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Discuss if you agree or disagree with the idea that the next first semester may be online .

if agree say
why ,and if disagree say why ?

Students are divided into two parts : some of them prefer to study at university campus and others
prefer online courses ,but I disagree with the idea that the next first semester maybe online. online
studying is more difficult because students should have a laptop or at least a smart phone and not all
students have them, they should have skills to use websites even if they have used them before, but
now they will depend completely on these websites and there is no face to face meeting between the
doctors and students , so they will lose the ability to communicate . In addition, some students are
auditory which means they prefer listening skills while others are optical which means they (depend
on sight ) , so direct communication with doctors is preferable

Online courses don’t completely cover high skills such as analysis , application and evaluation . in
addition, online learning doesn’t address or satisfy communicative skills which doctors try to teach and
it doesn’t give the doctors the chance to amend students behaviors

Sometimes doctors don’t give the material in the right way because they aren’t used to giving the
materials online, so they faced a lot of problems related to the inability to use the sites .

On the other hand ,some students face problems dealing with online exams specially when they
introduce the exam at the same time, the network maybe interrupted by a network or electric cut .

To sum up , I think that the ministry should be aware of these problems before deciding to make the
first semester online .

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