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Laws of planetary motion n Mean motion f & g functions Stumpff functions

• Orbit path is a conic section s Universal variable  1 z=0

c0 = cosh√ −z z<0
• Mechanical energy is conserved α Inverse semi-major axis ~r = f r~0 + g v~0 cos z z>0

• Angular momentum is conserved ~v = f˙r~0 + ġ v~0

r Radius 
– Orbital motion in a plane fixed  1
 √
c1 = √ −z
in inertial space v Velocity √−z
 sin
√ z
– Constant area velocity
 z>0
φ Flight path angle f ġ − f˙g = 1 z

Law of universal gravitation 

Conic sections 
 2 √
cosh −z−1
Gm0 m1 c2 = z<0
F~ = − ~r  −z

1−cos z
r3 radius and true anomaly h = x0 y˙0 − y0 x˙0

z z>0
x1 y˙0 − x˙0 y1
Symbols and quantities p f=
r= h  1
1 + e cos f x0 y1 − x1 y0 6 z=0
 √ √

µ Gravity parameter sinh −z− −z
focus-directrix property h c3 = −z

√ √
x˙ y˙ − x˙0 y˙1 z−sin z

 Specific orbital energy focal-radii property f˙ =
1 0
 √
z z
h Specific relative angular momentum x0 y˙1 − x˙1 y0 ∞ i
ġ = X (−z)
M = E − e sin E h ck =
e Eccentricity i=0
(k + 2i)!
= e sinh F − F
p Semi-latus rectum
a Semi-major axis f & g power series zck+2 (z) = − ck (z)
Eccentric anomaly k!
b Semi-minor axis c0 (4z) = 2c0 (z) − 1
Universal variables

 E − e sin E e<1
c1 (4z) = c0 (z) c1 (z)
c Focal distance M= e sinh F − F e>1
 1 3 1 1
6D + 2D e=1>0 2
c2 (4z) = c1 (z)
q Pericenter distance µ 2µ 2
eccentric anomaly α= = − v 2 = −2 (c2 (z) + c0 (z) c3 (z))
a r c3 (4z) =
f True anomaly hyperbolic anomaly 4
E Eccentric anomaly parabolic anomaly dt = rds
c0 αs2 = −αsc1 αs2
F Hyperbolic anomaly ds
D Parabolic anomaly t = r0 sc1 + r0 r˙0 s2 c2 + µs3 c3
And a few subsections d k+1
ck+1 αs2 = sk ck αs2
M Mean anomaly lorem ipsum r = r0 c0 + r0 r˙0 c1 + µs2 c2 s

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