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Science education- Focuses on teaching, learning, and understanding science.

o Deals with the teaching and learning of science and in helping the public develop science literacy.
o Is justified by the vast amount of scientific knowledge.
o Provide skills and knowledge tha are necessary for a person to live in what knight.
Teaching science- Involves developing way on how effectively teach science.
Learning science- Includes both pedagony and the most interesting aspects.
Central Visayan Institutute Foundation- It is the home and pioneer of the prominent school-based innovation
known as the (Dynamic Learning Program)
Dynamic Learning Program- is a synthesis of classical and modern pedagogical theories.
Basic Education- helps students to learn importance concepts and facts that are related to everyday life.
Tertiary Education– deals with developing students; understanding and appreciation as science ideas.


R&D- It is the process by which a company work to generate new knowledge.


Dr. Angel Alcala- World renowned Filipino ecologist and biologist who worked in the industry.
Dr. Ramon C. Barba- 1n 2014, he was appointed as Philippine National Scientist for reproduction of mango.
Dr. Josefino Comiso-A filipino Physicist working in NASA.
Dr Edgardo Gomez- He is well known for his groundbreaking research and knowledge for marine biology.
Dr. Gaviono C. Trono Jr.- He was a filipino marine biologist that focuses on seawed biodiversity
o He also called as the father of Kappaphycus farming.


Biodiversity- Is defined as the variety of life present in an ecosystem.

o is a source of food and medicine, energy and nutrients.
o It provides humans the resources in order to survive.
Habitat- is the place where the different species live.

1. genetic biodiversity- refers to the variations among organisms of the same species.
o These variations are usually passed down from parents to offspring.
o Difference in DNA among individuals
2. Species Diversity- refers to the variety of species within a particular region or habitat.
o Is a group of organisms of similar individuals that are capable of interbreeding
o Variety of species in a given area
3. Ecosystem diversity- refers to the network of different species in an ecosystem and the interaction between
these species.
o Are all of the animals, plants, bacteria, and fungi as well as the physical components of the area.
o Variety of habitats, ecosystems, communities.
Tropical rainforest- is a hot, moist biome found near earth’s equator.
o The worlds largest tropical rainforest are in south America, Africa, and South Asia.
Temperate rainforest- are characterized by mild climates or temperatures.
o These areas do not experience extremely cold or extremely hot temperatures.
Grassland- Are characterized as lands dominated by grasses rather than large shrubs or trees.
Savana- is a grassland with scattered individuals trees.

Dessert- Is a barren area landscape where little precipitation occur.

Aquatic- Means relating to water, living in or near water or taking place in water.
o Implies an environment where plants and animals live.
Polar ice- is a high latitude region of planet, dwarf planet, or natural satelite that is covered in ice.
Tide Pools or Rock Pools- are shallow pools sea water that form on the rocky interdal shore.

Herbal Medicine- were used in healing rituals and in the treatment of injuries from wars and or accidents.
Salvia Apiana or California Sage- Aid in childbirth and protect the immune system.
Food- is the basic need of human survival.
Agrobiodiversity- Is the result of careful selection and innovative developments by farmers, fishers, and harders
througout the years.
In the stone age- Heat energy from fire was used mainly for survival against harsh cold environments.
Wind energy- used to navigate through bodies of water
1820’s- natural gas was used as a source of light
1830’ -the electrical generator was developed based on Michael Faraday’s discovery of electromagnetism.
1850’s- Commercial oil was drilled which led to the distillation of kerosene from petroleum.
Aqueduct- Built by the Romans and greeks, to maintain stable water supplies.

INFORMATION AGE (Gutenberg to Social Media)

Information age- Also called the computer age, the digital age, and the new media age.
The Pre- Gutenberg World- Printing tress was not yet available
o Books were written and produced by hand
o Information was only relayed to other through a word of mouth channels
The Post Gutenberg World- This era can be described as the emergence of the internt and the world wide web.
The gutenberg revolution- It begun with the introduction of printing significally.
Computers- This technolohgy was design for mathematical calculations and simple decision making capabilities.
o Invented by Charles Babbage.
Internet- A company name “Intel” Development of fiber-optics
o It was a government-controlled projec until 1984.
o Developed in California, US in the late 1960’s & Develop faster microprocessor.
Tim Berners Lee- Invented the World Wide Web. (A British Computer scientist).
V.A Shiva Ayyadurai- Inventor of the world’s first Email system.
o His claim is based on an electronic mail software called “EMAIL”.


Facebook- a social media networking site makes it easy for you to connect and share with family and friends online.
Mark Zuckerberg- Co founded the social networking website facebook out of his college form room Havard Uni.
o He founded the service in 2004 while he was at Harvard Iniversity with four of his fellow students.
Messenger app- is any app that enables a private messaging function between two or more people.
o It is an instant messaging service own by Facebbok, launched in August 2011, replacing fb chat.
Twitter- It was created by Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Biz Stone, and Evan Williams in March 2006.
o It is a social media site, and its primary purpose is to connect people and allow people to share their thougths.
Google- Was founded on September 4, 1998 by Larry Page and Segey Brin.
o Google is an internet search engine.
Instagram- was founded by Kevin Systrom. It is a free, online photo-online sharing application and social network
platfrom that we aquired by fb in 2012.
You Tube- Was founded by Steve Chen, Hurley, and Jawed Karim.
o Is a free video sharing website that makes it easy to watch online videos.


Indiginous- It relates to the earliest known inhabitants a place that was colonized by a non- dominat group.
Indiginous science- is a part of indiginous knowledge system practiced by different group of people.
o It includes complex arrays of knowledge, expertise, practices, and representative that guides human.
o Helps the people in understanding the natural environment and in coping with everyday life.
o Compose of traditional knowledge practiced and values by people and communities.
Cajete- indigenous science include everything, from metaphysics.
Iccarino- Explaining that science is a part of culture, and how sciene is done etc..
Pawilen- explained that indigenous science knowledge has developed diverse structures and contents.
Kuhn- Stated that developmental stages of most science is characterized by continual competition.


Corona Virus Disease (COVID 19). Originated in the city of Wuhan, Hubei Privince central China, and has
spread quickly to 72 coutries.
Covid 19- Cause by novel coronavirus name “Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-COV 2).
School- is a palce where children can have fun and raise social awareness and social skills.
Moderna,Pzifer/BioNTech Covid 19 vaccines- Use this type of technology to train the immune system.
o This vaccine containss contain genetic material RNA.
AstraZeneca- Use this technology to protect agains covid 19. this type of vaccine uses unrelated harmless.
Innactivated Vaccines For covid 19 – This type ofvaccine contains the killed SARS-COV-2
Attenuated Vaccines for Covid 19- This type of vaccine contains the weekend SARS-COV-2 virus
Protein Vaccines for Covid 19- This type of Vaccine contains protein from the SARS-COV-2

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