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“For all its economic might, Asia remains, overall, so much poorer than the United

States that the region will take decades to catch up—if it catches up at all.”

The Asian Century? Not Quite Yet

Joshua Kurlantzick

his past summer China’s leaders, taking a “shellacking” that President Barack Obama’s party
far more assertive posture toward America suffered in November 2010 midterm elections.
than they had in recent memory, publicly The pundit class certainly has bought the Asia-
warned the United States to stay out of any dis- rising line. The New York Times’s Thomas Friedman,
putes regarding the South China Sea, over which always attempting to predict global trends, ham-
the People’s Republic in 2010 claimed sovereignty. mers Washington for apparently falling behind its
Chinese officials also temporarily froze military- Asian competitors. “You will not just be buying
to-military ties with the Americans, and refused a your toys from China. You will buy your next
visit to the country by electric car, solar panels, batteries, and energy-
US Secretary of Defense efficiency software from China,” warned Friedman,
Global Trends, 2011 Robert Gates. “This is in an article comparing China’s challenge with the
the most aggressive, the Soviet Union’s 1957 launch of the Sputnik satellite,
most openly promoting its power, that I’ve seen and touting China’s centralized approach to gov-
from China,” said one longtime US official focus- erning, which of course does not require passing
ing on Asia. legislation through a real parliament.
Predictably, some observers have interpreted But the rush to proclaim the Asian century, and
Chinese officials’ recent attitude as signaling a to lump America together with failed imperial
broader geopolitical shift. They declare that not giants like Britain in the mid-twentieth century,
just China but Asia in general is ready to domi- may be rash. To be sure, the effects of the 2008
nate global business and international security. financial crisis, including budget deficits that
Asia, after all, boasts the global economy’s new have been swelled by Obama’s recovery package,
powerhouses, including India and China, as well will continue to test the US economy’s strength
as fast-growing countries such as Vietnam and and flexibility. Eight years of scorn for science
Indonesia. It contains the majority of the world’s and technology during the George W. Bush era
people. Its leading powers are building militaries have hurt American innovation. The excesses
to match their economic might. India’s defense of the early years of the war on terrorism have
spending, for example, is rising by double digits diminished the United States’ soft power around
annually, according to the International Institute the world.
for Strategic Studies. Still, for all its economic might, Asia remains,
China, it is suggested, is investing in state- overall, so much poorer than the United States
directed, efficient policies in economics, infra- that the region will take decades to catch up—if
structure, technology, and science that will give it catches up at all. Asia faces considerable demo-
it unbeatable advantages in new industries like graphic, political, and environmental challenges.
renewable energy. And this is happening as The region is certainly less coherent than the
America’s political system seems increasingly dys- West: Despite its growing intraregional ties, Asia
functional, particularly in the aftermath of the is a long way from building the types of organi-
zational links common in the European Union.
In fact, major Asian powers like India, China,
Joshua Kurlantzick, a Current History contributing editor and Japan still seem as likely to go to war with
and a fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, is the author
of Charm Offensive: How China’s Soft Power Is Transform- each other as to work together to create common
ing the World (Yale University Press, 2008). institutions.

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The Asian Century? Not Quite Yet  •  27

For all the media ink spilled about Asia’s more interventionist approach toward the econ-
embrace of the technological future, the region omy, funneling state resources to strategic sec-
still lacks the kind of innovators who have made tors, overseeing and directing bank lending, and
the United States the king of cutting-edge indus- maintaining extremely tight connections between
tries. And, despite the economic success of China government and corporate leaders. South Korea
and other Asian nations, the region’s giants still has used this strategy to create massive chaebol
do not inspire other countries through the power corporations like Samsung; China has intervened
of their ideas, the central element of America’s in its economy to build corporate giants like
lasting appeal. Indeed, the Obama administration PetroChina, which for a time was the world’s larg-
already has started to take a tougher line with est company by market capitalization.
China and other Asian powers, in part because of In some Asian states, such as China and
the White House’s recognition of America’s endur- Singapore, this model extends to the political
ing strengths. realm as well. Governments combine gradual
economic liberalization and state control of criti-
The economic challenge cal industries with tight political control—control
Predictions of America’s decline are hardly new. that prevents the messy political squabbling that
As the journalist James Fallows chronicled in The in the United States gums up the legislative pro-
Atlantic earlier this year, this sort of jeremiad—a cess and supposedly prevents the country from
brutal assessment of the nation’s sorry state—is setting national priorities like rebuilding the
an American tradition. Every few decades, lead- nation’s infrastructure.
ing thinkers or politicians argue that the United Asia’s leaders, increasingly confident, no lon-
States has fallen into decline, a prophecy intended ger hesitate to advertise their interventionist
as a wake-up call for Americans to rebuild their model—or to criticize the models of others.
nation. China now provides training
But the fears today seem for some 15,000 foreign offi-
different. For all the worry There is little reason to believe cials annually, mostly from the
America experienced during developing world. These offi-
that Asia’s giants can avoid
the Sputnik era, the United cials learn elements of China’s
States at the time domi- political turbulence. political and economic model.
nated the global economy. And foreign elites seem to be
Communism did pose an ide- listening: From Syria to Russia
ological challenge to the basis of the US economy, to Cuba, leaders talk of how they can copy the
but few serious economists believed the Soviet “China model” of development and adapt it to
Union could ever match the strength of the their states.
American economic system. In the late 1980s, Meanwhile, Asia’s giants have started venturing
both Europe and Japan appeared ready to chal- out into the world. India and China now dominate
lenge the United States. But no one worried investment in many parts of Africa—China has
then that America’s economic competitors could become the continent’s largest lender, surpassing
become military threats as well. Western countries and also institutions like the
Things seem different today. The financial cri- World Bank—while Indian, Korean, Singaporean,
sis and persistent joblessness in the United States and Chinese corporate titans are eagerly scour-
have punctured confidence in liberal, free-market ing the West for assets available at fire-sale
capitalism itself. Even according to the most prices. In 2008, the Indian automotive giant Tata
optimistic projections, America will run a federal Motors purchased Jaguar, a subsidiary of Ford; the
deficit of more than $1.4 trillion next year. If the Chinese automaker Geely more recently snapped
world moves away from the dollar as a reserve up Volvo, also owned by Ford. Singapore’s state
currency, as some Chinese and European financial investment fund poured money into the invest-
officials have proposed, even that foundation of ment firm Merrill Lynch.
American financial strength could collapse. In fact, Asia now appears to be the only engine
By contrast, many of Asia’s powers survived of the sputtering world economy. “Key emerging
the 2008 financial crisis relatively unscathed. economies in Asia are leading the global recovery,”
They survived in large part, Asia’s cheerleaders says the International Monetary Fund. If their
argue, because their governments take a much growth trajectories keep up, China by 2025 will

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28  •  CURRENT HISTORY  •  January 2011

have surpassed the United States as the world’s avoid political turbulence—turbulence that could
largest economy, with India just behind. easily halt their growth trajectories. China’s rap-
Asia’s powers are, in some ways, simply reclaim- idly aging population, a result of its three-decade-
ing what is theirs. India, China, and Vietnam old “one child” policy, will force it to confront
were powerful long before the United States ever staggering social burdens before it is rich enough
existed, and their sheer size gives them significant to create a large-scale social welfare scheme like
advantages. The characteristics of their workforc- America’s Social Security.
es—massive, educated, and cheap (because the As China’s labor force shrinks in relation to
size of the labor pool keeps wages down even for its total population, wages will rise, thereby
educated men and women)—seem like an invin- depriving the country of much of its competitive
cible combination. And because some of Asia’s economic advantage. Aging Chinese will retire
biggest players are still, compared to the West, less with only their sole sons or daughters to support
wealthy, they have much more room to grow than them. This will cut into family savings, and even-
does a developed economy like America’s. tually Beijing will have to launch social welfare
As advocates of the rising-Asia theory see it, programs that will drain the country’s treasury.
the region’s powers are also beginning to unite. According to a study by the Center for Strategic
Building on the success of the Association of and International Studies, by 2040 at least 400
Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), Asia has started million Chinese will be elderly, and most of them
to create institutions similar to ones established will have no pensions.
in the early days of the European Union: region- Other Asian powers face major social hurdles
wide financial summits, trade liberalization deals, as well. Japan, whose public debt already exceeds
and nascent security groups. Ten Southeast Asian 200 percent of its GDP, confronts an aging popu-
nations have inked a deal with China that will cre- lation similar to China’s. In India, China, and
ate the world’s largest free Vietnam, because of tradi-
trade zone, and Southeast tional preferences for boys,
Asia is in the process of The Obama administration already and the broad availability
creating a similar agree- of ultrasounds and selec-
has started to take a tougher line with
ment with India. tive abortions, sex ratios
The military balance of China and other Asian powers. are skewed, with young
power in Asia is shifting men markedly outnumber-
too, as America’s economic ing young women. As his-
competitors are increasingly seen as competitors tory shows, having too many unmarriageable men
in the security realm as well. China has begun can lead to a highly combustible situation; large
to challenge the United States militarily, sending numbers of unmarried men may turn to crime or
attack submarines to patrol close by American political agitation, or simply flee the country.
warships, and launching a missile as a test for Worse types of political unrest loom over the
destroying satellites, potentially boosting the mili- horizon in Asia. Inequality is skyrocketing. China
tarization of space. now suffers from the worst income inequality in
Beijing is building port facilities from Pakistan East Asia: Rural areas of the country, where farm-
to Myanmar, so that it can create a blue water navy ers live on less than $300 per year, seem like a
capable of projecting force far from its borders. world apart from the flashy cities of the eastern
It reportedly has developed massive cyberattack and southern coasts, where income per capita
capabilities designed to paralyze the Pentagon’s can top $7,000. This income inequality comes
computer systems. Even smaller Asian states are in combination with environmental degradation,
ramping up their armed forces—the region has the result of breakneck growth with virtually no
supplanted the Persian Gulf as the critical market restraints. Because of policies favoring Chinese
for the world’s arms sellers. cities, rural areas have suffered far more from
environmental catastrophe. Water shortages are
Turmoil ahead intensifying. Today, much of northern China’s
Even so, predicting the future is a dangerous breadbasket is in danger of going dry. And,
game, particularly for countries, like China, India, according to the World Bank, the country has 20
and Indonesia, that are changing so rapidly. There of the world’s 30 most polluted cities, largely due
is little reason to believe that Asia’s giants can to massive coal use.

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The Asian Century? Not Quite Yet  •  29

As a result of inequality, government corrup- Asia apart, destabilizing the region. In China, the
tion, and ecological disasters, China now experi- government has promoted nationalism by using
ences tens of thousands of “mass incidents” (that school textbooks that demonize Japan and the
is, protests) each year, according to statistics West. In Cambodia, the government has stoked
compiled by the government’s own bureau of pub- nationalist fervor by scapegoating Thai businesses,
lic security. Most of these protests take place in investors, and migrant workers. Partly as a result,
rural areas. In recent years, protests have become polls show that average Chinese today have harsh-
increasingly violent, with demonstrators attacking ly negative views of Japan, while Cambodians in
local Communist Party offices with clubs, axes, Phnom Penh have on several occasions attacked
and bombs. and looted Thai businesses. Such nationalism can
Other Asian powers face similar problems. In lead to saber-rattling or worse.
India, Maoist insurgents known as the Naxalites Despite nascent efforts at regional integration,
have destabilized much of the country’s east by Asia remains far more divided than united, and
attacking large landowners and other members of is certainly a long way from building the type of
the upper classes, and Muslim terrorism remains unity enjoyed in Europe. Despite growing cross-
a significant threat, suggesting a possible future border trade, over the past year China and India
of widespread unrest across the subcontinent. have ratcheted up tensions over disputed regions
Malaysia, once considered the model moderate bordering Tibet. Both sides are expanding their
Muslim nation with sizable non-Muslim minori- military forces in the Himalayas while also set-
ties, has this year witnessed a rash of attacks on ting up listening posts in Indian Ocean ports to
churches, including firebombings. Vietnam and monitor each other’s naval buildups. Meanwhile,
Cambodia suffer from unrest over inequality; the China and Vietnam skirmish over disputed areas
Vietnamese government has grown so concerned of the South China Sea, and ultranationalist North
about challenges to its authority that over the past Korea recently has attacked South Korean vessels
year it has cracked down extremely hard on dis- and initiated an artillery exchange with the south.
sidents. The fact that few Asian nations welcome immi-
grants (Singapore is a notable exception) also
Political weak spots fosters nationalism—and prevents Asia’s econo-
Dictatorships, whether in China, Cambodia, or mies from becoming as dynamic and innovative
Vietnam, are poorly suited to manage environmen- as America’s. Unlike in Western nations, it is
tal crises or political unrest. Effectively addressing almost impossible in China, Japan, Indonesia, or
popular grievances over environmental and land- South Korea for a foreigner to become a natural-
use issues requires decentralized political power, ized citizen. Xenophobic Japan is one of the most
so that local people have some say in decisions immigrant-resistant nations on earth—Shintaro
made about their land. Yet Asian authoritarians’ Ishihara, a virulently right-wing foreigner-basher,
massive projects, like China’s Three Gorges Dam, is the highly popular mayor of Tokyo.
which resulted in the relocation of millions of In part because of this antipathy toward immi-
people, normally are put into motion without any gration, which inhibits the influx of new ideas and
local consultation, potentially sparking anger for capital, and in part because of heavy state control
generations. of economies, Asia—outside of Japan—still boasts
Asia’s cheerleaders give the region’s authoritar- few world-leading companies, and even fewer that
ian regimes, and their interventionist economic have developed groundbreaking new technolo-
strategies, far too much credit for economic gies. Many of the region’s largest businesses, like
growth and stability. There is no evidence that the Chinese oil firm CNOOC, are state enterprises,
Asian autocrats are more enlightened than auto- backed by government policies. Many others are
crats anywhere else: For every China, where the simply platforms for low-cost manufacturing for
leadership has proved relatively stable and wise in multinational firms. American companies, not their
the post-Mao period, there is a Myanmar, where Asian competitors, still dominate patents granted
the regime has run what was once one of Asia’s in the United States, the country that offers the
most promising economies into the ground. world’s most prestigious patent protection.
Worse, to maintain legitimacy in the absence of Not all elements of Asia’s rise necessarily threat-
real elections, many of these authoritarian states en the United States. Some of Asia’s developing
whip up popular nationalism, which only drives giants, like India and Indonesia, could become

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30  •  CURRENT HISTORY  •  January 2011

close partners with America in trade, in secu- cash, dominate the top 100. Asia has no schools
rity cooperation, and in political values. As Asia in the top 10.
develops, it will become less dependent on a mer- The United States also still offers the appeal
cantilist model of growth that relies primarily on of ideas—ideas about universal human rights, a
exports to the West (and, in the case of China, on more just society, and real economic and politi-
an artificially cheap currency). A shift to an Asian cal freedoms. No Asian power, including China,
economy based more on domestic consumption can offer such a complete political and economic
will provide opportunities for American export- vision. America may not always live up to its own
ers and will create a more equal balance of trade ideals, but these ideals can still inspire. They are
between the United Sates and the region. the reason that rights activists from Myanmar, or
Sri Lanka, or Uzbekistan, or many other Asian
Advantage america states still address their campaigns to Washington
The United States, in the meantime, remains the first. They explain why, during recent protests in
world’s default superpower. America’s economy is Iran, many demonstrators called on the United
worth more than three times as much as that of States to take notice and respond to their actions.
the second largest in the world. The United States The protesters did not call for China to take
ranks second, behind only tiny Switzerland, in the notice, though some reportedly chanted “Death to
“Global Competitiveness Report,” an annual rank- China,” in recognition of Beijing’s support of Iran’s
ing by the World Economic Forum of the most repressive government.
open and business-friendly nations. And America Perhaps most important, the world still trusts
is still the country most capable of projecting the United States, despite all its faults and mis-
military force far beyond its borders. Indeed, a takes, more than any other major power. Only
major reason that Beijing has stepped up its cyber- Washington has both the means and the desire
attack capacity is that it is to work for global common
decades away from challeng- interests: international securi-
ing US military dominance. India, China, and Japan still seem ty, human rights, safety on the
In the event of a conflict high seas, a liberal trading sys-
as likely to go to war with each
China would have to resort tem, and other shared goals.
to asymmetric warfare. other as to work together. China refuses to play this role
Despite hand-wringing by of protecting the global com-
pundits like Friedman, the mons; India, Japan, and every
United States is still the capital of global innova- other Asian power refuse as well. When presented
tion, dominating new industries like biotechnol- with an opportunity to lead—on trade issues, on
ogy and renewable energy. Asia’s immigration climate change, on Iran or North Korea, or, more
practices and penchant for government-directed recently, on competing claims to the South China
industrial policies make it harder for entrepreneurs Sea—Beijing often claims that it is still relatively
to launch new companies or for venture capital poor and thus cannot play a leadership role. China
communities to develop: India and China’s ven- prefers to focus on narrow national interests.
ture capital firms tend to be small and timid, while
other Asian nations, like Indonesia and Thailand, Obama’s approach
lack real venture capital communities altogether. Maintaining American predominance is, of
By contrast, according to a study by AnnaLee course, hardly assured. Still, Obama has put the
Saxenian of the University of California at country on the right track after it had veered
Berkeley, Chinese and Indian immigrants founded badly off course under his predecessor. Obama
almost one-quarter of all companies in Silicon has taken critical steps toward resolving a national
Valley. Asia’s high barriers to immigration not financial crisis while at least trying to demonstrate
only inhibit the flow of new ideas in the business to global markets, which are key to confidence in
world; they also undermine attempts in the region the dollar and in American bonds, that he does
to build world-class universities, which thrive on not intend to allow deficits to spiral out of control.
migration and free exchange. In the most com- The president has also begun rebuilding
prehensive global ranking of universities, com- America’s soft power, a key part of the United
piled by Shanghai Jiao Tong University, American States’ enduring influence, by reinvesting in inter-
schools, powered by immigrants and flush with national institutions and dialing back some of the

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The Asian Century? Not Quite Yet  •  31

Bush administration’s abuses. The eventual with- Even when dealing directly with Beijing, the
drawal of US forces from Afghanistan, combined administration has become less deferential after its
with a pullout from Iraq, will allow the Pentagon first year in office. It has not received the coopera-
to regroup and refocus on other potential chal- tion it wanted from China on issues from climate
lengers. This should boost America’s soft power change to Iran, and increasingly the White House
as well, because Washington will no longer be has realized that America’s global position is not as
viewed as an occupier of Muslim lands. weak as it seemed.
After initially deferring to China and other In its first year in office, the Obama adminis-
Asian powers, the Obama White House has begun tration allowed Chinese officials to dictate the
to realize, and assert, that the United States is president’s agenda during his fall 2009 trip to
going to remain a major Asian power for decades China, and gave in to pressure from Beijing to
to come, and that its presence is desired in Asia by avoid the Dalai Lama when the Tibetan leader
most countries. This past summer, at the ASEAN was in Washington. In 2010, by contrast, the
Regional Forum, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton US administration launched a new initiative
declared that Washington was concerned about designed to promote internet freedom, which is
the competing claims for the South China Sea, and clearly intended with China (and Chinese cyber-
said the United States backed an international, dissidents) in mind. Washington took on China
collaborative, diplomatic process for dealing with over the South China Sea. The administration
the claims—a rebuke to China, which claims sov- finally met with the Dalai Lama. It followed
ereignty over the sea. through on a $6 billion sale of military equip-
Shortly thereafter, Washington launched a ment to Taiwan, infuriating Beijing. Obama, in a
nuclear cooperation program with Vietnam. The November 2010 trip to Asia, avoided China and
Obama administration is cultivating an increas- used his visits to Asian democracies as a means
ingly close security relationship with Vietnam, of standing up to Beijing.
partly as a balance against China’s power. In Some Chinese officials privately warn that, by
addition, the White House has noted in many allowing such friction, Washington will in the
forums, public and private, that Southeast Asian long run hurt itself, since China, once it is even
nations desire a continued American military stronger, will not forget how it was treated as an
presence in the region, and that Southeast Asian emerging power. But for now, China’s lack of real
states view the United States as a more honest Asian allies, even at a time of American weak-
broker than China in addressing contentious ness, places limits on the extent of the Asian
regional issues. power’s rise. ■

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