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1. Resuelva en inglés las preguntas que se le presentan a continuación:

A. Where do you usually buy your cleaning products?

I usually buy my cleaning products in supermarkets.

B. Do you consider yourself as a neat person? Why?

Yes, I do consider myself a neat person because I have been taught since I was a

C. Do you feel satisfied with the cleaning products you buy? Why?

Yes, I am satisfied with the cleaning products because I get excellent results.

D. What king of cleaning product would you like it to be improved? Why?

The product is the chlorine, I would like its smell to be more pleasant.

E. Mention 5 cleaning products brands you consider as the best ones

1. Fortident
2. Axion
3. Top terra
4. Rey
5. Fabuloso
F. What are the most important aspects to consider when choosing a brand of
cleaning product?

For me. The price, the quality and the years of experience.

G. Imagine you are promoting a new product. Describe it and write in ten lines the
reasons to convince your potential clients to buy your product.

A new cleaning product has arrived called king of kings, which is a universal
powder soap that is suitable for all types of use such as:
Wash and degrease clothes, appliances, pots, dishes, floors etc.
This soap is made up of nanotechnology that works according to the surface to
be washed and adjusts automatically without damaging it, ideal to have in each
of our homes.
With this it is possible to buy only one product instead of up to 5 different
products and best with an average cost per 500g and will be available in each
parts of the world through different export plans. This soap will be unique in the
world and almost infinite inventory so that there will be one available in every
2. Describa en inglés el tipo de población a la que pretende proyectar el producto o
servicio, de acuerdo con el país ya seleccionado.

The type of population to which our product is directed are people from a specific
area in the country of Germany, between 18 and 60 years old, with a preference for
the purchase of Colombians handicrafts.


Colombians handicrafts are found anywhere in the country, not only in its streets
but in specialized stores that offer a complete variety of these magical items. In
addition, fairs are held at different times of the year, where artisans have the
opportunity to exhibit their works and market them, and where their great creativity
and cultural richness stand out.

1. What do you look for when shopping for a type of craft?

A. economy
B. color
C. antiquity
D. design
E. all of the above

2. What type of accessory do you prefer in Colombian handicrafts?

A. Earrings
B. Handles
C. Necklaces
D. Watches
E. Brooches

3. How much money do you spend to buy Colombians handicrafts?

A. € 5.00
B. € 10.00
C. € 15.00
D. € 20,00
4. From a scale of 1 to 5, how do you rate Colombians handicrafts?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5

5. How often do you buy Colombian handicrafts?

A. never
B. occasionally
C. almost always
D. always

6. Where do you usually buy Colombian handicrafts?

A. Shopping centers
B. Fairs
C. In the streets
D. I don't know any place

7. Have you ever had a handicraft made by Colombian hands?


8. Why buy Colombian handicrafts?

A. Because I like the product
B. To support Colombian artisans
C. Because I like to give handicrafts
D. All of the above

9. How would you like to create your own handmade accessory?

A. With natural products
B. With recycled products
C. With novel products

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