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Backward Design Planning

Student Name: School: Date: 10/6/19

Grade: 3rd Group Size: 4 students
Subject: Telling Time

PA Core Standard(s):
Standard - CC.2.4.3.A.2
Tell and write time to the nearest minute and solve problems by calculating time intervals.

Stage 1: Desired Results

We want students to be able to calculate elapsed time using the zoom strategy.
It is an important skill in everyday life.

Essential Question(s):
What is the elapsed time of the given problem?
How do you calculate the elapsed time?
How do you use the zoom strategy to find elapsed time?
How do you write time to the nearest minute?

Established Objective(s):
Students will be able to...
● Tell time from a digital clock and calculate elapsed time to the nearest 5 minutes with 90% accuracy
using the zoom strategy.

Foundational Knowledge:
Students will have an understanding of…
● How to read numbers
● How to read a digital clock
● How to differentiate hours from minutes
● How time passes
● How to add two-digit numbers

Key Knowledge/Competencies/Skills:
● Elapsed time
● Zoom strategy
● Skills:
○ Communication:
■ Writing, speaking
○ Thinking
■ Calculating elapsed time
○ Basic skills
■ Understanding time
Key Vocabulary, Concepts, and/or Symbols:
● Time: a point of time as measured in hours and minutes
● Minutes: a period of time equal to sixty seconds
● Hours: a period of time equal to sixty minutes
● Elapsed time: the amount of time that passes from the beginning of an event to its end
● AM: before midday
● PM: after midday
● Digital clock: displays the time digitally
● Zoom strategy

50 minutes

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

Performance Task(s):
● During the lesson the use of formative assessments will take place
○ Zoom strategy white board independent practice: While students are engaging with the zoom
strategy lesson in small groups the teacher or a monitor can observe the students. The
teacher/monitor can evaluate the students by collecting data or completing a checklist on the
skills and knowledge being assessed.

Other Evidence:

Stage 3: Learning Plan

Learning Activities:


● Zoom strategy graphic organizer (laminated)

● White board markers
● Digital clock problems
● Checklist to observe students while they complete the activity

Suggested Instructional Strategies:

● Explicit Instruction: In order to create a lesson with gradual decrease in support the use of, “I do, we
do, you do,” will be used with the content.
● Think Aloud: When the teacher is going through the, “I do,” portion of the lesson every step of
thinking through the process and the problem will be said out loud. This is a good model to the
students who can try this strategy on their own.
● Zoom Strategy: Will be explicitly taught with the use of a graphic organizer to better support the
Instructional Procedures

Anticipatory Set:
 Teacher: “Good morning class! We have learned so much about telling time this year, and today we are
going to learn even more. Can anyone tell me a few things we remember about time?”
 Students: “We have learned about hours, minutes, and how to read a digital clock.”
 Teacher: “Great job class! Now, before we begin our lesson, we are going to watch a fun video to get
our brains thinking. Put on your listening ears and dance along if you want.”
 Video will be played at the beginning of the lesson to review previously taught information and activate
that prior knowledge.
 Teacher: “Okay class, what did this video discuss?”
 Students: “Where the hours and minutes are on a digital clock, and how to read it.”
 Teacher: “Nice work!”
 A review of how to read a digital clock will take place
o The time 1:35pm will be used and a digital clock showing the time will be placed under the doc
 Teacher: “Class please look at this time I have in front of you. Think about what time you think this is
and then discuss within your groups for a minute.”
 Allow the students a minute to discuss the time in their small groups.
 Teacher: “Can anyone tell me what time the clock says it is?”
 Students: “1:35pm!”
 Teacher: “Awesome job class! I love all the thinking that I’m seeing going on. Today we are going to be
taking what we already know about time and reading digital clocks and apply that to calculating elapsed
time using a really cool strategy I am going to be teaching you today.”

 Before beginning the modeling portion of the lesson plan the teacher will hand out the zoom strategy
graphic organizers for the students to follow along with.
o The zoom strategy graphic organizer will be the ‘Z’ with all the blanks available to be filled in so
that the students know exactly what is expected of them and where the answers go.
o There will even be a portion where they fill in hours and minutes to then add up and get the total
elapsed time.
o All boxes on the ‘Z’ are colored the same color as a line on the addition portion of the graphic
organizer so students easily can tell which numbers goes where.
o The graphic organizers will all be laminated so that they can be reused, and all students will be
provided with a white board marker to fill in their zoom strategy graphic organizers.
 The teacher will be teaching how to calculate elapsed time using the zoom strategy.
 Teacher: “Before we get deeper into our lesson can anyone tell me what elapsed time is?”
 Students: “The amount of time that passes from the beginning of an event to the end.”
 Teacher: “Awesome! That is correct. Today we are learning even more about elapsed time and how to
calculate the time from a start to an end of an event. But don’t worry class, we are going to be using the
zoom strategy! This strategy will help us calculate the elapsed time with all sorts of problems. Today we
will be focusing on problems just pertaining to digital clocks.”
 A bigger version of the zoom strategy graphic organizer is on the front white board so the teacher can
fill that in, and the students can follow along.
 Teacher: “Students the graphic organizer in front of you is for our zoom strategy. It has a giant ‘Z’ so
you can zoom to the end of your event! This is going to be very helpful for us today.”
 Teacher: “I want you to watch me do this next problem so you can see and understand my thought
process. Then we will begin to practice more problems together.”
 The teacher will explain the different parts involved with the zoom strategy graphic organizer. What
each box represents and explain what numbers should go where.
 The clocks showing 7:55am and 10:35am are shown under the doc cam for the following problem.
 Teacher discusses all this aloud as the problem is also being done on the front board so the students can
hear and understand the teachers thought process…
o Okay so I know my first clocks time is 7:55am so I am going to write that where it says ‘start’.
o I also know my second clocks time is 10:35am and that must be my end time so I’m going to
write that where is says ‘end’.
o Following this arrow, I know the next hour that will be hit is 8:00am so I am going to write that
at the end of the arrow.
o Now, since 8 is at the end of my arrow I need to figure out how many minutes it takes me to get
from 7:55am to 8:00am. I believe it is 5 minutes so I will write that in the box above the arrow.
o I am now at 8:00am and need to get to 10:35am. I know that I can get 2 full hours in from 8:00
until 10:00. I will write 10:00 down at the bottom left point of my giant ‘Z’ and then write 2
hours in the box to the left.
o Lastly, I know I need to get from 10:00 to 10:35 on the bottom for the last of my minutes. I
believe that I need 35 minutes to get to 10:35am so I will write 35 in the box placed under the
arrow in the box provided for me.
o I have my giant ‘Z’ filled in good. Now I just need to add up all my times and I have my total
elapsed time! I know I can finish this problem using my addition skills.
o On the spaces provided to the left I will fill in all my hours and minutes.
o First, I will take the 5 minutes from the top box and write 0 hours and 5 minutes on the first line.
o Next, I will take the 2 hours from the left box and write 2 hours and 0 minutes on the second
o Lastly, I will take the 35 minutes from the bottom box and write 0 hours and 35 minutes on the
third line.
o After using my addition skills, I believe the answer is 2 hours and 40 minutes.
o I have now completed my problem and calculated my total elapsed time using the zoom strategy.
 Teacher will complete a few more problems this way and slowly engage the students more and more.
 Problems the teacher would do are 4:50pm and 6:30pm / 8:45am and 11:10am.
 After completing the problems above the teacher would ask if the students have any questions on
elapsed time or the zoom strategy.
 All questions will be answered before moving on to guided practice.

Guided Practice:
 Teacher: “Okay class lets do some problems together now! I want to see everyone’s markers moving
with me as we go through the steps of our zoom strategy.
 The two clocks shown under the doc cam are 5:55am and 10:10am.
 Teacher asks students to yell out both times on the clock as a review of the problem.
 Teacher: “Class can anyone tell me what 5:55am is and where it goes?”
 Students: “It is the start point so gets written in the box that says start.”
 Teacher: “Great job! Can anyone tell me where 10:10am goes?”
 Students: “It is the end point, so it gets written in the box that says end.”
 Teacher: “I have my start and end so now can anyone tell me what to do next?”
 Students: “You take 5:55am and go to 6:00am and that is 5 minutes so that gets written in the box
 Teacher: “Awesome work! Remember to be writing this and following along class. Does anyone now
know how many full hours I can get in? And where does this hour get written?”
 Students: “You can get 4 full hours in so that gets written in the box to the left, and the 10:00am goes in
the bottom left corner of the ‘Z’ on the graphic organizer.”
 Teacher: “Wow I’m loving the answers I’m hearing class! Now let’s do the last 10:00am to 10:10am
which is 10 minutes. So where am I going to write my 10 minutes?”
 Students: “Under the arrow in the bottom box.”
 Teacher: “Great job. Now, we transfer all the numbers over to the same color corresponding with the
box. Please add up the total elapsed time and can anyone tell me the answer they calculate?”
 Students: “4 hours and 15 minutes.”
 Teacher: “Awesome job! Does anyone have any questions with any part of this problem or how we got
to our answer?”
 Teacher answers any questions the students have.
 Teacher then does two more problems like this with the class. Those problems are 6:50pm and
10:20pm / 3:45pm and 7:15pm.

Independent Practice:
 Teacher: “Awesome job class! You guys have been doing such a great job doing problems together that
I want to give you a few to try on your own.”
 Teacher will give problems for students to work on in a small group setting where the teacher is able to
assess the student’s ability to calculate elapsed time using the zoom strategy.
 The teacher will place digital clocks under the doc cam signifying the start time and end time.
o Teacher shows the clocks showing 2:25pm and 5:05pm.
o Then other problems (9:30am and 11:05am / 6:40am and 10:10am)
 Students will go through completing these problems within their small groups.
 The teacher will be using independent time to watch the students complete the activity on their own
asking questions to clarify students understanding and collect data.
 The teacher can also take the time to pull aside students that seem to be struggling with the concepts.

 Teacher: “Thank you so much for your hard work today class! We learned so much and built on our
knowledge of time! In your small groups everyone please take a minute to share one thing you learned
today that you think is super important.”
 Provide class a minute or two to finish their discussions.
 Teacher: “Wow! I heard some awesome things being said class! Would anyone like to share something
that they think is important to know?”
 A few students share their thoughts
 Teacher: “Great job today class, keep up the good work! Tomorrow come back and ready to learn even
more about elapsed time!”

Supports and Scaffolds:

● The graphic organizers serve as a scaffold for the students to both follow along with the teacher and
use when doing problems in small groups.
● For students with fine motor difficulties can be provided numbers on hard paper to fill in the graphic
organizer with instead of using the marker.
● Boxes for minutes and the hour box on the ‘Z’ are each colored a separate color and then have a
corresponding color ling on the addition portion of the graphic organizer for added support.

Related Materials/Resources: List additional materials or resources not previously stated. (include SAS links)

Teacher Reflection:
● Did I model well enough and explain my thought process to the extent that my students could
● Are my assessments accurate judgement of how much the students retained from the lesson?
● Should this lesson have been broken down into shorter, more detailed lessons on different days?
● Was there anything else I could have done differently or added to better help my students who have
varying needs?
Assessment Checklist: Elapsed Time

Name: __________________________________

Name start time end time elapsed time used strategy calculated

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