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Performance Task 1 in Entrepreneurship

Directions: Read and understand the following set of instructions below.

1. Watch the YouTube video using this link:

2. Summarize your learnings from the video.
3. Differentiate entrepreneur from a businessperson.
4. Create an infographic differentiating entrepreneur and businessperson. You may use different
softwares (e.g. canva, Piktochart, picmonkey, etc.). Make it creative and symbolic.
5. Refer to the rubrics below for the criteria of scoring your output.
6. Submit your output in pdf format for Digitized Modular Learning Modality and send it by attaching the
pdf in the Classwork portion of your Google Classroom. Hardcopy for Printed Modular Learning

Prepared By:

Mary Ann S. Dapiton

Special Science Teacher 1

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