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6. Violent video games.

For and Against

Games is our way to have some fun and chill out. And they influence on us in
different ways. Sometimes they help us to be better. However, happen that games
prevent us from developing or can even bring harm.
For example, violent video games. They have pros and cons. Some people find
them absolutely outrageous and think that they must be illegal. Because they have
a bad effect on our mental health and our behavior can become more aggressive
both in virtual reality and in the real world. I partly agree with their thoughts,
because it is really disturbing that violent video games can cause violent behavior,
lack of empathy or something like that. So, if someone is mentally unstable, play
video games more, than communicate in a real life, can’t separate our reality from
virtual or it is a child, then I totally don’t recommend to play violent games. But,
personally, I think video games help us to go out from reality for some time and
we can just relax, chill out, even relieve our stress. In addition, if it is an on-lain
game we can, also, make a new friends or improve our skills in languages, for
example, in English. Moreover, thanks to the violent video games you learn about
different types of weapons, some details about strategy and it’s in some measure
general development.
So, violent games can help if you need to kill the time, but it’s important to
remember that they have influence on our mental health. And it’s up to you to
decide if you want to play this kind of games or not.

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