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Screw compressor analysis from a vibration

Cite as: AIP Conference Proceedings 1889, 020011 (2017);
Published Online: 25 September 2017

D. Hübel, and P. Žitek


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AIP Conference Proceedings 1889, 020011 (2017); 1889, 020011

© 2017 Author(s).
Screw Compressor Analysis From a Vibration Point-of-View

Hübel D.1, a) and Žitek P.1, b)

University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Universitni 8, Pilsen 306 14, Czech republic.
Corresponding author:

Abstract. Vibrations are a very typical feature of all compressors and are given great attention in the industry. The reason
for this interest is primarily the negative influence that it can have on both the operating staff and the entire machine’s
service life. The purpose of this work is to describe the methodology of screw compressor analysis from a vibration
point-of-view. This analysis is an essential part of the design of vibro-diagnostics of screw compressors with regard to
their service life.


Vibrations are a very typical feature of all compressors and are given great attention in the industry. The reason
for this interest is primarily the negative influence that it can have on both the operating staff (particularly when
vibrations occur in audible frequencies) and the entire machine’s service life. Vibrations are a suitable indicator of
wearing or an emerging damage of rotating parts of a compressor (rotors, bearings etc.) in particular.
The purpose of this work is to describe a methodology of screw compressor analysis from a vibration point-of-
view for a future vibro-diagnostics design with regard to their service life and maintenance.


Vibrations are caused by the forces and moments that arise, for example, by the imbalance of the rotating parts,
the disrupted gas supply to the duct or the air jet, or the hydrodynamic turbulence of the compressed medium [1].
According to the Czech version of the International Standard ISO 2041, as the oscillation of a certain elastic
body or a body system. Vibration is defined by frequency, oscillation amplitude, displacement velocity, and
acceleration of deflection (see equation (1)). Vibration can be divided into stochastic (a fully random and
unpredictable course in time) and deterministic (from the time course we can determine the course of the future).

݉ ‫ݕ ڄ ܾ ڄ‬ሷ ൅ ܾ ‫ݕ ڄ‬ሶ ൅ ݇ ‫ ݕ ڄ‬ൌ ‫ܨ‬௕ ൌ ‫ݔ ڄ ܯ‬ሷ (1)

݉ ሾ݇݃ሿ gauger weight
‫ܯ‬ ሾ݇݃ሿ measured body weight
ܾ ሾ‫ି ݏ‬ଵ ሿ damping coefficient
݇ ሾܰȀ݉ሿ spring stiffness
‫ݕ‬ ሾ݉ሿ meter deflection
‫ݔ‬ ሾ݉ሿ measured body deflection
‫ܨ‬௕ ሾܰሿ exciting force

36th Meeting of Departments of Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics

AIP Conf. Proc. 1889, 020011-1–020011-7;
Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-1572-0/$30.00

When parameters m, k and b are known, vibrations can be defined by measuring the displacement or its
acceleration. Measuring displacements is the most frequent in the industry and meters are called accelerometers.


Accelerometers are constructed as devices with the lowest weight and highest stiffness. The reason for this is that
equation (2), due to neglecting members of damping and a meter weight, will provide us with a body acceleration
depending only on a sensor displacement (see modified equation (2)).

݇ ‫ ݕ ڄ‬ൌ ‫ݔ ڄ ܯ‬ሷ ൌ ‫ܨ‬௕  ֜  ‫ݔ‬ሷ ൌ ‫ ݕڄ‬ൌ‫ݕڄܥ‬ (2)


‫ܥ‬ ቂ ቃ constant

The most frequently used accelerometer works on a principle of piezoelectricity. The accelerometer uses a
piezoelectric crystal (ceramics or natural), which, being shear-stressed, generates an electric charge that is
proportional to mechanical force Fb influencing the object affected by the acceleration.
It is evident that the position of an accelerometer towards a measured object significantly influences the
measurement accuracy. A method ensuring the highest precision of holding the accelerator is using a stud or
a chemical glue (anchor). Using a strong magnet is very frequent as well. It does not allow for such a high accuracy
but it can be sufficient for some applications (e.g. to determine the ideal place for measuring).
Vibrations can be perceived in both the radial and axial directions. In the radial one, two sensors are mounted in
a 90 ° angle towards each other (e.g. one horizontal and the other one vertical). Such a set-up is suitable especially
for machines with one rotor.


By using accelerometers to measure vibrations, we obtain a signal, which must be processed further. A vibration
signal analysis can be divided in analyses of time and frequency areas according to a surveyed variable
(see figure 1).

FIGURE 1 Graphic representation of time and frequency areas [2]

Time area analysis

Time area analysis of a vibration signal is utilized mainly to observe transitional situations, such as a rotor‘s
start-up and shutdown, or an impact response when a strange body occurs in a sensored area. Parameters of the
signal time course are evaluated; these parameters are displacements, velocities and acceleration.
Mechanical vibrations of compressors can be deterministic (periodical) or fully stochastic. Therefore, it seems
appropriate to use integral variables, such as mean and effective values of a signal.
The most used variable for a signal time description is the mean quadratic (effective) vibration velocity vef
(see relation (3)).[3]

ଵ ఛ ଵ
‫ݒ‬௘௙ ൌ ට ‫׬ ڄ‬଴ ߱ ଶ ‫ ߬݀ ڄ ߬ ڄ‬ൌ ට ‫ ڄ‬ሺ‫ݏ‬ଵଶ ‫߱ ڄ‬ଵଶ ൅ ‫ݏ‬ଶଶ ‫߱ ڄ‬ଶଶ ൅ ‫ ڮ‬൅ ‫ݏ‬௡ଶ ‫߱ ڄ‬௡ଶ ሻ (3)
ఛ ଶ

‫ݏ‬ ሾߤ݉ሿ displacement amplitude
ܶ ሾ‫ݏ‬ሿ vibration period
߬ ሾ‫ݏ‬ሿ time
߱ ሾ‫ି ݏ‬ଵ ሿ angle frequency
‫ݒ‬௘௙ ሾ݉݉Ȁ‫ݏ‬ሿ effective vibration velocity

Vibrations can be assessed by classification grades (A to D) in terms of the above determined effective velocity
according to [2] (for frequencies above 10 Hz).
A – good condition
B – permanently acceptable operational condition
C – short-term acceptable operation upon adoption of safety regulations
D – unacceptable operational condition.

Machines are divided in 6 main groups [3] for vibro-diagnostics purposes as recommended by the norm
ISO 2372 and 2373.
Group 1: Small industrial machines (motors and generators) with power input up to 15 kW.
Group 2: Medium/siyed machines without special bases (e.g. electric motors) with a power input of 15 to 75
Group 3: Large sets only with rotating parts on solid foundations (e.g. turbocompressors).
Group 4: Large sets only with rotating parts with flexible fittings where the frequency of the rotating parts is
higher than the own frequency of the system.
Group 5: Large set with only flexible rotating parts where the frequency of the rotating parts is higher than
the actual frequency of the system.
Group 6: Flexible machines with unbalanced interference forces and machines with loose attachments
(centrifuges, mills, sorters, etc.).

The following table 1 can be used to evaluate the current machine condition according to the vibration intensity.
The table contains a division into 6 groups according to the previous text as well as 4 classification grade evaluation.
The tested compressor belongs to group 1, therefore effective velocity from approx. 2 mm/s represents dangerous
values for it.
TABLE 1 Vibration evaluation according to effective velocity
Vibration intensity stage Machine group
Marking Effective velocity [mm/s] 1 2 3 4 5 6
0,71 0,45 až 0,71
1,12 0,71 až 1,12 A
1,8 1,12 až 1,8
2,8 1,8 až 2,8
4,5 2,8 až 4,5 B
7,1 4,5 až 7,1
11,2 7,1 až 11,2 C
18 11,2 až 18
28 18 až 28
45 28 až 45 D
71 45 až 71

Frequency Area Analysis
This is the fundamental tool to discover vibration sources and determine their trends. Fourier transformation will
lead us from the time area to the frequency one. This transition is graphically illustrated in figure 1.
This method is beneficial for separating and highlighting particular phenomena in a signal. On the contrary, a
disadvantage is the loss of a possibility to capture the non-stationary signal behaviour.
A lot of methods have been developed to analyze a vibration frequency area (e.g. Envelope Spectrum, BCU
Method, Impact Pulse Method, Crest Factor, SEE Method, ….). [2]
Due to the limited range of this article, only the Envelope Spectrum method will be mentioned.

Envelope Spectrum

This method is utilized to derive periodical impacts with small energy from a total machine vibration signal.
Moreover, we are able to detect impacts hidden behind another vibration signal using this method.
Industry uses the Envelope Spectrum to diagnose malfunctions of rolling bearings, where a damaged part of a
rolling bearing can be precisely localised (inner circle, outer circle, rolling elements, cage).


Atmos Chrást provided a compressor station of Albert E. 80 Vario type (figure 2) for a vibro-diagnostics design.
The station is equipped with a low speed compressor screw block B100, which is directly connected to an
electrodrive. There is a wheel-equipped air jet for an easy transport located in the bottom part of the station. A
compressor control system is situated on the air jet on the left in the figure, behind the green protecting tinny case.

FIGURE 2 Compressor station Albert E. 80 Vario

Block B100
It is a screw block designed by RotorComp company. This block has 4/5 configurations, which means that the
main rotor has 4 gears, whereas the side one has 5 gears. Typical parameters of the block B100 are:
• Main rotor diameter: 105 mm
• Rotor spacing: 73 mm
• Ratio L/D 1,2 -
• Power range 4 - 30 kW
• Max. revolutions 8000 rpm

The block B100 system drawing is in figure 3. It shows that each rotor is equipped with 3 bearings in total. The
part 7 is the main rotor and the keyway to transfer the torque from the electric engine is marked as 27. Axial bearing
load leads “from the engine“, i.e. to the right on the picture, whereas the left side of the block is completely axially
load-free. That is why both shafts on the left have only rolling radial bearings 9 and 13. However, each rotor on the
right has one rolling bearing (12 and 14) and one axial ball bearing (10 and 11) to receive the considerable axial
force, which is caused by screw rotors intervention. Types of bearings and their properties are listed in table 2.
Bearings are produced by SKF company.

FIGURE 3 Drawing of block B100

TABLE 2 Description of bearings of block B100

Number in Number of rotating Type of rotating Location Number
Type of bearing
the drawing elements elements (rotor) [pcs]
12 13 rollers radial side 1
13 18 needles radial side 1
11 10 balls axial side 1
10 13 balls axial main 1
9 a 14 14 rollers radial main 2

The objective of the compressor block vibrations is particularly to determine frequencies (and the amplitude) of
all natural vibration sources. Such a source is, for instance, working rotors vibrations or vibrations emerging in
bearings. These frequencies can be circumscribed in a total frequency spectrum and frequencies that cross a certain
borderline will probably be defined as a damage or wear.

Rotor vibrations frequency

The screw compressor rotors are classifiable in terms of vibration, similar to gear sets. In both cases, vibrations
arise from discontinuous mutual contact between individual gears. Since the number of gears of both rotors differs,
revolutions of the side rotor should be calculated first, according (4). The main rotor revolutions correspond to the
electric drive revolutions. The quadripolar electric drive worked at 50 Hz; shaft revolutions, and therefore the main
rotor revolutions, were 1500 rpm.
Vibration gear frequency fz, can be determined according to (5), which indicates that the gear frequency equals
for both rotors. Calculated values for revolutions within 500 rpm to 2250 rpm were recorded in table 3.
݊ோ௏ ൌ ݊ோு ‫ڄ‬  (4)
݊ோ̴௏ ሾ‫݉݌ݎ‬ሿ side rotor revolutions
݊ோ̴ு ሾ‫݉݌ݎ‬ሿ main rotor revolutions
‫ݖ‬௏ ሾͳሿ side rotor number of gears
‫ݖ‬ு ሾͳሿ main rotor number of gears

݂௭ ൌ ݂ோு ‫ݖ ڄ‬ு ൌ ݂ோ௏ ‫ݖ ڄ‬௏  (5)

݂௭ ሾ‫ݖܪ‬ሿ gear frequency
݂ோு ሾ‫ݖܪ‬ሿ main rotor revolutions frequency
݂ோ௏ ሾ‫ݖܪ‬ሿ side rotor revolutions frequency

TABLE 3 Rotor gear mesh frequencies

Rotor Rotor Gear mesh Rotor Rotor Gear mesh
revolutions frequency frequency revolutions frequency frequency
nR [rpm] fR [Hz] fz [Hz] nR [rpm] fR [Hz] fz [Hz]
Main rotor (4 gears)

Side rotor (5 gears)

500,00 8,33 33,33 400,00 6,67 33,33

750,00 12,50 50,00 600,00 10,00 50,00
1000,00 16,67 66,67 800,00 13,33 66,67
1250,00 20,83 83,33 1000,00 16,67 83,33
1500,00 25,00 100,00 1200,00 20,00 100,00
1750,00 29,17 116,67 1400,00 23,33 116,67
2000,00 33,33 133,33 1600,00 26,67 133,33
2250,00 37,50 150,00 1800,00 30,00 150,00

Vibration frequency of bearings

Bearings represent another source of vibrations in screw compressors. There are 6 rolling bearings assembled in
the block B100. These bearings cause vibrations particularly by a movement of its rolling elements (balls, rollers or
needles) hitting the bearing shell.
Expected vibration frequency values will be calculated according to the relation (6) as a product of a frequency
of the rotor where the bearing is located and the number of rolling elements. The resulting frequency values for the
initial electrodrive set-up (fm = 50 Hz) are indicated in table 4.

݂௅ ൌ ݂ோ ‫݊ ڄ‬ (6)

݂௅ ሾ‫ݖܪ‬ሿ bearing frequency
݂ோ ሾ‫ݖܪ‬ሿ rotor frequency (main or side)
݊ ሾ‫ݏܿ݌‬ሿ number of rolling elements

TABLE 4 Calculated values of bearing frequencies

Rotor location (fR [Hz]) Side (20 Hz) Main (25 Hz)
Number of elements [pcs] 13 18 10 13 14 14
Bearing frequency (fL [Hz]) 260 360 200 325 350 350

Vibration frequency of an electrodrive cooling propeller

The last considered vibration source is an electrodrive cooling propeller. It is a four-blade propeller and its
frequencies can be calculated the same way like the bearing frequency, we only multiply by the number of propeller
blades m [pcs] instead of the number of rolling elements n [pcs], see the equation (7). The frequency of the main
rotor must be considered a rotor frequency, as it is situated directly on the electrodrive shaft. The initial engine setup
is fm = 50 Hz, quadripolar engine shaft frequency is fH = 25 Hz. For ease of reference, the result is mentioned
in table 5.

݂௏ ൌ ݂ு ‫݉ ڄ‬ (7)

݂௏ ሾ‫ݖܪ‬ሿ bearing frequency
݂ு ሾ‫ݖܪ‬ሿ main rotor frequency
݉ ሾ‫ݏܿ݌‬ሿ number of propeller blades

TABLE 5 Propeller frequency calculated

Number of propeller
Engine shaft frequency fH [Hz] Propeller frequency fV [Hz]
blades m [pcs]
25 4 100

The objective of this paper was a screw compressor analysis to design an own vibro-diagnostics methodology.
Methods of vibration measurements were mentioned as well as evaluating methods of measured signals. The article
also described a complex analysis of screw compressor rotating parts with the highest tendency to produce

The presented work was financially supported by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport Czech Republic
Project LQ1603 (Research for SUSEN). This work has been realized within the SUSEN Project (established in the
framework of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) in project CZ.1.05/2.1.00/03.0108) and student
project SGS-2016-045 (Improving the efficiency, reliability and service life of power machines and equipment 4).

1. I. M. Arbon: The design and application of rotary twin-shaft compressors in the oil and gas process industry.
(Mechanical Engineering Publications, London, 1994), ISBN 085298-915-6.
2. M. Strachoň, “Vibrodiagnostika průmyslových strojů”, diploma thesis. Tomas Bata University in Zlín, 2009
3. A. Liška, P Novák. Technika stlačeného vzduchu. (CTU in Prague, Prague, 1999), ISBN 80-01-01947-0.
4. D. Hübel, “Diagnostika šroubového kompresoru”, diploma thesis. University of West Bohemia, 2017


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