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Initiating action on
your ideas, influencing
people, and projecting
a strong social
Self-Assured Outgoing
Asserting your opinions Establishing and
and rights, projecting maintaining relationships
confidence in your and expressing your
ideas and abilities, and emotions and unfiltered
taking charge of thoughts to others

Resolute Empathizing
Standing your ground Reaching out with
in the face of compassion, seeking to
opposition, speaking understand people’s
up about problems, emotional needs and
and pushing through struggles, and being
any resistance supportive

Objective Receptive
Separating facts from Staying open to others’
emotion and keeping ideas and being willing
the discussion focused to compromise or set
on logic aside your own needs
Composed and preferences
Reflecting before
acting, moderating your
responses (even under
stress), and exercising

© by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction approved when used in conjunction with Everything DiSC® Agile EQ™.

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