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- Fie nu se folosesc deloc la aspectul continuu

- Fie se folosesc si la simplu si la continuu dar cu schimbare de înţeles
Înţelesul de la simplu este folosit doar la simplu, iar cel de la continuu se poate folosi si la
simplu dacă o cere contextul -acţiune obişnuită.

1.Verbe de percepţie senzorială – feel, hear, see, smell, sound, taste, notice .
Feel (S) – a se simţi (la pipăit), a înţelege
(C) – a se simţi (în sens medical) a pipăi
SIMPLU – pentru acţiune involuntară
CONTINUU – pentru acţiune voluntară
This material feels like silk.
I feel he is right.
Grandma is feeling better todaz.
I’m feeling this material now.
Hear (S) – a auzi
(C) – a audia, a primi veşti
I hear footsteps.
The judge is hearing the witnesses now.
I’m not hearing from him these days.
See (S) – a vedea
(C) – a se întâlni, a consulta
+ smb. Off = a conduce
I see a boy playing tennis.
I’m seeing my dentist tomorrow.
The dentist is seeing the patient now.
He is seeing his girlfriend off to the station.

Taste (S) – a avea gust

C - a gusta
This meat tastes awful.
I’ m tasting the meat now.
Smell (S) – a avea miros
C - a mirosi
The rose smells lovely.
I’m smelling the rose now.

2. Verbele de percepție mentală: agree, believe, consider, distrust, doubt, find, foresee, forget,
guess, imagine, know, mean, mind, remember, recognise, recall, recollect, regard, suppose,
think, trust, understand.
Consider (S) – a considera
C - a lua în calcul, a cântări lucrurile
I consider her my best friend.
I’m considering buying a new mobile phone soon.

Mind (S) – a deranja (int / neg)

C - a avea grijă de
Do you mind opening the window ?
Our cousin is minding her little sister this week.

Think (S) – a crede

C - a se gândi ( + of / about )
I think he is right.
I’m thinking of my boyfriend now.
Eu întotdeauna mă gândesc la el când văd fotografia.
I always think of him when I see this photo.

3. Verbe care exprimă dorința: desire, intend, want, wish

4. Verbe atitudinale ( sentimente, emoții): abhor, adore, detest, dislike, displease, hate, like,
please, prefer
5. Verbele care exprimă posesia: belong to, have, hold, own, owe, possess, keep.
Have (S) – a avea ( in sens material)
C - cu mesele zilei, discipline scolare, alte lectii, fun, a great time, a whale of time,
a party
They have two sons.
They are having dinner now.

Hold (S) – a ține / rezista

C - a ține ( o ședință) , a se ține de mâini
This bag holds 10 kilos.
They are holding a meeting now.
They are holding their hands now.

6. Verbe care exprimă o stare, o condiție: appear, be, consist of, contain, differ, deserve,
equal, exist, look, resemble, seem, suit.
Appear (S) – a se părea
C - a apărea
He appears to be right.
He’s appearing on the stage now.

Be ( C) – pentru stare temporară ce enervează vorbitorul – cu adjective cu înțeles negativ –

clumsy, crazy, foolish, rude, stupid.
He is my friend but he is being rude today.
Look (S) – a arăta , a se părea
C - a privi;
+for – a cauta
+after – a avea grijă de
+up – a căuta ( cuvant, numar de telefon)

It looks like it’s going to rain.

He’s looking at his watch now.

7. Alte verbe: compare, expect, matter, result from, suffice, measure, weigh, depend.
Depend (S) – a depinde (abstract)
C - a depinde (concret)
Our plans depend on the weather.
We are depending on our parents at present.

Expect (S) – a se aștepta la

C - a aștepta
In a reading room we expect quiet voices.
We are expecting the librarian to come.
Measure (S) – a avea măsura de
C – a măsura
This band measures 5m.
I’m measuring the band now.
Weigh (S) – a cântări / a avea greutatea
C - a cântări
I weigh 50 kilos.
I’m weighing to see if I have lost any weight.

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