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A. Agricultural Production

1. Crop Production

Major crop by area of crop harvested in hectares includes coconut, tobacco, corn,
mangos and sineguelas averaging a total of 2,897.35 hectares or 66.76% of the total
municipal land area during the last five (5) years. Tobacco, corn and sineguelas are
grown under coconut trees. Among these major crops, the biggest area is devoted to
coconut with 70.26% (2,035.57 has.), area devoted to corn accounts for 14.30% (414.27
has.), tobacco at 10.81% (313.26 has.), and sineguelas at 2.65% (73.81 has.) while
mangoes accounts for 1.98% (57.45 has.)
Table ___
Areas of Crops Harvested (2015-2019)
Municipality of Gitagum


2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Coconut 1,618.25 1,814.39 2,016.07 2,240.10 2,489.00
Tobacco 108.05 188.05 371.39 382.93 515.88
Corn 185.75 498.40 463.10 503.46 420.63
Mango 60.05 58.25 57.45 56.65 54.86
Sineguelas 79.00 78.35 74.45 76.25 72.98
Total 2,051.12 2,637.44 2,985.46 3,259.39 3,553.35
Source: Municipal Agriculture

Total area planted to crops averages average 80% to the total agricultural cover
with the biggest area devoted to coconut. We see a decline in corn production area for
2017 (7.08%) and 2019 (16.45%), respectively. Mangos and sineguelas production
areas are also on a steady decline from 2015-2019 with an average decrease of 2.23%
and 1.95%, respectively. On the other hand, we see a steady increase of tobacco
production area between 2015 and 2019, with an average increase of 50%. The highest
increase in tobacco production area was in 2017 at 97.50%. Its steady increase can be
attributed the good farm gate price of tobacco.
Table ___
Major Agricultural Crops by Area, 2015-2019
Municipality of Gitagum

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Area % Area % Area % Area % Area %
Coconut 1,618.2 45 1,814.39 51 2,016.07 56 2,240.1 62 2,489.00 69
7 0
Tobacco 108.05 3 188.05 5 371.39 10 382.93 11 515.88 14
Corn 185.75 5 498.40 14 463.10 13 503.46 14 420.63 12
Mango 60.05 2 58.25 2 57.45 2 56.65 2 54.86 2
Sinequelas 79.00 2 78.35 2 74.45 2 76.25 2 72.98 2
Total 2,051.1 57 2,637.44 74 2,985.46 83 3,259.3 91 3,553.35 99
2 9

Total 3,585.4 3,585.48 3,585.48 3,585.4 3,585.48

Agricultura 8 8
l Area
Source: Municipal Agriculture

The volume of crops harvested during the last five (5) years (2015-2019) showed
that coconut, sinequelas and tobacco were ranked top three among major crops
harvested. In terms of value, tobacco ranked highest with ₱ 783,150,000.00 accounting
to about 85% to total value, followed by mangoes with ₱ 65,249,800.00 contributing
7%, corn ranked third with ₱ 33,847,735.00 or 4%, coconut with ₱ 25,922,958.16 or
3%, and sinequelas with ₱ 14,895,500.00 or 2% to complete the top 5 major crops
raised in the municipality.
Table __
Major Agriculture Crops by Volume and Value of Crops Harvested
Municipality of Gitagum
Crops 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Ave. Average Value
Volume Value Volum Value Volume Value Volume Value Volume Value
Coconut 869.51 15,216,510.7 966.13 24,723,207.33 1,073.48 33,664,422.96 1,192.76 37,456,624.75 1,325.22 18,554,025.00 1,085.42 25,922,958.16
Tobacco 81.04 270,125,000. 141.04 470,125,000.00 278.54 928,475,000.00 287.10 957,325,000.00 386.91 1,289,700,000.0 234.926 783,150,000.00
00 0
Corn 0.65 13,005,500.0 1.74 37,504,600.00 1.62 37,279,550.00 1.76 43,171,695.00 1.47 38,277,330.00 1.448 33,847,735.00
Mango 1,201.00 60,050,000.0 1,165 58,250,000.00 1,149.00 57,450,000.00 1,133.00 73,695,000.00 1,097.00 76,804,000.00 11.49 65,249,800.00
Sinequela 395.00 9,875,000.00 966.13 13,711,250.00 387.25 15,490,000.00 1,133.00 17,156,250.00 364.90 18,245,000.00 649.256 14,895,500.00
Total 368,272,010. 604,314,057.33 1,072,358,972.9 1,28,750,569.75 1,441,580,355.0 923,065,993.16
75 6 0
Source: Municipal Agriculture
Generally, crop production area from year 1 (2018) to year 2 (2019) increased by
3.25% particularly for tobacco and coconut. There were decrease in corn, sineguelas
and mango crop production area. It should be noted that tobacco, corn and sinequelas
are typically planted under coconuts. Furthermore, tobacco are traditionlly planted
during the first planting season (May-June) while corn are subsequently planted during
the second season (October). As to volume of production, corn, mango and sineguelas
registered decreases over year 1 due to shifting towards tobacco production. Tobacco
and coconut registered a significant increase in volume production which corresponds to
the increase in area planted. Available data does not specify further whether production
was on green nuts or mature nuts as copra.
Table __
Comparative Agriculture Crop Area and Production
Municipality of Gitagum


CROP 2018 2019 Increase / 2018 2019 Increase /
(Decrease) (Decrease)
Coconut 2,489.00 2,737.90 10.00 3,534.10 3,887.51 10
Tobacco 382.93 515.80 34.70 287.20 386.92 34.72
Corn 503.46 240.63 (52.20) 1.76 1.47 (16.48)
Mango 56.65 5486 (3.16) 1,133.00 1,097.20 (4.28)
Sineguelas 76.25 73 (4.29) 343.13 328.44 (4.28)

Total 3,588.29 3,622.17 3.25 5,299.19 5,701.54 7.593

Source: Municipal Agriculture

Majority of the agricultural support facilities and services are located in coastal
barangays. As of 2019, the multi-purpose drying pavements for crops have the most
number at 16 units and all operational followed by one corn mill in Barangay Burnay at
1 unit.
Table ___
Agricultural Support Facilities and Services, CY 2019
Gitagum, Misamis Oriental
Post-Harvest Location Total Utilization Type/ Remarks
Facilities and Capacity
Corn Mill Burnay 1 Operational
Multi-Purpose Burnay 1 Operational
Drying Pavement Cogon 2 Operational
CP Garcia 2 Operational
Kilangit 1 Operational
Matangad 2 Operational
Pangayawan 1 Operational
Poblacion 3 Operational
Quezon 2 Operational
Ulab 2 Operational
Sub-total 16
Mechanical Dryer N/A N/A
Private Thresher N/A N/A
Blowers N/A N/A
Hand Tractor N/A N/A
Source: Municipal Agriculture

Gitagum have no suitable area for low land rice production. Subsequently, there is
no irrigation facilities.

As of 2019, the prevalent agricultural occupations group is that of the farmers’

association accounting to twelve (12) registered association with six hundred eighty one
(681) members, including crop and livestock farming. The fishermen association comes
next at four (4) registered association with ninety seven (97) members and the farmer’s
cooperatives at two (2).

Table ___
Major and Minor Agriculture Occupation Group 2019
Municipality of Gitagum

Agriculture Based Organization Number of Persons Remarks

1. Cooperative 2 88
a. Agrarian Reform Beneficiary 70 Federated
Association Multi-Purpose Municipal
Cooperative Wide; Active
b. C.P. Garcia Multi-Purpose 18 Barangay
Cooperative Level; Active
2. Farmers Association 12 681
a. Small Coconut Farmers 40 Federated
Association Municipal
Wide; Active
b. Poblacion Farmers Association 40 Barangay
Level; Active
c. Cogon Farmers Association 57 Barangay
Level; Active
d. Tala-o Farmers Association 116 Barangay
Level; Active
e. Burnay Farmers Association 58 Barangay
level; Active
f. Pangayawan Farmers 29 Barangay
Association Level; Active
g. CP Garcia Farmers Association 39 Barangay
Level; Active
h. Ulab Farmers Association 124 Barangay
Level; Active
i. G Pelaez Farmers Association 45 Barangay
Level; Active
j. Kilangit Farmers Association 57 Barangay
Level; Active
k. Quezon Farmers Association 47 Barangay
Level; Active
l. Poblacion Farmers Association 29 Barangay
Level; Active
3. Fishermen Association 4 97
a. Burnay Fishermen 17 Barangay
Association Level; Active
b. Matangad Fishermen 34 Barangay
Association Level; Active
c. Quezon Fishermen 20 Barangay
Association Level; Active
d. MFARCs 26 Federated
Level; Active
Total 931
Source: Municipal Agriculture

Sources of agricultural inputs are mainly sourced from the city of Cagayan de Oro
City, which are needed by the farmers and livestock growers. However, some farmers
purchase their farm inputs especially fertilizers from the neighboring municipality.

Table ___
Agrarian Related Concerns
Municipality of Gitagum


A. CARPable Lands
1. Covered
2. To be covered
B. Agrarian Reform
Communities (ARCs)
Source: Agrarian Reform Office


Livestock production is limited to backyard and small scale raising with goat
raising predominating 42.94% of total livestock population during the last five years
(2015-2019), hog and cattle raising contributes about 29.34% and 27.42% respectively,
during the same period. Carabao have the lowest percentage of 0.03%.

Poultry production is predominated by broiler chicken production at 92.88% with

an average inventory of 286,900 heads during the last five years (2015-2019). Duck
production ranked second at 4.39% with an average inventory of 13,555 heads. Free
range chicken production have the lowest percentage of 2.73% with its average
inventory of 8,435.40 heads.

Table __
Existing Livestock and Poultry Farms, (2015-2019)

Livestock and Poultry Inventory

(Number of Heads)
Type Specie 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Average Percentage
Livestoc Caraba 3 5 8 10 11 7.60 0.03
k o
Cattle 533 545 634 653 1,189 710.80 27.42
Goat 928 681 758 954 2,245 1,113.20 42.94
Hog 103 279 923 1,042 1,456 760.60 29.34
Total 1,567 1,510 2,323 2,659 4,902 2,592.20 100%
Broiler 69,600 - - 59,500 731,600 286,900.00 92.88%
Free 6,497 7,147 8,647 9,512 10,374 8,435.40 2.73 %
Duck - - 126 21,600 18,939 13,555.00 4.39 %
Total 6,497 7,147 8,773 31,112 29,313 21,990.40 100%
Source: Agrarian Reform Office

3. Fishery and Aquaculture

The municipality have 5 coastal barangays extending a distance of 6.9 kilometers

from east to west. Gitagum municipal water comprises 5,230 hectares. Significant part
of the municipality’s coastal population are marginal fishermen. Various kinds of fish
are commonly found in Gitagum waters such as tamban, molmol, anduhaw, cigarillos,
minanga, butsawan, kutob, tabas, danggit and burot.
Table ___
Existing Fishing Grounds and Aquaculture Production, CY 2019
Municipality of Gitagum

Fishing Barangays Production Product Market

Grounds Volume (in Value (PhP) Local Export
Marine Burnay 448.65 67,173.50 
Matangad 1,601.35 207,532.00 
Pangayawan 636.65 78,692.00 
Poblacion 839.80 94,570.00 
Quezon 150,50 25,209.30 
Sub-Total 3,676.95 473,176.80
Inland - - - - -
Total 3,676.95 473,176.80

4. Forestry

Gitagum have a total land area of 4,340 hectares of which 1,295.4683 are
forestland, 3,044.5786 are alienable and disposable. Gitagum has 653.06 hectares of
forestland. Most of this lands are situated in the eastern portion of the municipality
specifically in barangay G. Pelaez. Of the total forestlands, approximately 57.82% were
utilized as agricultural production and remaining portion was retained idle.

Base on slopes, approximately 40% of the municipal area situated on the southern
part are within the forestall areas. Unfortunately, these areas are already denuded and
are already open grasslands and coconut lands. This areas include which are supposed to
be part of the protected forest. As such based on existing land use only 255 hectares are
actual forestall areas in the municipality. This are the lowland timberlands in the coastal
barangays which are vegetated with mangroves which remains protected up to the
present but are threatened by depletion because of the location of build-up land uses
within the easement of coastal zone. The Department of Environment and Natural
Resource Region X – CENRO in 2020, has identified 19.29 hectares of
mangrove/swamp land at Barangays Burnay, Matangad, Quezon, at Pangayawan.

The municipality has allocated 1,072.35 hectares for Sustainable Agriculture and
Fisheries Development Zone (SAFDZ). The table below of SAFDZ is presented to
show the scenario of the economic industry in the municipality via agriculture. There
have been technique and strategies introduced to fight poverty incidence in every
barangay of the municipality. The largest are area is for dedicated to tobacco
production, where majority of the crops are planted in Barangay Cogon. This is
followed by corn with a total area of 420.63 hectares the largest of which is at Barangay
Tala-o. Mango and sineguelas have a total area of 127.84 hectares where majority is at
Barangay Matangad.
Table ___
Strategic Agriculture and Fisheries Development Zones (SAFDZ)
Municipality of Gitagum

SAFDZ AREA Barangay Area Type of SAFDZ

Corn Burnay 12.10 Strategic Crop Sub-
Cogon 31.65 Development Zone
CP Garcia 34.75
G Pelaez 34.90
Kilangit 20.01
Matangad 19.81
Pangayawan 2.01
Poblacion 79.29
Quezon 58.76
Tala-o 80.21
Ulab 47.10
Total 420.63
Tobacco Burnay 27.35
C.P. Garcia 44.80
Cogon 34.70
G. Pelaez 22.84
Kilangit 21.37
Matangad 8.60 Strategic Crop Sub-
Pangayawan 12.85 Development Zone
Poblacion 137.90
Quezon 26.48
Tala-o 94.85
Ulab 84.14
Total 515.88
Mango and Poblacion 9.75
Sinequelas Cogon 14.45
Tala-o 3.50
Burnay 12.07
Pangayawan 20.07
C.P. Garcia 3.84 Strategic Crop Sub-
Ulab 10.00 Development Zone
G. Pelaez 9.00
Kilangit 1.41
Matangad 26.75
Quezon 17.00
Total 127.84
Poblacion 2.2
Burnay 1.6
Fishery Pangayawan 1.3 Strategic Fishery Sub-
Development Zone Matangad 2.1 Development Zone
Quezon 0.8
Total 8
TOTAL 1,072.35

There are 3,664 farmers in Gitagum against 346 fisher folk. Fifty seven percent
(57%) of farmers are male while forty three (43%) are female. Among the fisher folks
seventy five (75%) are male and twenty five percent are female. 67% of the farmers are
in the rural barangays while the remaining 33% are in the urban barangays.
Table __
Major and Minor Agricultural Occupation 2019
Municipality of Gitagum
Major and Minor Urban Rural Total
Occupation Group Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
Crop Farmers 97 113 210 207 365 572 304 478 782
Orchard farmers 46 42 88 74 46 120 120 88 208
Ornamental and 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1
other plant growers
Livestock 292 1680 452 573 368 941 865 528 1,393
Dairy Farmers 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Poultry Farmers 294 153 447 492 325 817 786 478 1,264
Farm Workers 0 1 1 4 11 15 4 12 16

Aqua-farm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Inland and Coastal 258 88 346 0 0 0 258 88 346
Deep Sea Fisher 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total Farmers 730 469 1,199 1,350 1,115 2,465 2,080 1,584 3,664
Total Fisher folks 258 88 346 0 0 0 258 88 346
Total 988 557 1,545 1,350 1,115 2,465 2,338 1,672 4,010


Within ten (10) years of planning period the Office of Municipal Agriculture is in
need of regular one (1) technician for crops, one (1) technician for RBO’s and
Cooperative Coordinator and Municipal Agriculturist (MA).

As to facilities for next ten (10) years of planning the municipality is in need of
rehabilitating farm to market roads for 11 barangays, demonstration farm, municipal
fish landing, common docking area, organic fertilizer production (vermin composting
and bio-degradable composting).

Disaster Risk Assessment

Farming community including livestock producers are highly susceptible to the

effects of dry spell, especially for the tobacco and corn production. Hydro-
meteorological events such as typhoons is a medium risk to the farmers of

Development Needs

1. Identify production barangays for the following:

a. Intensify crop production and productivity of the 11 barangays.

b. Constantly develop sustenance fishing to augment fishery productivity at potential
c. Regulate/allow limited production (backyard scale) of livestock production
especially in the upland barangays.
d. Tree growing using premium and resilient indigenous tree species for
reforestation of identified areas.
e. Constantly enforce tree growing for reforestation at the barangays to sustain the
National Greening Program.

2. Identify Green belts and rehabilitate existing planted trees

3. Establishment of future seedbank and nursery for the Municipal Tree Park
4. Riverbanks of Gitagum
a. Strict implementation of National Greening Program
b. Adoption of watershed characteristics and management plan
c. Reforestation of watershed areas
d. Tree growing at the barangay level
e. Intensify rehabilitation and establishment of riverbank vegetative measures

5. Identify mangrove areas along the coastal barangays

a. Rehabilitation and preservation of mangroves areas
b. Strict implementation of Wild life Conservation Program pursuant to RA 9147
c. Inventory and enhancement of flora and fauna
d. Identification, protection and conservation of critical habitats
e. Formulation, adaption and implementation of the Municipal Integrated Coastal
Management (ICM) Plan
f. Implementation of water easements (3 m in urban, 20 m agricultural area pursuant
to the water code of the Philippines (RA 1067)
g. Identification, declaration and management of marine protected areas
h. Enactment of Municipal Fishery Code
i. Enactment of the Coastal Zoning Ordinance and integration to the CLUP

Table 4.27
Technical Findings
Agriculture Sub-Sector

Problem Cause (Explanation) Implications Policy Options

Low farm production  Limited capital  Insufficient  Harmonization of
 Lack of post- production policy among
harvest facilities  Low income concerned
 Outdated farming among farmers government
technology  Limited food agencies
 Limited farm supply  Establishment of
inputs due to high  High production food terminals
cost cost  Upgrading of
 Inadequate farm  Environmental FMRs
to market roads degradation  Promote organic
 Provisions of
resilient post-
harvest facilities
 To provide
technical and
assistance to
farmers and
 Implementation
of SALT/
Contour farming
 establishment of
the municipal
 Establishment of
the Municipal
Low fish production  Illegal fishing  Low fish catch  Establishment
practices  Reduced marine and rehabilitation
 Catching of and other coastal of fish
immature species resources sanctuaries
 Lack of productivity  Strengthen
alternative  Environmental measures for
livelihood risk and damage Bantay Dagat and
 Limited fishing to the ecosystem PNP in enforcing
gears for non-  Low income for coastal and
commercial fisherfolks environmental
fisherfolks  Possible depletion laws
 Encroachment of of marine  Enactment and
commercial resources strict
fishermen within implementation
the municipal of the Municipal
waters Fishery Code
 Presence of  Formulation and
settlement within implementation
the coastal zones of the Integrated
Coastal Resource


Table __
Agriculture Related Projects
Municipality of Gitagum


1. BUB Swine Dispersal DA/LGU
2. BUB Goat Dispersal DA/LGU
3. BUB Cattle Dispersal DA/LGU
4. BUB Motorized Pump Boat DA / LGU
5. Fiber Glass Boat Distribution BFAR / LGU
6. Corn Seeds Distribution Province / LGU
7. Vegetable Seeds Distribution Province / LGU
8. Anti-rabies vaccination Province / LGU
9. Animal Treatment Province / LGU
10. Livestock deworming Province / LGU
11. G.I. sheet Distribution NTA / LGU
12. Fertilizer distribution NTA / LGU
13. Food and Agriculture Organization Program FAO / BFAR / LGU
14. Strengthening of Rural Based Organization LGU
 Farmers Association
 Fishermen Association
 Municipal Fisheries and Aquatic Resources
Management Council
15. Creation of Deputized Fishery Warden (DFW) LGU /BFAR
16. Technical Assistance LGU
17. Upgrading of farm to Market Road LGU
18. Upgrading of farm to Market Road (AM) LGU / DILG

Development Direction

To achieve self-sufficiency in food production through sustainable agriculture and

national coastal and fishery management, the following policies shall be undertaken:
1. Improvement and upgrading of farm to market roads
2. Strengthening of linkages between government agencies, non-government
Organization and people organizations
3. Intensification / diversification of crops and livestock production program
4. Provision of appropriate post-harvest facilities
5. Provision of technical and financial assistance to farmers and fishermen

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