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Myles Tate

ED 199


We spoke with Karly Keiper today and she explained to us about her job as a

special ED teacher. The part that impacted me the most is when she explained her

“why” for wanting to teach special ED. She told us that helping the kids learn is one

thing but they motivate her to be a better person overall at the same time. One personal

strength that she showed that I always try to keep is determination. She stays

determined to help the kids learn and it seems that nothing or no one can take the

passion from her. I try to stay determined in everything I do. In basketball it is easy for

me to stay determined, however, in school it is hard for me to be determined and

motivated. Karly explained that seeing them everyday makes her happy because she is

doing something she loves to do.

The personal strength I bring to the table is curiosity. I am always wondering

about different things and am always curious about people. I think the more curious you

are, the more you learn about more things.

The core value stood out to me is the Excitement of Teaching Learning

and Mentoring. With special ED kids you have to be more than a teacher you have to

love what you do and be comfortable. Learning disabilities are real and they have to be

taken care of with great attention to detail. If you’re not excited about teaching you won’t

have good attention to detail because you’re not excited about what you’re doing.
This connected with my future because she gave tips on dealing with special ED

kids and if i want to be a PE teacher then i will have to handle some special ED kids. PE

is some kids favorite subject and they look forward to it.

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