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Taylor Connard

Education 650

Dispositions Assessment

For this disposition assessments, I completed one on myself and then I asked two staff

members at Clay County High School to complete one as well. The first staff member I asked

was my principal Crystal Gibson. I knew that Mrs. Gibson would give honest feedback and rate

me truthfully. For the next staff member, I asked Jamie Tanner. Mr. Tanner is the art teacher and

is my classroom neighbor. He is someone that comes to me for advice and I go to him as well. I

felt that he may rate me higher than anyone else just because of our friendship. After reviewing

all of the assessments, I felt that they were rated correctly.

The first assessment was completed by Mrs. Gibson. Mrs. Gibson rated me “strong

evidence” on 29 dispositions. She rated me “limited evidence” on six dispositions. She informed

me that of those six, she only rated them that way because she felt that I had not had enough

experience doing those things for them to be considered strong evidence. She also rated me “not

seen” on three dispositions. We discussed the NS score as well and she explained that I had not

really ever had the chance to involve stakeholders in management processes or being able to use

legal systems to protect students. The other NS rating was “Resources of the family and

community needing to be brought to bear on the education of students.” She did not really

understand if I ever had the chance to complete that. Overall, I feel that Mrs. Gibson rated me

fairly and consistently.

Mr. Tanner scored me “strong evidence” on 34 out of 38 dispositions. I had previously

stated that I felt as though Mr. Tanner would struggle to rate me any less simply because we are

friends. I did inform him that how he rated me would not impact our friendship and that I wanted
him to be truthful. He rated me “limited evidence” on four dispositions. Those dispositions were

“taking risks to improve schools”, “professional development as an integral part of school

improvement”, “resources of the family and community needing to be brought to bear on the

education of students.”, and “using legal systems to protect student rights and improve student

opportunities.” I do think it is important to note that Mr. Tanner marked the same two as “limited

evidence” and she marked “not seen.” I want to make note of these and ensure that I work to get

more experience in those areas.

The last disposition assessment completed was one that I did on myself. I wanted to be

very honest with myself and so I marked 29 dispositions as “strong evidence.” Of the ones that I

marked “limited evidence”, I think that I do these at some capacity, but I feel that I need more

experience with them. For example, “making management decisions to enhance learning and

teaching” is one that I feel that I do at some level in my own classroom, but do not have

experience with it at a larger scale. I also marked “limited evidence” on “involvement of families

and other stakeholders in school decision-making processes.” I involve families within my own

classroom, but not at a whole school level. I think that I was honest with myself and decided the

dispositions appropriately.

Overall, I enjoyed this experience of having my coworkers rate my educational

dispositions. Many of these I had not ever considered, so it was interesting to see how other

people felt that I was doing with them. It opened my eyes to many things that I still need to work

on and improve upon. I always say that as an educator, you never stop learning and improving.

This assessment gave me more things to think about and consider as a future leader.

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