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The discovery of fire paved the way for several advancements in early humans, including as a
source of heat and lighting, innovation of cooked foods, and advanced survival techniques
like farming, hunting, and protection from predators.
2. The household device that makes my life easier is Television. Without it in our life, spreading
relevant news to people would be hard. It gives us helpful information, and entertainment
but watching too much can damage our eyes.
3. Life before the Agricultural Revolution was hard and dangerous because people only
survived by hunting wild animals and gathering wild plants. Due to farming, people were no
longer need to go far to look for food. Instead, they started to establish settled villages,
trade and harvest crops or raised animals on nearby land. They developed better and more
durable houses. In addition, they also built walls around their villages in order to safeguard
themselves from dangerous animals.
4. Life was difficult before the invention of the telephone, since most communication took
place in person, through letters, or telegraphy. The problem solved by the invention was that
we no longer needed to meet others or travel to communicate with them. Telephones made
it quicker and easier for everyone to communicate with one another by allowing one to
contact another person at any time and any place with the confidence that the call would be

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