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Bryan B.

Revelo | BSCpE-2N | Data Analysis

1.) Give 3 examples of Simple random sampling

 The manager of a medium business wants to know if its employee agrees to

implement no face mask & face shield, no entry policy during the COVID-19
pandemic. To get the employee responses and to minimize face-to-face contact.
The manager decided to use simple random sampling by listing all the names of
the respondents and use online random name picker.

 The class ‘BSCPE-2N’ are to present their individual presentation in front of the
judges, to know who will present first, the judges choose randomly by picking from
the fish bowl with the student’s corresponding number.

 A telecom company wants to conduct a satisfaction survey among its employee.

The manager decides to use simple random sampling by labeling numbers to all
employees and use online random number generator to get the respondents.

2.) Give 3 examples of Stratified random sampling

 300 respondents were randomly chose to rate the new fish soup from Lan Zhou la
Mien in Binondo, Manila (a Chinese restaurant). The restaurant decided to survey
the respondents using stratified random sampling. Then, the restaurant data
collectors create a strata’s from its customers in according to the respondent’s
nationality, and age. Afterward, they select random samples from these strata to
conduct survey.

 An agricultural analyst wants to know the estimate number of Bamboo in an area,

and from previous work the analyst know that bamboo abundance varies with soil
type and the amount of sunlight. To get the data, the analyst uses stratified random
sampling, stratifying the population by soil type and amount of sunlight.

 Suppose a research team wants to determine the Average Grade of senior high
students across Region VII, Philippines. The research team has difficulty collecting
data from thousands of senior high students residing in Region VII; it decides to take
a random sample of the population by using 5,000 students. Thus, the team created
strata pertaining to the student’s individual strands and level. Afterward, they select
random samples from these strata to conduct survey.

3.) Give 3 examples of Systematic random sampling

Bryan B. Revelo | BSCpE-2N | Data Analysis
 An android store owner is interested in how you can improve the store experience
for your customers. To do so, the owner ask an employee to stand by the store
entrance and survey every 15th visitor who leaves, every day for a week.

 ABC library were tasked to know the student’s satisfaction on the school’s library. In
getting the data, the librarian decided to survey the students based on every 10 th
student that enters the library.

 A pizza restaurant owner wants to know its customer’s opinion on their pizza
delivery service. The manager of the said place conduct a survey and hand-out
questionnaire on every 5th customer that bought their product through delivery

4.) Give 3 examples of Cluster random sampling

 A group of researchers wants to know the Grade 10 students English proficiency in

Danao City. In gathering the data, the researchers use cluster random sampling.
First, they collect all schools in Danao that offers Grade 10 level, then divide it into
clusters. In each cluster, the students are diverse (from different schools) and had
an English subject and then the researchers randomly choose 3 cluster from it. By
then, they handed out survey questionnaire to obtain the data.

 A software developer wants to explore the performance of his software that are
spread across various parts of the Philippines. The developer creates clusters of his
software. He then selects random samples from these clusters to conduct research.

 DTI-Cebu is looking to survey small and medium business amidst the COVID-19
impact across Region VII. They divide the region population into cities (clusters)
and select further barangays with the highest population and filter those depending
on its type of business. Then, they select random samples from these clusters to
conduct research.

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