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Name of School : SDN Telang 5

Subject : English Language

Class / Semester : III/1

Time Allocation : 1 x 30 minutes

I. Standards of Competence

1. The ability to pronounce instructions and information is very simple in a

classroom contexts

II. Basic Competencies

II.1 Pronounce the color words correctly

III. Indicator

1. Describe various colors

2. Be able to pronounce colors

IV. Learning objectives

1. Students can describe a variety of colors

2. Students can Mention various colors in English

V. Subject matter

(Colors) Vocabulary

VI. Instructional media

Pictures / Kartu bergambar

VII.Model, Strategies, Approaches, and Methods of Learning

1. Model : Kooperatif Tipe STAD

2. Methods : learning, asked and question, demonstration, and game.

3. Approach : Student Center

VIII. Learning Steps

Learning Stage Learning activities Time Allocation

Preliminary 1. Greeting the students 5 Minutes

activities 2. Asking the class leader or one of the others to lead the


3. Asking questions by asking students “How are you


4. Examine attendance by asking the question “who did not

enter today?”
Inti 5. Guru mengajak siswa bernyayi lagu “colors” 20 menit

6. Guru meminta siswa untuk menyebutkan nama-nama

warna yang diketahui siswa dengan suara lantang

7. Guru mengenalkan nama-nama warna kepada siswa

8. Guru menjelaskan nama-nama warna tersebut dalam

bahasa inggris

9. Guru melafalkan nama-nama warna dalam bahasa

inggris dengan benar

10. Siswa mengikuti pelafalan bahasa inggris dengan baik

dan benar dengan instruksi guru.

11. Guru membagi siswa dalam 3 kelompok

12. Guru menginstruksikan permainan yang akan disajikan

kepada siswa

13. Siswa diminta untuk mendengarkan penjelasan dari guru

14. Siswa diminta mengamati gambar yang ditampilkan oleh

guru di papan tulis atau bisa dikartu bergambar

15. Guru menutup kembali tampilan gambar tersebut

16. Guru mengajukan pertanyaan bagi kelompok siapa yang

bisa menjawan dari pertanyaan tersebut maka akan

mendapatkan point.
Closing 17. Asking student to convey conclusion about learning that 5 menit

activities has been learned

18. Provide an opportunity for student to convey responses

to learning that has been learned and provide suggestions

for the next lesson

19. Ask student to repeat the material they hasve received at


20. Provide motivations to students

21. Ask one of the students or the class leader to lead the


22. Finishing the lesson by saying salam……

IX. Learning Resource


X. Assessment

 Aspects assessed
The assessed components include students’ knowledge about the names of colors

 Affective aspects (attitude)

The assessed components include self-confidence, liveliness, students in makes a


Indicators of Assessment form of Instrument/question

achievement of techniques assessment


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