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Name: De Jesus, Frances Jeanallen H.

Class Code: 7873


Outdoor and Adventure

Module 1 Worksheet 1

Activity 1: Outside Our Home Walk or Scavenger Hunt

Walking is an excellent way of introducing great outdoors. In today’s life you
spend a lot of time indoors. But walking in the neighborhood or along a given route
allow you to become more aware of the buildings, trees etc. that you pass by every
day. It helps increase your visual awareness. It leads to one’s independence and
increases your confidence. It helps in the development of appreciation and respect for
your beautiful environment. Start this module by doing the following:

Outside Our Home Walk:

1. Take a walk outside your home. On your walk outside, you write places found in your
community ex. Brgy. hall, basketball courts, health center etc.
2. Examine each place in detail for:
a. color,
b. size,
c. its uses,
d. what is beside it/behind it and where it is placed in relation to the other places
on the list?
3. Organize everything that you see using the acronym of your barangay or hometown.
An example below has been provided for you.

Scavenger Hunt:

You will find something for each of the following letters of the name of your HOMETOWN

For example:

B-oarding houses__ N-et shop

A-quatic facility__ O-ffice
K ___x____ R-esto bar
A-aqua check H2o station T-ea shop
K ___x____ E-atery
E-atery ____
N-et shop ___
G-aming shop__

Brgy. San Vicente, Urdaneta City

S-hekainah’s Canteen
A-maia Scapes Urdaneta City Showroom
N-ational (what the locals call the Urdaneta City National High School)

V-ulcanizing Shop
I-nternet Shop
C-hurch (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)
E-astern Luzon Motor, Inc. – Urdaneta City (Motorcycle parts store)
N-orm’s rent-a-car
T-otal Gas Station
E-l Jhen’s Kaleskes and Papaitan

How did you feel about giving closer attention to your environment? Describe the air outside as
compared indoors, the places you have found and the people you have met and in general the
whole environment. Write your reflection below:
My family moved in to this area back in June this year due to the pandemic. We were
originally residing in Pasay but we decided to go back to the province to cut our rent expense and
other costs. To be honest, I am not really familiar with this neighborhood. I rarely go out even when
there was no pandemic.
I went out after dinner for this activity and the first thing I noticed is how cool the air is. I’m
not sure if it’s my mind playing tricks on me but the air I’m breathing also felt lighter outside
compared to when I am indoors.
This time, I also paid attention to the store signs and there were so many! I sometimes
forgot that the place I call our “province”, my hometown, is also a city. It has also come to my
awareness that the two schools, Urdaneta City National High School and Urdaneta City University,
bearing our city’s name are in this barangay. I never paid attention to that before. Despite the many
businesses here, it is noticeable that there are still many trees which is something I can appreciate
after residing in the metropolitan area for a year.
Unfortunately, I was not able to talk to any people since most people residing here usually
go home early. It was actually very quiet outside when I went out. That’s something I appreciated
during my walk. Thanks to the peaceful environment, I was able to clear my mind for a few minutes
and enjoy the night sky above me. I forgot how calming it is to just stare at the stars and feel the
night breeze. The pandemic really stole something so beautiful yet so basic. I feel sorry for the
times I chose to stay inside after dinner instead of enjoying a walk outside with my friends or family.
I wish I explored more places freely when I was able to because, right now, even when I want to, it’s
something that would place my whole household at risk.

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