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Republic of the

Philippines Department
of Education Region I

Self-Learning Module in

Quarter I: Week 4
MELC: Evaluate and make judgements about a range of texts using a
set of criteria e.g. comparing arguments on the same topic, critiquing a
short story
Self-Learning Module in English 10

Quarter 1 - Week 4: Evaluating a Range of Texts

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Published by the Department of Education – Division of Pangasinan I

Development Team of the Module

Author/Layout ROY ALLEN C. PEREZ

Editor: SSHT VI

Reviewers: Principal IV


Public Schools District Supervisor
Management Team


Chairperson: OIC-Schools Division Superintendent

Co-Chairpersons: Assistant Schools Division Superintendent

VI Assistant Schools Division
Superintendent CARMINA C.
CID Chief





Quarter I | Week 4

Evaluating a Range of Texts

Message to the Learner

Hello, learner! You are to undertake another learning
journey in English 10 through this module. Just like what
you did in your previous modules, it is expected that you
are going to put a hundred percent of your effort in
doing the activities and tasks designed for you to
develop your language skills. Good luck! May you have a
fun and fruitful learning session.

Most Essential Learning Competency (MELC)

Evaluate and make judgements about a range of texts
using a set of criteria e.g. comparing arguments on the
same topic, critiquing a short story

Enabling Competencies
 Explain how the elements specific to a selection
build its theme
 Make generalizations

As a starter, let us appraise your prior knowledge about
some things that you are going to encounter in this
module. Supply the missing letters to identify the word
being referred in each item.

1. It is a series of sentences revolving
→P _ _ A _ _ _ P _
in one main idea.

2. It refers to the logical arrangement

of thoughts in a write up.
→_ R _ A _ _ Z _ _ I _ N

3. It is an aspect of organization that

refers to the physical appearance of the →_ _ R _ A _

4. This refers to the connection of ideas in a

→_ O _ E _ _N _E

5. The oneness of thoughts in a text is

called .
→_ _ I _ _
6. It is refers to the choice of words and →L _ _ _ U A _ E U__
tone used in writing a text.

7. It refers to the rules and conventions

→M _ C _ A _ I _ _
used in writing.

8. The first part of a composition is →I _ T _ _ _ _ C _ I _N


9. The main idea of a write up is in a →T _ P _ _ S ______ E

sentence called .

10. The last part of an article where →C _ _ _ L _ _ I _ _

main point is commonly summarized is

Great! It is a nice start! Now, all you have to is to study more about these
things in this learning module! Make sure to have fun while learning.

You have learned from the previous module that the
information that you get from various sources can be
used in your daily life. But these sources of information
need to be scrutinized first to filter out irrelevant and
improper ones. Try to do the following task where you
are going to tell whether the materials described are
good or bad. Check the column appropriately.

1. A news article with so many grammar glitches

2. A blog that complete with introduction, body

and conclusion
3. An encoded essay with font size 5 and
with no spacing
4. An article with mixed up ideas and topics

5. An editorial of criticism with curses and foul

6. A reaction paper copied in verbatim

7. An argumentative essay with well-written

8. A book review with so many highfalutin words.

9. A directory with so misspelled names

10. FB post with anonymous and suspicious source

Motive Questions:

1. How do you evaluate texts? What are your considerations? Explain.

2. Why is there a need to evaluate texts using some criteria?

Evaluating a text is quite difficult if you do not have a
set of
criteria to serve as bases of assessment. That is why
you have to consider several aspects to evaluate text
properly. Read and understand each discussion and be
ready to evaluate a text on the succeeding part of this


Use the following steps to evaluate
1. Read/View the text/material one timewithout interruption.

2.Summarize the text/material to get the main idea.

3. List the good qualities/facets of the text

4. List the not-so-good qualities/facets of the text

5. Compare and contrast the text/material to other existing texts/material

with similar characteristics, if needed or applicable. Ask: How is it similar
to, or differentfrom other texts/materials?
6. Discuss your overall interpretation/feelings about the text/material.

7. Comment on how the text is superior/inferior/better/worse compared to

other texts/materials in the same genre (or which are similar).


A paragraph is a series of sentences that are organized, coherent and are
all related to a single topic. For a paragraph, or for any composition to be
effective, it must always have the different properties of a well–written text.
These properties are organization, coherence and cohesion, unity, language use
and mechanics.
1. Organization
Text organization is the way a text is presented that helps in guiding the
reader logically through it. This property makes a text readable and its message
clear. Organization can be achieved through the following techniques: physical
format, signal words and structure.
The format is an aspect of the organization that is immediately apparent
to the reader. It is seen how the text physically appears like headings
and subheadings, bullet points or font emphasis.
Signal words are textual cues that readers can use to follow a text. They
can signal the transition from one point to another, the ordering of events and
concepts, or the writer’s chosen text type.
The structure provides the framework upon which the text is organized. It
consists of the beginning, body and conclusion of the text.
2. Coherence and Cohesion.
Coherence makes your text easier for the readers to follow and
understand. Cohesion is the connection of the ideas to the central concept of a
text. Coherence is the relationship of ideas between sentences.
A well-written paragraph has continuity. The transition of one word to
another, and a sentence to another must make sense for the reader to follow
your thoughts. The ideas must stick together.
A sequential flow of ideas is needed to keep the reader’s interest. Ideas
mistakenly linked together will lead to confusion. Coherence may be achieved
through two methods: following a definite order of ideas or through the use of
structural devices.
3. Unity
An effective paragraph shows the unity of the sentences used in
developing the main idea. A paragraph is made up of the topic sentence which
contains the main idea, the supporting details and the conclusion or the
clinching sentence at the end.
4. Language Use
It is important to make good choices when it comes to language use
because how you use language affects the tone of the text and the readers’
interpretation of it. Target audience must be taken into consideration before
writing a text
5. Mechanics
Mechanics are conventions that have to be considered in writing. Some
of these conventions are spelling, punctuation and capitalization. It is important
to know and observe these conventions in writing to avoid confusion.


To evaluate literary texts, you have to go deeper at analyzing its genre,
structure, and the elements present. You have to determine first the genre to
tell to which category does it fall. With this, you can readily determine the
structure that it must follow (poems are always in stanzas, stories in
paragraphs.) Knowing these would make you easily analyze other elements
such as themes, lesson, tone or mood, and others.
Some questions you have to ask are:
A. Is the text correctly structured according to its
genre? B. What is the theme of the text? What is its
C. Is the author’s tone and style appropriate to the message, genre, and
target audience?
D. Is the author’s purpose achieved?
E. What is your overall impression about the text?
Let’s see if you have learned something from the
lesson. Identify whether the following statements are
TRUE or FALSE. Write your answers on the space

1. In evaluating texts, there is no need to get its main idea.

2. You focus only on the negative aspects of the text.
3. You have to compare and contrast the material with other
texts similar to it.
4. A text is organized if the ideas are presented in a logical
5. Organization of text only refers to use signal words and
structure and not to the physical aspect of the text.
6. Signal words provide transition from one point to another.
7. The sequential flow of ideas in a text cause confusion on the
part of the readers.
8. A paragraph is made up of the topic sentence which contains
the main idea, and supporting details
9. A well-written essay should contain introduction, body and
10. Target audience should be considered in choosing the type
of language to be used in writing a text.
11. Spelling, punctuation and capitalization are not important in
evaluating a text.
12. You can use the elements of a story in analyzing literary texts.
13. A text’s genre determines its structure.
14. The author’s style and tone are also considerations in
evaluating texts.
————15. Knowing the text’s genre will make it easy to analyze other
elements such as themes, lesson, tone or mood, and others.

Awesome! It seems that you remember so much from
the discussion. This time, let’s try to evaluate the following
texts. Read it carefully and respond to the prompts that
A Year Full of
by Thea Isabell P.

Dengue was always just an intermittent part of our tropical country, a casual “rainy season
disease,” deemed ordinary by the common people. Until, it was declared a national epidemic this August 6
by the Department of Health.
With the sudden rise of the cases, questions are asked and suspicions are raised on whether who’s
fault. Is it a natural phenomenon? Is it the government? Dengvaxia? Or is it just us?
According to Health Secretary Francisco Duque, "It's a phenomenon. No science is able to explain
it.” Duque said peak in dengue cases has been observed every 3 to 4 years. Though it is said to be a
phenomenon, there are still obvious factors that caused the sudden outbreak.
Even so, there are ways to help prevent a wider spread of Dengue. In this case, the maxim,
“An ounce of cure is worth a pound of cure,” is without a doubt unquestionable, considering Dengue has no
actual cure. Traditional ways of preventing the disease involve early detection. Once symptoms are
observed, it is a must to admit for a check up to our local hospitals.
Keeping ourselves hydrated and mosquito-free should be our priority, especially during the rainy
season. Insect repellents are effective yet costly. But local herbal concoctions can pose as
alternatives. Surroundings should be kept free of spots where stagnant water can accumulate. More than
ever, the 4S campaign is an important weapon to use: 1) Search for and destroy mosquito-breeding places;
2) Use self protection measures; 3) Seek early consultation for fever lasting more than two days; and 4) Say
“No” to indiscriminate fogging, with a 5th S to be announced in the early future.
We need to address the connections between access to flowing water and the proliferation of
mosquitoes, dengue prevalence, stagnant economies and access to health care. Recognizing the link
between environment and health should make us realize how thinking about who’s at fault is a waste of
time, that somehow, we are all at fault and that we are all in this together.


 The text is clear and readable. Font style and size are reasonable.
 Signal words are present to guide the readers .
 The text has introduction, body and conclusion.


 The ideas are connected to the topic.

 Transition words are used.
 The flow of ideas is smooth.

 The text has topic sentence, main idea and supporting details
 There are no irrelevant information written in text.
 All sentences help convey the main point of the text.

Language Use

 The words used are easy to understand.

 The writer’s style and tone is appropriate to the material
 Words are suited to the readers’ level.


 There are no grammar errors

 There are no issues in spelling and punctuations.
 There are no sentence fragments.


 The message of the text is clear.

 The author’s purpose is manifested.
 The ideas are free from error.

This time, it is time for your practice further your
learnings from this lesson. Do as you are told in the
following instructions.

A. Evaluating a Poem
1. Look for a poem from any high school English book, references, or any
website accessible to you.
2. Note the title and author of the poem and the date of reading the poem.
3. Evaluate the said literary piece by answering the questions.
4. Use the following template to accomplish the tasks.
Literary Evaluation Template
Title of the Literary Piece: Genre:

Date Read:

1. What impression came to you by reading the title of the poem?

2. As you read the poem, were these impressions validated by the content of the
poem? How?

3. Describe the speaker in the poem. What made you say so?

4. What is the mood of the speaker? Defend you answer.

5. What picture was formed on your mind upon reading the poem?

6. What can you say about the structure of the poem? (Lines, Stanzas, Rhymes

7. Were there symbols and imageries used in the poem?

8. What lesson did you learn from the poem?

B. Evaluating a Short Story
Read the story, “Orpheus” and accomplish the succeeding tasks.

by Alice Low

There were nine goddesses called Muses. Born out of Zeus and a Titan named
Mne- mosyne, each muse presided over a different art or science. Calliope, one of
these sisters, was the inspiration of poets and musicians. She was the mother of
Orpheus (a mortal be- cause his father was one) and gave to her son a remarkable
talent for music.
Orpheus played his lyre so sweetly that he charmed all things on earth. Men
and women forgot their cares when gathered around him to listen. Wild beasts lay
down as they gathered around him as if they were tame, entranced by his soothing
notes. Even rocks and trees followed him, and the rivers changed their direction to
hear him play.
Orpheus loved a young woman named Eurydice, and when they were married,
they looked forward to many years of happiness together. But soon after, Eurydice
stepped on a poisonous snake and died.
Orpheus roamed the earth, singing sad melodies to try to overcome his grief.
But it was no use. He longed for Eurydice so deeply that he decided to follow her to the
under- world. He said to himself, “No mortal has ever been there before, but I must try
to bring back my beloved Eurydice. I will charm Persephone and Hades with my music
and win Eu- rydice’s release.”

He climbed into a cave and through a dark passage that led to the underworld.
When he reached the river Styx, he plucked his lyre again, and Cerberus, the fierce
headed dog who guarded the gates, heard the sweet music and lay still to let him pass.
Orpheus continued to play his lyre tenderly as he made his way through the
gloomy underworld. The ghosts cried when they heard his sad music. Sisyphus, who
had been condemned to roll uphill forever, stopped his fruitless work to listen.
Tantalus, who had been sentenced to stand in a pool of receding water, stopped trying
to quench his thirst. And even the wheel to which Ixion was tied as punishment stopped
turning for one mo- ment.

At last Orpheus came to the palace of Hades and Persephone, King and
Queen of the underworld. Before they could order him to leave, he began his gentle
song, pleading for Eurydice.
When stern Hades heard Orpheus’ song, he began to weep. Cold Persephone
was so moved that, for the first time in all her months in the underworld, her heart
“Oh, please, my husband,” she said to Hades, “let Eurydice be reunited with Or-

And Hades replied, “I, too, feel the sadness of Orpheus. I cannot refuse him.”
They summoned Eurydice, and the two lovers clasped each other and turned to
“Wait!” said Hades to Orpheus. “Eurydice is yours to take back to earth on one con-

“What is that?” asked Orpheus

“She must follow you, and you must not look back at her until you are on earth
“I understand,” said Orpheus, “and I am forever grateful.”

Orpheus and Eurydice left the underworld and made their way through the dark
passage that led to the upper world. At last they reached the cave through which
Orpheus had descended.

“I can see daylight ahead” called Orpheus to Eurydice. “We are almost there.”

But Eurydice had not heard him, and so she did not answer.
Orpheus turned to make sure that she was still following him. He caught one
last glimpse of her arms stretched out to him. And then she disappeared, swallowed by
dark- ness.

“Farewell,” he heard her cry as she was carried back to the underworld.
Orpheus tried to follow her, but this time the gods would not allow it. And so he
wan- dered the earth alone. He sang his sad songs to the trees and longed for the time
when he, too, would die and be reunited with his beloved Eurydice in the underworld.

1. Fill out the following element map.

by Alice Low

Setting Theme

Conflict Lesson

Characters and Brief Descriptions

2. Answer the followingquestions.

1. Are the setting and the characters realistic? How do these contribute to the
effectiveness of conveying lesson from the story?

2. Was the theme of the story effectively portrayed by the course of events in story? Explain.

3. Was the author’s purpose of writing the story achieved? How did setting,
characterization, and plot help in conveying and achieving the author’s
purpose? Explain.

4. Over all, what can you say about the story? Is it a good instrument of

conveying lesson among readers? Why?

——-End of Module——-

Hooray! Count this as one of your achievements. By finishing this module, you
are continuously improving your skills in English. Good job!

• Celebrating Diversity through World Literature English 10 LM

• The Leader School Publication-Bayambang NHS
• Landlich, K. “Properties of a well written text”, Accessed at https://
ww w . s li d e s h a r e . n e t/ m o bi l e / K a tr i n a C l a i r e L a n d l i c h / p r o p e r ti e s - of-a-well-
• Languages for All “Critically Evaluating a Text”. Accessed https://
www.y /res/elan guages/index/Modulecd/cu4s4/cu 4s404 01.htm

• Teach for America. “How to Analyze a Poem in 6 Steps”, Accessed https://

• Canva for Education Free Graphic Design


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