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“Detailed Lesson Plan in Grade 1”

I. Objectives
At the end of 45 minutes, with 80% proficiency level the students are able:
A. Discuss what is one sound and two sounds rhythmic patterns
B. Formed and Performed a Yell song with word patterns that consist of one sound and two sound
rhythmic pattern combinations by clapping and tapping.
C. Show appreciation of rhythmic sounds to the body movements into the surroundings
Value Focus: Cooperation

II. Subject Matter.

Topic: One and two sound rhythmic patterns
Reference: MAPEH works! K-12 curriculum guide book (
Materials: Manila Paper, Marker, Chalk, Real objects
Strategy: Discussion and Cooperative learning strategy
III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activities Pupil’s Activities

A. Preliminary Activities

a. Prayer

Requesting Fiona to lead the


The pupils will pray

b. Greetings

Good morning class.

Good morning teacher
Good morning classmates
It’s nice to see you again!

c. Opening Song

Let us sing old Mc. Donald had a

(The pupils will do so)

d. Checking of Attendance

Are all present today? Yes, teacher

e. Setting of Classroom Standards

What are the rules to be followed

when class is going on?
The rules to be followed when the class is going on are:

-keep quiet
-listen attentively
-raise your right hand if you want to answer

What else? Participate teacher

Can I expect all of this from you?

Yes teacher

f. Checking of assignments

Please bring out your assignments

and pass it into the center aisle
without making a noise.
In count of 10 all papers must be
here in front .

Yes teacher
Are all assignments here?

B. Preparatory Activities
a. Drill
( A video presentation will be played
for the student's about on sound and silence )
Then the teacher will instruct to take
down notes their observations while they are
watching on the video presentation because
afterwards a follow up questions will be ask.
This follow up questions will be a big help for
students to recall and master their previous

What did you noticed and observed

on the video class?
We observe on the video presentation teacher
are the different kinds of sound and silence that we can

Are the places mentioned on the

video has a connection to what you
hear ?
Yes teacher.

b. Review

Now , let see if you still remember

our last topic yesterday.

What is sound?

Sound is what we hear every day.

Where we can hear sounds?

We can hear sounds every where teacher .

We may hear it coming from home, parks, roads, and

What is silence?

Silence is the absence of a sound

What is the significant relationship

of sound and silence?

If there is no sound, there is no silence.

c. Motivation

(Showing real objects)

What is these class?

That is a guava teacher

When I say gua…va…, how many
pattern of sounds do you hear?
There are two pattern of rhythmic sounds teacher.
How about this ?What is this class?

That is an apple teacher

When I say a…..pple…? how many

rhythmic pattern of sounds do you

Like from the word guava, apple also has a two rhythmic
pattern of sounds teacher.

How about this class? What is this?

When I say ball…, how many rhythmic That is a ball teacher.

pattern of sound do you hear?

There is only one rhythmic pattern of sound teacher.

The last but not the least, what object

is this?

When I say the word book…, how That is a book teacher.

many rhythmic pattern of sound do you

d). Introduction of the new lesson Like from the word ball teacher, book has only one
rhythmic pattern of sound.
Based on the activity class, W hat
do you think is our lesson for today?

Our lesson for today teacher are all about one sound and
This morning we will learn about it, but before two sounds rhythmic pattern.
we proceed to our discussion, here is our
lesson objectives.

Kindly please read!

I. Objectives
At the end of 45 minutes, with
80% proficiency level the students are
A. Discuss what is one sound and
two sounds rhythmic patterns
B. Formed and Performed a Yell
song with word patterns that
consist of one sound and two
sound rhythmic pattern
combinations by clapping and
C. Show appreciation of rhythmic
sounds to the body movements
into the surroundings

(The pupils will read)

C. Developmental Proper
a). Activity proper

To know and learn more about

what is one and two sound pattern
rhythmic pattern, we will have a group
activity that is connected to our topic
and this activity entitled ”
Braincussion”. Where all you need is to
have a brainstorming and discussion
within your groups enable to answer
the question that is being asked.


 Form a circle within your group without

bragging your chair.

 Each group must have a braincussion

 Select a leader and reporter who will
present your output later on
 Write your answer in Manila
 Everyone must cooperate
 When you finish your task clap 3x and
shout We’re done teacher.
 Leaders, please get your materials
 You only have 5 minutes to finish the

Task Activity

 Define what is One sound

rhythmic pattern and Two sound
Rhythmic pattern
 Give at least 5 one sound rhythmic
patterns and 5 two sound rhythmic
pattern examples

But before we proceed to our today’s activity,

here are the rubrics that you need to follow.

G1 G2





= 10 Points

=8 Points

= 5 Points Group 1

Your time starts now! (One sound Rhythmic Pattern)

- A pattern that have one beat.

 Love
 hat
b). Annalysis  cup
 birds
Group reporters please discuss  coin
your output here in front.
(Two sounds Rhythmic Patterns)
- A pattern that has two(2) sound when you
pronounce the word.

 Ruler
 Paper
 Cellphone
 Notebook
 Crayon
Group 2
(One sound Rhythmic Pattern)
-A sound that have one beat.

 Pen
 can
 van
 glue
 hen

(Two sounds Rhythmic Patterns)

- It has a 2 sound or beats into
pattern of words.

 cellphone
 Pencil
 carrot
 ice cream
 doughnut

It is pattern of word that has only one rhythmic beat

pattern when you pronounce.

(The teacher will correct misconceptions and Two sound rhythmic pattern has a two sound rhythmic
add additional inputs) beat pattern when you pronounce a specific word.
On your own idea, what is one sound
rhythmic pattern?

How about the two sound rhythmic

Always remember, in dealing with

rhythmic sound patterns it tells how many
sounds should it be pronounced.

c. Abstraction
Rhythmic sound patterns is the
responsible in the counting of beats in a
pattern of words
Basically It have 2 Types:

1.) One sound rhythmic Pattern

 It is consist with a single count or
syllable in the sound of the word.
 It is represented by a straight line I.

Examples of one sound patterns words are:

 Book Pen
Bag Food

2. Two sound ryhtmic pattern

 It consist of 2 counts of beat sounds
 A pattern that is faster and shorter than
one sound rhythmic pattern
 It is srepresented by the symbol I I

Example of two sound rhythmic word patterns

 Ice cream Towel

 Plastic Color

Essentially the one sound and two sound

rhythmic patterns are combined significantly
used on some songs we sing everyday.

Example :
 "Are you sleeping brother John"

(The teacher will paste the lyrics of a song

entitled "Are you sleeping brother John" on the
board to emphasize and explain how it
became a one sound and two sound rhythmic

d). Application

Now, with the same group , We will have

again another group activity that is entitled
“ Clap me or Stamp Me?” . I want you to
Formed and Performed Yell with words
pattern that consist of one sound and two
sound rhythmic pattern combinations , clap
your hands twice if there is 2 rhythmic sounds
and tapping your lap once if there is only one
rhythmic pattern .

apple apple grapes apple

2 claps 2 claps 1 stamp 2 claps

Here are the rubrics for this activity.


G1 G2

Presentation 10 Points


=8 Points

Group 1
5 Points

I will give you only 5 minutes preparation

to practice your activity presentation.

Group 2
e). Generalization
What is one sound rhythmic pattern? One sound rhythmic pattern are names or words with
one beat only.

What are some examples of two sounds

rhythmic patterns? -books

What is two sound rhythmic pattern?

A two sound rhythmic patterns has two beat of patterns of
names or in words.

What are some examples of one sound

rhythmic pattern?

C). Valuing

What did your group do in order to do

the task easily? We cooperate and help each other teacher.

Why cooperation is very important in

doing your task easily? Cooperation is very important in doing activities
because through this, we can easily do and finish our task

How do you appreciate the simple

sound rhythmic sounds into your life?
We can appreciate the simple rhythmic patterns into
our surroundings by guiding us to move into the beat of our

How does rhythmic sounds have a

connection to our body movements?
Because it helps us to become aware of what sounds
do, we hear every day.
Give me some example of rhythmic
sounds that has a connection into our body
Some examples teacher, are walking, running, and

IV. Evaluation
Put check on the space provided √ if it is two sounds rhythmic patterns and x if is only one sound
rhythmic pattern.

_____1). Building
_____2). Sun
_____3). Moon
_____4). Butter
_____5). Ballpen
_____6). Sunglass
_____7). Dog
_____8). Arrow
_____9). Paper
_____10). Bag

V. Assignment

Advance study and read your book about on steady sounds on page 15-18 in preparation to our next

Prepared by:
John Bert M. Jobiane

Submitted to: Ms. Girlie Batapa

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