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Dy, Ericson Matt O.


“The Great Sperm Race Insights” 

I remembered my high school days because we used to have this as

our lesson, and I feel that I achieved something more than anything now. After watching
this documentary, I feel like a winner, I realized how precious is life, the things we have
been through and when I watched and listened to the video carefully, I was amazed by
the visuals on how they deliver the message, the important pictures or information like
the sperm that have successfully made it through all the obstacles will be able to
enter around the egg, but only one will get to penetrate the egg and fertilizes it and
declared the winner. 
I was going to think that this documentary is very important for us to know more that we
are created step by step. I was also learning new things like I didn’t know that there is
a genetic package of  the sperm’s head because it has 23
chromosomes of DNA that includes the gender key chromosome so either we will be a
boy or a girl, x for the girl and y for the boy. For me the documentary has clearly
explained and showed all the things like how the sperm survive, what do a sperm needs
or why is it too many sperm wanted to race to the egg, and all this knowledge I
absorbed, I started to think that this is what I been through, I participated the race and
survived, and realizing things and I am not usually learning this kind of things everyday
but now understanding this is quite a good feeling for me because this is really a good
video for us not to be ignorant and maybe thinking now that we are a special kind of
creation that God has made, it is very interesting to know more about how did we
go through, how or what are we made of.

For me the sperm is unique, they almost have a life of their own and I like how it
manages itself to compete from the others and this is also what I learned from the
video, that every life is precious, living on its own, competing with the others and
controlling itself is what it does and it’s like its fighting for his/her existence so it’s clear
that they have a mission to complete like we are doing now with our lives. We need to
have patience and pass through obstacles to improve and have the best things for us
like finishing the race in the video, we should also grow and make ourselves ready for
the next destinations and we must know what path are we going to.

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