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Preparation: From starting thinking about what to do in the workshop to finialising the topic of
role play and emotional intelligence there was a lot of research and reading that we had to do
which gave us more information and insight about ongoing researches and the organization
enivornment. The persisting problem of being emotionally intelligent in an organization was felt
as the need of the hour and to have a workshop on. The activities were designed in such a way
that they attracted attention and were of value addition to the participants of the workshop.
Conduction: Before the conduction began we were faced with a problem of not having enough
participants however we started by giving a little factual information, followed by an ice breaker
which I felt energized the participants a little. Then we had our first activity which was the
Improv whichthe participants seemed to enjoy the most, there was laughter and cheers and claps.
The second activity was a little confusing for them as we did not show them or give them a sheet
in which the situation was explained creating a little bit of confusion and monotony. However,
the overall participation was good and it seemed like a successful workshop as they understood
the rationale behind the activities.

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