - area of the rectangle ABCD
= (πr 2) - (AB × AD)
= 3 × (2.5)2 - (3 × 4)
= 18.75 - 12
= 6.75 m2
Step 3

Area of the shaded region is 6.75 m2.

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ID : kr-7-Mensuration-Perimeter-Area-Volume [9]
(7) 18 cm

Step 1
From picture we can see that length and width of rectangles are 27 cm and 12 cm
Area of rectangle, = Length × Width
⇒ = 27 × 12
⇒ = 324 cm2
Step 2
Since are of square is same as area of rectangle,
Area of square = 324 cm2
⇒ (Length of square)2 = 324 cm2
⇒ (Length of square) = √324 cm
⇒ (Length of square) = 18 cm

(8) 2 cm2

Step 1
If you count the shaded squares and half squares in the given f igure, you will notice that
the total number of shaded squares are 2(count two half squares as one small square).
Step 2

Since the area of each small square is 1 cm2, theref ore the area of shaded part is 2 cm2.

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ID : kr-7-Mensuration-Perimeter-Area-Volume [10]
(9) 12 cm

Step 1
We know that the area of rectangle = length × breath,
Area of rectangle ABCD = AB × AD,
Area of rectangle AEFG = AE × AG
Step 2
If you look at the question caref ully, you will notice that
Area of rectangle ABCD = Area of rectangle AEFG
⇒ AB × AD = AE × AG -----(1)
If you look at the image, you will notice that
AB = AE + EB,
AG = AD + DG
theref ore (1) becomes (AE + EB)AD = AE(AD + DG)
⇒ (AE × AD) + (EB × AD) = (AE × AD) + (AE × DG)
⇒ (EB × AD) = (AE × AD) - (AE × AD) + (AE × DG)
⇒ (EB × AD) = 0 + (AE × DG)
⇒ EB × AD = AE × DG
⇒ EB =
Since AE=12 cm, AD=8 cm and DG=8 cm,
12 × 8
Now EB =
= 12
Step 3
T heref ore the length of EB = 12 cm.

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ID : kr-7-Mensuration-Perimeter-Area-Volume [11]
(10) c. 21 cm

Step 1


Lets assume r is the radius of a circle.

Circumf erence of the circle = 2πr
Step 2
According to question the dif f erence between circumf erence and radius of a circle is 111
or 2πr - r = 111
⇒ r(2π - 1) = 111
⇒ r(2π - 1) = 111
⇒ r(2 × - 1) = 111
44 - 7
⇒ r( ) = 111
⇒ r( ) = 111
⇒ r = 111 ×
⇒ r = 21 cm
Step 3
T heref ore the radius of the circle is 21 cm.

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ID : kr-7-Mensuration-Perimeter-Area-Volume [12]
(11) d. ₩7600

Step 1

If we look at the f ront wall of the f actory caref ully, we notice that,
the length of the wall = 20 m
T he width of the wall = 12 m
T he area of the wall = 240 m2
Step 2
T he height of the entrance = 5 m
T he width of the entrance = 10 m
T he area of the entrance = 50 m2
Step 3
T he area of the entrance does not need to be painted,
T he area of the wall need to be painted = T he area of the wall - T he area of the entrance
= 240 - 50
= 190 m2
Step 4
T he cost of painting is ₩40 per square m,
the total cost f or painting = 190 × 40 = ₩7600

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ID : kr-7-Mensuration-Perimeter-Area-Volume [13]
(12) a. 10

Step 1
We have to maximize the numbers of rectangles that can be created with a given length of
wire. T heref ore we need to keep size of rectangles as small as possible, so we can make
maximum number or rectangles
Step 2
It is given that each side has to be an integer (i.e. it cannot be 0.5m, 0.8m etc.), theref ore
smallest possible length will be of 1 meter
Step 3
Perimeter of rectangle with each side of 1 meter = 4 × 1 = 4 meters
Step 4
Since 4 meters wire is needed f or 1 rectangle,
T heref ore number of rectangles that can be created with 40 meter = 40 ÷ 4 = 10



Step 1

T he area of a ground = 4.42 m2

and the length of a ground = 1.3 m
Step 2
We know that the area of a rectangle = length × breath
or length =
T he area of ground 4.42
T heref ore the length of ground = = = 3.4 m
T he breadth of ground 1.3

Step 3
T heref ore the perimeter of the ground = 2(length + breath) = 2(1.3 + 3.4) = 9.4 m

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ID : kr-7-Mensuration-Perimeter-Area-Volume [14]

Step 1
If you count the number of small blocks in the given shape caref ully, you will notice that the
number of small blocks are 55.
Step 2
T he cost of painting each square block is ₩ 13.40.
Step 3
Now the cost of painting the entire shape = 55 × 13.40 = ₩ 737

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