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find out how the blackout affected these aspects of everyday life:

1. Communication
Communication was 100% dependent on human interaction, without any form of
messaging. There was obviously no internet but also no mailing system.

2. Transport
Airplanes stop working, traffic roads get full of non moving cars.

3. Lighting
Every source of electricity stopped working, so lightning had to come from natural
sources (sun, for example) or things like candles.

4. Food
Food was 100% based of organic agriculture/livestock.

5. Governement
Every governement fell.

6. Fighting
Weapons like the katana, crossbow, kat and even regular bows started being used again
as a form of protection, just like ages ago (ex. Middle Age)

Exercices page 149

2 – She used to check her email, Facebook and Twitter on her computer as soon as she woke
up. She used to eat breakfast checking the news on her phone. She used to get dressed while
listening to her iPod. She used to do her homework with the help of an online thesaurus.
A) Katherine basically changed her whole daily routine. She couldn’t check her social media,
she couldn’t use her phone as an alarm clock, she couldn’t check the news while getting her
breakfast, she couldn’t get dressed while listening to music and she also couldn’t do her
homework with online help.
B) Her family stopped her from giving up and told her she could do it!
C) Katherine she learned that it’s impossible to avoid technology but she managed to reduce
her screen use time.
D) Katherine explains people’s dependency on gadgets and technology due to the current
state of our world as a society, where we use technology on our daily basis.
E) She was able to use less technology.

Teresa Pinto de Almeida, Paula M. Araújo, Telma Coelho de Sousa

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