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AAWC Lesson Reflection (Completed after EVERY lesson taught)

Select (S):
Identify a lesson and what standards are you addressing

- Create a simple AB pattern.

- Match different fruit to their seeds and make comparisons according to color, size or

Describe (D):
What were you trying to achieve in your lesson?

In order to ensure that my students learn the concept of AB pattern and seeds in the fruit.

During the Introduction, I started with morning routine then I review many fruits to ensure that
students know the name of the fruits. After that, I explained what inside the fruit’s "seeds" and
the size and color of each seeds.

During the active engagement I started by put a small activity for the students that is matching
between seeds and fruits. After that, I review the numbers from 1-10 then, I explained the
concept of pattern and give to the student’s example then I give them some pattern questions
and I asked them to complete the pattern.

During my formative assessment I used Nearpod to assess the students, I putted several
questions that help me to know if students understood the lesson or not.

The Montessori approach operates on the belief that big Picture Focus it's important and
children learn best when they possess background knowledge about a subject. Students learned
about fruits and has previous knowledge of fruits importance, and this week we are following a
growing in the garden theme so, when I teach students about the seeds we are following the
theme and the next week we will complete to teach students about what the plant need to
growing. This topic is following the same theme, and this will help students to learn best.

What did the students do?

During the introduction, many students were not responded when I asked them but, during the
active engagement, I called them again and they respond because they understand more, and
they feel comfort to answer the questions. During the formative assessment, students did the
Nearpod activity and they posted the result to share with me.
Analyze (A):
How well did your teaching relate to the students’ prior understanding?

I used prior knowledge in math by review the fruits because this will help the students to know
the fruits name when I asked them to match the seeds with the fruits.

How well did you engage the students?

I engaged the students when I asked them to use Nearpod and share the answer also, when I
used the morning song.

Why do you think the students responded the way that they did?

in my opinion, the students were able to understand the learning outcome because they already
know about the fruits and name of fruits. In addition, I review the name of fruits before I explain
the seeds.

Appraise (A):
Did your lesson meet your teaching goals?

80% of the students were able to know several seeds and fruits in science and AB pattern in
math. I knew that because I assessed the students at the end of the lesson.

Transform (T):
How might you enhance student learning of this lesson in the future?

I think that next time, I will use more videos to engage students and I will use the video or
pictures to make it homework for them or give them time at the end of the class for them to do
it and the evaluation is practical, not electronic.

What are the implications for your professional practice?

This will help students to use fine motor skills by using pens, colors, scissors and paste, and these
activities make students feel that they are in the classroom not just learning online.

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