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Margosatubig Pax High School /Kindergarten ,Inc.

7035 Poblacion , Margosatubig, Zamboanga del Sur

Email Address :
Junior High School
S.Y. 2020 – 2021


Activity No.11 Date:

Activity Title: Seafloor Spreading
Learning Target/s: At the end of the lesson, the students CAN:
1.1.identify evidences that would support the seafloor spreading theory.
References: Exploring Life Through Science Series The New Grade 10, pp. 23 – 25
Integrated Science 10 Kto12, pp.45-49
Values: Excellence, Empowerment
APK: Video Presentation. (students will be able to explain the seafloor spreading theory)

I. Essential Ideas
Is a process that occurs at mid – ocean ridges, where new oceanic crust is formed through volcanic
activity and then gradually moves away from the ridge.

II. Learning Experiences

A. Clarifying Understanding (Dyad)
Directions: Answer the following statements below based on the given figure below.

1. Name and describe the feature of the ocean floor shown at A.

2. Describe the process shown occurring at B, and explain what results from this.

3. The arrows on the figure show the ocean floor spreading from the ridge. What are three kinds of evidence
scientists have found to support this idea?

4. What process is shown occurring at C, and why does it occur?
B. Processing Questions
1.What happens to old oceanic crust as new molten material rises from the mantle?

2. How does this theory differ from the other theories that caused movement of the lithosphere?

C. Lifelong Learning
Direction: Choose one (1) and reflect.

1. Seafloor Spreading says that volcanic activity triggers the formation of new oceanic crust. As a
student, what or who pushes you to go on in life and make the best out of you? How does it
2. According to Titus 2:7, “Show yourself in all respects to be a model of good works, and in your
teaching show integrity, dignity.” Cite 2 ways wherein you can be a good role model to teenagers
like you.

D. Framing Concepts
Directions: In each finger of the hand, write one thing you have learned today.

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